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The numbcr oí na', ional banks now organized is 205. Contractors on tho ocean iroa-elads Dictator and l'rineeton have beeü requested to cxpedite tho work on thcrn, The patent offico has accumulated a fund of forty thousaud dollars since the irrst day of July last, after payiug all expenses. 1 G-ov. Vanoe of North Carolina, comes out in a card in the Raleigh Standard, against tha taxation of State property for the (Jo?e6tei-acy. A j'oung Eiigl'ishiuan was swora in at New Haven last week who was one of the fainous " hundred " iinmortalized by Tcunysoo. Gov. Clark, of Mississippi, has nolified all aliens that they raust enter the military sei-vico beforo the lst of Masck Oï leave the country. The cash contributions to. the United States Uhristian Com-missian, for tho use of sick and wounded soldiers up to the close oí the past year, was "2.1,02 06. Tho condition of tke contrabaods along the Mississippi continúes to be most deplorable, ïhey are starving, dying and rotting above grouud by huudreds and thousaads. The title of the young son of the Prince of Wales will be Duke of Cornwall. lts birth will withdraw, in the child's favor, the immense revenues of that dueliy. Tho amount required for bounties will be iiijaieriso, 9.11 d there ia u.jt a d.oalt that the estimato for the budget will be excecded in appropriations by at least $200,000.,000. The Danlsh arraj in the field consists of 40,510 men, viz : Infantry, 36,000; cavah-y, 3,ê.U0 ; artükry, 910. The navy numbera 13 vessels, carrying an aggregute of 142, guns. Army mnles are being sent. on to. tha front at Knoxville in large nurr.bers. - They are to be used as pack-uiules for supply tïains, for East Tmaesste, as the roads are iinpassable for wago-ains. The number of rebel prisoners in our hands is ofticially stated at 3,000 oflïeers and between 43,000 and 45,000 enlisted men. All tho rebel prisonera of war in the Old Capital will be taken to Point Look Out to-morro'7. The new territory of Idalio, whicli oompriges the western portiou of Nebraska, s twioe as large as Oregon or California, and as lnrgy as Illinois, Indiana, Oliio, Kentuckj, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia coiubined. A New York correspondent of the Traveller says thai Lieneial Freinout, in the event ot Mr. Lincoln's renomination, will take the field as an independent candidate - to sacisfy hia giudige and his yanity. T, he Mitiona. Intelliymcer snys there is a gentleman in Washington who is about to tak out a patent for a proeess of couverting sorgbum syrup into sugar, whieh eau, iu the oourse of a few minutes, produce a ojean and pure sugar, eijual iu a.U i;elpeots t'o tlie best cotfee sugar. The Pliilajcl.pJii &wuifo?p says : - Yesterday afternoon 1,200 rebels who had taken the oath of allcgiance arrived n Philadelp.lua í'roni the west. The aritborities at tl8 navy yard ï-eceived 275 of t'j.eso reiornied focessionists. They wiíl be at once placed, in surviee as sailors and marine?. A Jleralïs special says : The report of the rebel aulhcrities being desirous to propose peace is a canard, iiebel deserters state tliat ii the Pi-esident's amnesty proclamaüsn was, allowcd to reacli Lee's army, a gïeat proporliuii of thetroops would throw dawa their aruis and enter pur lines. The funeral of Lieut Col. Oomstock, of llie Seveuteenih, took place a% Adrián on Friday last. The remairm wer-e lollowed to the grave by a long procesión, made up of tbc entire Masonic fraternity of tho city, the fiïe dtipartnient, all the oíd Adrián Cadets. and a large ooncourse of citizens. The Monteur de la Holle statcs that a riüeq canuon has been east in one of the imperial foijDflries, whieh ia superior to anythiug produced by Sir Williaui Arras;ro!)g. lt was tried at the i'olygon of t;rr-,i', near Loriopt, atid the ball passed througb a target as strouly plated as any frigate aflout ui a distante pf 1,000 yards, Gov. Gilinnro lias ssued a proeiamation to the people of Ngw Hanipshiic, calling for voluntecra to fill the additional quotü tliat may be apportioned to the State uudcr tho last cali of the President Po troops. In the previous cali for 300,000 New Hnmpshirc has already filied her quota, and the Governor thinks the second apportioninent vill be filied by voluuteeriog. Ilipbmoud papers contain an account of tb o ruiming ashorc and burning by her crew, of the blockado runner Vesta, with a valuable cargo of anuy supplies, i'.ieluding a splendjd uniform for Gen. Lee, from bis admirers ju. London. - This occurred ncar Wilmington, ou the lOtb of January. The Vesta was a new doublé ssrevy stearaer und was on her first voyage. 4 The depot of the Garaden and Amboy Raïlroad Compa'jy in Camdcn was entireiy destroyed by fire at 6 o'clock on tl:o morning of the '29th uit. Nine frcirlit cars, five loaded with Gotrernment hay, ílirce eipígrant ca'rs, one hospital car, two cars filled with hogs and shcep, aod a horse and mule, together with a steara firo engino waiting transportation to New York, were dejstroyed. The loss has not been estimated. The Ralejgh Standard, ia )t? appcals tQ slayeboldcrs for ppa.ce, says : " We ■vent to war to proteet the State sovereigoties, and to defend and protoct the institution of slavery, but if 'ú síiould appear that we aic Hkely to lose both, as rational beings we shouíd pause and consider weli liiü dircciion which we aro taking. If the war should continue twelve months lougcr, with no greater success to our arma, there is great danger that the institution of slavery will bc LopelcBsly deslroyeJ."


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