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Copperheadism Will Stick Out

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-IL is maeed, bred m the bone (tnd can not le entiïoly concealed. like the loven foot of Satan it lea?es ïis i-u-k beliind t. l notice in ihe Argus uf tbe öth instant, a conspiciums place is mado fora Kebel aongof tUe mot insnltin towards tlie Northern pgottle. Of courso it nieets the approbation of tln vory aniiable Mr. Pond, or lio would not publisli it without note or comïnent ; it is a specimen of the Arguts rebel literatura. I quote the last linee, in the sentiment ofwhieh the "moral" Democrat wlio accepted a seat in the Sonate of this Si.ate, outainéd to sáy the least in a qnestionable marnier, undonbtedly ooncnrs. Ctiorua - Théiireetest aii'd iiearest jibir-o on tiiis oaiili Is D.XP sv(üt Dixie, tll Umi g'' nu ljrtll ; 1 love ! l'll adore hor lior prove i,n:c, And ivc'lUUt' lyiituijtLu rei white and h'.ur. Slatc A'so'. r WegWe the above as a specimen of euiforial courtesy and maliciouíness, and of "P's" stujpidfty. The insinuated charge of " eopperhe:idism " is too conteiptib}e to be noticed, bul our readers oan see with what venom onc is to be pursued who dare to differ from the sycophants who fawn arouud the adminis tration. The " Poem " in qucstion. and one in aprecodingnumber of the Aügüs were published as specimens of rebel literature, and we did not eonceive that thcy uceded " note er commcut." We had uot - in our simplickj - supposed that an editor endorses all bis miseeUaneous selections not epeeiaHy djsapprovod ; that ho vouehes the truth of every news item finding a plaoe in hb columns ; or that lc is even responsible for the sentiment of original Communications though ta&iug the "eonspicu ous ' place " usually given to lus leaders Do "P. and our cotcmporary chavge G. P. Putnam, Esq., Publisber, and Frank Mooiu;, cdiior of the Releïïion llecari, with " coppeiheadism " beeause in eaoh moathly part of that standard work publish, "without note or comnient," a number of rebel songs, with other specimens of rebel literature ? Did all our cot.inporaries - ncluding the orthodox Detroit Tribune, and other republioan organs - exhibit the " cloven foot " in giving a few days since in their uews columns, " without note or oosjment," tbc address of Jeff. Davis to his army ? Or does "P." imagÍBe khai our "moral," virtuous, aud patntiè, i rárj, ':Sister Davis,"- vide "Fathcr Seaman,"- approves, visi fcakes " Radwa 's Ready Relief," "Eoback's Bitters," "Billingtou's Fig Eleetuary," " Lyon's Poriodical Drops," or " Cheesoman's Female Pilis," beeause ho sounds their praisc in a " coDspicuous place," " without note or comment." If he does take them all we pity his taste and stomach, as much as we des.pise his anonymous correspondents prutsag about " copperheadism " or fling at il the ' moral ' Democrat." J3"'5T We invite atteuüon to the proclamation of Gov. Blaik. Ilis interpretation of the Bounty Law is that cities and towns are limited to $100 ín the bounties they can vote to vofunieers o fill their quotas iwdw tho eaïl of Fek lst, and that tlí,ey aro prohibited paying bountie? ia any resident of feke State, who is uot ercdited to tke tovnship or ward in which he is mrolhcter actual! y reudei' at (Jie timq of his enlhtinent. Wc thiink IMS constraetion right in both partiilars, ancf urge onr citizens to carefully examine botli tlie Iaw and the proclaniation prior to the nieetiug to bc lieldl to-morrow evening. If the law restricto us to a bouRfcy of $1ÖÖ it a nat best to vote $150. fsL A nice little row is being kickenl up in Kansas over the elecüon of Gov. Caknev to succeed Jim Lañe in the United States Senate. Lnk's term does not expire nntil after the meeting of nnother regular session of the Logialature, and his friends regard his benig laid out as premature. We have no teare to shed. IPiP'The. Begents of the University, at their Wednosdny session, appropriatecl $5,0 toward proeuríng a portrait of the late Prof. Fasquelle, to be pl&eeë in the lib.ra.ry as a token of regard for his memovy. W Ve sec the namcs of Col. W. B. McCreery, o,L the 21st. Michigan Iufuntry, and Lieut. Ooi. Jas. M., of thj 4tü Miohigiin üavalry, in the lisl, of prisonurs who recently tunnolod thcir way out of Libby prison, Richmoud, and arrived safely witiiin the Federal lines. We congratúlate them on their escape, and only wish that they had been accompanied by all th.eir onirades n Libby. ÍTS" Sun. Robbrt Toombs bas been arrested by order of Gen. Beauukoard, for attompting to travel without a pass. Hu aseerted iiimself a citizen of Georgia, anxa osvinsr no allegiance to any o-ther governmont. ilo bas seceded from SecpísU, I


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Michigan Argus