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Barnum, the ehowman, is eaid to have made another (ortune - $250,000. T. he receipts a,t the Nsw Yoï.k Qastorn House last week woij.o l,790,0Q0, nearly all güld. The Seríate commi,ttee on slavery has decided to report a bilí legalizing the President's emancipation proolamation. By order oi the War Department, no volurteershall be rejcctêd o.n account of his height who is at least five leet. The Senate Judiciary Comtpijtlee has agreed to an aniendmani t the Oonstitution forever prohibitiog slavery in the United States. The Herald's Washington special says : It is uuderstood governmont is preparing a protest B gaine t the Frenoh occupaüon of Mexico. The Admiralty Court hasgiven a final decisión on the Chesapeake. The vos sel and cargo are restored to theii" original owners. The Supremo Court has roftised application for a writ of certiorari in the case of Vajlandigham, on the ground of want of jurisdiction. The savings Bank of South Soituate was broken nto on Sunday inorning, and robbed of $500 in bilis of' vnrious banks, and aboi't $2 500 in bonds, papers, &c. The PosCs Washington special says there are over $25,000,000 in the treasury, and it is surmised Mr. Chase will, ere long, sell part of it for notes, to apply to expenses of the war. The House Military Committee has agree'd to a resul ution that all generáis who, on the 15th day of March next, have not been in active service tho previous three months, shall be dismissed. It is statocl tj:at insanity, produoed by eposure, is prevalent in the Western arniies. Twenty-fiva insane soldiers were pent t(q Cincinnati u few da)-s since. There is greai excitement in Lower Canada, in consequence oí recent discoveries of gold in that quarter, and uhich nre on the increase. It bids fair to rival the California rage for gold in ;84. ■ ■ General Butler has commenced tbo establishment of' a common school system in Norfolk and atFortress Monroe, paeciscly like that of Massachusetts, It will insure the education of hundreds of colored children. Four hundred rebel prisoners irom Johnson's Island have been transferred to General Butler's department, including Jen. Thompson and öaptain Breckinridge, sop oí General Breekinridge, The Richmond Enquirer of the lOth has an editorial donouncing the Virginia Legislatura íor attempting to interlere with State and war mattors by the passage oí au act requestincj Davis to remove the outlawry ngainst Genera] Butler to iacilitate sti exchange oj fjrjsoners.


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Michigan Argus