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Shiawassee And Clinton Counties: For The Signal Of Liberty

Shiawassee And Clinton Counties: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Messrs. Editous: - Hoving lately travelled through the counties of Shiawasse and Clinton, and desirous to learn somethmg of "the signs of the timef," I have laken varions ways of becorring acquaiuted with the state of pub Jic fceüug. Since the excitement of the fall election hae subsided, there is clearly a tuking a sober second thonght," and an honest enqtiiry, whelher they would Imve done ns thpy did, if thoy cotild have seen tho end from the beginnitig. All are sntisñcd thnt the great multitude cannot ogain he marfhailed in rfei ly arrny under the Democratie nnd Wliifnanners. J he ji'Jiiga oro geHcmlly roady to enlist under the Liberty bannors, but thorc re fome exceptions; niany of them ennno! forget, tíiíit we did not help them last fall.- TheDernucralsarp lookinir nt thoirservility ;i wb'fwliqg iiito the Polk ranks nt the word of cr.rnmand, ond genernlly they feèl very sore npon Jhia point, they not only ptcftss to be nnti-Tpxas, but gvc vcry eifóug evidence of cincerity : ihey nre coming over tn tts in floodo1, bijt alwnys with a proviso which i.-, Umt they will be with us if the whigs do not reör gnnizo, with a proppect of succccding. Cut if they are not yet satisfied, the Democrnts eay they will endeavor lo be rcady to gratify them in fu!I. Should the same SetSiñg pervade the State generally, that exisls in tiiwquarter, and shoulcj we be fortúnate in the selection of candidates for Exccutives, wo may say for a certainfj tliat our ticket vvill be elecled in Nov. next. I know of one town of ten Democrats, and eix of them say tlial lliey shall not agnin vole tho Democratie tick et. The WJiigs in tlmt place, are with few exceptions alreudy pledged for us. All tlial is wanting jn these countiep, is ligKt, and a few efficiënt men to give an impedís to the public feeling-, in the right direction. We want a good Lecturer, for a short time nnd 8ome aesistances in organizingf n the County of Clinton; the people here are eo scatlercd tlint they are unacquainted wi:h each other. A httlo nssistonce here at the nreseut time


Signal of Liberty
Old News