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TiiíAmerican Collecting Agency, ! ( No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds aff&ÏDVt the Genera: G over nm olí State Go vera nnt. the City, or privatt pa nies, proaó' cuU-il and collectod at mj erpcnse avd riak Againi private parttos 1 possfíss super-or faciüties f;r ciUrc'.in:; claims everywhero in th l'nited PtftteB arul Ck nadat, rehevin.? merchante, asignees', bankers aDd other, oí the cai e and all responsibility. Special Afetention giren to oíd debí, hard oases, dl, voris, wills , estatew, ÖtC. Iïimiil' familinr with all thfi dotailpof tbr " fnt mal Perenne ow," I will altend promptly (o tlir entlenHob o! drawbacks, a ml taxe overpaid tbrougfa igiiut e of the law. SoWeTi' pensione, pny, and bminiy BOCured fort hom ór tiK'lr hoirs. For that purpose, and for prosee uting claim H!?:in-i tliotJuvernmDt, I have a bram-h office at Washington. No charge made unles claims ary collected. AlWotdlera dlteh&rged by reasnn of - bnwever Rhor': ilic timethoy have servc-l-ure cntitled to One Hundred Dollars BÓunty. All poldiera I ved two years. are entitled to the same. tH%.. Thohigheat marketprice will bo paid for soldie-r .' t'liiiro?, and otliöi demanda against tbe (ïeueral Government. , Information and opinions givert, and investigfition made without charge ,upon claimn propoaedto be placed in my hands. For particular, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, DOOif No,ï40 Broadway, N. Y - ■ ■ - ,, ( A. LAEGE STOCK O 35 BEATTTIF XJIu DRESS GOODS, L.ATEST STYI-ES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, rilSTE SHAWLS l Of thNew Patto:ns. CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Ot all kinds for th Winter Trade, now opening at C. H. MILLEN'S. K. B.- Tliin ia b Seonni Arriv.-.l of Fall and Winter GooAs, aad WÍ11 be oiTercdat c'-ose ügures. l'leaee ca.ll 9J2tf C. H. 11. RliSDOx& HEIN DERSOÍS BUCKEYE CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springficld, Öhio. THE VKRY LÁTEST IMPROVEMVNT, and Imtler than all othcis; ndapted to sowing Wheat, Kje, Oats, Barley aml Grass Seed. Ist. It has a Rotary Feedcr. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever bunches the Grain ith. Never breaks the Gi ai. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadea-st lehindthe Dyïll Gth. Has higli toheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. 8JS, IL has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th. It has doublé and single rank drüls. 10A. It has a self adjustiug simt off' alide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is hardly a Drill offered in the market but ciin boast of more orjess FIRST PREM1UMSP They are abo ut as indïscriminately littmved is the t itle of " Professor. " wliich is sometime applied to the tlJiddkrJ' or u bootblach ,J } ïheycuanetu conve -the 4ah (,f merit. The liuckeyeQrill has beonon Exhibttion at quite a nuraber of StatandCuuaty Fairs, awl without seftking fa fit the br.ivls u' &y (.'oiüiüiïiet', lina receiüü iti fu 11 share uf Premiums TESTIMONÍALE : We give tUe foUowmg Dams of a few Farmers in tli's vicinity wjo havebought and u sed the Huckeyelnll : Gudfrey Miller, Sdo. Jacob l'olheiaus " tïaoobïremper, " Tikoraa-tWUile, Korthfield. Johi Uria-w, ' Ctiiistian Kapp, " Ëdwaid Öftydea, Webster, James Treu'lwU, -Ann Arfcöl Daniel ü'Hara " " John G. Cook, Lii. O. A. Warsbafl, (i L. Edoionda, Faline. Gorg Cropöy, Öreen Oak, Liv. Co. Wt; aiealso Agentfi for tho Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, ackuowledged tc-be the very heat ip use. "We are just in recoipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell cheap. Also alargeassortment o Grrass And the largest and bost selected stock of BENT STUIF FOR CARRIAGESever hefore offered io thiH market We also keep a large and full NAIT5, GT-ASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.aad LI SEED OiU A complete assortment of STOVE8, TINWAKE, An EAVE TROUGaSalways on hand and put up at the tshortest nutice. t RISDON S; (JENDffiSON. Ann Arbor, June 29th,lgfl?. SitQtf Oyal Picture Frames ALLSIZES.STYLEF aud PBICM just reeeivcil a.nd t'ufaule cbfapat CHOFF & UILLER'S. THE ALL SUFFICIEríT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Küoivii nu " II ïiuïxild'ii " GENUINE PREPARAltaHS; VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHÜ," ' " SARSaMRILLA, IMÏ'EOVED 1JUSE WASH. GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, k (OKtEMRAlE D COSU'OUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHÜ, A Positivo and Speeifio Itcmei-, For Diaeases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GKAYEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLIIS-GS. This Medicine inrreasestho power of lligesiiou anrl Kclg the ABSOKBENTS ,,to healtl.y actior,, hy "hiel 'vrrr '{- CA LCE"'''S depositie,! ;, „, a INNATURAL EÏLARGEMEXTS are reüuced, aa HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHÜ FOR WEAKN'EÖES Ariaing from Excesses, Habita of Disaipation, Eariy Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH IBE F0LLOW1NG SVMTOMS: Indiiposition toKiiertion, Loss of Power, Los of Mfmory, Diliculty of Breathing, Weik N"erva, Trembling, Horror ot' Desease, Wakafuluesa, Dimness of Vision, Puin ia the Back, Uuiveiiial Lassitude of the Flushin; of the Body. Muscular Sj6tem, Emptions on tlm Face, Hot Hand, Fallid )uatii)asice. Dryuesfi of the SkinThese svmptoTOs, Ifalloweii to jro on, wbicli this medicine invuriablv removes, soou folluw ÏMP0TEAT0Y,FiTUITYEPIL]2PTICFïTS Ie one of wbichthe patiënt may exphe. Who can say tbat-tliey aio nn fieuently followed bv these "direful diseases," Insanity and Consumptiorij Siany areawaro of the cíiuíg of their sufForing, but uone tvill confosö. The records oi' the insaue Asylums and the melancholy deathtt by Consumptiou, bear ampie witness to tbii iruth of the amiertion. THK COXSÏITUTÏON, ON'CE AFFECTED VTITH ORGANIC YSEAKNES, Requiroa the aid of medicino to strpngtbcn and n vigórate thesystem, vhich HELMHOL1PS EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dues. A tria' wil] convmee the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SIN'GLE, MAP.RIED, OR CON TE-MPLATING MARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to Fcraale3 the Extract Buchu 8 unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Refentioa, Irregularity, Painfulnoss, or Suppression of the Cuatomary Evacuations Ulcorated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrliea, or Whites, Sterility, aud f'or all comjjhiint.s incident tü the sex, whetliaransing from Indlscretion, Habits of Dissipatiun,or in the Decline or Chango of Life. BEE STMPTOMS ABOVÏÏ. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Ralsam, Mercury, or Unpleaeant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Ditíeaaes. HELMBOLD'S EXTKACT BUCHU CURES Secret Diseases. In kW their stages ; atlittle expense ; littleor no chango u diet ; no mcoavenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strengtli to Uiinate.therebyremoving obstructions. preventmg and curkii; Stricturos of the Ure'.hra, allaying pain and iutïnmiiiation, so í'roqut'iit in this class of disoasoa, and expeliing POIS0N0US, VISEASED AJSV WORiS OUT MATTER. Thousamls upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And T-ho h.ive paid HEAVY FE$$ to be curedia a short time, havefoundtliey the "Po'.son" has, by the use of "ï"owcrful Astringents," been dried up in the systesito ïcak out in au aggra vated iürm,and PERHAPS A fier MARRIACiH. Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affcotions and ï) i,-ease.s of The XJrinary Organs Whether existing n MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originatinjr; aml uo matter OF HOW L.O5ÍG STASDIXG. Di-seases of these Orgrtns rerjiiire the aid of a DluiUvTic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT WURUTIC, Aad itis certain to have the desired effect in all Di aeases, for which t is recosnme&dttd. JJLOOD Í BIAKJÜ ! BLOOD! Ilolmbold's Highly Concenl vated Coaitiound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPIJILIS. . This is an aCFct:un of tlio Blood, aü ntéacfes tïie gexuil Orgiin?, Linins of the Xosc, llars, Tliroat, Windpipe, iiini oilicr fturfiaaesj motenfití aprfaiftíací' in the form of L' 1 [.■ mh..] r s K t . ; i-t Sa rsa pari lia puritiís tUo Biuoi! , and rewove iftil He 1 1 v Erujiityiis of tb e ík in, givinp to CoBAplxlon M Clear anfl itealüiy Caloï. Jt feetetft prt'j ared expresaly furthis ciatos o!' eomplatatf, its Bïood-PoriijiDg Properties are preserved to a líreater exteut li.un :i:iv other proparaiion of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold'sRose Wash. An excellent I-otiou for PiseaseB of a Syphütic Nature, and aa?i iicvoa iu Dísch-1 s t' the L'rihary Oi-anafisÍHíí FroíD haoit of dlíáipafron, uü'1 in cojinetGoc with tii e Extrae h Buuhu and tía r sa pa ril la, iu Such diseasw as recnminended. EvidfQc of tbemoat tesponaïblo and reliiibk cuacacter will accnmpany tlio medicines. CEUTIÏCATES OF CüliKS, Krom tMght to twenty vnrs Rtandiag, wt!i namei known to SCIENCE ÁJSD FA&3, l-'ur MedicaJ !'r'U)ertii:sof BUCHl see U;:;pt.nio:-y oí tfiè United States. See Professor VEIVEES' valuable wocks ou the Prictice oT i"ny.-u. Sce icin;idisni:ule by tho iaLe oelobrated JOt. PfíJT7CA', Phitadiilphia. fc'ee reinarks made by Vr. EPHRAIM McDOWKLL, a celebiated Pbysician, and Mcin&er of th Koyal College of SurgeotiH, Itt'iand. und pubHsbed in the Iransactions of the Kin;iHl Qnseu'a Jo-urrmt, @ee adico-Citttrgicl Review, publishetl !y BEJSJA MIN TRAVERS, felIoM üf the Koyal College oí1 burgeons. S.'c most of the late Standiu'ü1 Worka op Medicino. Extract Buchu, $1 to eeb bottik, ok bis fos SÖ 00 f Sar.sapaihi.i.a 1 CO ! m ö oo Imit.'ivk! BdbH VViia, 50 ( " 2 üo Or half a dozen of each fcr .$1200, v.l.i'-li v, ill be Millicient to uure the most obstinate c&sqs, i" directícñs are adbred to. Deüvered to aay address. Beeufelj paclcd (romobservation . H DftBcwbe symptom,; in all conunanications.- Cures guajanteed . Advine jeratis. A F 1 1) A VIT. Pernonally apiie.v"d before mean Alderman of the nityof Philiuk'lpliia, T. nKtMBO1.V, who, belug '?nly Bworn, doth say, hia pTparattons enntain no nsircotíc, rp mercury, or other injurio uü diugs, but are piuely vegetable. H. T. HELMBOLD, Sworn and wubscribed bcforo jiie, this '2;ld dn y oí (íóveuibir, ld. WM 1'. Hiniï.'vKI. Alderman. Ninth-street, aiovf Hare. Phila. Address LetHrfl foff iiiforiti;itiori in conitdence. B. T. HELMROU), Chemit Depot 104 South Tenth-Btreet,belov CUesfcuiit, Phila. JJEVVARE QM COUNTERFEITS AKDUNPlUXCirLKD DF.ALI.IÏS, Who f-ndt-avr to (Hppose " OF THEIR OWX " and "othei" articlcsnn the t eputation attained by Jehnboliil9 Genuine I're])aratinnn, 't " Extract Buc-lm, ( " " Siirsjipiirill.i, " ' ■ Improved Rose Wash, Sol'l by all Hr-ujírfÍHto eerywhcre. ASK FOR IIELMBOLD' S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out thp a(lvc4tBement, and scd foy it, AND I am Bcund íor IGÜIIERIKICO'S! Dispute tlie fact if yon can, It takes theTAILOk after all to give appeaiancc to the outer man. I f you wish to appear well You must accordingly Dres3 Well. Go to SI. Guiterman & Co's,, Thcre you will find tliings exact'y SO. S0NDHEI2T always ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in i he Stato, Take heed - call eakly, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are uow greater than ever, Our Clerks you will ñnd obüging aDd clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own getting up, Filling our Store from Botxom to rop. STUDENTS eapecially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAOK, For it takes but LITTLE M.ONEY to repleuish. 1500 O?ERC0ATS of Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OTn IMPOKTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relalions. From JJngland, Belgium, Germany and Franoe, Such as you can stand up ín. or weae, at the danee. Pants ! Paiits ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We scll them from ONE DOLLAR up lO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every desoription, You will find it so without fiction, Furniíibing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Tbis is all -we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Oo., - A BaiT.ími!;re!fOTiK!;!TW?iTiir,!ríí!iB'!r!flím!fflíiiimi!ii C?. BLISS Wouldtate thiR niethod qfinformíng bis okl íVÍeds and pátrons and til uthere wjio muy Cayor him witli their patronage, that he has greatly eularged hiá 8tock and Assortmeut j aod lurtag adoptéd the CASH SYSTEM BOT11 BUYING &SELUNG is mh-';u--i1 tu sel] Goíiáa at 3Flot9cxjLíí tlO nExrioejS, His stock consiste in par oí tht follüwiu: jy. AMERICAN' AND OTHEK tt. W atch e 5 ! fefc 4 The Ceiebrated ; SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CÍTAINS, TA13LE AND POCKET CUTLERY ! Fazops ;nnl íir n lies, BÖGKRS ïltATKI1 WARU, the best n market, Goid Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PATER ana EXVFXOPKS, Musical Instruments, Siring 4' Books for Insirumrnts, SPBCTAQIjiES, of Qold Silcrr, ScfcI , atd Platt-it, viti PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article Fáraoaa having diüiciilt watcibcs to fit with glasses eau be accoriüidated, as my stock i iarge'anü coinI'lrte, P. S. Particular atiention totfie nEi'A.iR.iKr onfall kinds of liim WaMies, ifticli afl Making and Setting new Jewcls, Pmions, Szaffs, and Cylinders. Also CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRY neatly ropaired aud war-anterï, at bis old standeifit side of Main Street. C. BLÏSS. Ann 4rlor,Nov. 25,18tí2 8Ü0ÍÍ For 3ïts, .Mït'f, Hcnches, Anta, Bril ftngs, Moths lu Fuis, Wooltns, L;c. Iistcts 011 Plañís, Fovb, Anímala &e. l)uy iul':illibl(i riMiicdie.s kuown." u jree frum po po na," " Noi dangGitfufe to to Rumas Familjr." 11 iïats come out i Imles to Jie." 4T5" Sold U'liuIfsaU' in all lAïge c %WB. JSter PoUl hy all PjruggisÈM .Tinl Rt-tailers every wbeT-e. Í&&- ■ ! I'I'Uwarr ! ! ! of all worthlftse frftitatien jg$i'$ftt tliat ''CöaTAK'a'' nam'e i on eaeh Box, Bot' i :,t k, bufóte yoti buy. JW Adifesa hRS'HV U. COSTAR. itihS" Priacipal IX'pot, Nu. 438 BroadwAj N'ew York. l"3 Sold b' all tin wh.o}$tale and lïetail Druggist.s, Ann Arbor, Mroh 915m3 &yef$ Sarsaparilla,


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Michigan Argus