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From Tennessee

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Washington, Jan. 30. The fóllowi'ng. has beon received at headquartcrs hcrc : Nasiivillk, Jan,. ííO.-Gan, Foster telegrapha fi-om Knoxville, Tenn , Jan. 28, 9 A. M., I have the honor to report that the cavalrv under General Sturgc.a achitívod a viotory over the enemy's cavalry yesterday, near tho Fair Gar jflens, ten miles est of Sievervillo. MeCoofs , división drove the enemy about two raiteí'. Af'ter a stubborn íight, lasting f rom daüght to 4 o'clock 1'. M., we capiurcd. íí:o stand of rifled guns and ovor 100 prisoners. The eníniy's losa was consider a,ble, sistv-five being killed or wounded. In a charge, GarraP and VVolford's divisioc carne up in time to be used in pnrsuit. (Signed) JNO. A. EAWLINS, Brigadier General. Sccond Dlspatch. Nashville, Jan. 29. The-eoeiriy,. 00 strong, attacked our OftniwHi at Atiiens, but after two hours fight wei'ö-j'opulsed ; our loss 20, enerny'íí unich greatcr. On the 27th Colonel AJ.iller had a severo íight wilh this sidu ol BüuraoDe, ropuisiug the enemy, Our loss is -Ëiteun ki'liid c4 seveoty-five wounded. (Sígnedl J ÑO. A . E A WLIXF, . BrgdLL fJ enera!.


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