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líCHIGAN CMTBAL RAILROAD. égffi -PP" #g# '■' ' "vu- ='$&■" "UPassengertraius now leave Detroit .Cliicago,and tlio severalátatiohVin thïsCounty ,an followy : aQÏNO WEST. Leav-i Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Kve. Ex. NightEx. Defeoïf. ÍO.OOa.íi. -i.ñOi'.M. 6.30 p.M 10 UO M. ypfiQÍii 11.30 6.1Ü " 7.40 " 11.30 ■■ ..u:i Ai;..,t 11.40 6.:í5 8.00 1155 " Dexter, 12 05 r. m. 7.10 " " ' ,i, 12.25 " " 8.05 " - - " Ar. Chicago 10 20 ': " 6X0 " 10.30 a, il GOING EAST, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Bay Ex, Chicago, 5.40 P.M. 10.00 P. m 6.30 a. m. Chelsea. a.m. 7.40 a. m. 4.00 i m. Dexter,' 6.15 " 8 0 ■ " 420 " Ann Arbor, 4.20 a. m. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " Ypsilauti, 4.40 (t 7.10 " 8 45 5.05 (1 Ar. Detroit, C.OO " 8.30 " 10 00 " C.30 " The D.iy Express eacli way ík tlic Mail Train. Traint do not stop atstatioDs wherti figarcsareomittedinthe table. Trains connect at Detroit with theGreat Western and Grand Trunk Raihvav.s of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Miiwaubee Iïailroads. and f'k'nhin1 Pteamers. At the Company's Ticket OfRccs at Detroit, Chicago, Jolict and Lafayette, tbWTOgh tickets can be purchased toall thepriucipal cities and tovn.s in ihe Unifil 8tat#B and Cañadas. LUXÜRIOÜS SLiSEPINO CABSwpoa kW nigfeí tuainn. Ruttan's celeorated Ventilating App&vattif? ó'pon a.11 ilay trains - tlie best dost prevent ivin vise. R N. IÍICfi;Gcncr;arSi,perintcndeDt. TO THK YOÜNG OR GLD, Male or Fcmaley Jf ypu Ij&ve been suffering fiorn a halit indulged in by tb YOUTH OF BOTH SEXES, WHIL'H CAt'PES ÉO MANY ALARMIXÍÍ STMPIpMS, lt unjits themfor Marriage, And is the greatest evll wliich can beffcU MAN ÍR W0MAX. See symptoins enuruerated in Atlvertisement, aal if you are a suílerer, Cut duf the Advertisement, And sena for it at once. Delays are danKoronK. Ask for Helmbold's ïake uo otlie. Curva guarunteud. Beware of Coanterfeits and TmUations. '2m943 PROV. R. J. LVONS' Patientti and all othern interrested will please take noLice that he wiU contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Aibor, during 18ö4 and '65 and at the expiralion of ïvhich he will discontinue his visita and opfen an lulirmavy at Cleveland, Oble, lor the treatment of l.ung and Chest fliseases. LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Kathairou is from the Greek wbrd, "Kathro," or 'Katkairo," idgatfying to cleanse, rcjuvinate and restore. Tbh article is what its n.imesignines. Forpveserving, restoring anl beaufjipg the human hair it is the most remaikaW, nviunition i ihe world. It is again ownéd and pril up by the original jroprietor, anti is now made with the same c:ire, tikill and attention wliich gave it a sale of over one inillion büttíes per aniiiim Jt is amostdelightful Hair Dressing ït eiacicates scurf and diindruff. lt kecjis ihe head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, mfy Mid nl'ly. It pre vents the hair froin falfingolfand turuingray It restuiCá hair upon baid bftd4. Any lady or gentle;.:an wno values a boautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Kathariou. It is known and ust'd throughout the' civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. fim2 DEMÁS S. 3ARXES k CO.,tProp'rs, X. Y. Mathews' Chocolate "S?Voiin Drcps ? JíEViCB fail todestroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Woí m,.. Are pcrfectly roliable in all and fr superior to any a ad all of the Fancy Worm onfectiong",' nd na'useous A'ermifuges in üse. They may be taken at all times with perfect safetr,M they cuntaiu NO LRCUY, or othcr deJe'füVi-uJ Drug. - Mothers shoiud fclif Ajb purcbAM thein and give thc:r cbüdren nó olher-1 "' ' ' (iVn Oathriic whatevor, is necessary tq be giuj..y Y;,i'h boVcontainH '24 Drops or Lozenges. Prico 2ö cta. töT Sale by all Drugtjlbtü and Dealera ij Medicine'. C. R. WA7JCER Cbi 's Iyri22 JÈaEfaloj'N. Y níFuít-Erii'JO, W


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