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Proclamation By The Governor

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The order of the President, oí' the dato of Ffb. 1, 1864, roquin'a,? " that a draft fut' five hundrud thoftsaud wen, to nerc fir three years or during the war, bo i) ade on thi J.fth day uf Marcb uest, for the military service of the United States erediiing and dcducting thcrefrom so ninny as may have been enlisted or drafteii hUo the service prior to the Jst day of March, and not heretofore ciedited,' is eonstnied to be ci.vuivaat to a cali ol tbflt date foi-fwo ftundred thousand meu. The (Motns of the districts aud tub-districts ofthis Slate will be easily asecrtained by adding two thirds to the quo tas iinder the last cali ; these quotas boweverj will (e assigncd in detail by the Pfovosíí Marshals of districts at au early da. The govcïnment of the United States will continue to pay the same bounties uader this oall as under the previous on e By the act of the extra session, appnved Feb. 5, 1864, both local and 8rate bounties are authorized to be raised and paid. liy virtue of soctions 8 and 9 of that l:uv the Qaartermaster General will pay ar uneti times and places as lie may desifjnate a uniform State bounty of ono liundred dollars to each -persoD 'below'tlio of a commissioned officer, wlio may have enlisted af!er t)ie öth day of February instant, and been mustered into the miliuivy or naval service of the United States, and who shall be credited on the quota of this State, or any ' military district tbereol', under any eall made since January Ist, 1804. Frovided that. sueh persou, f a resident of this State has been credited to the township or ward in which be is enrolled, or aotually iresided at the time of bis enliatinent. By virtue of sections 6 and 7 of the same act the townships and cities have power to pay a bounty of one hundred dollars to each of the persons meiitioned in the Dext preeeding paragraph and unJer the same conditioiis as to the time of enlistmeut and place of credit. The touus and eities are also authorized to pay a bounty not exeeeding two hundred dollars, to such persons as enIsk aud-er the calis nade te -Unuary Ist, 1864, subject t'o tho saiue conditious as to the place of credit as in the other cases, The State bounty of fifty dollars ivill continue to Ie paid by the Quarterniaíter General to the veterans rc-enlisting in their own regiments. Uuder these lmeral provisions I hope the entire quota of this State may be fillöd by the flrst of Murch. The quota unaer the flrst eall for three huudred thousand men is now nearly or quite full. I ealBcs'.lj entreat the people of the 'State aud all the officers of eities and towns to give tlieir iufiuence promptly aud energrtieally to this duty. The great strugglo seems approachiag its termioation.- Let us by a vigorous aüd unitcd eifurt put into the tíeld suoh au ovcrwhehuing forcé as will no longer leave in doubt the speedy aud final overthrow of the rebellion ïhis is the only sure and bonorable road to peace. Given ander my hand. at the capítol in Lanpwi?, this eleveuth day nl' Februa v A D J8Ü4.


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Michigan Argus