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Pref. Agassiz, One Of The Greatest

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pant of the age, who certainly has no suprior in the world of science, is to lecture before the Studenta' Lecture Association, this wd to-morrow evenings, in the M. E. Church. jis subject is: "The Plan of the Animal Creation, and Evidence of ThongM in the Structure of Animáis." This is the flrst vixit j Prof. AqASSiss to the West. aml has only Ijfen seoured by contiuued and combined ejort, and it is to be hpped fhat our citizens pil ivelcome hini vith tlieir presence at his lectores. Another opportunity to Hear hjm (ill not occui' soon. Kg The Presbyterian Church was trowded to excess on Saturd.iy eveoing, on the occasion of the leclure by Hon. Johu B. OirasH, and many were unable to get in. - His subject - " Peculiar Peo])le " - was made peculiar-ly interesting, and in both matter and manner was after the Gouan pattern, especially the manner. In fact it is the manner Boosn has more than the matter which epabjes hira to keep an audience satisfied vvith both itself and him for two short hours evening afler evening. Gou oh is unriyalled. as a pop.ular ledurer. gy Prof. Waltbí O. Lïman is piopping in our city for the purpose of instructing classes iu Elocution. He comes well endorsed by a series of resnlutions the free-will offering of the students of Indiana Unirersity wlio have tried his .instructions, and by the Press of Indianapolis who have Isen privileged to attend his readiugs. The Indianapolis Gazettt spealjis of him as superior to Mdkdock and Alf. UpiiseTT 3-s P Elocutiouist. We commend him tQ our pit}ensand the students in our midst.


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