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Raid On A Railroad Train

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Baltimore, Feb. 13. A monáing paper pubiislies tliofollowiog: The passenge train which left Camden stroet depot Thursday night, for Wheeling aud intermedíate poiñta'was captured by a compauy uf rebela, near Kearnjtvillo depot, about eight ipiles west of Ilarper's Ferry. The train was there surrouuded by the rebels ayd a number of armcd men entered the cars. The passengers, among whom of course there was great cousternation, were njore or less mulcted, in the shape of ransoms. Someproduced g re er, backs, others watehes, diamonds índ rings, as equivalí ats foi? their libertjf. We 2,13 .yformed by one of the suflerers, who returned to tkis oitjf by the express train yesterday, that tho aggregate amount of inoney taken from the passengers was not less than $30,000, ! wbile the value of the jewelry was also ■ largo. Conductor Perry, who had charge of the train, it was stated, was conipelled to hand over a check for $4,500, tho property q[ the Oouipa.Dy. A number of the pasaengers who arrived here yesterday had interviews with some of the passengers of the captured train and their statements materiaUy difeied, both as to the amount of money, &c, - eonfiscated, and the character of the raiders. It is said that Mejor Hurvey Gilmore, of the rebel eavalry, was in couimand of tke ezpedition. Ko one was iojured, nor was ihere the least disposition on the part of the raiders to take any prisoners. Several members of the Maryland State Legislalure, delegates from western counties, wero among the passeugers. After aeeomplishing their purpose they ran the locomotivo and teniier off the track, eiusing some irijury to the eagine. JLuey theu left, gotug in the direotion of Smithfield, Jeffe'son county, Ya. Although a company of Federa,! U.oops were stationed witbia a ahur i distanoe, none of the passengere were enabled to get aiiy 'iuformation to them, utitil all i hope of capturing the robbers had vanished. All i,!)e. trairis yer.B running as ustai yestrday afteruoon, ïhe robbing of the afë-ighted passengors was very genera!. Not oue of them eseaped. One man is said to iiave lost over $4,000 in gre,enbacks, Tho pas sengers made no i esifitanco. They were surrounocd iby an overwlielming force of rebels A goód; m.any threvv their watches and mopey ava;, -cme of which have sinoo been fouud..


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