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GREAï.GREATER GREATEST ! BARGA.INS EVER OFFERED 1859. JpLjl859. In thisOity , are now being offered at the OHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & rOT7vOlry StoiO. THE Stibscriber would eay to the citizenaof Ann Ar. boi.'in ïwwSLealar, Rnd the reat of Wa.htenaw Cnuntv in (jenernl, thit heha-sju&fc ÏMPORÏED ni RECTLY from KUKOPK.a Treinend ous Stock of Watches! All ofwhichho binds himself to sell CHEAPER than canbebought west of New York City. Open Face Cylinder Watches I rom 86 to $10 dn do Lever do do 8 to "1 HuntingCase do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watehee from go t0 jq I have also the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCHES, which r wlll seVi ttr $35. RveryVvatch warrantbd to perform well,or tbe monoy retunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Pixted Ware, Fancy Gocxia. Oold Pea, Musicallnstruments and Strinj Cutlery, 4c, ' and lnfactavariety of everyihinir uaually kept iyJew elflrs can be boughtforthe next ninety doys at vour OWN P E I C E S ! Persone buying auything at this welF known eitablishme nt can rely upon getting goodfc exactly as represented.orthemoney refunded. Calleariy and secure the best bargains ever offered in thil City. One word in regard to Itepairing : Weareprepared tomakeany repairs onfinn or oommon Watcbes, even to mífkingo ey tei eBïire wa&efe If neceasary. P.epairine of Clocka and Jewetry as usual. Also the inannfacturincr oí RINGP, BROOCIÏS or auythins des ired, from California Oold onahortnotice. Ensravine in allits bianchesexeented witbneatneeeanddi3patch. J C. WATTS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 0Ehl859. 7L-fw EffiVlKMBIiIïÉl HhHE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES JL V.'ILL be for the HealiLg of the Nations. Bible. Prof. n. a". Xjyozm-js, THE GREAT AXD CELEBRATED FHYSIG1AN of tbe THROAT,LUXGS, HKABT, UVk& AND THE BiAJOD, Knowu all over the country aa the CELEURATKD TlSTTyXAlSr HEBB DOCTOR I Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit tho füllowing places, viz APPOINT-MEXlyaRlse, lS63and 1864. Prof R. J. I.vüuh can be consulted at the fnllowin" places evej-y raonth, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, each month, 18th and 19ih. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 20th. Jackson, liibbard House, tach mouth, 21. Adrián, Bracket House, each month 22d and 23d. Toledo, Ohio,Colhns House, each raonth. 24tli, 25tb. and 26th. Öillsdale, Mich., Hillsdale House, each month, 27th. Coldwater, Mich-, Southern Michigan House, each month, 38th. Elkhart, Klkhart ïïouse, eaeh montli, 29tii. Suuth Bend,Ind., Si. Jo. (lotel, each nionth, 30. Eáporte, Intl., Tee Garden ïlouse, each ïonth 31st. Woostor, Ohio, Craadell Exchacge, each month, 7th an-lSih. Mansfield, Ohio, Wiler House, each month 9th and lOtli. Mt. Vernon, Kcnyon House, each montb.Uth and 12th. Xewark, Ohio, Holtou Houseeaeh mosth, 13th and 14 th, Fainesvillp, Ohio, CowlesHrmse, each raonth, 4tb CLKVELAND, OHIO. RESIDKNOE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East of the public square, opposite the Postoffice. Oflice days each monta, Ist, 3U, 4th, 5th, 6th, I5th. - OÜico hours from 9 A, M. to 12 M, and from 2 P, M. to 4 1'. M. OnSuuita y from 9 to 10 A. M., and 1 to 2 P. 11. jQÉ5"Maxiinsstrictly adhered to - I give such balm as have no strife, With nature or the law.s oí' Uw, With Uloodmy hands I nvev stain, NorpolsoD men toease tbcirpain. líe is aphtsician indeed, wíta Oums. The Indian Heró Docto , R. J. LYONS, cures the fol Ie w ing eumpiaintü iu the post obstinate stages of their exisUnc6, viz; Uiotiases of the Throat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomftch . Dropsy in the Cliest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. or Falling ickness,un.d all o Uier nervousderangements. Also alldisease.sof the blood,such as Scrofula, Eryaipc'.as, Cancers. Fevc-r Sores, l.epropy, and all other eomplicated ciironic complaints. All forma 6f fVmalc diiliculties attended to with the happiest results. It is hoped ihat hq nno will despair of a cure until tliey have givtMi Indian Ilerb Doctoras Medicines a fsirand faittifu) trial. IgUlhiriftg the Doctor' travels in Eürope, West Ijndies, South America, and the United States, he has boen the insUment in God's hand. to restore to heaith and vigor thousands wbo werf; given up anl pronouniied incussible by tbe most eminentold school [.ïysiciiös; uay, more, thousands Wuo ver(.' nn the vcge of the ,o;ravp. are now living mor.unií'iits feo tóe ïmri,;n Herb's Doctor's skill and successfn 1 1 real nn-nt .andaré daily excliiiming: "Blesaed beïhedaj wbea firt we saw and partook of the ludían 1U rb [)o'!ir' nit;dicine. ' t-'i'.íesfactory rt ierences of cures will be gladly and ehr i tully irtvi'ii hunevftr required. The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that h.i irill in no wi8e,direc(ly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take bis medicine without the strongest probabiiity of a cure. JES" Mode of examinatïon, which is entirely different from the faculty. J)r. I.yn professes to discern ; eeases by the oye. He thereforc aks noquestions, nor doeftb'e putintftiQ cxpluin syrnptoms. Callone and yll, uid have thesymptoms and location of your dtpenae explained f ree of charge. IThe poorhIl be libera lly cousidered. aa-Paátoffice addresB. box 2863. B, J. LTONB, I . Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly880 riotlce, MY Wife FLIZA ha ving lett my bed and board without rcasonabk' cause, I sbull pay no dehfa of lier coïitracting. ïïESRXM. TRIPP. Paline, Jan. 14th, 18GJ. P. B A C H Ilaa receivcd A. LAEGE STOCK -OFF ALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INOÍ.ÜIMXS LiVTEST ST1TLES Shawls, Dress Groods, and everytliing for . Ladies & Gents Wear. Q ( GOING MT FOR CASH ! O- - rr Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oot. 1803. ü Farm for Sale, S1TÜATF.D tii milee North of Ann Arbor. Sid farm consrstrf üf ' acres. On tht premises are gooi! baiMingí', a line orcliard and a living stream. It is UnMvn as h& HofleCTRDB farm. H - ïï l be old c'tit'ap, teína r t psjawnt maile easy. Bnmlm of I-.C. RISPON. Ann Arbor, Jan. ff, 1 S64. 94Uf 1 Ayer's CSieny FeAnï JtJST OPENING? The largest Stock and beat assortrnent of CABINET FÜRNITUEE ? ever broaght to thia city, inludrg SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, XjOOlsLixig; Glasscs Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other goods kept ín the best and laigest houses in the country. We ire.ppno second band furnituie or Auction goods. Cofifin kept constantly onhund,and made to ortïer My guoda are ofFered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N, B. I munt have mrney, and respectfuly request those iodebted,to cali and fix up tueir old matters without delay. O, M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oei. 6. 1803. 925tf roa T sSDr SCROFULA AND SCE0FUL0ÏÏS DISEASES. From Emcry Edes, a well-Jinowii merchant of Oxford, Jfame. " I have pold large ((uantitiesof your Sarsaparilla, but never et one bottle which failed ot' the desired efiVet andfull satisfaction to those lio took it As fast as ouv people try it% they agree there has been no medicine like it beibi e in pur coniHiumty.'1 Eruptions, Pimples Blotchea, Pustules Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the SkiaFrom Ticv. Bobt. Stratton, liristol, Eng.ïand. 41 1 only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my tcstimony to tliat you publish of the medicinal virtues of your Sausafakilla. Mv daughter, aged ten, had an ahiicting humor in fier ears, eyes, and hair ibr years, which we were unable to eure until wc tried your Sarsapabilla. She haa been well ibr some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Hice, a well-knoxcn and muchesteemed lady ofDenmsvilley Cape May Co., JV". J " Jdfy daughtcr has suflercd for a year past with a ecrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome- Nothingafibrded any relief until we tried your Sak. Saparilla, which soon cotapletely cured her.; From Charles P. Gage, E$q.,ofthe imdehf-knou-nfirm Of Gage, Murray Co., manvfckcturers of enam elled 2apers in Jvashua, AT. II ' " I had for several years a very troublesome ñw mor in my face, which grew constaatly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable áfioiction. i tried almost everything a man could of both advíce and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Sarsatarilla. H immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new akin began to form under the blotcliea, and continued until my face ie as smootb as anybody's, and 1 am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your Sahsaparilla." Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify the Blood. From Dr. Roht. Sawin, Iouston St., N. J?. Dr. Ayer : I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrqfulous Sores by the persevering so of your Sarpaparilla, and 1 have just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. Ko alterative we possess equals the Sarsapabilla you have euppüed to the profession as wtíll as to the people." FromJ. E. Johnston, E&q.y Wakeman, Okio. " For twelve yéars 1 had the yellow Eryeipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians I could rcach, and took hundreds of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that any arm must be amputated. I began takiugyourSARSAPARiLLA. Took twobottles, and same of your I'ills. Together theyhave curea me. ï am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my caBe is known to everybody in tbis community, and excites tbe wonder oí all." From Hon. Henry Monro, JU. P. P.,oNeicca$tle, C. W., a leading memberof the Canadian Parliament. 11 1 have used your Sarsaparilla in my family, for general debiity, and for puriyiri tjie blood, with very beneficial result?, and fee! couüdence in commeuding it to the afflicted." St. Anthony'a Firek Hpse, Salt Khoum, SoaH Head, Sore Eyea. From Ilarvev Sicklcr, Esq., the abte editor of the 1'uncUia.iyiiock JJemocrat, Pewisylvania. W-Our only cbild, about three vears of age, was ttacked by pimples on bis forehead. Tliey xspiilly spread Uiptil they formen a loathsome and virtiJent sore, which covered bis face, and actually blinded bis eyes for some days. A skilful physician appliea nitrate of silver and other remedies without any apfiarent effeci. For iifteen days weguarded his hands. est with tbem he should tear open the festering and corrupt woiiiid whicb covered l!isyhol2 í"ac. Having trií4 every thing else va had any üopefroi,,.we. bega giving your Saksaï-ahilla, and, analying the iodide ot potash lotion, as you direct. 'ne pore began to beal when we had given the first LotiU, and was well vhen we had tímshed the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healtby and fair as any other. The whole oeiarliborbood predicted that the child must die. Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Sloat. of St. Louis, Missouri. liX (ind your Sarsaparilla a mor effectuai remedy fw the st&yudary symptoe of SypfUÜ3 and for syphilitic disease than any other we possesa. The profession are indebted to you for some of tbe best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D.} an eminent physician of Lawrcnce. Mass., ivho is a prominent meinier of the Lcgislature of Massachusetts. "Dr. Aveei - My dear Sir: I have found vour SarsapaiIilla an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and effectual in some cases tuat were too obstinate to yield to Other remedies. I do not know what we can employ with more cevtaiuty of success, where a powerïul alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brunswcic, N. J.f had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse ofmercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every ■eraedy or treatment that could beapplied, until the jMirsüvering use of Ayer'9 8arbapaiiilla relievcd Iiim. Kew cases can be found more invetérate and distressing than tbis, aud it took severa! dozen bot tles to cure lüm. Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generalij' produced by internal Scrofulous Ulceratioiiy and aru very often cured by the alterative effect of this Sars'aparilla. Some casea reouire, however, iu &id of the Sarbaparilla, the Bsilful application of local remedies. From the well-Jcnown ad i&idehj-cLtebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of ('inciiwiti, "I have fouud your Sarsaïariha an exoellent alterative in diseases of females Many oases of irregularitv, Lreucorrhoqa, Iuternal Ulceration, and local debility," arising from the scrofulos diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do uot, when itseffect is properly aidedby local ireatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the pttblication of her name, writes: 11 My daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhoea of long gtaudingl by two' bottles of your Sarsaïlarilla." itheumatisin. Gout, Liver Complaint, By-s? pepsia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, wben caused by Scrofula in the systeiu, are rapidly cured by this Hst. Sausaparilla. ayTr'8 CATHARTIC PILLS possess so nmny advantages over the otlier purjatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more tlian to assure the public their quality is maintained cqual to tlie best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that thev have ever done. l'repa'red by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STIiliWNS k WILSON, Aun Arobr, E. SAMSON, Vpsilanli, A. EW1XG, Dextf-r, WHEKDON & HATCH, Ch.'lsia. Wli.,lo-;ili. liy FARRAKD8HF.LBY k Oo., Deiri.tC. E. COBl'f.iil, Travelling Agent. _ Family Dye Colors. "I1OR Dyeing Silk, Woolen ii)d Mixed ood, Shawls, FScarftL Dreses, Kibï.os, Clüves, Rpnnüts, Hat. PeUetsJ Ki.l eïèvw, i:li!Mreu's Clnthin;, and 11' kinüs of Wearing A,j!arel S-A SA VING OF 8U PÍÍK CEfST-%3 For 25r,r-nrs yen rat color tta many ifoorls as would ri cost [i( rimes thai stim. VariüUH shade can bé prpduced From the saine Ifye. The proces is limpie, and any one can use tbe Dye with perfect success. Directions iu tngllsh, French aqd Gepman, insude pf eachpackage. For further nfpnnatipn iu Pyeiog, antí eiving a perfect knowledge wliat colorR are best adai'ted tp dye over others, (with many valuRble ruipg,J purchase IJowe & Stephen' Treatise on J)ypiru aud Coloi-iog. - Sent by mail on receipt of price - 10 cents. Manuiiicturid by HOWE fe STEVENS, . Ft'i 1 !ƒ Dri!?gbtü aod Clcrp rstWtVf üiCWJ Cbancery Sale. IN PITIISDANCE and h, virtm, oj . ,,. Crcnit Coutt.lor the Count, "..?"' Chaccery, made on the grat iír of ut ," i! cause therein pending, wherein Alomo C L"3' i pUmant Labao A. Beígeant, Else Serian, í ! 5,, Jolm W. Smith, Kanny E. Ser.t. '. d"'ïf 6eld. LincU-y, wWm W u'1 5 C Dearborn, and John Smith 0Ie defraoant '''rC Notice is bereby giren tbat I hall sel] t . tion to the higheit bidder at 12 o-dook "i,,, day tbe 5h day of March neit, at the it j " i . Wa.htenaw County Court How i i? ví0"' Arbor, all the following pieces or a,)0'!',0' i. uated lying and being in the Townl.n , S Washtenaw CounUr and State of Miehinn Á' 8e" follows, to-wit . Sixty acres oí land freír, ik"""'' of the Kast half of the South a"t „""t "i'N number thuty.four ; also acre, of 1.L,". North end of the Weit half of íhe Soath „, , '"% of section number thirty fiye, Townsbm 1, "H South of range number four Ewt, bdne in .ïi U" dred aniitwenty acres oL land. S ■■""I. GEORGE DANÏ08JB Ci r. Court Com Wah r u' E. B. Wood, Complainant'a Solicitor. ' ' , Dated, Jan. 28th, 1864 J ____W Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the cocía mortgage, exeeuted by William J Whi. i jahW. Morgan, dated Maren second, A D i J" recorded in the Registers Offlce, in Washte„;,7' March sixth A. D, ÏW3, ia Uier. Su 39.3Í Lüï "H ]wga 459, by whieh defsult ie powor of Ml, „!'i naid mortgage becaine operative. and no sak „ , t!i's ing having been iastituted at law to recoyer uT' secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof . sum of two hundred and sixty one dollars b' claimcd to be due thereon : Notice is tlierefo, I ■ given that the said mortgage wiu be forecloL 71 sale of the mortgaged premisos, to wit ■ The ' ' of the east half. and the east half of the wmí'iS!'1 section No. thirty one, in township No. four ': range No. Reven east, being in Augusta in ti, J1" ' of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan .' the south west quarterof the sonth. east qu'ui""! 6ection, or somo part thereof , at public rend " Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor on tí'""1 ty-siith day of March nen, at noon. ' '■ E. W. MORAN Mort. Jímjss KiN-nsisy, Attorney. ' "Wi Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 23d, A. D, 1853, Estáte of Joseph Kelsev. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of WufoL. O At a session of the Probate Court fortk, r "' Washttnaw, holden atthi Probate Officti n ï " 'n Arbor, on Friday tho eighth !ay oí hl !' the year one thousand eight hundr(a iti1-' ! four. M Wl Present, Thomas Ninde. Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Joaeth I.u , ceassed. """Jii On readmg and filing ie petition, dolj ,1 Henry Bearick, Administrator of the estáte of 5i ceased, praying for licen?e and autboritv to J tam real estáte of said deceased. K Thereupon it is Ordered, that Mondsj, H,i„.h aecond day of Februarv next at one o'clock ia %iti.' Booa, be assigned for the hearing of said petitimTÏ that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all gL persons interested in said estáte, are requiredb,. pear at a session of said Court, then to be bold ' the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor i Couuty, and show eause, ifany therebe, wi v thè lm. of the petitiont r should not be granted: K And it ís ftiTtiier ordered, tbat aaid wtiti tivo notice to the persons interested in laifl M(,( the pendenoy of said petition, and tlie heariajftw by oausing a copy of this Order to be publisbed n Michigan Argus,A newspaper printed and tirtuli', in said Cuunty of Washtenaw, four succesim hi previous to saiá day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NINDE, 939 Judge of EtoUt Ghancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Judicial CiiniU Chancery: Edward firigifs, Complainant, 1 SuitpenJÍMii wCir. Court (4 Harry Estey. Jacub Eitey, John County ofWiit Estey, Israel Kstey, John L. naw, in Chinar Book, John G. Wahr, and at Ann irtoi JohaWagner, the Sth i; !( Defendants. j uary, A.8..Ü8 It satisfactorily appearing to the uodenigieft cuit Cou:t Conimissioner for said County, tvifiá' that the-abot'i oamed defendant, Harry Lstr)iii resident of this State, but that be is a resident oti State oí California : On motion of A Feich,8ofc for Complainant, it is ordered that the saiddifak Harry Estey, cause his appearance in thia cioienh cntered witbin tao months from thedateof Ihiiuk and, that, in case ol his appearance he cause wu swer ta coinplainant's bill to be filed and aeoprlt of to be sewed on complainnnt's solii twenty days of the service of a copy of said tölul novice of this order, and in default thereof lili Ib said bill be xakenas confessed by the said fciutai: Harry Estey : and it is further ordered thfct li'ih twenty days after the making of this order tbt complainant cause this order to be publisbed in T' Weekly Michigan Argus," a newspaper public said County, and that said publication be coito:. said paper, at least once in each weet, for ïii wl in succession, or that be eawse a copy of this orir. bepersonally seived on the said defendant, Hiiri' tey, at least tweuty days before the time bwt JB seribed fr his appearance. Dated, January 8th, A. D. 1864. GEO. DAXTORIH, Circuit Court Commissioner for Wasiteaaw Cn ty , Michigan. A. Felch, Complainant's Solicitor. VS11 A true copy, Tjuc W, Rooi, Rn Terrible Slaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS 0188 T3E3CE B.d.TTXiI! Which hasbetn raging for the past four ïrttüü MACK & SCHMID'S STORÍ Has provecí a grand success, although the alunk' DRY aOODS Has beetwrile. We iow make the aDnonncse that Tïe shü,ll cfttiue "Fox Man y Yeari1' to war willi ifcigh. grics, beiag terioed to pi hunivctls vfh.0 iüty thong oui sitóte, full T? tbeiT woney, LboTw can find witli %vs &U ÍC shades and styles uf DRESSGOODS, WHITE GOOBS, UOSIERY, GLOVES, I With a very iarge and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAfü r, taelow thoir V!11 We hear it said every day that vrñ are rnini business in this city by seüíng so cheap biit9 help it, The Gotxls Must be Solt 1000 New Style and best quality BOOT SN chtap, and lor the Gentlemen we have a ver.''"? sortmentof Frenoh Twilled Cioth. Beaver Orer' ings, Dosskins, Faucy Cassim-re1'' ings, &c, Of all dcscriptions, and can furniíh a w A short notice much cheaper than itcao be b0Qí where. An examination of this brancb of " ness willconviuce all that this is the placttoW f Tants, Coats and Vests. We have aljo "" stock of Ladies and Childrens' Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, And in fact everything that man or womD cn to wear oa hed ur foot, Groceries, Crockery, Glasswaríí1 At astoni&hing low prices, and in flho""1 JL stock must sharethe same fute for we are ö to sell, no matter whal old croakers may '?' jü AH are invited to aspect our Btockas ií is t to .show our goods, and we are boundto me manHs nf all. . -pBüft 932tf MACK AM YOU INSURED ! II" NOT CALL ON O. 3EC. aVCIJjX3SIi! Agent for the foliowing first-class CPW' Home Insurance of New Cash Capital over One and a Half BD" CONTINENAL INSURANCE C1 Of New Vork, I. til1' Capital over One Million of Dollar J" pauy the Insured particípate in the pro' PJTST FIBE IISTS-, C of Hartford. . Papital over Three Hundred Thou""1 r C. H. ■&.. Sastt Mtin Street A . ' -


Old News
Michigan Argus