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TÍIr: American Collecting Agency, No 240 Broajway, New York. Claim- of all kiads a traint t the fteuera Uoverntpeat State in-vern neut. i he í.:iTy , or private partios, prosecuted and collucted ;ii ?&y ezperat and risk .:iin-t private partíea 1 poprapa superior facilitíes for collecting claims evejwhera in thi L'nited States airl Cañadas, relievíug mrchatts. assigofies, banken anrt ntlierH, o f the caí e and all rosponflíbillty-j ypeciiti tttontion fuiven to old debLs, hard cases dl vorrss, jvills, esta tes, etc. Baiag fam ilkir wtbh, all ibe iletail. af the " fnlirnal Rtwutue ifiic," 1 will ittend prowatly to tUe ootlention of drawbiclis, and taxea odi-jjid thxoiÉgk %vnfá ce of the !av. Soldierw' pensions, pay, anbounty secure! fort hem at theirhfirs. For that purpose, aml for proseoating claims againflt the (ovejcomen.t, I have a braach oOice it Washington. No charge made uulet;s claima ure collectsd. All ötóirs driieJïariifd by reasnn of wounds hrwever shor' the timothey have served - are ontitled to On Hundred Iioliarti Bounty. All soldiers baviugserved two ye&rfl,ar eutitled to the same. t& The highpRt markei prica will be paid for sol. dior.s' claims, and ütlier demands againet the (ieneral Govornmect. Information and opinión" given, and investigation raadft löithnut charge, upon clüims proposedto be placed in my hands. For partieulars. addres H. HÜNTINGTON LEE SOOtf No, 2 JO Broadwav , N. Y j laege stook: ORËSS 600DS, LATEST STYI.ES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS. 3TIITE SHAWLS Of the N'ew Fattro, CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Of all kind fot th Wintrá Trade, now optoiag at C. H. MILLEN'S. lí. B - This is the eooni Arr'val oL Fall and Winter Soods, antfwHI be offeiid'at close figures. l'Iease cali 9i2tr r. h. m. {löüüx &HEJüLRSOiN 33 TT O ÏSL E3 3S CRASIS DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springiieki, Ohio. 'lIIK VERY I.ATEST IMPRÜVEMENT, and betterthan X all others; ulapied to suwing Wlieat, Kyef Oata, Barlcy antlGrass eed. Ist. Jt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Chain and Orass Seed. 3(7. liever hunches the Orain áth. Never breaks the Gi ain. bth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast beMndthe Drill. Gth. Has high wieels and long Hoes. Ilh. Has long and wide steel points. 8th. It has a land measure ov Sy,rveyor. 9th. It has dovMe and single rank drills. 10A. lt has a self adjusiing simt off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Priil offered ín the marlíet but can boast of mora ur Ies3 "F1EST PREMIUMS?' Tbey are u bout as imiisci-iminately bentowyd ad the title of " Profefittor," whiab is Hometimew ppliert to the 'ifiddler'' (ir li bootblack.7' They cuay to convt-y tlie itlcji oimr.rü. The líuekeye Drill lj,a.s been an KxUiMtion at quiten nuuibtT of Staíe&n.i Cumity Kuir.s, a rul seeking favor at the hanis of any Committee, hun roceived its full ahare of Pïttnrianu TESÏIMOJS'IALS : Wp ive the foilowing name of a, few Fai-mers in th's viciuity wao have Uought and sed tlieBuckcyeDrill : Gofrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Polberaus ' .[.nobTremper, " Thomas White, North field. John lirokaw, l( Cliristian Kapp, ' Kthvard Boyden, Webster, Jamos Troít'lweli, Aun Atoi Daniel O' liara, " ♦ John G.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Kdmovts, Saline. Georgo Qfopioj, Gretn Oak, Liv. Co. ü arepita Agenta for tUe Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tr be the very best in use. "Wc are juafc ia receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sll Clienp. Also alargeassortment o G-rass Scythes. And the largest and best selected etock of BENT STTJJ F FOR CARRIAGEPever before offered n this market We aisü luep a large iim) full mm m pmi NAILS, 6LA8S, l'UTTY, PAlNT,and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, AVD KA VE THOUG'JSalways on ljaníl ttud pul up atllie shorteht notice. RISDON & HENDKRSON. Ann Arbor, June 29tb,182. tjöUtf Oyul Picture Frames AUSIZES.STYLES d PB1CB3 qust rocelvud ni túrbale chtaj'at CHOPF & MÍLER'S. 180C, Dw.íf , ' ;W;f THB ALL SUFFICIENT THHEE, THE GREAT ': AMERICAN REMEDIES," Kiiowii as "Helmbold's" GSWÜIISE PREPARAÏIOWS, VI Z.: - HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " Bl'CHU," " KAIÜUI'ARII.LA, IMPROVE1) ROSE WASIi. II ELMBOLU'S GEN-ÍNE PPEPARATION, CONCÉNTRATE' D COMPOUXD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specifie Eemedy, For Diseasea of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AN DKOPMOAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Incre&se th pmrer'of Mimtioi a.n1 exc.tes the into hmikhv acti ni? 1 '" „'lïïi HELMBOLD'SFXTRACT BÜCKÜ FftR WEAKXESSCS Ariaiftg from ExceRses, Habita of Dissipntion Eai'iy Iniliscretion, or Abuse, AITENDED W1TII THE FOLLOWIXQ SYMIOMS : Indisposition to Kxertiou, L'saüf Power, Lou of Memory, liil'aculty of üieathing tt e, . k Norres , Trembling, Horror ol B.saaao, Wukef ulttess , Dimnetss of Vision. Paiu u the Back, Uuiversal Lassitude of tho Flushinf af the Body. Muscular bystem, Etuptlon on the Ka'ce Hot Hands, pauid Couotenauce. I'ryuesa of tho Skin. These sjmptoms, I' allowed to go on, whieh this medicine tnr&riably removes, soon follow IMP0TENCY.F4.TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS Ir. onc of whiehthe patiënt may expiie. Vho can say that theyaio mt freijuently followod by tnoso ''ditiíful disea.-es," Insanity and Consumption, Many areaivareof thecaufo of tlieir nuOoring, but none uill confesa. The records of tho insane Asylums ani the melanchcilydeaths by Cuasuiuiitiun, beamnipl witness to the 'rutii of tho assertion. TUE COXSTITUTIOX, OMPE AFFECTED VTITH ORGAN'IC V?EAKXEíá, Requlre tho aid of medicine to sircuathi-n and invilt ratethesystem, which HELM hOLli'S EX PXACl Bí7(.Í7invariably doe. A tria.' wül cos nuce the most bkeptical, Females, Feinales, Females, OLD OR YOÜNG, SIXGLE, MAR1UED, OR CON TEJIi'LATI.VG MAP.RIAGE, In many affections peculiar to Fem;iles the Extract Bacbu is uuequalled by any otber remedy , as in Chlorosia or Uetention, lrregularity, Painfnlness, or Suppresiou of tbe Castomary Evacuatiuns Ulcerated ', .I""'l'olIB "tate ut' the Uterus, Leuconliea, 01 Wfiltes, Sterility, and for all complaints iuclck'nt te the ex. whethsrarlsing froin ludiscietiuu, Uabits uf Dissi j)atioQ,ür iu tho Declina or (Jhango of Lifo. SEE 8Ï3UTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOUT IT. Takeuo Ralsara, Merourv, or Unpleaaant Medicine for Unpleasant aud Dangerous üiseases. ilELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCflü CURES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; litUe or no cliange ín diet ; no incimveaience, AND NO EXPOSUKE. It causes frequent desive, and gives strenpth to Urinate, therebyrfnioving obstructioos, preventin aud eurinirStrictures of the ürelhra, alia y ing pain and intl;imraitiu::, so froQueni in tbis cias of díeeaoe, and expellinft POISONOUS, DISEASED AND WCHN OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUAOK8, And who have paid HEAVY FEES tobe curerh'n a short Urne, havefouud they weredecived,andthaí tlie "Poisnn" bas, by the use of "Powerful AatringentH," been dried up in the systeui, to break out ia ag &ggr vated term, and PEÏUIAPS A fier JH4.RIH AGE. ü-ai Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all AtTections and Diseases of Tlie TJrinary Oigans' Whethcr existing ip AMÍ-? OR TEDÍALES, from wtiatever oause origiiiatisg, and po matter OIT H(W LONG STANDING. Diaeases of tlieuz Orgaus require the aid of a ülrniíTic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GKEAT DIURETIC, And it ís certain to have the desirud effect in all Dï ueaaes, for whicb it is recouamended. 1ÍLOOD ! BLÖÖD! 1ÍLO0D! Helmbüld's Higbly Cfinconlrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an aUectiort of the Blond, and attacbsttie iexuii ürgiins, LtningS of the Noee, Kars, Tlnoat, W indpipe, and otter Mucus ?urt'acfs, in;ikmpr itg appearauce in the fotm of Ulcer.s Helmbold'n Kt.;ut barfparülH pur i ík s the Blood, and remove 4 all Scaly Kruptiuns of the Skin. giviüg to the Complexión 1 Clear and Healthy (_'ulor. ]t beitiR prepared expreaaly i'ortlii-s class of oomptaintB, iv iluuil-Vuriíyiuír Properties ure preservad to a greater extent tian any ether preparation oí Sareaparilla. Helmbold'sKose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Di.seases of a Hyphiltic Nature, aud is an injectmn iu Diseas oE the Oritiary Urgans, arising frem liabit of dissipation, usttl in conneotiou with the KxtractH lïucbu aud Sarsaparillu, iu auch diseases as recoinmeiulfd. Evidence of themoüt responsible anü reliablechacacter wil! accuinp;iny the medicines. CERTIFiíCATEiS OF CUMES, Frnm eight to twenty yenrs standing, witli namen knownto SCI E IS7 CE AND FAME, For Medical l'ronertiesof gWCfttf, see Dispensatory of the United States. See l'roies.sor ï)EWEESy valüable worka on the Practice of Phyak See rematksmadd by fhe laie celebrated Dr PEY91CR , Phifatdelphia. See remarkf made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOlVELL, a celebrate-d l'Iiysician, and iWembor of the Roy) ColIea;e of Siirgeons. Iieland, and publislied in tlie Transuctionf) of the KinaHd 'ueen's .Joiiina!, See -Uodico-Cir-ryical lU- iw, publislied by BENJAMIN TRAVEÜ&, FeUMv of the lioyal College oí Surgeona. Pee most of tbe late Standard Works on Medicine. ElTUXCT BUOHÜ, $1 (0 l'KB BoTTLE, Olí fi)X FOK S5 CQ l SARSAVARIfXA 1 CO ; 5 00 Improvku Iíosk Wasii, 50 lj ♦ 2 50 Ot half a dozen of Met) for .$1200, wbi.-b wiil BufBvienf to ture the most obstinate casea, i'1 directitns are adherecí to ,')elivert.'d to ay address, securely pacbed Iromob-erv;tion . fëp? Pescribe symptoin. n all Communications.- Ourea guaranteed. Adviée gratis. A Ft IDA VIT. 1'ersonally appeared beíow1 iípan Aldernan of the city of l'hüadelplra j II T. rlKi.Mfuim, who, bejng duly mvorn, tiotb say, bis pn-parations contain DO'lWroatic, no m.-rury, or other injurious drugs, out are purely vegetable. II T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscfibed befnre me, thia 23d day oí KoremSt'r.lfitt4. wm (. lliliAlil"). Aldernifin. Nin1h-ntreet,'alMve ii)ictj. l'hila. Address Lettcru fop inforniiilion in conlideiu-e. H. T. HKIIHOLD.Chemit Depot 104 South Tenth-street jbelow CLestuut, l'hila. BEWARE OV mUNTfSRFEITS AM t'NI'IÏIXCIPLKI) DFALKRS. Who endeavor to cliepone " OF TI1FÏIÏ (IWN " and "other" art c lef on the i epuinfon ittained by Jjiiilmbold's Gepuint' Prèparnijoos, " M Ktract Buchu, " " Sarsapnrilla, " " Improved Kose Wash. Sold by all Drupgipt evTy wbere. ASK FOR HELMKOLD'S-TAKE NO OTHER, Cnt out the fulvejttiflement, nnd ffrd for it, AND Ai'$iÜ lHjOHITKS XP XXPOSÜHS.. . I am Bound íor IGÜITERiMKO'SI Dispute tli e ííict íf yon can, It tafees the TAILOR affcer all to give appca,rance to the onter man. If you wlsh to appear well You must accordingly JLres3 Well. So to M. Guiterman & Co's,, The re you will fiud thingH exuctly SO i SONB HEIMaU-aya ready to takc your mensure, GÚITERJIAN will sell you Goods with great pleusure, At figuren LOWER than you will find n ho State, 'J'ako hued - call eauly, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are uow greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and olever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oettino üp, Fiiling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especrally will find it to THEIH ADVANTAGK, For it tafees but LITTLE MONEY to repleníuti. 1500 OVEltCDATSof Cloth, Eeaver, und Bear, Warraüted for ahuost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOltTATiON. Forw arded through our New York relations. From Enghmd, Belgium, Gormany and Frunce, Sueh as yon can siakd up ín, or weau, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Paiils ! ! ! Faney CASSIMERE3 and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell thein hom ONE DOLLAR up U) EIGHT. VETS, &c, of pvery dcscriptïon, You wil! fina it su without tietion, Furnishinsj apparet.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITKRMAN. A Co,. O. BXtlSS WouVl take thifi metlinj of informing his old fviends and patrons anil all others whu may tavor him with tlieir patronage, that hehas gryatly eoïarged Lis Stock and Assortmeiit ! and having adopteil the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜY1N6 &SELLING is preparert to sell at JCf, easonablp Price, His slock coiwlsts u pur )i ciit; füllowing: g_ AMERICAN AND 0TI1ER Watches! ÜI? ái TLe Cek'brated "fcarSfe" SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLliliY ! 'azors, SheafRj ScissorR and Brushea, BOGKRS PLATEDWAEE, the best inmarket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Penciis, PAPE iiv! E.WKI.Ol'Ki, Musical Instruments, Stringt S{ Bnnks fir Instruments, of Gold, Silrer, Slerl. and Plattd, ickk PERISCÜPICGLASS, a superior article Persons iiaving diffiQuli w.-itehes to fit with glasses an be ficcumudated, as uiy stock ús Larga'and comjlete, P. S. Particular atlentton to tfie REPAIRINa orall kinds of fine H'atclits, sucli as Making and Setting new Jewels, Piiiions, Sr-afs, and C'jlhiders. AIs.9 CliOCKS, Sc nETWIEH.IFrXleatly repairetl and war-auted, at liis otd staudeast ide of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor.Nov. 25, 1802 826ti Por Hnts. Hice, .'umin-i. Anís, R il Bugs, Molli I ii Fuij, Woolcns, &c. Ijittls un I'Iuu's. Fowis, Animáis dj " Only mrllibl remi-dies known." " Free (rom polroq." " Not (iing.ji,u. ú, tbe i Tu ni i i) FamJIy." "Katí ooms out ot tlieiv lmlc tp dio." 4Sp Suld Wliolf-snU' in i!l larji' c tM, JStr :-,,l(l l,v ;,ll [)mi(K3ta ,-tü.l Hetiüleraevurywliere. J3h I I i.i kawakk ! ! ! ofall worthlesl initiitions. J-8' tliat 'Cimm'í':." i'.mir s ,m eiicli l!u. ücittleunil, licTtn-í' v m tmy 9-Addrosa HESÍIY II COSTAR. i'iincipal D,.v, t, No. 4SS Brciailwa.v NTew Yirk. í" .- c ï i by al) tlieWhu)eal6Knd Ki-iail Druesists, Aun Arl.or. Mich BlSm3 Jer's garsaparílla, '


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