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TrTÏ American Collecting Agcncy, No. 240 Rroadway, New York. Cl.-.i 'j i iof all liiuds againal the General Governraeizt Stat" (nn-t-in nent, the City, or private partïes, proee' cuted &nd colïected at my eipense and risk Agaïn;.'t paivati' parties I ponyes a mipericr facilities fur collcciiiig ciaimf ever; whfre in tlii Cnited Stale and Can.idiis, ivüeviug morcbants, assigueea, baukerb aod otherts, ol the ca i e and all reapOBiibiItty . Special ttU'ntiongiven lo old debtfl, hard cases, di vor33B wills, patatos, etc. Being familiar vitb all the dotailsof the "Interna Rcetnue &düt?J 1 vvill aftend proraptly to the colleation of drawbackb-tand taxea overpaid through ignoi e of the law. Sotoiers' pensions, pay, aud bounty pecured fortbera or thoir hoirs.. l'w that purpove, and for prosecutiuf clinas agaïnet theGovernmeut, l have a braach offiC' at Washington . o charge mademilossdaiuiü aro col leeted. All ijoMicrs di.'ccfiiycid by reason of vounde- hoT ever horl the timethey have servad- are entitled to Oiip Hundred Dollars Bouuty. All f=oldiera haviugser ved two ye&r8,are entitíed to the saine. ft?L The highest marketprice wil! be paid for nol diers' claims, aud üthor demanda agaiust the Gouera Govornment. Informaiion and opinions given, and investigation raad o without charge yM-pon claíma proposeáto be plaoe in my hand. For particular, aidro-ts H. HUWTINOTON LEB, SOOtf Xo.2-10 Broadway, N.T THE ROOTS AND THE LSAYES WfLt be for the Hoalli-g of the Natioos. BibU. THE GREAT AXD CEIXBRATED PHYSICUX of the THKOAT.LUXGS, HEART, UVhR AXD THE BLOOD Kuovrn all over the country as the CELE3RATED INDIAN KBKB DOOTORi Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the folio wmg placei. viz APPOIVTMEXTS FOR lftL, 1S63 and tfGi. Prof K. J. Ljons ean bo cuuüulted at tlie fnllowinc pirteefe evury monjb, viz; Detroit, Hussel HouRa, eachraonth, lSth&nd 19th Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each moath, 20l. Jackeon, liibbavd House, tach raonth, 21. Adrián, Bracket House, each uiouth 224 andQSd. TWo, Ohio,Cüllins Houte.each naouth, 2-Ath, 25th Hillsdale, Mfoh. , HillsAaU ïïouee, each moath,27ib Coldwater, Mich.. Êuutaern Miohian House ea.h uiouth, BSth. Elkhart, tlkhart House, each month, 29th. South Bend, Iod-, St. .To, Hotel, each month, S6. Laporto, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 3l'st. Woester, Ohio, Crandell Kxchange, each month 7th and8ïh. ' MaiiKÖtld, Ohio, TVHer House, each month, Oth and lOth. Jlt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each moalh,Uth and Xewark, Ohio, Holtoa Houee, each month, 13th and 14 th , Painesvillo, Ohio, íI,uKo,each montb 4th CLLVtLAND, OHIO. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE, 282 STJPERIOft-STEEET, East of the public square, oppotiite the PostoÊSce. Office davs ea;-h mouth, lst, 8d, 4th,5th, 6th, 15th - Office b,ours trom A, M. to' 12 Rl, aud f rom 2 1'. M. to 4 í', M. ÚaSuBday fr-osñ 0 to Q A. M., and 1 to 2 P. il. .gfMaxi'ía-í strictly adhered to- i give iticb balm as have uo etrife, With nature or the la-s of life, With bioodmy hands I never stain, Norpotsun meu to6ase theirpain. Seis a physicic.n indeed, who Cures. The Indian Hero Doctor, R. J. LYOXS, cures th,e fel lGwiug compiaints in the most obstinate stages of their existence, viz: Diseasesof theThroai, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Stcmach, Dropay in the Chest. Rheumatism, Neur-algia, Fits. or Falling Sickneg,aad all other.ner vous erangementa.' AIQ fütdtiwasei of the blood, such as Scroi'ula, Erysipelas, Cancers, Eror riores, Lcprosy, and all other coniplicated cliruaic complaintsAUforms of female difíiculticB attended to with the iiappiest results. It ia hoped that no ono will despair of a cure until they have given the Iadian Herb Doctor's Medicines a fa.irand faitüful trial. .During the Doctor't travels ia Kurope, West Indies, South Araerica, and the ÜDited States, he has been xhe instrument in God's hand, to restore ia health and vigor thousands who wsrfc given up .añil pronounced incurable by ihe most emiiieutold fichool physicians; nay, more, thouands who wore on the vergo of the grave., are now living raoLuments to the Indian Herb's Doctür's skiU and successful treatment.andHrs duily excliiiniing ' Blesyed be tht day when first ve saw aud partook cf the Indian Herb ï)octor's medicina. " ï'atisftictory references of cures will be gladly and cheerfuliy given n henever required. The Doctor plodges bis word and honor, that he will in no wiae, dlrectly or indirectly , induce or cause aoy invaiid to iake hís medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. 4 Mode of exp.mination, wbich ís entirely different from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern diaeases by the eye. He therefore asks noqueEtiona, nor doeshe require patieotto esplain symptoms. Calloiie and all, iod have the.symptoras and location of you,r diaeaseexplainedfree of charge. Tlie poor hall be liberally considere. jBOrPostofficeadèress, box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. ï. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly880 SCHOFF & MILLER RE 3TILL ON HAND at thelrold Stand, A No. 2, Franldin Block, with themost complete asaortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CIJRTAINS, ÍÍOOKS AJTD PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever onered in thïs Market ! 3" Tlii-ytrust tlüit tln-ii-loiia e)erieMC8 nseleoting yooiVü Toithis market, ;u-.;! strict attcntion to the wants of Guit niei,may entitlu tbem tu a Hberalsliare o ï'a troi:;;ge. A. LAEGE STOOK DRESS GOGDS, I.AÏEST 'STYLES CLOAKS & CLOAftlNGS, FINE SÏÏAWLS Of tlie New Pattorns. CAR PETS of p kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woaleu Gaods Of all kimib for tha Winter Trajo, aos? opening at C. H. MÏLLEN'8. K. B.- Thix is tli(! Socoinl Xrrlrnl "f Fall lilJ Wiatej Gü'itN, and will be oilcred at clorie üurs. Fíense cali 932tf C. H. II. Oval Picture Frames ALLSOTSjSTTLEE and PRICES just reccived and fórjale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'8. isco. Pcc.cs, :soti THL ALL SUFFICIErïT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," K hom 11 as "Hclinbold'a" GEWCUSE PREPARAMOS VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXTF.ACT " BUCHÜ," ' " SARïAPARILLA, IMPKOVED KOSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, & COtCEMKAIE'fl COilPOUXD FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHÜ, A Poaiüve and Specifio Remedy, For Dikeases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine ncreases the power „f Digestión, and excites the ABSORBENTE into healthy which, vfïrffïr Rr CLCflO!7Sdepotioli;and8ll INNATURAL ESLARSEiieifTS are reduocd, as n-ellas pain and mflammation, ad is (rood for MEN HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOK WEAKN'ESSES Arising froBi Excesses.Habitsof DisBipation Early Indiscretion, or Abuso, aTTEliDÏP Wl'l'g THE SN3LLOWINÖ 8VMTOMS : Indisposition tpExertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Diüiculty of Bi-eatUyng WeikXcrs, Trembling, Horror olDisease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, ümversal Lassitude of th yiushinL of the Body. Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face, HotHania, Pallid Countenance. Hryqe&s of he Skin. These sysaptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably ïesno.vcs. soon follow IMPOTElíCy,F4.TÜITy EPILEPTIO FITS Ie one of which the patiënt may xiiii". Who can sa y that they are nJtfrequeutly fojowed fcy thosc "direfu diseases," Insanity and Consumption? Many are aware of tlie cause of thoir suffering, bul none vill confass. The records of the inñane Asy lunas and the melanckoly deaths by Consumption, bearample wit nes e to the iruth of the assertioa. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH 0R6ANIC VÍEAKNE'S, Roquires the &id of medicioo to strengthen aud inripforatetheeystem, which HELMBOLV'S EXTRAC1 BCTCTïZnnvariably does. A tría1 will convince the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATIXG MARR1AGE, In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu ia unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, PainfulnesB, or Suppresion of the Customary Evaoaations. Ulcerated or tíchirrous state uf the Uterus, Leucorrhea, or VThiteSj Sterihty, and for all complaiuts incident to the sex, whethar arising froca ludiscietion, Habits of ])itpatioöjor in the Decline or Change of Liie. SEJE ST3$Fraiífi IJOVE, NO FAMILY SHOULD E WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsara, Mercury, or Unp!?asant Medicine for Unpleasant and panerous Diseaaee, HEUBOID'S EXTRACT BCGHII CURES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; litóle or no change iu diüt ; no inconveuience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It oauses frequent desire, and gives strength to Urina te, therebyremoving obstructions, preventing and curinStrictures of the Urethra, alla'ing pain and inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling POISONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORJS OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OI" QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES to be cured in n short time, have foundthey weredeceiveJ, and that the "l'oison" has, by the use of "Powerful Astiingents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form,and PERHAPS Afler MARRIAGK. iTsb Helnïbold's Extract Buchu For all AffectioBS and Piteases of Ttie XJrinary Organs' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from A'hatever cause originating, and no matter Qï HOW LONG STANDING. hseases of these Organs require the aid of a Dhuetic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIÜRETIC, ad it ís certain to have the desired effect n all Pi seases, for whicb it i.; recommended. BLOOD ! Bjl7kü ! I5LOOD! Helmbold's Hihly Conccntraled Cuwpound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPTIILIS. This in an affeetlon of the Blond, and atfcacTts th# oxuil Organ, Linirtgs of the, Kars, íhi-oát, Víp.'ipipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makrngit lip. cara nee in the forra of Ulcers. Hehnbold's Ext.:u.t arsaparUla purifies the Blood, and reltovej all Scalt LruptHms of the Skin, giving to the Complexión 1 Clear and Healthy Color. It üein# prepared expremlf urtliis class of complaints, its Blood-Pnriíying I'rojerties are prcservt'tl to a jreater exteiu tian a,nj tber preparation oí 8ft?apftrïl]a. Helmbold'sHRose Wash. .nexeellent l.otinn for Disoasei of a Syphiltio Naturr', nd ás atl injectipn iBDIaëaises of the Úritiary Orgatls, rising from haWts of ilis-sipation, usetl in connection with the Extraéis Buchu and yarsaparïlliij in suchdi' easeií as reeom meniiil . EvUenca of the most responsible and j eter will accompany the medicines. CEBTIFJCATES OF CUUE?, ?rom eight to hvonty vears stauiling. with naraes nowüto SCIMFGS ANJi WA&R, Fot Meüical Fropertiesof BUCHU, see Dispensatory f the United Slat es. See Trofessor VEWEES1 valuable works on the ractice of Fbysic. Se i'emarka made by the Jate celebrated Dr. PEYSICK, PhÜailelpbia. Beeremark made by Dr. EPHRAJM McDQWELL, celebrated Phyfiician, and Membyr of the Royal Colee of Surgeons, Ireland, nmï publishtil ntheïranadions of the K ing and Queen'a Journal. See Medíco-Cirurgical Review, publislied by BENJAMIN THAVERS, Fellow of the Uoyal College of Suruona. Set; most of the late Standard VTnrks on Medicine. ÍXTRACT BlTHl', $1 00 PEK BOTTI.E, OR SIS FOB $5 00 (i ' SARSAPAniLLA 1 00 " " 5 00 MPROVBD RüSE WASH, 50 " N 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for $1206, whioh vfïÏÏ be sufliient to cure the most obstinate casen, i'" directicns are dliereil to. Delivered to any address, securely packetl fromobervation. P Describe symptoms ín all Communications.- Guies guarauteed . Advine S ' b . AFÍ1ÜAVIT. Pcrsonally appeared before inean Aldorman of tí: e ityof Philadfllnhfa iJL 'f. Belhbols, who, being dnly worn, doth say, hia preparation contaiu no narcotic, o mercury, or other injurioua drugs, but are purely egetable. H. T.HELMROUX Svvorn and i)bscribed before me, this 23d day oí Novembr,Í8fi4. WM P. JHBJJAIII). AMerman, Ninth-stiv:1!,, a,.boye Race, Pbila. Address Letters for Information in coniidenee. H. T. IfELMBÖLD, ChemidtDepot 104 South Tenth-Htreet.below Chestnat, Fhila. ÍJEWARE OF rO,UNTJEUJEITS AND UNFRINCIPLKD DEALERS, Who endfiavor to dispose M Oy TIIEIR OyS ?' $.nA other" articlesonthe i ep'jfa,tion attained by IJclmbqJd's Geutae l'reparationw, M ' Extract Buchu, " " " SarsapariJla, H " lm pro ved RoeeWanJi. Sold by fi.ll Druggietn eTerywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLP$-T.4KE NO OTHER. Ciit oot the advqjtif"in'nt, anO Ford for 't, 4?lD AVQIV tMPOITW$ A&B ÜXPOfUnE. ljíí8 I am Bound íor M. GUITERMAN 5 CO'S ! Dispute tbe fact if you can, It takes tbe TAILOll after all to give appearance to the outer man, If you wis'i to appear well Vou miiat ccord,ingly Irea3 Well, öo to SI. Gviiteriíiaa 8; Co's,, Tfaero you wtil iind thinga exaat'ry SO. SONDHEIM always ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell yoa Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in Ihe State, Tako heed - call eakly, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are uow greater tban ever, Our Cleeks you will find obliging aDd clever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own getting lp, Filling our Store frotn Bottom to rop. STTJDENTS especially will find it to THIÍIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenisb. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for alrnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTATIOIÍ. Forwarded through our New York relations, From Englaud, Belgium, Germany acd France, Such as you can bjand üp ín. or weak, at the dance, Pants ! Pañis ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them íroin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIQIIT. VESTS, &Q,, of every description, You will fina it so without fictioD, Furnitihing appaeels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Tliis is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow, Tours truly, ever so, M. GUITERMAIT. & Oo., O. BLISS Woulrl take tliis xsothod of ísformiog his oíd friends ■ind patrons and all öthers who íuay favor him with their patronaat1, tl: ut he h;ts grcanynlarged his Stock and Assortment ! and baving adopted the CASH SYSTEM B0TI1 IN BÜYING & SELLING s prpparert to solí Goods at 3Ft 2 frisan I- ble 3F"3ioeíSy Us stook oonslstsin par oí tiie f'ollowing: AMEBI0AK AND OTHER . Watches ! ffwgRy SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setís GOLD CEIAINS, TABLE AND POCKFJT CUTLËKY ! razors, Shf.ars, Sclüsorsand BruBbea, ROtíEES I'LATEI) WARE, tho best in mavket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPES aml EXVEI.Ol'E, Musical Instruments, Sirings liooís for Instruments, gPECTA 3Dt33SÍ, of Gold, Silneí', Slcel,n:id riatcd,wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a sujiorior art tele. Feygens havin di.'V.Gult ivatchos to fit witt iflasse cati be accomodattíd, as my stock Ís largerani coraplote. P. S. Particular altention to the DREI3 XX5. X Sff O irall kinds of lino Watchéfc, auöh a Making and Setting new Jewels, Pintona, St,affci and Cylinderë, Alea CLOCKS, 5c TE"WELR npfttlj ropaired and 'war-anted, at hifl oíd standeast aide uf Main Street. C, BLISS. Ann 4rbor,Nov.25, 18C2 826)1 For Knts, Mite, íteaclics, Antö, Brl Bugs, SIollis la Furs, Voolous, Sc. Insecto qu Planta, Fowls, Animáis, &c. (í Only infallible remedios knoví" " Free from poi=ons," (t Not dangaroufl to t'it1 líiiman Faniilj-." " Kat.s come out of theix holes to die." J8CS" Rold Wholesale in all largo o. tieft, JfliT" Sóld hy alt DruggistB and Rutiulers evfrywhore. && ! ! ! 1'Kawark ! ! ínfaH WBltülBga imitatinn?. 4ES0 8oe "ÍJoaTAK'S" name is on each Box, Botth' nuil FlOfik, hcTovo y ni biiy. Xí!íresa HEiïV R. COSTAR. JÖSI" Principal Dppot, No. 438 Broodway New York y Solí! byiill tht'Wholcsaio.ind Reíaii EBraggiata, Anu Arb;i-, Micli ini WL$&tííeIE$WÍ HR ïyers Cherry Pectoral.


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Michigan Argus