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Tli'i8 nnmber comiences the fiflh volume of :he Signal of .Liberty, añil we avuil oureelvesof the occasion to remitid oir snbsrri bers of some inatters oí iníeresl to tlictn an lo us. By Ifie presr-nt Post office law, Posimaslrr? are avithorized to forward tnoney to pnblisher.-freo oí expense, in paymrnt for subcriptione. T;i3 privilege wil] cease on the firsi of July next. We hope as many a? possible wil! eend the nmonnts that are du e lo ut, on note or account, before that time. Pos:age will befree within 'hirty miles of Ann Arborufter July lat, ond the expense of Fubscribera wi'.h'n that distancu wil] be re duced onc-third. How mnny now snbscribert: shall we receive within tliiá ei cle of thirty inileá? Cannot every Liberty man aíTord to tnke a Liberty pnper? Our lertns ore onU One Dollar a yenr ín ad va nee, nnd paymenis may be made at our office in al most uny kind of Produce.One word to Delinqnents. Like mosf olher pu' lishers, vo have a lisl of persons wliolinve etopned thcir papers without payiiLr orrears. This we con6ider to be un ungeutlemaplikq act, and evinccs dishoncsty, unless iho individual bo unablc to pny. Yet thi list compri&es lainistcrp, deacons and church mpniber! We trust tlmt none of our presert subscribcrs will be wilüng to place ihcmsolves on this Black Liet. If you ore determined to discontinue and cannot possibly pa y fit present, send our note lor the aaionnt duc. We cannot recog ■ nize any. olher course rp honorabJe or just. Anothcr class of 6ubscribere have been ndebted io us for three or four years. We notice to these that we sha 11 expect a paytnent of tlieir accounts in full or in pnrt by next fa IJ, or sooner if poesible, or we ehaü be compeiled lo discontinue our conneclio with them as sub?cribers.Owing to the failure of the Whcat erop la$t year, our receipts have not been nt all proporlionate to our expenses, and we must Uierefore our su'j&cribers to forwurd our dues as fust as possible. We have fustained the paper for four years under many einbarrassments, without the intermission cf o eingle week, and have reduced tho price till t ii the cijeapest paper in the State. At the present price we cannot oÖ'ord to pay cgentp for procuri Bubecribers and are therefore dependent upon the individual e.xertionsof the friends of the Liberty paub? for the permnnence and incrense of our cirClti'c'ion. The piospenty of tfie Liberty cauee is aieO closely identified with tlio circula! on of the pape'. WÍU they not cxert themselves in its behuU 1


Signal of Liberty
Old News