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Proclamation Of Jeff. Davis

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New York, Feb. 15. A special to the IFerald, Headqunrters Anuy of tlic Potomac, Fub. li-, suvs: There is uothiug special to report fioiu this depai tinent. I havo rcccivec? ïvichmond dates to tlio lOth iust. The following is Joff. Dn via' proclamatiou to the rebel annies: "Soldiersofthe Arniy of tl:e Confedérate States, in tlie long aud blooüy war in which jour country is engaged, you have ttohievtd inauy noble tiiuniphs. You hove won glorious victories over vnstly more numerous hosts. Ynu havo cheerfully borne privations aud toil to whioh you were unused. You have readily i subniittod to restraiuts upon your j vidual wijl, that the citizen might I ter perfonn his duty to the State, as a soldier. To all these you Lave lately oddcd auother tiiumph, the noblest of human conquesta, a vietory over yourselves. As the tiir.c drew noar, when you, who first entered the service, niight j well have beeu expected to claim relief from your arduous labors ai;d restoration to the endearmeuts of homo, you have hoeded only to the cal! of your sufferiug country. Agaín. yoa come to tender your services for the public defense, u free offuring which only suc-h patriotism as yours could make - a triuinph vorlhy of the cause to which vqu are dovoted. I would in vain attempt adequutely tiie eniolions with which L received the tes timonials of eoufidenee and regard wbicli you have recoutly addressed to mo. To some of thosefirst reeen ed, separate ao knowledgmonts are returned ; but it is uow apparent that a liko gencrous et4u, siasm pervades the whole ariny, and that the ouly aeknowledgment to su&h maguanimous tender wili he U Üiose who first entered the war, and who displav ' anew their zea] in the public service.-It is therefove deeujed appropwate, and it is believed will be equally aceeptable to make a general ackiiowlcdguent instead of succesisive special vesponses. Would that it were possibde to tender mj thanks to you in porson, and in the name of our common country, as well as in my own, while pressing the haud of eaeh ar worn veterau, to recognize his tille to our love gratitude, and adminiticn. Soldiere; by your will, for you and the people 'are but one, I havo been placed iu a. position which debars me iVom sbaring your dangers, your sutfuiijig, and your'toil. Wuh pride and afiection iny heart bas aceonipanied you on every uiarch ; wilh solicitude it has sought to minister to your every waut; vvith e.xultation it Las marked your cvery heroic achievement ; yet nevcr in t!ie toils.iiuc niarcb, nor in the weaiy wütcli, nor oa 1I10 desperate i.aiilt, h:io y,,u reudercd a service so deuinivf iu resuks as in (hu last display of the Incest quaü.i.s of lev; ticMi and sc!f-K.:c-ii(iee whieh can iidorn the chnraoter or tiie waniur p;i!riot. klreadj the pulsa of tlie wholi; peoplo be:its iy uison wuliyuuis; alrondy tlicy comparo your spuntaueous and unaaimous oütr of vour lives for the defense of your couotry with the halting aud reluotañt servioe of the mercenaries who are purehased by the eoemy at the prioe of higher bounties than have hitlierto been knawn in war. Auimated by this contrast, tUey exhibit oiieerful confídeuce and moi'e resolute hearing. Even the ffiurmurs of the wenk and tiruid to shririk from the trials which ■make stvonger and firmer your noble uaturesare shamed into silenee bv the Lpectacle wliich they present. Your bat tle 017 Wl11 nng 'oud and otear through tlie land cf the eneniy as well :is our own, will sileuee tbe vain gl jrious boastiogs of tbeir corrupt partisaus and tboir pensioned press, and will do justioe to tbe calumiiy by wbioh tbey seek to persuade a deluded people that you aro ready to purebase disbonorable sufety by degra d ng submission. Tbe victories of Sbiloh, Pm-ryville, Murfreesboro, Obickahominy, Manass.ns, Fredericksburg and Cbaueellorvillo, are referred to. The downiall ai tlio Uuiou armics is eou&deutly prtdicted.


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