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State Treasurer's Report

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OTATE IREASUKEU'S UFFICE, i Lansing, Nov. 30, 1863. ) To IIis Exckllkncy Austin Blaik, Qovernor of the State of Michigan: S;r - I have the honor to submit, as required by lavv, the annual report of this department lor tho fiscal voar onding November 3üth, 1863. The total receipts of the offico, including last year'a balance, for the fiscal year, as ehown by the aceompanying accaiints, are $3,481,676 60 01 this amount there was realized írom sale oí two million bonds, $2,009,210 00 From sale oí' war bonds, 71,100 00 -- - 2,080,310 00 Leaving as receipts fropj tho usual sourcea of revenue the sum oí $,1.401,366 60 Tbejtotal of payments for the year, as shovvn by the accounts is, $3,127,555 52 01' this amount there was paid for redempüon of live million loan bonds, and adj usted bonds, the 6umof $1,901,185 00 Two million loan,, unexpended, 108,025 00 War bonda paid, 71,000 00 Balance of proceeds of war bonds sold, 100 00 i-rr 2,080,310 00 Leaving for the usual payment, l,fl-i7,245 52 The balance in the Treasu'7 is, 354,121 08 $1,401,366 60 WAK EXPEN1TUKES. Tbe amaunt expended by the State for war purposes during the fiscal yeer is, $232,903 94 The balance to the credit of that fund, Nov. 29, 1862, was 17,583 97 Leaving to be provided for ths sum of, $215,319 97 By the provisions of Act No. 109, approved Maroh 14, 1863, I could have made this futid good at any time, by a sale of yar lean bonds, but having had a considerable balance of canh uneinployecl, I have deeraed it more lor the interest of the State to save the seven per cent interest, on toe b,onds, than to close the year wjtb the u!d,it;onal balance óf cash. Neiir tho close of the year, I had $71,000 of war bonds executed, and at once took them up for the inking funds, under the provisions of Act No. 134, approved March 18, 1863. The "War Fund" is now overdrawn $120,387 04, for whigh I can at any time put myself in funds, by a sale til new bonds, if the uao oí' the inonev in hand suall betome more important tban tho saving oí the interest on the bonds. STATE Ei)T. The funded interest bearing dubt of the Slate is as follows: Kenewal Loan Bonds, 6'?, due Janoary, 1878, $216,000 00 Two Million Loan Bonds, 7's. due January, 1868, 250,000 00 Two MillioD Loan B.onds, 6V, due January, 1873, 500,000 00 Two Million Loan Bond?, 6's, due January, 1878, 500,000 00 Two Million Loan Bimoa, 6V, due January, 1883, 75.0,000 00 War Loan Bonds oí 100 and $50, f per cent., called in jan. 1, 1864, 16,400 00 War Loan Bonds, 7's, due January 1, 1886, 550,900 00 $2,883 300 00 To wkich add for non,intsrest bearing debt as follows, to-uit : xdjusted Bonds past due and called in, $10,000 00 Full paid 5,O00,UÜ0 Loan Bonds past due and called n. 12,000 00 Temporavy Loan Bonds past due and ualled in, 5,000 00 War Loan Bonds, called in Jau. 1, '63, 3,000 00 $140,000 outstauding part paid (uurecognized) Fivo Million Loan Bouds adjustuble at, ' 80,999 80 r $109,999 80 $2,993,299_80 THB TBUBT ÏUJJD DEBT. Is made up of tfee foJlovviBg items and funds, to wit Primary School Fund, $856,093 17 University 214,332 87 Normal School " 27,575 48 Railroad Deposite, 2,217 32 Total trust fund debt, 81,100,218 84 SINKINO FUNDS. The following sums have bcec, during the past year, set apart for te vaiious sinkiug fundf, to wit: War Loan Sinking Fund, from 1-löth mili tax, glO,753 49 War Loan Sinkiag Fund, Bijrplus oí taxes levied for interest, 28,885 50 Two Million Loan Sin,king Fund, Irom l-8th initl tas, 1,506. 98 iveceipts of I'rimary School Fund, from Feh. 1 to July 1, 1863, 54,979 98 iieceipts of Uuiyersity Fund, froni Feb. 1, to July 1, 1863, 16,985 95 ReceipUof Norma) School fioi, frc:n Feb. ] ;o Tul, 1,1868; J= , To, invest the a,bove sühj, I have called in thé Ternporaryloao Honda. entire, $50,000 QOi War Bonds, of $50 and $100 not included in previoiiB cali, 10,400 00 War Bonds, (new issue,) retired as soon as executed, 71,000 00 JHoooq All but 85,000 of the TeSJ Loan Bonds have been pad P t? small War Bonds are advert8ert, i redemption Jauuary lat, 1864. J. ow'en ..„_'; State 2(( Twenty two Illinois reemeít and two batteries have ulready reDoïï as veteran recruits, and re-enlwtZ; are rapidly progressing. m E-ST Senator Wilson intends lo troduco a bilí providing that all I..J' uonfiscated in the South shall bod ' ded into homeetead for soldiers. 83F Sixtnen re-enlisted Ohio menta had arrived at Columbus „„, Mondoy. Ninethousand new 2, have been raised in the State sDMn tober. uc' JtS" Pekin, China, hastheoliW newspiiper in tho world. It has W published for 1,000 years, and s 2 ed on a large sheet of Kailk.


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