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From The Army Of The Potomac

From The Army Of The Potomac image
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Washimitojí, Fob. 7. Infonnatiofi has rauched here yeaterday rnornm" J.hat a reconnoisfanci; in force e'uriad from the Army of the Potomac, ind tliat considerable cannonadinfj too!; place at Morton'e Ford, on the Kapidun, during the dav, and al 5 o'clock in the fifternooa, musketry began and continued until dark. Washington, Feb. 8. The Star of this evening auyn : l'arties (VotT) the front represent tluit we espericDced considerable losa ou the return of pur trqops from Ibe lust deinonstration. It is stuted tbat wime of our pontoons were lust ou the Kapidan, wheii'by tLe etieiny was euabled to piek up soniü of our men, who had not recrossed. It is stated tbat a rebel cavalry force, crossing above t[orton's Ford, intercepted a couple of our regiineuts, who wero f'orced lo, ciit their vvay through with somu loas. These reportn, t öhould be added, are not at all definite, and have not, up to noon to-diy, been ci-ntirmed by anything received at the War Department. Later.-- Parties arriviug frorp the front this morning state that when o.ur troops pusiicd across at GennaniaForcI, they found the rebel riflepits n that immediate vicinity oceupid by but twenty-five piukets, who threw down their arms and surrendered, stating that thuro was 110 rebel loroe wkhin ' ten miles. Jmmediateïy thereafter our '■ forces pushed ahead in tba diroctioo of ! O run ge Gourt House, but had hardly progressed two miles wheti thuy were nfiened on by twolve guns, by a rebel ! turco working and. supportiiig these guns. We dio.vo thern Irora their ! tion with considerable loss in killed, woiintlft! anti prisopers, our loss iu tlio uffair being iliiity-lii'e. The rrasa of o;;' infar.ti-y then iveviwáed tbc Rapi dal), lifving a Ktco to iuld f,.c ritte pits lU'Sl taken, until the ieraUii;a ot our cuvalry hut liad moved bv oi a different routo b:d tcrmiuated. Ueavy tinng ia aid to have been heard ju.-torday, and it was beüeyi about Culpepper that our eava'ry was thet) engaued ith the enemy n had j been seeking. New Yo3i, Fob. 8. A Washington spec.uU. says at 8 A. M. öaturday, the Tiiird Army Curps ; marched to tte üapidau, and laid their pontoons iu face of the eueiny, and dspiie oí' a desperate resístante -erostied, ! takiug maiy prisoners. At 4 P. M. i the Öecon(i' crossed and joiued thé ; ïhird. ïhe ad.vanoe was highly i factory. An iaiporta.ut [ovaiuont may be looked f'ór. An oflicer who left Milihell's Station VhiK moru'uig says that about dusk last night the rebels threw a large forcé of .iniautry artiljerj down towards iiaceoon Ford, opening a firo wuh artillery upan our troops tationed tliere. Cannonading was kept up uutil late in the èvening, vsithout Herious loss upon our aide. Buring the night we mi,vöd reiaforcemehts to. the ftüut. Nev? York, Feb. 9. ïbe papers contaio f'urther particulars oí the late reconnoissance over the ïapidaD, but there is little additional ini'oruiation. The Fourteenth Connecticut suffered heavily. The Tribune' dispaích saya : General Kilpatriob's reoonnoissance conclusively proves thai no foroe of the enemy occupies the country ea;;t (Sf Mine Kun. Tlie mali portions of cavalry all belonged to Iiainpton's Legión, wliicli is Btationed at K-rederifiksburg. Moro th'an half of the videttes have no horses, are seldorn relieved, and are sometifiies obliged to walli tweutythicu miles to thüir post of duty. ïhe Times' dispateh says it has been afcertained that the main body of Lea'a army is between G-ordonsvilU and Orange Oourt House. Citizens yesiding vvitbin the enemy's lines gay Lee ex pects to have 45.000 consoripts added to his army by the new levy,raisinfjf 't to 80,000 ór 90,000 men.


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