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MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Passengprtrains now leavu Detroit. Chicago, and tbe several dtatioiis i this Cuunty .afi follovn : GOING WEST. T.oave Dar Ex. Dext. Ac. Evo. K.t. NïghtEx. Detroit: 10.00 A. m. 4.50 r. a. u30 p. a 10 00 r. M. YjsUanti, 11.20 " 6.10 " 7.40 " 11.30 " Ann Arbor, 11.40 " 6.35 " 8.00 " 1155 " Uexter, 12 05 P. M. 7.10 " " ' Chelsea. 12.25 " - - " 8.05 " - " Ar. Chicago 10 30 " r " 0.00 " 10.30 a. m GOING EAST. Leave. Eve. Ex. Dei. Ac. Nijht Ex, 'Day Ex. Chicairo, 5.40 P.M. 10.00 r. M 6.00 a. M. Chelsèa. A.K. 7.40 a. M. 4.00 P. M. Oexter,' 6 15 " 3 0. " 4.20 " Ann Arbor, 4 20 A. M. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " Ypsilauti, 4.40 " T.10 " 8 45 " 5.05 ", Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 " 10 00 " 0.30 " The Day Express each way is the Mail Train. Train; do not stop at. stations where figures are omitt?din the table. ' Trainsconnect at Detroit with theGreat Western and Grand Trunk RailwHys of Canada, and the Detroil and Toledo, and Petroif; Lnd Mi'waukue ilailroads; and ■ Af the Ccmpany'8 Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Juliet and I-afayette, through tickets can be pirtoalTthe principal citics and towns in the United States .. ui CansdftB. ■ ■ 'LUXUUlOU-i SLEErlXG CARSuponallnighttrains. Huttan's cel'-brated Vcntilating Apnavatus upoii :l11 dav -the bet dust proventutiVe in uso. R X. RICE, Ueneral Superintendent. TO THE TOUNQ OR OLD, Male or Female, f you have bf-en suftering frouj a hab".t indulg'jj 3 ty th YOUTH OF BOTli SÈXBS, 1V.IIUH clüifES SQ MANV ALARMINO SYMPTOMS, 7 unfils themfor Marringe, An i the greatest eyjl )vhioh can befall MAN OR WOMAN. 8ee symptoms enumerated in Adverclsemeut,and ifyou are a suíferer, Cut out Iln' A.'vcrtisemeni, And send for it at once. D;!avF are diuiïc'roua. Askfor HelmboW Take no other. Cures guarante!d. Beware of CoanterfeUs and Tmitraions. 2m948 PROF. K. J. LYONS' Fatients and all others nterrested willpleaaé taüe r.otice that he will contin ae In viiits at the Honjtor House. Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '63 and at the expiratiun of ivhich hc wil! dis continue his visits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, lor the treatment of Lung and Chest diseasoF. LY0NS KATHAIR0W. Küthairon is froin tlie Greek trord, '-Katbro,'' or ilKatliairo,M hinifyiug to cleanse, rejuvïuato an4 restore. IKm article Ia what its niinesigniGes. FnrpreHoving, restoring and beautifying the human hínr it ís the most rmnarkable preparation in the world. It is again owuedand put up by tlie original proprietor, and is ijov m&de with the saiue 'cafe,' e K i 1 Bd attontion wJiich gave it a aleof over one raillion boitloR j(r RnDura His am&atdeliirhtful Ilair Ti-cssing It eraíicates scurl' and rtánáruíí. It keeps the head cool and clean. H makes tbe hair vich, KÏt and'lofoj' , It prívenla the hair from falling offand turaing graj It resU'i-PH half upon b:i";'t heade. Ar.y lady or gentleman who values a beautiíuJ hcad of hair shonld use Lyon's Kathariun. Tt is kuown and usedtbrougbout the civilized world. Spld b all respoctable dealei-s. 6m922 DEMAP S. 3ARN1"S & CO.J:Prop;rs, N. Y. Mathews' Chocolate WoimDrcps ? NHYER fail lo destroy and extermínate all kinds uf Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliablo in all cases and far superior to any a ai all uf the Faiicy Wurm onfections, nd nauseous Vermífuges ín use. They may be taken at uil times with perfect they cónlain NO MERCURY, or othsr üfleterinus Drug. - Motbers shouM always parchase them and giro thfir chil'lren no olbcr. (No Gatharlic whatever, in necsssary to be given.) I-ach box contains 24' Dropf or Lozenges. Price 2a ets. For Sale by all rngsls and Dealers íj HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Halr llesíoratire. IT IS NOT A DYR, But roatorcs gray hair to its 'original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural smtenance, impairod by age or disease All instanlantous dyes are composed uf luiiar 'cAustic, destmying; 'the vltality and beauty of tbe hair, anti afTord of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet-sl.imitablegoloring Dotjjnly restores hair tn U ratural coïó'r by an easy prooeas, but gives the huir a ' Tnxarinnf Beauty, promotes ita groVth, preveqtslts falling off, eradicates JiUjJrufr. ml imparta health and pleasantnéss' to the , uead. It has stood the test of time, bemj the origina! i Hair Coloring, and io oor.statitly increasiüg in favor. Used tv l:(;lh:;.Jlleii.ari iinti ladiêB. It is aold by all resj oct.ibló deaíérü, or can' be procured by them of Hl oiajAgeats.D.S. Batp Co. 202 Broad;7ay N'ett-Y.j)'!;. fvo siios, 60 cents and $1. Cin922 WyNJKOQP!? ICELAND PET ORAL. Disea'se.s of the Throat, Clu-st and Pulmonnry orearía are ever prevaknt, insidious and and dangc-rous. 'i'he properties of a medicine toalleviatí;, cure and uproot these somplaints, must be Expectorant, Anodine and Invigorating, lcopening the mucun cf the throat, end imparting tone to the entire -tn. No discovery ín medical ecienceevei mastereö this class of fligeasesHiie Dr. Wynkoop'slceland Pectoral. It is used wllh the most aatonihing results in all cases of Bronchitis, In Üaeuza, Whonping Coagh Diptherin or Futrid Bore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Couglis, CokU, Nervous Ina tibility, &c. The Iïev. J. J. Potter certifies, (( I have uiied Dr. Wynkoop's Icelanu Pectoral for severa! years, myeelf and in my family, for severe Pulmonary Comp]aints,and havo. recommentiud it td many others, and never seen its oqual." Rev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, K. Y. fíumlreds anl thousands of important testimoniáis cwild beproducec, showing its cemarkabie cures and. that it liever fails It iá CL-myoseilof pure Tceland Uosa, Balm ut Gilead PeïliTlao Balsam, Elccampane, Comfrey, Bur(lock,and othor invaluable exppetorant and fonic jpgvedients. It U harni'GHs, prompt and lasting-. Tuvalidsand sufferers cannot afford to neglect a trial. Eveiy iamily -shoulil bare it. It is reinarl;ble for Croup. Full descripüon, recomnitudatiou.s, aad dir'éctions accompany each bot- t.e. Seltl by &U prificipal DragglstB4 Preparedby Dr. R, D.Wynkoop, aad sold by D. 8. Barnes $ C6'. New York. &22roJ) HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BAH. Thïs is the most sielfgatfai an3 e::irard;nary article ever diseovered Ilchange.s the sun burnt face and hands tó d pearly fiatin txUnr3 of rfrVisfaiDï b imparting the marble purlty o'f yóuth, and the ditingi'.c appearance so iiiyitinginthe city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pirtiples, and roughoesa from the skin, leaving it fresb, Iraosnarent aU'l smooth. - it conttiinH na matesi&} ujufious to the skin. I'atron ized by aud Opera Singers. It is wliat every lady should have. Üold evt-rywhere. Bemaa Barnes c Co. i : f i Genera) Agentia. BSfttfl 3O3 Broadwy,K.Y. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by hia SuCcessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LY0N8, THEGREATAND CELKBRATEP PHVSIClAX pF THE THROAT. LUNGtí AND OHEST, Kndwn all over the countr; as the pütbrated fNDUN HERB POCÏOR! From South America, will be at his rooms, RübSKLL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelStli and 19th inst. , on the same dale of and everv subseouent month during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMl'HLET Of the life,study and exttnsive travels of Dr. Lyona can be procured by all whodesireone, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jacksua.aud Afiiian, Mtch.,asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, Sist Adrián, Brackett H oi,92d and 23d. Modk of Exathination.- Tb Doctnr dlstjerpa iaeasea bytheeyes. Ho, tfeerefore, asss no qaetions'norre 4 lires patients to explain symptoms. Afflítíted, covne andhave your symptonxs and the üjjaiioii of yt;ur diseaseexplained free of chargo ' O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWITO TOBACCO at frnm 50 cenia to One J)ollsr. ÖMOKINQ froi.i fuukeén to twenty cents at ' ;- ' hl. DVATY'S TOBACCO AND 0I6AR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few dcara from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ana Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf DIPTHERIA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CF.KTAIN CORE FOR DIPTHEE1A AND CROUI'. Jnihopastyear over 200 CASES OF DIPTHERIA in and around RocheR.ter, N. Y., CONSIDERED HOPE. LESS, have been cureil with, this medicine. Ñames and resideoces can be given. ALL THE PHY3ICIANS THERE NOW USE IT. It never has failed to cure ! Geta bottle; it coss 50 conts. Fur sale by EBEKBACH & CO Prepared and sold hy lylS' ' Vf. E. SKINNER, Rodwster. N. V. JS" A.v MEBianXü Lettkr.- Messrs Post & Bruff, X. Y, Sanilary Sociqjy, Rochester.- Gents . I deem it due to you state the mágica] effect of that one boitïo of i'i-pjjie" "Cu-e whichj obtaiïicd l'rom you in NoTe'niber last. Seeíng the adverti.sement oi your 8. ciety offering to give your meiicine to clergymen for the poijr of their parishep, ï'ootaine'l a bottle fora poor girl of mj congregation, who had long been nearly help ks from Rheumatism, and strange to say, that one boft'.e qured her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid'the Society in ito efforts to introduce Ihe medicine, andbleas those who uiay need fuch a rerntdy ; and I use strong terms, as I believe lts merits will f ully justify the most üuperlative forms of speech. Yours, Respectfnlly, C. R. WÍ1.KIX. , Pastor of the First Prusbyterian Church. 922yl Pittsford, Monroe Co N. Y. O= TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-XD Mi O. C. BaisTOi. a disjtinguished Chemist and Draggist of the ci:y of Baf&ío, N. Y., invented and manufactured a compound known as BKISTÜL'S BAI.SAM OF HOARHOL.N0, whicli is a perfect SPKCiric for COUGH9, COT.D3, or any iiaüNCLiAl. f.: !.r.-. : u:. ; .. i.t:;-:s arising from damp, oold, or fiuddeii change of the weather. Every person who has ever taken BKIriïOIS BAIjSAM OF HOARHOUXD, pronouncos it tbc b(st articleéïèr nvi-nted ; and so justly celebratedhas it become, that tho riarket is'ahearly full of imitations, counterfeiiü,_ woA V.ost dangerouü corapoonds, under the i Balsam of IloWiound. Therefore, alway be careful to cali for Bristol's Bal jam, :ind sec that his WRITIEN' signature is on the outside label ot the bottle. Mauü. - This iiivaluablo Medicine has been now some twenty-one years before the public, and' WttJv f f.'urt on t'.ie part of the proprietor, its sale has become very extensive, and is daily increasi'jg. The lov priee at whieh the Jledicinc 3 sold (05 CÖfTS) cnableB ALL to partake of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY,BUFFAI.O, N.Y. Sole minufacturf r, to whom all orejera should be ad'lressoC. For sale byall respcctable druggists. lyoowOTü SAPO1VIFIEII, 0R CONCENTfíATED LYE, FAMILY SOAP rAjER. VV J t, makeshjgh prices ; S.tponiflcr helps to roduce them. It niakes Suap ior Kour cents a pound by using your kitchtn grease. &B CAUT1ON I As spunous I.; es ut offered also, be ca-eful and only buy the PalerHfd article put up in Ihw can, U1 otber beiug Countcrltlla. Pennsylvania Salt Manuact uring Co., Philadelphia- Ne. 12T iValnut Streel . Pittsburg - Pitt Street and Duquciie Wav. ■ i : Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. "Asmile vas ..□ her lip- henlth wan in her look, strrasth was n her step, aud in her hands- Plautation Bitters." S-T-18GO-X. A few bottlea of Planta tfou Bitttra Will euro Nervous Headache. l Cold Extrcïr.ities and Feverish Lips. Í1 Sour Stomach and Fetid Rreath. 41 Flatulency and Indigeatioii, Nervous Affëc ticéis. (l1 EeBSive "Fatigue and Short Ereulh. "■ Pain over tu? ejres. " " Mental Üespopdfencj. '.' Prostrii'ti'oa ; (in-at 'eakness " Sallow CoiïLplexlon, Weuk Bowels, kc. , Whlch are the evidences of UVER COilPLAINT AND DYSFEPSIA It is efaiimnted that seren-tenlhs of all adult ailmeats picceed from a diseased aud turpid livor. The biliary pecretiorifi of tlie livor c vtit-flowing into the stcicach poisou the entuo systen anil extiibit the abo ve svmptoni U'ter long research, we areable to present Ihemostrcmar!;ublu cure íor se horrk1 nightmary üiseaaes, the world haaever produceü. Within on year over six huudred andlorty thousand persons have taken the PlantatióuEitterü, und nutaii mwlftnce of ccmpluint hftsi corae to our knowlcilïP ! Itisa most effectual tome and agrwable stimulant suitedto all conditions of life. The report that ït relies upon mineral aubsfances fcf ts active pmperties, are vvholly fal,se. For the pqblic sntisfaction, and tliat patiënt may consult their physici&ns, we lippend i list of it.s components. .uinJYA Bí.üK- Ce.lcbri.ted for over two hundred rearsin the treatmeflt of ïever and igue, Dyspèpiia, Wcakness, &c. It was introdued into Euro'p'e by the Oouulesa, wlfcof thn Viceroy of Peru, in 1040, and aftenvardssoM Ijv '!" Jcsnits for the cnormom pdet of t oun utlght in tiU'cr, under the uau:e of Jesvil's-Poip!crs, and ivru CnaPy made public uy Louifi XVI, Kiug of Fran.-e, Humbolt makeg sjecial reference te iisffb■ifu qualities duriugbis South American travels. CascakH-U B.tBK- Vov Dianhoea, co'.ic and diseases of the stomach and bouels. ÜAXDEtlON - For inüammition O:'the loins and drop Bical aflectiuns. t UAMOJH1.K Forenffebled digehtion, Lavéndkr Fxowkr - Aromftiac sfimulant and tonlc - iMily iavigorating iu uervbus debiUty. WlKlliiMjBKJiX- Foi' bcri.fuiB, rlieuniatisni, &c. Amse- An ardtoafle cnvniimitiie ; cieating Sesh, muscle and milk ; much used by mothers tlursing. AUs clov-'buil.s, 0Eang6j cavraway, corittndcr.snakeroot 'ki. ' S_T-1860- X. Anouier ivunuei-t'al iigrciieut, of Spaüish origiri, imjarling beauty ío tbe complexión and bnlliancy to the niind, is .vet unl:non to the commerce of the world and we ïvithbold its name for the p.osentIMPORTANT CEl'.TIFICATES. Rochssier IV. Y. Decrmbcr TS, 1861. Hessrs.P.H.PluKE &Co - Ihavebeen agreatsuffer or from Dyspepsia for three or four years and had to ibaudoa tor profession. About three motitlus ago I trifd the Plantatlon Bitters, and to my gfeat jiy, I am iiow riKiriy a v.-tll man. lli.ive recommehded theln in seviral oases, aud, ás faf as I know, ahvu.vs with bignal Tam'iespuctfuily jours, RFV J. S. CATHIIO-N'. Philadrlpkia, Wth i!onth,Vth Dav,18G2Rem'ected I'Kiii.ND :- Uy duughUr ha a betn ranch bonefittod by the use of thy Vlantation Bitters. ïbou wilt aend m : two bottles more. Tby Friend, ASA CÜEKIN. Sher?nan House, Chicago, 711. Ftb. 11, 1 Messrs. P.H. Dr,ike -(Jo. - l'leaie send us apother twelve ettáea ot' your Plantatiop Bitters. s a morning appetizcr. they üppear to have supercedea evêryahiiig else, iïn arotcreatlv esteemed. ' Tours, iic. GAGK&WA1ÍF. Arrangomentrf are nyw conipletcd to supply any deniand for tilia article, which from lack of government stampa has not heretofore been posible. Trrt public may rest assured'lhat: in no case will the perfectiy purestandaid uf the Plantation Bitters bo departed from . Every boUU bears the f ar, simile af our signature&na stitlptdteiMgTamng, oiü ca;:.1 vine. Solí fcy all DruggUtSjGrocers anJ Déniers through out the country. "' ' P. H. J2R4ÍCS & CO. 9n2a.g ' 202 BIIOADWAY.N. T. WiSIITESAW CoUÏTÏ TSSASBRIR'S ÜFHCE. PersoOS liol'Iing orders on tbe Washtpnaw Coimty Volimteers'Fumily Relie! Fund, are heieby cautioned Dot to dispose of hem lir leu tlinu the amomil tV.ey represent as thee are always paid in ccslmilCM '=' sentodattttooac noRACE CARrENTEB ' " Treasurer of Washtenaw Coünty. Am: Arlxir, Fet.34,18C4. S942. Dissoliition. FUE 'ITIM oí Slavfsim&Gcerlsíhjsdsy disaoledl)j mutual '.-oiii-ent All notes and accounts (Uie the fnm, are to be deltieü byjiipd patd to L, R. glawson as por a'rceuifciit. L. II. SLAWïjUN. J. E. GtER. Alm A.-bor, Dec, EgJ, 1863. iVotïte. rpHE GRÖCERY anü provisión business will be conI tinued'at the old stand by Slavaon & t'on. Tiie patrcnaire of the old customers and nthrr. is solicited; PLAWiÓN S: SON. Aira Arbor, Dec, L2. 18P3. Itifle Faptpry! Beutier & Tra ver, [éuccos?:ors to A. J. Suthcrlan(3f] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition 'Flasks, Pous7ies Game Bags, and Everjotber article iu ÜiatLine. All kimls r,f done at the shortest notice, and m tne best manner. a full assortmentalways kept on hand and laad e order. $gfc„ Shop oorner Mitin íialI W.shingn "trtji te. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1862. ' ' ■ g END IN yOUR ORDERS. T HE subscriber is inaking largo prep&ratiojjs t bring a very exlensive varitty of fruit trees ínto this ciiy u:i early in tlw Spfing pL i.iuy can be remo ved. " ■ I -a;H h&VG for sale, 10,000 Pear Trees, 20,000 pe Trecs. 10,000 Pfnc Trcei, 5,000 Grape Vines, Alio- alarge assortment of Evergreens, and flowei -j ar.d s'.iiiilj.'.. 'Ürttwsraav be Kent to nip lv rr.ail o olDerwiaa. T. DCBQI9. Ann Arbor, Deo. 2.1, 1S63 . 4m931. SCHOFF i MILLER A ltESTILLONHANÜ ut theirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elocjc, wit'u thotuost complete assortment of Sooks nd tationcry, PEllFÜMERIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL aND WINÜOW PAPERS, SIIADES, KOLLERS, 0OKI)S, TASSELS, GTJr COENICES, CT7BTAINS, IIOOKS AND FINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &o. Ever oÖercd in this Market ! 4" Theytriiwt Lhat tbeirlouar expeneace inselectiüg güoös forthi m;i.ili'tI uur] htrict atloDtioD to tb- wantn I of (Jv.ttotcJ;?.:r.iy i';:: (L?_: ;„ a l!braii:r 'q


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Michigan Argus