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Dr. Tappan And The University

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At the session ofthe Board of Regents on Tuesday, Regent Kxicnx preved a set of papers. ewitaiuiBg, ■ I. A Hi,cmtt.-i..l diaciss.iijg tke poücy of the adaimtóration of the last Board of llegeuta revieying especially their actiou in refcraiie to Pr. Tappau, urging the rotu-ii to the pnlicy pursued by their predegessor, au cl the reiuatatemeEt of Dr. Tappa,ri. This memorial was written b.y a former iiiember of tho Board, signed by people in Detroit, Mouro.o, Jackson, Marshall, and Ann Arbor. II. A memorial by a!l tho members of tho Eowii precediug tho late Board, no.w in tho Stuto, with ono exception, I jrajiing for the restoratiou of the Doe ioï-. III. The address of the Alumni. IV. A conmiuuicution of. ihe wtizens of Detroit, asking cousideration of the pauiphlct cntitled " The University Qiu'stiou." V. A memorial Iroax tlte citixens of Allegan and Battle Ci'eok. On motion of Rpgent GiuimiT, the confideration of the mpmorials was made tho subject of a secret sessiofl at aoveu o'elock, f. M. Tbe result of tiie evening session was a refercnce of the paper to a special commïttee consisting of Messrs. Gilpert AViu,Ai;i, umi Swkk.ev. Tfig licrd adjoarued ou Wcdnosdny until ]as.t evcning, in order that Regent Walkku aiight altend the funeral oí kis brother's wife, and we presume dunug the reeess the coimiuttee will jireparg ita report. We eertaiuly tope that &e pegeuts may definitely dotermiDc tbe matter at this session, so t?iat peaee may be given to the Uuiversity. Insubordination has been advisedly and purposely, kept up for effect, nnd it is time the exciteajont was quicted. JSrST The House has passed the conscription bill, but in such a shap.c t'aat when it wout bíiojí to the Senate the Senate knew it nofe. Tlie Sonate haa efused to concur in the House anieudments, and the bill probaWy now Langs five iu a ooiuinittoe of couference. It inay be porfeetec! and passed iu time for the draft ordered for MarollOth, that is if the Senato and House shall got through with the hu"dredand-one bilis on the negro. We wiU not attcrapt a synopsis of thti bill unlil tiio two IIouscs agreo upon pon:ething. gilji lm? :(ij(iinie'l wiÜKiut eleqtmg ii Ui. iled States fceaatiir, John M. BuTTs - :-:i -fiis !(i:t(a' on (irst :j;t; - repudinte-s thu three Stdtu góverBinéntfi ufYifginiii - thut i-i, thu rebel governrcept and the two bogus cor.ccnis.


Old News
Michigan Argus