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BOOTS &SHOES! NOBLE & RIDER, ilavejust receivotlattlie old stand of W, S Sauc ders, ately oceupied by W. S. Smith, A LARGE STOCK OP BOOTS fc SHOES, OF THE BEST QUALITY! Wbich tliey inropose to soü at LOW PEICES FOR CASH. THEY ALSO MAKE MD REPAIR, To Accoiumodale ('usiomers. Please cali and e amma ih'Av stock líefore Purchasing Elsewlicre '..■UYREXCE NOBLK, CHARLES KIDKH. Aun Arbor, Sejjt. 9th, IS63. tiO22 GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAKGA1KS EVER OFFERED i 859. JSjSSÜ InthiaCity.arpnowbeingnfferedat ie CHEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & Jew elry S& tesare THESiibscrlberwouldsny tot-iieciEizenfof Ann Ar bor.i.. particular, mul fr.e rest of Wmhirnnw Cnuntv ineennra), thnl hehasiuat lMPORTFn ni RECTLY from KUKOPK.a '"" Tretnendous Stock nf Waf ches! AU d( ybicii in bindsbimsHI'tctell CHKAPFIÍ than oan be boupht west nf New York City OpenFnce Oylindcr Watches (rom Bfí to S]0 do do Lever do do 8 to 01 HuntingCase do do do 14 to 5 do do Cylinder do do 9 to óo Gold Watehes from Qy to ,Zn I have alao tbe CËJLEBRATJ3D AMEEJCAN WATCHES which I wlll seïi Ut 835. Ewïjr Wateh warrantbd to períorm weíi.ortlic money retundud CJccks, J.ewelr.y, Pinted Ware, Fancy Goods. ooid pen, lueicallustruments aD strin. Outlery, &, ' ud lnfactBvariety of everythine uually Itept y jew. elere can be boughtt'orthe next ninety days nt your O W N PEICES! Vrsons buying anything at this weil known estabïelime t can rely upon gettine goods. exactly as renesented.orthfiinoney refuna.-ri. rallearly and seure the best bnrgains ever offered in tbif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are prepared to make any repair onBne or comnon Watchea, evento mdkin?oer the entire wach : necessary. Ropairing of Clocks and Jewelrp as' 8Ual. Aleo the mamiacturinz ot RINGS BROOCHS r auything den ired, from California Gold ongbor'tnoice. EngrayipB in allitsbraüchesexeented withneatnessanddispatch. AonArbor, Jan. 28th 1859. ' 7L4w THE EOOTS AND THE LEAVES 'ILL be for the Healii-g of the Nationfi. Bible. Prof. n. 3-, LYOKTS, THE GREAT AXI) CELEBRATED l'HVSICl VN of tbc niKOAT.LUN'GS, HEAKI,UVhR A.VD TUK BLOUÜ, Koowu all over tbecountiy as the CELEHIlATlvD II"I3I A.KT HEK.B DOCTOR I Of 282 Superior Strest, Cleveland, Ohio. W.ll visit the foüowing placr.s, iz A?."OI.ï.IKNTsroK 1862. 1803 an.l 1S64. 'rof R. J. l.v,,u, eau be cousulted at the followiag jlaces cvi-y montb, viz: Hetruit. KiiNSfl llmii-f. c:eh inimll), 1 8 1 li ;inrl 19tb. Aan, Monitor Hnyse, mül4 lontb, 20tb. .ïiickson, iliubara House. iHch mimtb, 21. Adrián. Uraclet House, each luonth 2'M and Ü3d. Toleilu, OJilo, Culhns House, each montb 2th 5th andiiiith. ' ' Hillsdak, Mrc'i., Hülsilale House, each month,27th Coldwatr, MicU., Southern UicUigiin House each nionth, 2Sth. l'.lkbart. Klkbnrt House, pach month. '.'ütli. South BcïirI, Ud., Si. ,).,. lintel, each month, 30. Lapnrtc, Ind., Tee Uardeu ilousc, eaeli month 31st. Wnoster, üliio, C'iunilL'Il Kxchaiiírc, eucli monta Ttli undgth. Manslitld, Ohio, Wüer House, each montb, 9th and lOth. ïft. Vernon, Kenyon House, each monlh, llth an.l l'Ali. Xcwark, ühio, Iloltun House, e.ach month 13th anil 14 th. l'ainesville,Ohio, Ctnvlc.' Hnu5e,eacb month, 4th libtVELANÜ, lUllil. RraiOötOK ANli OFFICE, 282 SUPEUIOll STREET. Eist of the public sqiuue, oppppite ibe PostoCöc Otficn d;tvs eacli umiuUi, Ist. Öd, 4ili,5lli, (th, 1Ui - Oflïcu boiira from 9 A. Vi. u j. M, aud frum 2 I'. M. td 4 t'. M. OntiunÜHy from 9 tw lü A. M.t and 1 to 2 P. jHP'MaxiBiatitrieTlj uihoieil toj tfïv BUeli balmius have no strife Vitii mitureor Htffü"öf lift, Witliblooilniy liaii'lsl nev r lain, Norpoiison men tnease tlieirpnin. II? is a physician indeed , uho Curas. iiie muían lier. Hoctr, K. J . 1, uXt?, cures the fol luw ing oofDp'iatutalntlifi most obstinate staree off tbeir exisunc-, vi,: Disèasesof thefïiroat, kiints, fleurt, Liver. Stoiuacli , Drppsy in theCüesfr, Rbeifmatism, Neuralgia , Fits, or Fallí Dg -icliix ss.iuiil di othur iiTV'us'UTiitinnf ut.-i. A l.o ü 11 iiisc;isc - ol' Ihc blood such as Scroi ula , Krysip. elas, t'ancers . Fever .Sores, Leprusy, aud ;ill other cunijlir;itr.' ohronic coBipIafnÍH Ail fuma uf ifinulc liiilicultios atiended to witïi the banpifiKt resulta. It is boped tíiat ao one wil) dispatr of a cure until tliey have iven tbf Imlian Herb líoctor's Mt-tlii-incs a fuiranil tiulhfni liial. #(H_l)Hriilg DWOf trav els in Kunfp'-, Weal Inlics, Suutb Anieiica. and tb : United Staies, lic ls i'.-cn dn.' nirumD'l in Godn lmptl, to (o lir;iith ;inl ipcr thmisainls wlm wen. gaven lii na1 proQouncttd tacurabki hj b most eminoatold clmiil pliysfciaiis; nav, more, tljoiianils whu wei-o on;c of the grave, are no w living moi.uni-nts to the lndi-n Iicib's Doctor w skill ant BueoêSttful i r entinen f . a in tare Ëteily exelaimfog: '■ lï'cs. siiii bi' thv day whvn rut we saw uud jiiirtouk uf tlio ludían Herb Driotr' memcin ■ [a.tlafactory referfaesof cares will be gladly and clieorl'ully given ■.ln-iiHfr rofiiirccl, Th.' Doctor pledgen hi? word aftd honor, tbnt he will . !n no wist, directlv cr índtrecilv, induce w cause any laralid to inki1 hia medicine tthoni Ihe trongvst prob. abilit v nf ;i cure. líodíoi ■Tíituinntiftn, whioii is ennn-ly hflVi Mit froin thefacnity Dr. I yir prnfessefl to discern rliscases by the ey. !!(■ I berc'U'C iks nmtueins, nop doi'slic patit'ritst') X pï:if n sympfoniM. ('al! omand ;ill, md have tbettfmptomH and looatiun of your áiaeawf pxplainpfl Free "f ebarff JIlTiif puur h:tll be libera 11 v connidered, 4JPmrtoffloe .drfttin, box 2668. , ïï. J. IVPS, ]W. ï. ('lovebind, Ohio. No-. Sft, 1S-VJ. lyM6 , MY Wife KI IZA hftving lelt ray bod board ' without reasonabli.1, I .--hüll naj DO ttebtfl f j ber contraci-ing. HKNUY M. TIUPP. PalinCjJan. 14tb, 13-l. j Ayër'sTCaSaitic PiÖsT jüstFopeningT The largest Stock and best assorfciaeai of CABINE? FURNITURE ? ever brouglit to this city, including SOFAS, TETE;A-TETES, LOUNGES BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS IiOoljLins Olasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings oo3F":Fr:Krs METALIC CASES, &c, &c, :in,l all otlier joods lcept in the beat and laigest houaes in th country. Wencepno secood band l'iiriiitiuc or Auctlon goodg. Cot1;ns Icept conMnutly uu baud, an( made to oidor Jly goods ire offored at THE LOWESTGASH PRICES N. C T must hnvp mrney. and rdspectful y reques l'u.isf imlebtril, to cali and üx up their old matterh wUKout delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 0 1S63. 925tf Jvi . Tmk pet ui Mr taiiit OX tAií sO inféctiou wliich we cali "iL v?w Scuoi'lt.a lurks in z. Sv irt wiltitiulen of roen. It 2= SWtí J 4 cithcr produces or ia -i% &Êj& ' fúixlucL'd !i_v nu C!JiT-S JflstA t'fcliK il, vilintcei stato PP"1 'Cof tiie !'l(0('. whorèin SS&Bl 1ÜiStlll!t i!lli1 liccomca in! -:.#oís("'nl'cu'nt t0 sustain f:' 0i?5xi?4'lt1 vi.t' fowes in tlicir '- -■'-",' ': ,V-'_' i."i? fci'l'OU-i UI'MOJI, iiUtl li'iivcs tlie M-.-tem to ___-- - .i;;3-' v,n jn0 dionlcr and (lecay. The sciofulous eonraminntioü varieuisly causéis by mercurial distase, low livinir, ilisürdertii digestión trom un!ie;i!thy food, iiiipurc air, filth and fihhy halits, the depressiuij; vices, and, ahove all, liy the venereal infectinn. Whatci'cr b.u its orifiin, it is liereditary in the constitiition, ttescending " jmrents to children unto the tlúfd and fourtli ceiievütioii ; " indeed, it secms to lic t!io r,od of Him who says, " I will visit the iniqiiïties of the fufhcrs up.on thcir ehildren." The diseases whicli it oriinates take variuus ñames, to, the organs it attacks. In tlj jungi, Scroftila produces tnhercles, and finally v-oiisiimpiion ; m the glands, Bwemrigs which suppiuMte and beeonie ulcerous sores ; in tho ttoinech and howels, deraníKsneuís which pro. dui'o indigestión, dyspepsin, uit] liver coiuplninN; on tho skin, eruptivo nml outaneous aiï'cciions. These all haring the snme origin, require the sanie remcdy, viz. purihYatiou md invijforation of the blood. Purify tlie blood, and thesi' fjangerona distempers leave you. With Fe'eMe, fooi, or eomipted Mood, you cannot have health ; with that ' life of thé tlesh" healthy, jou cannot have scrofulous dióease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compoumled from the inost cffectual antidotes that medical seicnce lias discovered for this afflU-ting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far .superior to. any otlier remedy yet devised. is known by all wlio have givon it a trial. Tliat it does contbine virtues trulv extraordinary in their efi'ect upon this class of foin]hiints, is indisputab.y proven by the Ri-eat ïnultitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it lias mndo of the followinj; diseases : KÍD"'S Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, EruK tions, Pimples, BioCches auá Sores, Ery-. sipelas. E033 or St. Anthony's Mre, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the Iung3, White Swellins, Bebility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, SypMlis and Syphilitie Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, "nl, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impuiity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayeü's America Al.manac, Whicll is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution. wlierein may bo learned the direetions for its use, and somo of the remarkable cures which it bas made wheu all pther remedies bad failed to aftbrd relief. Those cases are ]urposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader ijay have access to somo one who ean s]eak to him of its benefits from personal experjence. SiToiula depresses the vital energies. and thus leaves its victims far inore subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy COItótnations. Henee it tends to shorten, and does greatiy shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast itnportance of these considerations bas led u.s to epend years in perfecting a remedy which is adtqnate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the oaxup of Aïub's Sausapauilla, although it is compAsed of ingredients, sorac of which exceed the best of Siirsiiarilla in alterativo power. By itsaid you may protect yourself trom the suftering and dauger of these disorders. I'urge ou the foiil eorruptions tliat rot and fester in the blood ; purgo out the causes of disease, and viiiorous hooit)) will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stiinulates tïie vital functions, and thus expe's tlie distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public havo been deceived by many compounds of Sarsii'art.ia, that promised and did notliing ; but they will neiiher be deceived nor disa]pointed ip tliis lts virtues havo been proven by abundant trial, und there remains no qnentiito of its suipast-ing excellence for the cure of the nffiicting diseases it is in(onduU to reaili. Altbough under the same name, it is a verv different medicino from any other which bas been lieforc the people, an,d 14 far more elactual than any otUer which has ever beeu avaüable to theuL CHERRY PECTORAL, Tne World's G-reat Eemedy fpy Couglis, Colds, Incipient Consuiiiption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages jf the disease. Thia has been so Ionjr nscrt and so univeraally known, tliat wc need ilo no more thaii assure the puWlc tiiat is qunlitv is kept iip to the best it eyer hns beun, and tltat it may be relied on to do all t has done. Prepmed bv Vr. J C. Aykr & Co., Practical and AmiliUail ( 'hemists, iiOwell, Slasf;. Sold by al) ci-ufrgists everywbere. RTEHB1NS WN.-nV, A.ii Aiolir, K. SAWgON, Vpliinii, A l'.wiNc;, DrsiiT, WHEÜPON & HATCfl (.'hflsen. FABKANDSHELBY & Cv. Jetn,.t. C. F.. COettRK. Trawlllpg Ayent. Fiimily Dye Colors. FOK Prebag Silk, WooImi and Miíed (.'nocís, Shawls, rfcaffs, iiresst1, Hibbons, GloveR, Bonnets, Jints, FcailuM-.j, Kil (ilovi's, Chilflrea's Clothiuj, and all kindd i Wearïng Ap]arl S-A SAVISG OF 8O PER CE.VT-S For 25 cents vuu Qal coloras máñy guhSa Rfl otliprwit-i' cus! live tnnrs tliüt M.m. 'an-ius shartís can he producedr f i om the sanie Iy?. ïhp pn-css is siinpk-, lïid any üue caü use tlie {Ue with perfect sucI)iri'i-tii)ns in F.Kglish, Krendi and Germán, inslde ui t'.'icli package. Knr lurl lier nforuiation in Pyeinp, and eivípfí a perf. t knowledge viuit culors ari' best .idaptcil to dye aver utilera, (with many rnluahle recipes.) purcliasf [Iowe k MepieUB' Tieatii-e on Pyeiut; uód Cüloing 3ent by m;Ulon looeipt of price- 10 cents. Uauufactured bv HOWK & RTKVBN8, 'JWBroadwt,y, Bo?cib. Fcj til bj Ir ig(fiets and Dcaiers gonerall.v. S26m8 Giiancery Sale. TN PCRSUANCE and bv virtue of . , ' ICrcuie Court, for the County of V'V Ik. CiiMC-ry, made on the first day of i ?"" ï cause tbereiu pending, wherein il f JuIMS63 L Notiee is herety given tbat I shal 1 , tioa to the highest bidder at 12 „--i" ï e" al Public „, day the 5th day of March ro'ltthíC}0" C W.ahtenaw Couty Court House in ,. „ow'th, Arbor, alj the followíng piec.„ or parel V, "' ï uated lj,IBg and being ta tf, Townsbip"f B?4"WasUtenaw County and Slate of MiclXan Tin"n foüow. to wit . Sity acr(8 ol land fr, ;hd"clik of the Kast half of the South-east Z LtOtUl5 numberthuty.four ; als ixty acre, of ian ƒ'. Nortb end of tbe Weit balf of the Soih „,"" of ecUou UU,,,be5 thirt, Bve, Townab p J' '"""U oouth of range lyimber iour Kast, ixZL', mb W dred an,l ;wenty acres of land. 8 a" " bt! E. B. Wcoi, Complainaot"s ' . Dated, Jan. 2atb. Í864 . -- _' Mortgage Sale. - DEFAULT having been made in the conH , mortgage, executed bj Williain J U " ' i jab W. Moraan, duiwl March secuud A i Pp? ' recor.ted n tbe Registers Office, in Wa-in,., e"3. l Marol. sixth A. 1. 1S-3, o Líber No. 30 o tl ". 1 pago 459, by ubicb default the oi salí o f ". aid inortgage became operativo, and oo 8ui """" ing haviug been i.mtituted at law to recov. i1""-' securéd by said mortgage, or any parl therP„f d(k' suin of tv. huodred and hixly ou dollars , 1.""1 üi claimed to be Oue tberron : Notiee is thei f " ' giyen tlmt tbe said mortgage will be fürM1"") sale of the morlgajieil preioises, to wit ■ n oftha past half and tbe east half of the 1 ,We"Ull sectum No tbirty om-, in townsbip No fou fcl" if range Ka. seven eart, being m Augusla ..i 'a k of Wasbtenaw, in the State of Michúnm Co') tbe south west quarterof tbesouth east Qt'. ,etcet section, or some part tbereof, at uublir v. j rwi( Court House, in the city of nu Arbor o. ,1'" U' tj-sixtb day of Marcl uext, at noon. ' ' '"■ E. W. MOHGAN" Uj James Kincmet, Attomey. ' ""KM. Dated, Ann Albor, Dec. 23d, A, D ]gj Estato of Joseph Kelsey OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol W„L„, O At a aes-sion of the l'robate Court lor t i Í ' ■- ashtumw, holden attlu Probate Oflice in u""' nn Arbor, ou Friday the eivhlb day ofj 'UK jh year one tbousand eight hundrei "J'Ji," Present, Thomas Kinde.Judge of Probate cÍmS" ' the EïU'e of Jo'ii, Ou rjadlng and filing the petiHon, duly , He„ry Rear,ck, Adminirtrator of lbeetteÓ, " ccascd, nraying lor liceM ind authonly to .7 t.rtareat estáte of fai.l díceased ' ' "ü ïtR-re.ipon it is OnU-red, ibat Mondoy, tl.e t-,„, second day of rebruary nsxt at one o'cleiin il? J1 ■toon beassigued for the hearing of said peinfc, ïl thatthebeir at Iw of aid deceased aWtUÏ persons. ntcrested in faid estale, are rwiuireii pear at a Beswon of said Court, then to bf h,,M ' the Probate OSice, in tbe Citj ol An„ Artw ""''' Cminty.anoshuM ,f, üauj theribe. wb,th, ot the petitioner bould not be granted: "" And it is furtiier ordered, Iliat said Mtja..„ ;," n"'Ke 'o the persona nterested in saü e,utl Z the pendency ol aid petitiun, and the hMrinitkL bv wuiing a copy of this Order to be publUbtd i, T' Mich,gan Argut, a ..ewspaper printed and ehtfu insa.d Couuty „f Wasbtena, tour ucceaiie , previous to saici day ol hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NIXDE, ' 39 Judge of Pn,hti Chancery Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Jud.cial Ciicuit-', yj i'hanceri: Edward B'riggs, Complainant, -j Su:t pending ia g, Harry Kstey. Jacob Kftey, John County of'wufab Kstey, Israel bstey, Johu 1. l nw, m CluJ ecü, John ti Wahr, and at Ann ArWi , John Wagner, t),e 8t)i dajoliu Pefeuil&nts. j uary A i l;f It satlsfaetorilj appeanng to the uuriwinud ft :uit CouTt G.imnissinner lor stml Couniv, li affidarïl UiHt ilie abovenamed ilcfcnriant Ham Krln i i-.-siiii-nt ol tilis State, but that heisa rniitratofla statief California : On niot.on of A Fe ch, Solicite for Cnmplainant, it is ordered tliat the aid dttnlit. Hurry Kstey, cause his appoarance in thi use! i entered witliiy twn montlis froni thedateof thk aii'l . that. in case ot his appearance he ci.use bint er t. c.inplainant's tjill !. be filtd aod a copjtki of to br serred on cnuijjl,inam' soliíitor Ui tv,-cnty davs of the service of a cc.],y of saij biliui of this order, and in default theieof tbltlb ■■airt bil! V.o lakenas cinfessed by Ihe said defniii! Hirrv Estey: an.1 it is lurthei' onlorcd tbit tifa tweniy daj-8 ftet the making of this order the : complaiuant this orer to be published in 'T Weekly llichigan Argus." a newspaptr poblttMk said Couaty, and that a-iid publicalion be ciintmnek aid, at least oncuin eacb week, for il e in sucoession, oV tiiat lie cansí a copv of tbi orders be personally seived on Die said derendant, Htnjb tey, at least tweniy daya before the time iboie mscribed fwr his appearance. Dated, Jaüuary 8th, A. D. 18M. UKO. DANFORTfl, Circuit Court Coinmissionei for Washtcuaw du ty, Michigan. A. Pklch, Complaipant's Solicitor. 939il Atruecopy, Tract W. Rooi, lltg'jtir JPXJJBLÍONOTICE ! Wasiite.vaw Cou.vyt Clbrk'b Ornci,! January i7th, 1864. ) NOTICE is hereby giveu tliat the folio ing Cmiij Orders have never been called for and arenüflitiir lur deüvery at thia oflice, naraely ; No. lío. M J. C. Phelps Í5 ei 104 J H Tillitson I 9 2S3 John N. Ueer, I 00 105 Mrs S Tillitoon H H John Blake, 1-06 112 li I-ouls 19 143 John Falkuer, T0 113 A Shely IJ M8 M. A. Sheltz, 31 118 BFHarrison ill iO'J li M Jackson, 31 121 KMOkley IS Í19 J llurnbeek, 31 12 D oteara 1" Jl! MaryJJacot 31 128 M Warner li 226 S A Miiuut 56 131 M O'neil II 243 M Falkner 1 08 H4 l'rince 15 46 J C Ingram 156 148 Alex .-oulier ! S'í Tilomas Webb 1 56 168 Wm Johnson 1 J25 VV. Kellogg 1 35 162 G W Lourie 1 ■S J Litchard 2 08 173 John Henderion W JS?Hlliirice 195 175 1. IleBois 'P0 Abram Caley 3 60 17n I'avid Barton ' J10 A ï Oase f 6 17 JM JobW ' 41ö Charles Pmith 136 17'J James aunt 34 Win .loijnsi.n 4 56 1S0 1' Wataog 1" 36 J M ïiihtson 99 181 I) W l'almei " 87 Sarah Tillitson !9 162 H Clark 49 8 Murray 1 18 190 Franc Hanson 1 52 W Bonter 118 191 A J Worden C4 H Shultz 4 68 l.i Allen Worden 75 A Rrovii 4 14 li'3 Watson bb l Poll-emus 1 3" 1!4 Charles FSconeldU 88 E FiBk 1 :,5 19S Alfrtd Crampl" 97 Charlea Newton 2 97 2J5 li (j KUis il W Parsous 135 Persons calLng for the foregoing orders wil! pi :iy a'ivertised. 3MÜJ1 TRACV W ROOT.Clerl Terrible Slaughterl THE VÍCTOR Y IS OVP' Which has been raging for the past four weei'1' MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has pro ved a graud success, altbough tbe slftugMff' DKY GOODS Has been terrible. We now mike tbe announcfW we shall continue "For M:iny Years" 1u " waf witli higli prices, beinjt deterniiued to gjrt hundreds who dafly throng our store, fu'l v . u tbeir nioney, I.adies can find ith us all d' iiuni' -i and slylesof DRESR GOODS, RIBBOxS, TRIMMiG8. EMB1ÍO1DEBI AVHITE GOODS, HÜS1ERY, GLOYES, f With a very large and attractive toen of CLOAKS AND SHAWIÍ for bolow tlioii -Vlu0 Wc hear t said every day that w are ruin" . business in tliis city b3-"sellina; so cheap but MB . help it, Tlie (Joods Must toe Sol 1000 New Rtyle nd bent quality HOOP PKIBK ■ chtap, and for the Gentltnieu we llave a verj rf sor.mentof Freuch Twilled CIoth.Beaver OveIT iiigs, Doaskins, Faucy Cassim res, JP iugs, &c, Of all .lescriplion. and can urnisli a whle "'],, sluirl noticemach clieauer than it eau le boog tüij where. Au cxaroiiiath.'n cf this brauch of ■ nes will cuovinm all tiiat llils is the plací t SUJ ,nii Paula, f.iats and Ves' 8. Me have alto '""■' stock ui Lriidies aud Cbildrens' thoes ííATS AND CAPS, dal!1 AiiJ in facteverything that man or womn can Ui wear on beau orfoot, ÖrerieB, Crockery, Glassware ■ astoniKbing low pricen, nd in short on' ,id ntock must sharo t)ie saroe iato for we ar " to Bell, uo ntatter what old croakers roay niJ All aro Jn vitad to .aspect our Btpoii tt ' '■ , " ï io sbow oar gocfji, aai ie rs botnato of'.. maad of all. a-'flSn!'' KUtf HACK sfBIU


Old News
Michigan Argus