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THE OXÏIElPEST 1 -ttrittx tlxo 1. FIRE ANU INÍ,ANt1J NAVÍG.UTiJN' KI.sKS acceptod, tiow as hcn.'to'ote, at ti'.ir rates nnd übsral cunditiims. 2. BUSINESS COKDUCIED with comtant (ïiepatoh and uccuracr . , 3. LOSSES always met with promptnesa and complete jusüce. IVet Awcts, JaVmary 18G4, 4. THE PLAN ANO ORGAN1ZATIOV of Che STNX, aftar 45 yeara aeywe trial, bas rea)Izei the greatest public advaniage and auccess of tlie various sy sterns ni Fire Insurai cí1 in the countn Is now betlev than evei prepared for cluty, 5 16,OCO Lo s Claims hnv$ been pettied and p&id- ■ SIX1KKX V.Ü.LTON OFJ)OLLRS ! :' " 6. THK COXSü.MPTi.ON OF PROPERTY BY TiRIC. In the United States art irgen owr ]CO,üiX) daily. Is your propérty exposöd and oniHutectetl? 7. ARE YOÜÍNSüREE If not, why not? The cst ia ' trifling; tbe daty is maniítíHt; thé result m::y he youröscape froui ruin- wbjle K4aj and teglect niay ïuvolveyou ín poverty or cruel diappointiüi-ut. 5. FABÏ1G0LAK ATróiTION and regard is given to sm:ill rliiks ál wW ft8 large ones. Able socuzity and superior commercial advaatagea afí'orded. J'olicies issued without delay. Qiliin2 S. AX5T2L., Agent. FURNITORE BOOMS One door Xo:th of Kidon ktiJ llciïderfcn's Hardware Sttre. TPliê unc.erhigned lmving pur:hap.ed the entire stock 1 of W. I). Smfth & Co., and ftrlded largly to the san e, Ís prepared tq fui r.i.-!i bis faeoclJj snd' palrona' a 'g'obd assortíHt'QL ui' vcll íaade fuiiiii,ureycopsistiijg'of'' ■ , í;oeas, bureaus, BEOSTEADS5 BOOK-CASES S TABLKS and CHAIRSfJ of aíl kinds, and ia fací oí evepytlilng pertainiagto the busintsa. L O U JV G E?. MATRASSES, &c, &c.,ïnade to order Ly göod and experionc:d r,-orkmen, 'aiiiJ wáríant éd to , j öatisfactiou. ilü aido kíeepa a goóá assortmenl of Cherry and Walnut Lumber for sale at reaionable prictió. Au-] -wïn aïso par the hïglieat majïtet priq.ÏOï Cheriy. Waipiíí, í;nd VVhite Wood Lumbtr. P. S. He lias also purchased tbe new and ELEGANT HEAESE! of Smitb &Co., and ispn-parod to farni'sh all kinds of Wo?d CoffinvS, Mefalie Cases, AND CASKETS, On the shortest notioe. Alsq &tten4fi to laying out áeceaafd persons duy and Dight, without charge. AU furniluve delivered ie the city freo o! charge, W. U, EENHAM. Ann Ailjor, Januarj ISA, 18C3. 940tf BRADBURY'9 INeyy Scale Piano-Fqrtes. UNPKECKDENTED SUCCE8S I SE VEN FIRST PKJZES1 Receivod within four treiks: From New Jeraey State; : Fiiir, at ratter.-on, N. J ; from New Vurk'State Fair at ÜtiottjN, y.; from Ohïo State Fair, at Cleveland, 0,; PenBsylvn.iki Stte Fair', t Norristown Pa.; ïllinois titule ïmr, at IJucatur, 111. ; In luim State fair, aí'indíánapolií!, Ind. ; frea tl 3 , .!■:■'., ui Ins-iiiute Fair in New York - Judgea ; 'Ööttschalk, Berg, Beamee, and V. H. Brown. The .rollowing noté Waa received from one qf the jurors : . Wm, H.' r-KADBUijY . Doar Sir ; You have received he Gold Medal ! I congratúlate you upoñ boingtlié successiul competltor for the FIRST PKIZE GOLD MEÖALfor the BKsT PIANO FORTJC, at tbc Fair of the American Institute at tii Academy of Music. Your' instvumiits fí;li,y mkrit this award for tneir riclily beautiiul, voluminous tone - so puwerful, VCl BO BWCCt." GOTTSCIIALK, The celobratecl Pianist. Rítyá of theni : "I have examioed Rith ureat cake Jlr. Wm. B. Bradbury's New ?calk Puno-Fobtiw, andit is iny opinión tliat Üiey aro vtry aipereor instru?nents . Tthave especially n ■: i . slnp, and the power, purity, ncnnósfl and equality-oi their tone. I recommond. thoreforej I hese instrumenta to the pub lio in general , and doubt not of tin ir ■ ■■ L. M. GOTTÖCHALK, New York, Juiy 12, 1863. The most emneot of tho musical profesaron of New York i-.r, ■ ■ ■ ,;,iu i'led U'stinaouials in favor oí tB n . :-■ i . .- . Send ior a Circular. BRADBITHYNo 42' Brotare .St.,N. Y. ÜBÜ P. B ACH Has received A. LAEGE STOOK -OFF All AND WINTER 600DS ! IXCI.UDING ïaATSST STYLES -OFShawls, IDress G-oods and everything for Ladies & G-ent s W"ea . ■ - Q GüING ]?A$T-F0R CASH ! O 1 Cali arid. See ! Anü Arbor, Ooi. 1863. A Farm for Sale. SITÚA ïED sixinUe;; North of Ann Arbor. Bsfd farm ._ cóntBi#f 12á aeren. On Ibp prcmifcw are good buildingB, h fice orchard nad a living stream. It !■ j kuown af tho i'.osccrens fHim. H wül be sold cbeap, inö toxcis et pajmect aaade íCnauire "f . .. -F o o w 9 'T) 1 i5" YR. JOHN J. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL 0R6PS THE GREA.T FEMAIE REGULATOR, jre tho only known rrmeuy tliat will suc essfully and invariably restore and rcgu ate the feinale system, r'moving all irreguanties, and producing health, vigor and treugth. Lyon's Periodical Drops Are n fluid p.-eparation, the only one oí t!ie dnd ever 'disoovered in ibis coucti'y, una acts diveptly on t ríe parts affeeted, hitst ia aSid powdcrs can ouly rench them as .bey Tvork thrcugh sympathy. but not at all direct and positiva Are you suffci'ing from a eoustant anxiely 'ur the regular return of nature's prescribed ,aï's V Give youraelf no uneasiness, for Lyon's Feriodieal Drops, it taken a day or two bcíorcthe expected peiiod, will positively and invarinbly regúlate its coming, as sure as eflwt follows cause, as certáin as daylight followa daikne8S Are you sick enfeebled by dieetise, or unable to bear the labor and danger of lifcrease? Lyon's Periodical Drops Come to you as a blessing, for is not prevention better than cur.'? II' regularly tnken it is a eertain preventivo, and will save you mueh peril and many hours pf suffering. Have yon bee afflietsd for many years with eomplainta incident to the sex, 'tliat have baffled the ekill of phyaicians, and are hurryingyou pa to aneady grave? Lyon's Periodical Drops Are the most reliable regulator over tnovrn, and cure, like magie, all thoe irregularitiea tiint linve defied thedoctor's skill Willyou waste away with sufferins: from Leucorrhoan, Prolapsus, Dysmenorrboen, and a thousand other difficulties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and-obstrueted nature, wheu on iuvestment of one doilarin Lyon's Periodical Drops will surely aaveyou. Do not use the.Jrops when forbidJen in the clirections'pfor although a püsitive cure, and hannk'ss at all other'tiuiia, ihey ure sa po'.verlul and finely calculated'to acjnst and govern the funetions of the sexual orgajiisrn. that if taken at improper times, they .vould pro duee results contrary to H8ture, agsiinst whieh all, partieularly those whu -would re1 roduce, sbould eftrefully guard. yon's Periodical Drops Oannot havm the most delicate constituUon at any time ; yet the proprietors wish tü guard ajainst rts misuse, hoping that a thousnnd bottlea will be used for a good pur[iuse wherc oüc is used tor an illegitimate orití. Lypn's Periodical Drops, I the never-fr.:ling Femalo Regulator, is for cale by epctíy Druggist, in botli ci;y at.d country, and do not. if you valué yonr íiealih and wish for a rtliablo medicine, buy any other. Tiike no other, but if the Druggisl, to whoin you apply hns not &oí it, fnak Lim s?nd and gel it for you." C. G. CLARK &CO., Profrietohs, New Haven, Conn. At WhGlesale by D. S BARNES & CO., Nw Yo.-k. GEO.p POOBWIN CO.,'Bo9t.on. FARHAND, SHELEY fe CO., I'etroit. O o m $ híj ■ ú g & b isa' BufFaïo Testimony. the riTTRl? Cures PEOPI.K'3 JJ ÜÜJ Kheumatlsm. "I way troublt i vFïth Rbeuni.,tÍBm for tivo jeartj, su (Tering ioreor lesa overy day. I havo taken tv,o bol 1 ! -; oi' tl.c 'í'en:"5 ''ull-j' ond have not had any pain sílice Ileftitoiï more Ihan four "weeks ago. I c.neider mypclfiifi cñlirely cured, ard the medicina haa ïa&Citi ine feel very ligbt and good- just lito u young man thouh 1 ara bíxty two reara oíd. QODf REY eCHEÍlí'Kt, 02 ïLiigan St," "M!y vífehas beao suiT. riiig frcm Rheumatinn üf an inllammatüry charactor lor afjout síxor seren yenta fiOinetims r&vy aantely. Aboutthofirst of June laiít she eommenced tating the 'Peoplo's Cure,' j?,nd contiuuod to tafce H Home three irepks ín ton dys aftor she coromencedj tiie Bweliing md htifTiiess of lwt iaiata very riliieriatiy Ie38eñed, and in three weku k?.l liwppearea aitngptno. , ■ "THOMAS rOIXOCK, (at XV. H Glenay ' "BufTalo, Octobs? 1, 1862," f PKOFUEiS lv UKfi Fever Sores. I(Tvo cf oneuf thcm afïlicted witu i ba-1 Fevei Sorc. otbet wifh lílieunialisin- having ."iiiL'ht of the 'Peoplo's Cure' in thia iapr . purcbtised thi Medicine , and now, after ha ving hor uugbly triod ii, rfiport to ti8,ccmtnending It most jèartily as a th'ojcough remedy in their case. - Editora Ckn.stiaii Advócale. THE r"1T'ÏT Í7 Ci!rM Diïtia9ea LE'8 yV itP.j d? the Skin. l(My ffl ñas for moro thaji ten yeára beengxeaty disflgered hy eru; ' antfijuiicbefi, which at timeq eïended over mj yíh.túfi'boéy ,avd unceir tl ree dn ja made me entfrelj blind ; bui fijyving taken tvo bottlea oftbe'Pei t-'iy acquaintu&ces ha-dlj' recog&He me - Inátfed I hardly kuow n.I am now u vuil i:ii'.;i. 1. e alikg affiKeted try Uia , L';;re,iiiu 11 , ■ [rea by the Sanitor? Society- aod I tliïn!; tboy vill not begrudge theJr July i.;r. '.70-KiT nOUIÏ, Turner, Mr.'cbanïc 8t ' '■BuiTalu, Kuv. V. tk rTT ï T? Cures Mcíp,'nia & PKOPJX'S l;U lyili aaltRheftm. ''I yc lis'ïJ the 'l'ropk-'s Curo' in ny farajly vrït. great beüêüt, n ca -e-i of S rofula anJ rtaiE Rht-iiiiiaud U;ive recomraoadetl it frerjuf-utly to raj f 'ientU, m ói vvbom I believe ba va beea Ucuefitted, and most oi ibeift anllieiy uxtd bv It. CínS.LCíI.riT, 2T3 3fAinSt.fnp-fiUIrs I -IE f T T I) T.1 Cures Female n.Ül LE'3 Kj U 1 V Ui WeakneweM. "I have Leen ín foeble lietiliii fvtr sinue the birth of my boy, whö is doív tv.-e've y pats oíd. I have had many truublêtJ ah3 aifficultíes9 ail thia timej unütting me for efei ykind of labor, and destroying all ïny com1 fort, ïtat aammeï I coiamenced taking the Teop.lo'a Cure,' nd n'ae ustd fuur bullida, and ani now clmuiit a wïl fetrtnatt. My difítóuliefi hare ucarly hII disappcarcd, and I feei obeerlul and hi ï. CATH RIKE IïEWALD, Dressmuker, UoodfU Alley, abgvoTupper at. 'Oïaffalu, Oct. 'Q,lïG2,li , . tuk rT!TT? Curefl IfiS3 oill0r rr.O: r,;,:S Vv U S iLi me.licrne-faii;.. r ":.!■ wife hasbeettitippor healthfor a long tii#í. h&ving frequent ly fü callaivlirsïcien to attend her; but SbO wAfi recently rery mach worse. Tor live or air weeksshead no appetite, loblallher stn-n-ih, and waseach day grevrxng wotse, íbe liad nïgbt sveata, I deat duving each njht an.1 conïidera]jv (íuiíq . ■ d we all supposed sbe wus goiDg ;lï with the consunaptioni when h triend adyised her to' takéthfr'PeoplesVCure. On 'taking the medicine sbe percaived a chacge at Oa the thlrd day ie ïiad recoveio-:! her appetíte, and whs faVt regaining he?; strength, uutil, on tbc c-ighlh ïay,' not yet havlug' ken (iue bottle, s-lie lias stoppea taidng the medicina saying slie was ps rell as anybod cojild bc, and she has contíiiuedsoevor : ., ., ' "PAUL KLEIN. Öardaeri 83 Pearl at. 'fBüfialo,Octobepl}-18eá, . jO" or Pae by all Dru 02-yl C. 'CIïOSBY, General Agent, No. 2r,5 Mam fit., -BtüTalo, X. ï"., to 'hom ail ofderfj ahould be uddressed. For Salo by SraBBBM & Wjlso.v, Gre.vvilli: & Fcllek, and LbLiiBAcii L Co. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ' 4 The attontïon and research of the most d'Stinrüish'ed Cbetntata and ïhysicmns for years have been deyotsd to the production of a r;inedy for thc&Q 'lies NktraiOia aml Riiecm.t,su ■ After long gtu'iy and njauy experimenta, a spccijic prepa.ra.iwn has I . N 'S Neuralgia King, fin IvtwiioA ?ewicify,ïL curiüg thousauds of cases whefö all other remedies havo uttei ly faÜc-J. We ara assuifciKhai i is no tgere '■ AVODYNE," elievjng for lite moment the cause rémaiiré, but is a perfecs iPECIFlOand Cl ! ! lose j lint al diseases. The vast numfcer -■ caiions and Ex.iemai stnr.;ihmi 3 of the onlyf ■ .. ■rr'iyin their eltects and of doubtfui rirtue The M.Uï.ALi-IA KUTG reachea the souroe oí tes the disease irom thesystem, Priee- One ïolla'r por Eottle. Prepare hv C. R. WALKER, lv?22 Buffalo, N. Y., uú Fort Lviy, C, W. For Salo hy Stebeixs & Vjl?cn, Gbexville & 1 L'U-ee, and 0. Kd j;a." S Cj . A1ÍE YOU INSUEED ? IF NOT CALI ON O. 3EE. 3&CXXZaEïlW, jeuí for thü foliowifig H.-.--1 clans Companies, Home Insurance of New York, Caii Cubital over One zn a Ilalf ilillious Dollars, CONTÍNENAL INSURANCE CO. Oí N'ew Tnik, Cigital !'■■ 1 p nf l'ollars T:i tb3 Company the lusurrtl lai-liciiati) in the profiig. pX'rX' FIXÍ.E XsTS-, CO-, ftf 1T. Capital over Thiv ■ Uu líífcd Thonsao'a Dollnrj. r, ,;. Mir.i.KX. gp.-jt! Mato ,- 1 ! i Anii .rbor. WmÊÊÊMiaiMmiMÊ Sai Tobacco! TobaeeoK 'I SK1.L1NOÖQQDj-1-NK OÜÏ CHEWING TOEAC'CO ; " Atfrom FiftiJ cents (o 1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Trom lí ccTirs to '20 cents per jiound at rtiail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arb. r,,Mioh., Do-. 17, la''J. 663tf. IJiss-öïTitJO! IVíitice, rrvHE.FIBM OF BIAI'IN, WoOn .V CO., was diss.-lTjJ ♦J-Jdiiuar-N 16, 16tt3, hymutunl crnreut. C. A. CKÍipm and A. H. Vood wíll scltle theacooun'-s of, tiifffihjñ'. C. A. ('II-MIN, A. 13. Woun, V Ob i Wrus. Alia Arbor, June 24. lfnP,. TTK V e I into i rirtuerfchip Jq,. 16,lWi ■ tme of Chupín & Co.,and 1 wíll .cotiüu ■ iuess ni' miiaufactuving pj-intinjif and Wrnppmg pap . mjmC. A. Cüapi: K, Chaptit, V. f'lIAPi V. Ann Ai-Sñ-, , uïft C-t, lc.6ö 910tfV' ;: he 5th flay of December a CffW nnd CAiF. The : vyQqw abo-ut sis jí'ars oíd, red nud hite, ;and the ■ Cnlf íibout f-ix tnonths olri - a Htifor. Tho ownc.r ísrebe4 'o prove proerty, pay charges and said ICOAH STEVFNS. I.-:-, Jan. Wth;JSt?4. 6w939. ■ Ayei-'s Ag-us Cura. ;.


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