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"Asmile was on her lijp - - hcalth we& in hor look, strength was in her eteij; aai} In her hands- Plantatlon Bitter." S-T-1860-X. A few bpttles of Plantation Bitters Wlll cure Nervous Headache. " Cold Extremities and FeverJah Lipfl, " So.urStomach and Fetid Breath " Fiatulency and Indigestión,' ( Nervous Afiections. " Kxcossive Fatigue and Short'Brealh: " Pain over the eyes. " Montal Despondency. M Prostration ; Graat Weakness .' Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, &c. Which are th ovidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DY3PEPSÏA. It is estiniated that seveii-tenths of ali adult ailmentB proceed from a aiscased and torpid liver. The biliary seci'etions of the liver cverflowing into the stomach poíson the entire system and exhibït the above symptonia . Vfter long research, wo are ablo to present themoat remarkable cure for these horrid uightniare diseases, the world has ever produced.Within one year over six huudred and forty thousand persons have taken the Plantation Bitters , and not an instance of ccmplaint bas come to our knowlcdge I Itisa most effectualtonic and agreeable stlmulant suited to all conditions of life. Tbereport that it relies upon mineral subsíances for lts active properties, are wholly false. For the public satisfaction, and thst patients may consult their physicians, we append a list of Ha components. Calisaya Bark - Celebrated for over two hundred yearsin the treatmefit of Fever and Iguo, Dyspepsia, Weakneas, &c. It was introdued into Europe by the Countess, wifeof the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640, and afterwards aold by the Jesuits for the enormov. irrice of its oten tatight in tilvtr, under the name of Jesuü's Powdert, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of France, Humbolt makes special reference to itsfebnfuge qualities during his South American travel. Cacakilu B.tnit- For Diarrhoüa, colic and diseases of the stfimach and bowels, Daxdeliox - For inflaramtion of the loins and drop sical ufTectiuns. Cuamümilb flowers- For eyfeebled digestión, Lavkxdkk Flowers- Aronintic stimulant and tonic- - hjghly invigorating in nervous dL'iity. WÏNTEBGBSXK - For scrofuia, rheumatism, &c. Anisb - An aromatic carminative ; creating Üesh, muscle and miik ; aiuch used by mothersnursing. Also, clore-buds, orïingej earraway, Goriander.snakeroot, &c. Another wonderful ingrediënt, of Spanish Qrigin, imparting beauty to the complexión and brilliancy to tte mind, is yet uaknown to th? cocqmp.rco of the wp.rld and we withhold ts name for the present. jmpqutant" cèrtificates. Rochester N. Y. Decrmber 28, 1801. Messrs. P.ïLPrake &Co ' - I have been a great suffer er froni Dyapepsia for three or four years and had to abandon y profession. About three months ago I tri'èd ilVe P'lantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a well man. 1 have recommended them in sevaral cases, and, as far as I know, ahvays with signal benefit, I am respectfuily yours, RFV. J. S. CATHRON. Pkiladtlphia, lOth Montk,l7th XaT,18f3Rkspectkd Friesd :- My daughter bas been much benetitted by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt send ui two bottles more. Thy Friend, ASA CURRIN. Sherman House, Chicago, Hl. Fcb. 11, 1862. Messrs. P.H. Drake ir Co.. - Pleaae send us another twelve cases of your Plantntion Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appestr to havo superceded evrything else, and aregreatlv estoemed. Yours, &c. GAGE & WAÏTE. Arrangements are now conijjletedto supply any demaud for this article, which from lack of gpvernment stamps has not heretofore been possible. The public may rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard, of the Plantation Bitters be departed from. Ecery bottle bears the far. simile of our signatuyt on a tttelplate e.vgraving, or it cánnut be gen8old by all Druggists, Grocers and De itere th,rough out the country. P. H. DRAKE & CO. 922m6 202 BROAPWAY, N. Y. "SAPOLVIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. Vf XlL XV n-takea high pricea ; Ssiponifler helps to redice them. It makes Soap ior Four cents a pound by usingyour kitchen grease. JJSS' CAUTIOJV ! As spunous Lyes are offered also; be ca-eful and only buy the Pntented article put up in Ii'on cans, all others being Cöunterfclts. Pennsylvavia Salt Manufactunng Co.., Philadelphia- Ne 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg- Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. ÏTTW:NTY-ONE YEA11S AGQ.j] M O. C BasTO a dtip,guïshiedi Chenvst and Druggist of the ciiy of Buiïalo, N. Y,, invenid and manufactured a compound known as BRISTOL'S BALÖAM OF HOARHOUND, which is a perfect srECiFic for COÜGHS, COLDS, OS any BEONCH1AL Or LU-VO UIFFICULTIES arising from damp; cold, or sudden change of the weather. Kvery person ho has ever taken BRISTOL'S BALS AM OF HOARHOUND, pronouuces it the bERt article ever invented ; and so justly celebrated has it become, tbat the market is alreaily full of nnitations, counterfeits, and moat dangerous compoands, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alway be oareful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and see that hi.-i WRITÏKN signature s on the outside label pi ]ie boltle. Mark.- -This ravaluabl; Medicine has been now some tweuty-one years before the public, and without any effort on the part of the proprtetor, its sale has become very extensive, and is daily nereasing. The low price at which the Medicine is sold (L5 CENTS) enables ALL tp partake of its haaling qualities. CL CROSBY,BüFFALO, N.y. Sole mauufacturer, tu whon 11 ordfqrs should be addressed. For sale byall rc$pectaltte druggists. lyoow92S jgry A.v Intebesting Lktter, - Messrs Rugí & Bruff, Agenta N. Y,Sanitary Society, Rochester.- Gents . } deem it due to you state the magical elïect of that onp bottle of Peopïe's Cure whichI obtained from yoi in November last. Soeing the adyertisement ol joux So_ ciety o (Tering tq give your meiicine to clergyrae.n for the poor of their parishes, I ODtained a bottle fora poor girl of my congregation, who had long been nearly help less from Rheumatifiin, and strange to say, that one bottle cured her enlircly. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its eflorts to introduce the medicine, aud blees those who may need such a remtdy ; and I use strong terms,as I heliere itfi merits will fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yuurs, Reppectfullj", C, R. WILKI-VS, I'astor of the First Presbyterian Church. Öaayl Pittsford, Monroe Co Èf. Y. TaPTJIJEKIA. DR.. DEiiLUBO'S DIFTHERIA SPEOIFIC. CERTAIN CURE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CROUP. IntheBastyear ovec 200 CASKS OF DIPTHFU n and apun Roch;jstf-rf N. J., CONSIDERED IOJIE. LESS, have been cured wjth th,is medicine. Zjtras &,pd resideacies can be given. ' ALL THE PHYSICIANS THERE NpW USE T. It never has failed to carel Get a bottle ; it coets 50 cents. For sale by J5BERBACH & Cp Prpared &nd sold by Iy913 W. E. 3KINNER, Rochester, X. Y. BE WXSEBY TIMES ! Do pot trifie viJj youp fïItb, Constitution and Character. ïf you are suffering with any diseases fcr which ÜEMBQLV'S EXTRACT OF BUCHU Ís recommeoded, TIÍY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It will cure you, save long suffering, allaying pain and Inöammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PÜRITY, At Little Expense, And No Expofiure Cut out the advertisement in anpthr column, cal] or send for it. BEAWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! Ask for Hcmbold's. Take No Other, CURES GUA.RANTEED. 935m2 EMPLOYMlöNï. 4tf7 A Agftnts wanted to sell Sewlne P I J MachiQtiQ. Vt) 9ÜI give a commissiou oq all Machines sold, or employ agents who wil] work for the above wagos and uil expcnse3paid. Tor acIdreftE ZtYZJy & CO , Oen. gttis. 1 H&w rr.-i-:.'T, i'.'.ts. ' MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. PansengertrainH now leave Detroit. Chicago, and the aoftírtUátatíunuin thiaCmmty .a.s follows : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Ere. Ex. N'iíhtEl Detroit. 10.00 i. M. 4.50 P.u. 6.30 p. M 10 00 T. M. Ypsilantl, 11,80 " 6.10 " 7.40 " 11.30 " Aun Arbor, 11.40 " 6.85 " 8.00 " 1165 " Deiter, 12 06 p. k. 7.10 " " ■' Cliélsea, 18.26 " " 8.06 " - " Ar. Chicago 10.30 " " C.OO " 10.30 i. at. OOING EAST, Leavo. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Nl$ht Ex. Day Ex. Chicago, 6.40P.M. 10.00 P. JlC.80 A. M. Chebo, a. m. 7.40 a. sí. 4.00 r. m. Dexter, 6 16 " 60' " 4.20 " Ann.A.rbpr, 4 Sil A. M. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " ïpsilantl, 4:40 " 7.10 " 8 45 " 6.06 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 " 1000 " 0.20 " The Day Expresa each way Is the Mail Train. Trc.iuí do uot stop atstatioua whelt-figureyareoinlttedinthe ta'úle. Traías conneotpi.í De.troit vr)ih Western and Orarid írürik Railways oí Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Miiwaukee Railroads; and Cleveland Steainers. At thí Compuny's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicsgo, Joliet and Laíayette, tbrtfugh tickets catibo p'urchased toail the principal ctties and towns inthe United States and Cañadas. LüXURIOUS SLEEPING CAES upen all nljfht trains. Ruttan's celebrated Yen,tlating Apparatus upon all day trains - the best dust preyentative iu use. R N. RICK, General Superintendent. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So iy a good Physlclan by his fiuccefisfnl Works. PROFESSOR $. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYPICIAN' OF THE TH1ÍOAT, LÜNGS AND CHE5T, Known all overhe countn a the Celebrated INDIAN HERB ftQ'(3 TQR! F rom Soutb. America, will be at his roomn, RÜSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Oathe 18th and 19th inst.,on the same date of and erery subsequent month during 1802 aod 180o, A NEAT PAMFHLEÏ Of the life,studv nnd extenslve travnls of Dr. Lyons can be procured by allwhodesiieone, f'ree of churre. Dr. L will vinit Anñ Arbor, Jacksou.and A-lriau, Mtch. , as folio vrs : Aun Arbor, Monitor HouHe, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brackett H use,22d anií S3dModií of Kxamixation. - The Doctor discerna cüseases bytheeves. He, tlaerefore, ashs no queitions nor req'iires patients to eiplaín aymptoms. Afflicted, come and have your symptoms audthe location of your disetiHe explained free oi' charco FARM ][SLL sale ! fTHK uaderBÍgnerl offers for sale his Farm In Webster, 1 Washtenaw Couaty, Michigan. CüüLains 196 acres, 100 acres improved, besides about 26 aeren of good marsh mcadow land. Has a good orchard üf grttfted fruit, a goot fra;ne bpusü, barn and shed. DAVID THOMAS. Webster. Jan. 14tb, 1804. T-AKlElsr XJJP. ON the 6th day oí pecember a COW and CALF. The Cow about six years otíi, red and white, and the Calf about six months oíd - a Heifer. The owner isrequesteii to prove iroperty, pay f harges s.nd take aaid auinials away. K0AH STEVENS. Lodi, Jan. 14th, 1804. Cw939. . Browiiell & Perrin, GEN'L G011ISSION IEBGHANTS, 183 South Water Street, CI3CICA.C3-O, ILLINOIS, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Dried $ ruito, Oider, êc. Referenceg: Preston, TVilIard k Keen, Chicago. S. Bptsford & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. S, Particular ttrntion givtn to the sale of Green and Dried Fruita, Cidcr, kc. Orders fur the purchase of Clover and Timothy Seed, Cut Meats, tc.j promptly attended to ií accompanied wiíh cash 6r satisíactory referelipe. 9íí9tf FURNITURE ROOMS Ome door ÍTorth of Risdon and üenderson's Hardware Store. The undersignpd having purchased thc entire stock of W. D. Siuith & Co., and added largely to Ihe same, is prepared to kirnish liis f-iends and patrón a good assortment of weil made fornitura, consísting of L0FASs BITREAS gEDSTËABS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, cd in fact of overything pertainijig to the buainestí. L O U JV GES. MATRASSES, &c, &c.,made to order by good and experïdticed workmen, and warranleil tu give satisfaction. He also keeps agood assortnient of Cberry and Walnut Luniber for sale at reasonable prices. And will alKO pav the highest market price for Cherry, Waluut, and White WoodLmnber. P. o. 4e has aiüo purchased the uevf and ELEGANT HEABBU! of Spith ii Co., and is prupared to furnish al! kinds of Wood Coiïins, Melalie Cases, A3STP CASKETS, On the shurtest notice. Alao attcnils to laying out deceasfd persons day and niglit. without charge. All furnilure delivered in the Aíy íree ol :hárge. U. BENHAM. -np Arbor, Jannary 8;h, 1883. 9;otf BRADBURYS New Scale Piano-Fortes. UN'PRECEDEN'TED SÜCCESS I SE VEN F1R8T PR1ZES1 Receivcd within four wenks : Fr om New Jersey Sf.ife Fair, at Patterson, N. J : frouAtaw York'ötate Fair at Utica,N, Y.; f rom Oh io State Fair, at Cleveland, 0,; PenBhylvauiii State F;iir, at Norrstpyn Fa.; lilinois atate Fair, at Uocatur, 111.; Indjana State i"airt at Indianapolis, lnd. ; from the 'instituto Fair in Now York- JudffM GottscbAlk, Brg-, Beames, and H. Brdwn. The 'fplloving noto was received from one of the jnrors : "Mr., R, Bradulhy ■ Dear Sir ; You have received thc Gold Mcdall eópgratalate you upon being the Kuccesslul competitur for the FIRST l'RIZF GOLD MEDALforthe Bj;sï' PIANO FOKTE, at tb.3 Fair of the American Ipitute at the Academy of Music. Your instrumepts fully meiut this award for theïr richly beautitul, voluminous tone - so powerful, yjl 90 s'.veet. ' GOTTSCHALK, The celébrate'! Pianist, says of them : "1 have exaralaed ■nithGRKAT oabï Jtr. Wm. B. Bradbary'B New Boaxx I'iano-Foeik.s, anriit la my opinión that they are very supereor inatruments , ï(have eispf cially reniarked theiv thorough workmanship, and the power, purity, richncss anti equality of tli!ir t&ne I recommend. therefore, these instruments to tlie public ín general, and doubt 110 1 of their success. h. M. GOTTSCHALK. Xew York, July 12, 18G.i. The moflt eia'nont of the musical prnfession of New York have alBü given the most unqualified testimonial in favor of these inst.rumeats. tiend tor a Circular. E BRADBURY038 No 427 Broome St.,N. Y. Family Dye Colors. TjlOR Pyeincf feilk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Khawla, I .Scarfs, DrUMR, Kibbons, Glovtis, Bonnets, Hatu, Feather, Kid Gloves, Cbildren's Olothing, and all kinds of Wearing Ajjparel JKÏ-A SAVING OP 8O PER CEAT-ft For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Variourt shadr, can be produced fiora tho samo Dye. The proess is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect succet-8, Directinnp in Engllsh, French and Germán, insido of tachpack:ige. For furthcr information m Dyeing, and cïving a perfect knowledgf what colors are best adapted to dye over others, (with many valuable recipe?,) perebatj; Howe & Stephens' Treatise on liyein? and Coloriug.- Sent by miilon receipt of prico- 10 cents. Mauufüctured by HOWr k STKVL:L, 200 EfüSiïny, Boston. I T-. :-- l-y rrj'yíc-t: aEÍ v&a:&f gtcra'Í-; -ffrc.fl FO w B o" M P M cc ü g RE. JOHN J. LYON'S FRENGH PERIODICAL DROPS THE GREAT FfMALE REGULATOR, Are tho only known remedy tliat will stic ceasiully and nvariably restore and regúlate tije female sy8tem, r'moving oll irregularitieq, a,ad. produeing hralth, vigor and etrengti. Lyon's Periqdial Drops Ara s fluid preparalion, the cniy one of the kind ever discovered in t h ia country, and acts directly on tlie parts affeated, whilst pilla and poivders can only reajh iheca as tliey work tlirough Bympathy. but not at all direct and positive. Are you suffering from n eonetant anxiety for the regular return of nature's prescribed laws ? Give yourself no uneasinses, for Lyon's Periodieal Drops, ff taken a day or two before the expected period, will posilirely and invariably regúlate its coming, as sure as efft'ct follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkqfss. Are you sick, enfeebled by dieeage, or unable tq bear the labor and danger of increase? Lyon's Periodical Drops Poppe to you as a blessing, for ia not prevention better than cur:? If regularly taken it is a eertain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of suifering. Havfc you been afflict;d for many years with complaints incident, to the sex, that have baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurrying ycm on to an early grave? Lyon's Periodical Drops Are the most reliable regulator ever known,, and cure, like magie, a,ll th,a?e rregularities that have defpd, the dofttor's skíjl. WU you v?uta away with suffering frora Leuo,orrlip2a, Pro,liipis,. Pysmenorrhfpn, nnd a thousand other diffipuliips, ll aummed up indpr llie nnmfi of svippressrd and ohst.riicted nature, when au investment of one dollar in Lyon's Periodical Drops will surely save you. Do not usü the drops when forbidden in the direetions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerlul and finely calculated to acjust and aovern the functions of the sexn&lorganistn, fhat if taken at iuipropei' times, they s'ould pro; duce results contrnry to no't.ure, agamsfc which all, pnrticuiarly those whu would reproduce, s]iou!d carefully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot hartig tjje yiost elieate eonstitution at any time ; yet tlio proprietors wish to guard nffiijpst its misuse, hoping that a thousand bot.tles will be uscd for a good purpose w}iere one ij used Jor an Ilegitímale one. Lyon's Periodical Drops, tte never-failing Female Regulator, is for gale by every Druggist, in both ci'y and pountry, and do not, if you vii'.ueyour hcallh and wish for a ruliable medicine, buy any other. Take no otln-r, but if the Druggist to whom you apply has not got it, make Ejpq 8?nd and gel it for you. C. G. CLARK&CO., rRorniETORs, JVeut Kadert, Qjnn. At Wholesale by . S. BARNKS 4 CO., New York. EO. 0. GOODWIN i CO., Bot,on. FAKRA$!D, SHELEY & CQ., 'Detroit. w ft o u fl m il 03 P ö ft O


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