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BOOTS SHOES ! NOBLE & RIDER, Ilavojust nceived i tlif nMítaní nf Vm. S Suiuidsrs, mely occupied by W. S. Smith, A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS ' SHOES, OF THE BEST QUALITY I VHiich thoy propose to sc'.l at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. TÍÍEY ALSO SAKE AD REPAIR, ïo Accommodale (usloniers, Please caU and e animo heir stock Heiore l'urchasing Elsewhere. LAWRI3NCH NOBLK, CUAKLJSS RIDER. Ann Albur, Sept. 9tli, 1S63. tiP23. OITY ÖÖ0PERSHO?. Tliolcsale.iu.l 1 ftai!, O C. SFATFORD Would respectfulTy announcs to the citizens of Aon AibiT ami vicimty, that he ís now rcunufacturing; im! ketïpacoiïstaatiy on hsnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work! auch as Pork ul Jil:r iïarrels, Kes;sf Fiikins, Churns, Well Buckets, &c, Wbich wïli be soM choap for cash. CUSTOM "W" O ü K: Made te order on eirnrt nol! cc. Repafxing done witli invtiiitíi.s and ilieípíilcli , I would cali particular attention to Morcliants in want of Bliftt'? FlfJijns Ia ui m;inuOic turïng iie wl'oik Mnt Flikln, -■.li eb isa bettêr Kir!; ir. than bftsever !. fore In-ci, of fared iathiu Í would invityall who waut Firfcins to Cali and exanine for theinselvcs beforepurcbaaing plsehre, and r wil] conviuce you thatyou have called at tlie right place. 1 wouH also caU the atientiou of lii.-wer.s in want of i BKER KEGS, I am nnw prppared to manufacture Rlights, Quaj tfew and half Bbls. i;j ] irge ur small lots, and of ,1 Better Quality than can be had in Detroit ore1s6w&eró. ï-All wurk warrauted to gure ent i re satis 'iction. Tliiinklul lor piM ÍHor3 and by a strict attention to busüjeaa, I Uope to meril o eojainii libera] suj.plj of j itii' public pal ronfl jrc S, Vu not ÍMfiJlJt lueallatüic City OooperShop, O. Q. SPAFFOIU). rii'troltSl. Ann Arbor, Micli. BSgsl ö SE AT. GSEAIËS GREATEST BAKCtAINS EVER OFFERED S859. JvlööO. In tliisCity,iiFPiiow beiug nffercihït the 0 II E A P. CLOCK, W A TC H , & jewolry StorenpHfi w-mli] nv ro til'1 chizpvf-nt Ann r1 bor.i pHrtic-nl'ir. ind tl:f rot nf VVnfthtrnww Cmtntv in general, thl hnhnsjust IMPOItTED DIRECTLV from RÜROPE. Tieuiendons Stock of Watchrs! AU ol which h biniie hims.H tn 11 ("IIKAPEK than cün b.e bough-t wrsi of" Now York City, il; ■.;. Ki..p rylimlcr Wntche Irotn $fí to g]0 'no 'do I,f'i;r do êo ' H tn 21 liiuitinj: laep rin do do 14 to 35 do 'io Cyliiidnr üü do 9 to 28 (lolil Wiitclme Iro'n 20 to 150 I have alsu the "3K1.EHHATED VJER'CAN WAT CUES, wliiíl) i wül sen Ur $3"í. Kvry Wfttcb warrauttd tí nei'íovm wïll,ortlu-i inon.'y rntunded. i Olockj, Jewclry. Tiated Vht. Fnncy Oooiís. Coltt Pens, Musici! instrumenta an Strinps, (Ju.t.ïenr, A-o., and h' fnrt ft vnrirty oi' -'v-ivh Ímü imikUH frrpl Sy Jew elnrs can bc hotröiif Rotm hr nrfit ninoty dayp ut vt'Uf O W N i' lt I O K 8 ! Pef'sonbtfyinir ñijythín ut tjjïs wei' known iBtnbliíhm'1 fi fRn 'cly iipoii sfttinp yoii'J 5lactly as rnprrnentfjii, orthin-'üy rrfmiHod. raiinrly" und secure the best I)r:aui6 t-ver oiTVred in thií 'ity. One word in regard to Bepsiring ; We prtjnr1 to muite tm'y rcnnir onfine or commoTi Wafhc?, -v p n m kinorr the Fiitfre woich, ' if neresgnry, Rfpiiiririr 'f ('Inoke üfi .lewp'ry ns ugpl. Alftofrhe nTHiiifHciiirin of KI N(ïS, BROOPH pr fiythine ripflirf'H, "roin f 'n I i í'- ■ r n i íi (íold on hoft notiri'. ni;r;i'MPï in allita braochosexoented w!tl neatoea mui disimtch. J C. WATTSAru Arbor ,ian. 3Sïh 1859. 7L-lw 3eut!er ík Traver, [!JHPj.s.--nni tn A. .T. utb.-rliin.'.] M;inufq,i;tui'er8 of and Doi]crs in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FJasks, Pss:hes Gamt Bags, and Evorvotiier arlicle ii. tliat Lins. Allkin.lsof 3F8.nES3E:Jfli.X3F3LX3WO doBj ai the sliort.cst notice. nd in trie liost lujtnntr. a f uil afiíorl iiaeBl iiwav Mn( mi btimti a nil nuule oriler. V, shop c.'i-iicr V,:- ana 'a.-liiigt"H treetB, Ann ArhOj-,'li'! g, 1-CJ. 87 ;t I' INÓtlëe. MV Wif.' I'U'A ba'vipg lelt ,ny bel anil bn.inï witliouf rtasopable causo, I shall pay no debtp of lier c'iitiaclii ur. j;kxr' ji. tkipf. PslMf, Jan. Wil:. Í9M. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. JUST OPENING? " '1 - The lnrgeq,t Stock and best nssortment of CABINET FÜRNITUEE ? ever broug))t to thiseity, including SOFAS. TETE A-TETES, LOUNGES, BKD 1100. [ JSJS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIliS, XjC3o23Líii Classes Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &&, and all othpr (joods kfjjt ín the best and laigost hmises in the cnuuiry. W'v Kp&puo seconti hsnd fmii4iii(' nr Xnctirii (ioods. CofL$ kei-t cdiisiHiitly uu band, and made t o urder Aly goodn are oLfuied at THE LQWEST CASH PRICES X. B ï (niit b.Tvt' mcnpy.and respecUuI y request tl-.nst iudebted, to culi and fix up their old mölters without delay. o. m. maptin. Ann Arbnr, Ort. n 1P63 P-"5lf scscFrLA a:;d sceohtloüs siseases, From JCmery Eden, a welkknowa merdmut of Oxford, Afaine. " I have sold Iar#e quantitiesot y out Saraafab ! illa, butnever :■& uue tottle vh'ich ltdiéil 01 tl. e , deeired effect and í'níl ptftiáíáctian to thoee vrh-o look it As i;i:-t as uur peupie tn il, thy.v 8gi$e iík'H1 hn.i : li.'cn no medicine líke it betföe in our eommunify." i Erupiions, Pimples, Elot'hes, Fu&tules, Ulcera, ocres, and all Diseaseaoi' the Skin. Fron ttvy. Jiobt. Str&tton, Jiristol, Ewgland. " 01. ly do my dutv to you ai, tl rhe public, w lien I ndd my" testimony l'u tiiat x&j. publitii y ti.e medicinal vjitues of your Sarsapauilla My daugb,ter, ftged ten, ,-j.; ju 'illliuiiiifi humor in lier car?, eyeSj uiul liair lor yeai, uiiich we were unuble to cïire imtil we tiiod your SAftSAFARlLLA. Slie has Leen well ibr bome inontliy.11 Fram Mr3. Jnite E. Hice, a welf knottm ad rnxicli' esteemed lady of L)ennj$rilh'. 'tpe May Co,., N. J " My dauhrer lias miÜc-idü gy u yt.-r wet uth a Bcroiulous eruption, whicn was very froublepome. Noihïiirafibrd'efl aoy relief uitHl e tried your SaüSAPAiiiLLA, wiiicli souü cumpiettilv cyicd bar." IfrQpi Charles P. Gag? , L'2. xoftUe wittehj-known firm ' of Gágki iMnrmit % ('o., mawa'uvluvtrs of tiutmvtUd papera in Á'aitít, A', li, " J luiü for si'vt'ii.l jeara a vetv tfonbicpom iw■mor in nty lace, wltich jiew coi.thiiaiy tutti) it diftiyuit'd my leaturefi ai.ti btpanie un íntoleráole nfïhciion. i IirmI i!inot evcr thiup a nmncoufd of both iulvice tul mwlioiue, but wiihout rejief wbatever, anti] I took your BARBAPAOTÜtA. It Immediaiely uiiuie my laoo jvocte, is ou toid me it might tora time; but in a ïtv weeks the tiew t-Un birao to fortn undr tiie biotclies, aiid couiii-md untii niv race is ü8 nnootli n ;in;bod's. i-u(t 1 am without" niiv êj nrptomd ot' tiie difeani that J knoW of. 1 cujo peittcl iiciiitli, ajtd uilhout a üuubt uwe i o uii .SAt;y-rAiiLLA."' Eryaipolaa - General Bebility - Purify tho BlOwd. From Dr. Volt. San-in, loitxtav Sé., N. Y. Diï Aveiï : I teldoin lai fo reino-, e iïntpfiniis and Scrqfulous Sores by tiif preveiing ute -i vuur SAitSAy.AiUULA. aiul I ïmve jitet now cured au attiiek of MwiffHOtit Ern.-iptf'ns v.irli it. .o Hrtjt.alive we po8sewiwiualimwe .sauhapahilla you five euppiieri to the pioiession as weil as to the peopie.:' FrnmJ. E. Jofintton,, EQ . Wakcman, Oliio. " For twelve ears 1 liad tlie yellow Ki fipeias on iny rilit aim, during w hioh lime I tried au flw celcbratod pbybicjaut 1 euuid tfficb, and looi; liundieds oi"riu'lai-'oitb of nicdiciues The ulceré wére o bad thnt the cords becunio vi.-ib:f, iiiid ihe d4ctor3 decidod tfaat my arm nutst be ami uta t cd;. I began ttdrtiif( juiuSai:sai',kii.i,a '] ook two bolt l. tnd Fonieoi' vuur 1'ili.s 'ÉReiher tliey have cmèd me. I am iio rh well ai:d poutid is Rnj body lieiiir in a public placo, iny is knuwii iu evevbody m tiiiu cuninmiiity, and excites the wonder ot all." Frnm Hou. lienry Moiiro, M. I'. i' .of Xpirrnstfe, C. W., 'i leading nawbei' t? Hit ( Hnnitt m 'nrtiitmenf. "1 have ui-t'd jour arhapakilla in my lainily, fpr general dabíiti, aml íor puf'jijinff the bood, vith 'vpry beLtliciui letatlt ai.d itui coiiüdence in commuiKliiig it to tlje afliietéd '! St. Anthony'3 Fire, Bosa, Salt Klieiim, Scald Head, Sore Eyea. From lïnrreii Si:k'lt'ry Eng ,' tftc nbe edifnr nf ihe Tunckncmnock ,'emocrat, enn si Irnvia. M Our only child. ubuut t hu-e cm s oí age, as atfacked by pimples on bis tweliuad. Tiiey rapSflly gpveud until they l'ormed a louthonie anü virulent sore, v.hieb covéred liis face, aiid actually blinde biseyes lor some das. Askiltitl phiciiui ajrpflcq ititrate ot bilver and olher ieinedie.- ithout ny appaient efieci. For iii'tten davs weguarded his liiiiffk lest witb tltem he sliouUl t par open the lterftig and corrupt woinni wliich covt-u'd hjswiiule tjavfng tried every thinx-ele we hun juij hupeViPWP bean afiviuff your öaksa pa uilla, aiid applying the ioditieot potasb lotion, as you ilirect. TI e Por e bega n to lieal wheri we had piven ibe flret bottle, and was weil wben we luid finiiied theseeoud. The enild'e eyeiashes, wlnch had et-me out, grew again, and bc is now as hciiitliy and fair as iniy olher. The Wlioo i.iuijbpihoo pveuicted that the chhd ni'st die."1 SypUilis and Mercurial Disease. Frwi hr. IHram Si-oat, of tst. Louix, Missouri. "I tint! jour 8Arsapakil1a a inoie effectnal remedy tir t !;e 8fünlary s inptoms of Sjphièis and tor Rvphiiitic airease thiui an utlit'r we p'-ey. The protesMon ave iuUpbtüfl tp } qu iur some of the best medicines we have.' Fmm A. .. Frenck, M. fi , a?i eminent physécUzn of jtiwrettct'. Mae., irto M o, prmnintnt mtmOer of the Legislatura qf Massachunetts. '■Dr. Aykr - ïly dear Sir: I liavc found vour PAr.SAi'ARU.r.A an excellent lemedy lor SffphtHêj , both o' tUa primar und secoitdart type, anti ! util in BOrae cases f hut were too obsíinate to } ieJd p other remedies. Ido not knuw what we can eraploy witli moreceitainty of success, wheve a powerí'ul alterative is required." Mr. (.'has. ,S Van Liew. of New firunwcl; Ar. .., had dieadiul ulcera on his Jegs. caused by the abuse Ot'mercury, or mercurial (Osease, whicli griv more and more agfiravaied for years. in spite (f every rv'inedy or tien tinent that eóuhi beapftiled, until tho perse viering use of Aveu's aijsapaiui-la ïciievcd ïiim I-ew cases can be found more invelemte and distres.-in thaU tliis, aud it took several dozen bottles to cure iiiip. dLUJOrrhosa, "Whites, Female "Weakness, pregef.eruHy prudijeiü by intennil Scrrfaous I urn ration, aml are very oiten curcd by.tlio aiievative effect of this 8a i:sai'a uilla. Some cases reo ui re. however, in r.idcftlie arpakí'll, ílip skilíul applicatipn titiocal remedien. From the weiï-foiown and videly-celchrated Dr. Jacob Morrift, of ('iicixnufi. I have lound your SARëAtfABILLA nn oxcclleni alteratie tr in dicpiíww ot íma ce Muuv cwet) ut irregularitv. J-eucorrhoea, Intei nal UIcL-tatiun. nul ïucal debilitv, arfping t'iom tlie .-croíuious t;iuthe.-ií, liave yieided to it. ajni theie W6 tew Itnrt do nor, (jijejritHelH'ct is pro'perly aided by ocal ireatment.1' A lady, uuicitliny to allow the publication of her name, torites; " My douphtcr and mvseü have hoen cured of' a very mbiUtatiMg i.ucon Inca ot' Jonj? standing, by two bot tien ot' jour Sakbaparilla.'' Bñeumatism. Gout Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heurt Disease, Ncura'gia, when causud bv Scrofu'a in the syetem, are rapicU7 jined by tbis Ext. öarsapauilla. ayTrs CATHAltTIC PILLS pussess so raany advantajres over the otlicr purgatives in the marker, and their superior yirtuea are so uiiiversrtlly knmvn, that ve nced not do more than to assure the public thcir quaüty is maintiüiiod oqual to tho best it ever has been, and tliat they inay be decinled on to do all , that they have ever done. lrepürcd by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., liOwell, Mass., and sold by i ... 1.1.V .v uu.-..,, A.-n Arobr, F. S.VMSON', Ypsilanli, A LWIMi, Dextcr, WJIKLPOX - HATCH, Cheltea. Whoip-inloby FAKKANnsiIKl.IïV & to., Detru-t. K.roPDRN. TrHveibDjr Ajient. Family Dye Culors. pOH DvAJOff Rilfe,'WopI0 an.l Mixen GK1B, SImw's. l carfi, tre.Re, Ribbons, Gluvft. Bunnets, II.. ts, Kt'.i:)ici , Kiil (ilov-i, f'liü'h'en's Clo;h;njr, and all kinds ol -Aj-itir' 1 A Á VING UW M PKK CFTt Tur ?.") Cl-nU you ciiti oolor ;i m:iuy ftnufa ;is WliuM OtbPrwitíf f"Sl liVf t.lHC.-s XhliX Si. 111. VrtOttfl shI(1 Cíin 'jf ]-ro'Í.;-'' ■! l ■:: th(a sauje I . Ihe proeetb is imple, ; vú auy átii on uso the Py witli prTfi succes. in Eögnrthj Krcncli an-1 (erman. insi.le of jicli pi ka : 'j lui 1 ï i btr !iifo:mivtiin in Iivin, and %liflfi n pprTi'rt knnwleile what èomft rtrf b t (KiapWfl totiye (iv er othi'r."1,, (witu nmny vii]n;i bjc rfcij v,) parohi 8e lli.we ■"ip'pJ'en1 ITreatue oníojehn nul Culuxiu - Sent by ma i hm rpctipt of price - i O ceuts, lauufactuved by HOWE & iïTKTEy, 2ÏOBroRlira,7, Bonton Chancery Sale. TV ;PüBgUfCE and by vlrtuo of , ,, lurcu.t Court, fot the ' Couuty of w. 17' i C.w.c-.t, TOde on tne at dfy of „f ta c.iuse thereln pending, wherein Ai„„ S y 1SM i No-lee .s hereb, pvcn that I shall ,, ,. tion in the bijrht U.dder at tí o'clock „ " day ti,, 5 h of Mireb ..„xl, at "i";;;"- Waahtenaw Countj Cojirt Hou. ñ ií "rít[ Arbor, all the Mttovrtng Meco. „r paj. .L uea lying añil be) ni i„ tl e Iown.l,u , f „. f,lni H :i.i,-i.a.v Cunly uid S.ate „f MicliL,, TCÏÏJMh l" lw,-. lo wit . HMy ay.s „i lar.,1 f,,,, 1'1).ei"ll,' ol the Kut half of tUeSautb eut q uart Ü ,Wlk 3 uumberthiily rour ; aUe mxIv acres „fi. „,,"( Nonh end of tlie ffrt hall of the Sou i, . .rott, of ,e:tiü„ nurober íive, Tovnsh,,, "f,8'lut( íouth .,1 range number tour ISast, bein5 „ ÏÏ '' dr4 n.l nrentj actes of land. ■ n a" W GEORGE DANFoim, Cir. Court Coro Wh í "■ E. B., Conipliuuaut'a i-olicit'w ' . lia'ed. Jan. 'J 8tb . 1SI:4 . . : ■ ___ _Wiií Mortgagu Sale. """ P H'AVhi having been mude in the -„„.., J muí !){ , executed b William J i,, " 1 1 jan W. Horgati, dated Itarch seeund.A ÍJ u ' B. rooorjed n the Kegistírs uflicc, in Vmtl,'.' ,!' liaren BÍxth A. 1. ÍS 3, in Líber No. 30 o! J "I page 4Í9, by whicb defauittue power oí Sj „,.'!'?'". Mxiii niorigage bt-canie operatire. and no huíi or Kg baviDg Ix-en iwlitutedat law tu reci.ver th "' eciad by Miiil mi.r'gage, or any jart thereuf ''" H'in ;f Im-o huudii'd nnd six'y ime tii.IIais b'al4l cluime.l lo be due ihorion : Nntice s thprefo.,"1? R' givi'U tbat the sai.! raorljjage will be fort, ],, J! eme ot' the moiigaped premise, to wit : The ' ' of the east batí and the. eat half of the Bf (ff5te ciiod No tbiity uue, in townsbip No. four zí '' rnURC N". neven ea.-t, brmg in jugula In ti,, i " of Vreshtónani, iu llie Stle of Micliigan c"ij tbc south west quartirof the south east qJan 'f Síetion, (ir ome part thereof , at puhbe vendo " Cüurt House, in the city ot jinu Albor On ,' ' ! tv-sixth day of irijh rjiiïtf t noon I( t. V. bl,VlUUN, Mortal Jajíes Ki.vcsi.fy, Attoiney. V Dated, Ann arbor, Dec. 23d, A. P, lf{3. Estáte of Joscph Kebcy. OT'TKOF MICHK.AN, CouMy ol Waíht.n, Jtawwnol the FiobaW Court lor tí( ?„.' "' H'aBhnnaw, liok'cna1th.Pn.ba1.(,8icH H,,7'": nn Arbor, on Fridají tbe nhtli ray aju,„'J year oue thousanj eight hundrtd .J ■ (our. "")■ l'ii-íeut,T!u.ma8Ninue..Iudg:e of Pnbate. Ín multur ot the K.tale of Jowth Kel. j. ceassed. 'i On r.a.iiugand Cliug (he petitir.n, duly TtriW ne,.ry Keanck, Adminirtiatir ol llieetítnSi ceaKid; praving M,r iu(nt and auUnn ." t.iu real olute.ul mï .UceaMii T1i,mpi;,oi: il K Ordi-rtd, Monduj, tí,w li .■ i'i1 I ebruary ntxl t "e o'cioi'k id llici'm,,,a. be assignei: 1, rlhe liearmg of ,-aui (.etitUn thattbe helrí, at iaw of .-aid drcraheil. audali i intereRted in faid estáte, are reijuirnl tu i poar at i sessioii of sai.! Court, tlicn lo be biüJÏ the Probate OiHce, in the Citj ol Ana Ark', i,,! County, and show eaue, ilauj Ihirclje. whv tin-tuin ef the petitioner khould tot bé granteil: " ' -WI'i it is fuitber ordered, that aid pstiw -i'.c nntice lo the persons nterested in said ttn the pelnieucy ol said petiti.,n, and the hearibiili b) OTjiunca oopy of this Order to be puMishídj Michigan Argm,n neiyspaper printed and druif, in said County oí Wasbtenaw, ïoiir sureatt n2 previoua to saia day ol hearing. (AlrueCopy.) ÏHUMAS NIXDE, !'39 Judge of Prelu Chancery Notioe. (.JTATK OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Judicial Citan O Chancer : Edward Biigj3, Complainant, ") Su:tpenrtiBgii4 vs. J Cir. O Harry Kstey . Jacob Estey, John County cifWul'i Ktey, Israel hiifv, J.Jm L . naw, in thmin Beek, John G Wahr, and it Ann Arbtn John Wngner, j the StSidarofit refencteots. j uary.A.l). m It atisfactorily an'rarnc; to the uniers gnti. üojl (',, u-t Cl niiiiisiin'r fui n'u Couiil}', t; ifc that :lie aboye ..u.r.eil defemlant, Hairv Eley, ii resiilcnl ol this Mate, hut iliat he is a' refiíciitil ■tatf ui (.'ililoroia : fn inut.ou of A Fech.Solion tnr Ci-m]il :inant, il is rrdereo" that the fai Hnrry Kstey, cause bis appearance in thitt cauui entereri withiu two rqonths fr m tbe da te i and . thrtt , in cae ol his appearance he c us( tin! toer to ennplniiiant's bill in be füfd and ciptll.n i'A' to be sereil on complainant's soücilm, %ü) twt-nty '!as of thp service uf a c py ol m in1 .-■ i f ibis criler, a:.'I n defautt theieof thinii .' liit' Ue utkeiias c nV-c1 by the sa ■ ' llri-v Kstet : an.l it i- turlhet ordsred twen i i ijs : i'tiM (bc matiug of this n ; com tlaiiümt cause tln's . - er tr be ]nib]l-' ' Weekiy Michigan Argus.'J a nensapt-i siii-1 County and that saíd publica t ion be er dLi aid.nper. al least (tnoe in cach wt-ek, for m ui in 6uce.essinn, or il at he caust i copy ol 1 be penfónatlv seived on the sai'l delcndant, Umni tfy, at leasï Iweuiy duys before the time boTe jb j scribeH f .r bis appejiTaace. üate.l, Januari 8tB, A. I). 13''4. 11.O DANT08U, Circuit Court Couiraissionei for Waslutnufe 1y, MichigHSi A. Fkj h, Complainant s iolicitor. 93S' Atriiecopy, Tkai.ï W. Eool, tqv. PUBLIC COTICE Washtknaw Counyt Clkhk'o Orno.1 lauuary 2ïth, 181. "T"OTTCF is horeby given that tlie folio ng fc lnleif. have nvvei been ;-iIled for and arenöfW lor ilel very at ihi.T office, iiamciy : No.' X... ;e J C. I'ln-Ipa $5 "4 lt J H Tlllüsen I .i( John V. Leer, I pO 105 Mrs S TiiUtaoa I H Illake. l'W j12 M Ijuiis 14.1 Juliii Paikner, ;0 li3ASbelv it.8 M A. .-beliz, SI I S 1? F Harrio I ÏO.I K M Jackson, ;;1 II K.l'ik..y ■- 0 J IJi'inlj.ek, 31 l'.anstearn 1' .1 Man .1 Jact 31 T. S M Wi XX S A Mimi.t Mi 1 1 SI O'neil Ït3 M I a'.kn-r 1 3- i,4 i rince ;!'J C Ingram i 6'; 14,s iex ■ ooher ■ ai 1 li. uw., Webb 1-li HWniJlnwi I .,.i V K.'üogg 1 3-i 1 a ti VV I,, urie ;-jí .1 l.itoiü.r.1 2 53 I'S John Heodenlif 887 11 ..iáíiiii'e 1 5 l'ñl.Heliois 1 2Í0 Abram Caley 3 fP lTfi la vid Sarton J 410 A '1 Case 6fl i 1) M Jshñ 41: l hnrli.i s,nith 1'-? ■ T ■ ,iame (iauiit ül niJuhiiMii' 13 1' WatB SC J -M ii.liV) n W 18 1) W l'almcr 37 íaráli lillitson '.9 f2 IKlaik 49 ■ Miuray 1 Í8 90 Francw Ilansíí ', 62 W H.'ser 1 - 1"1 .1 J Vu. dra ■ M II ihiillz 4 fíi 1 Allen W.irdrt ■; 7.-1 .A llronn 4 14 1 a Wt-tiofc hw ,v l'olbemua 1 3" I 4 F hp V. F ui: 1 . 5 15 Al r d RrampMJ IC Charlea Jfcwton -.9; 2.i tl. hlii " Hl W ÏV.-ona 1 05 - Persons fa'l ng for tlic f(jregoïng ordir $p s:i v :■ .rtised. " . o9;l ■ TRACY W Klltfl1.! Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTOHY IS i)l THE BATTJJÜ Whicb has bet n raging for the past fuur .'i: MAGK & SGHMID'S STORE Has proved a grand success, althoughtlie $hH DRY GrOOV' His ixM-nuwhble. We nw m-ke tlie aniitflwj that wc símil con I i mie "hor M;iny 'leftr1' ''! w;iruili] kigb pric.e.-. beinji rtetfimUied to WJ luiii'lrcls wïut ilïiiiy iLrong ur store, full cir roftiwy, I.tuifs cas flnd with us " " DRESGOOTiP, KMBKO1DEBIÍ WHITE GOODS. UOJ1EHY, . GL' YES, Y With a vej !s.rge and uttf.ctjvo stocK of CLOAKS AND SHAÍÍ far taelow XTaW" We hear it said evi-ry dny that w I aro '"''„., business 'm Lhis city by setlmii .so cheap u' we hi-lpit, The Goods Must be Soty 1000 Xew Pty'.e and best quallty HOOI' SKllJ'1 cluap. amifór the Gentlemen wehavea VKJ soranent ot' Fiencii TwilledCIoth.öeaver Ort'g ings, Dosskins, Pancy fcassini res.' Jngs, j&c, Of all .loscriptions. añil can urnish a 1 sh„rt noticernuch cheaper iban it can le " yl lierv. Au evaioinatioii ol Ibis brancli ' " js1 ness willconvilice all that tlns is tlie place to o "1 ff Pauts, i náts and Ves s. We bave al' stock of (dies ""! Chihliens' ihoes HATS AND CAPS, ná In fuctvvcrylhinx thit man r woinan caö to w'ear uu l.ta'l orfoot, Grojperieg, Grockery, Glassware ■ At astojiisbing low prices, and ta 'i"" LLd stoei sliarethu sanie late for we are to acü. ui) matter wbat old oroakMS mny .ftn Aliare lovifea to iubpeot our stock as '''".jke to show our goods, and we are booaí to,.""


Old News
Michigan Argus