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fusil gtetag ■""cÓüÑty bible society. -rpoSITORY of nibles anrt Testamenta at tho So]) 'eiety pnce at W. O. Voorheis'. ' jTc. WATTS & BRO. iÚIÍB3 in Cloek, Watchas, Jswelry and SUver ) Ware No. 22, Kew Iilock, Ann Arbor. ... 0--BLIÖgÉ tEAI.ER n Clocks, Watehes, .Tewelry and Silver ) VTareNo. 22, New Block, Aau Arbor. "CTH. MÏLLEN. DEALER in Dry (Joods, Groceries, Croctsry, ie. c. Mm Street, Ann Aibór. "píIlip bách. tvEAIXKS in Dry Goods, Groceries . Boots & Síhoes, U te, Main st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. H rANÜFACTDRER and dealer in Boots and Shoes, one XVI door north of the Post Office. N. B. COLE. PEALER mBocits & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Block, Maih Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERSQN. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisliing gooJs, Tin Ware, &c, &c, New Block, Mamst. GEO. PRAY, M. D. PHYSICI IN nd Surgeon. Residence and qflice oa Datroit street, near the Depot. O. C. SPAFFORD. fAOTFACTURER of all kinds of C'oooper Work, [1 City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short jtotice. Detroit Street, Ann Artor. XJ. SUTHERLAND, GENTfor the NTew York Life Insurance Company. A Office od Huron street. Also has on hand a stock af tbe most approveil sewing machiuS. 885if "george fischer. MEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Beef, Hutton, Pork, Ham!, Toultry, Ird.Tallow, Sc, kc. SCEOFE & MILLER. TVF.AI.EBS o Miscellaneoue, School and Blank Books, IJ ülitiouerr, l'uper Jlangings, &C. , Mainst., Franklin Bloclc. " fílRAM J. BEAKE3 JTTOBNEY nd Counsellor at ;nd Sulicitorin A Chancery. Office in City Hall Biock, over Webstcr's Kook Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Snrgeon. Office at hia resi'lcnce, north side of Harou street. and secoad house west of División street. M. GUITER1VÍ4N & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturors oíReady-Mada Clnthing, Importers of Cloths, Caslinwes, Doeskins, Sc, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main r.t: WM. wagner7 ÜEALER in Resdv Clotliing, Cloths, Cassimercs, ind Vestii)í;s; í%tí', Capj, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c, fhoBnix Btock, Main fitreet. SLAWSON & SON. GROCERS, Provisión and Coniraission Merchants, and Dealers in Water Lime, Land Plaslfir, and Piaster of Pariü, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SOOTT. AMBROTYPE and Photograph Artisi , in tlie rooms over Campion'b' Clothiüg,5tore, Phoeuix Block. Lar(tsatiifactiongiren. C. B. PORTER. 00RGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón fltrsets, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calis fromptlyattendi-d to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON. BEH.ERin Dry Ooods and GrocerieB, Boots andSlioes, &c. Produce bought and sold, at the oM stand of ftompion & Milieu, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SOHMID. TVKALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, GroceA rits. Hats and Capa, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, '■, Corner of Main & Liberty ts. O. A. KELLEY, pHOTOGRAPHEK- Corner Fourth & Hurou strectö, Ann Arbor. Cases frames and Photograph Albums astantly on hand, and at lower ratea than cnn be 'wadslsewhere. Iy881 ANDREW BELL. DE4LEB in Groceries, I'rovisions, Flour, Troduces, c., 4c, corner Main and Washington Streets, inn Arbor. The highest market pricaspaid lor country produce '' ■ : 886 I. O. O. F. WiSHTENAW I.odgc, No. 9, of tbe Independent Oxfl íeíof Ddd Fellows meet at their Lodge Boom. rJ Triday Kvening, at7g o'clock. 1 }. JtMDSSlx, M. G. P. B. EOSE, Secy "KINGSLËY & MORGAN. AT'iyt'.rF.YS, Counsellora, SolioitorB, and Notaries ' e '.'ilc, have Books and Plat shoiïing titles of „11 'il'in the County, and attend to conveyancing and 'j'í'lwtuig demanda, and to paying taxes and school intestinany part of the state. Office east of the park. D. DkIFÖREST. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shiatjles, Sash, Doors.Blinds, Water Lime, Grand ""rPtastor, Piaster Paris, and Nails ufallsizes A "íll an' perfect assortinent of theabove,and aUotlier 'lads of building raiterials constantly on hand at the '' piinibl rates,on Detroitst.,a few rodsfromthe toid Depot. Also operating extensively n the fttDt Cement Roofing. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DlcmeBrtheríeroRs Seminal, Urlnary and Stxual Sy Uéms - new and reliahle treatO(nt_n Rsports Of' the HOWARD ASSOCIATION- ntbymailinsealed letter envelopes, freo of charge. 'rw!,Dr.3. SK!I'-y HOUGHTüN,L'i--,:.-a Arsoeii '■"..fc. iSaaVi Ñ'toth Street, ttili Ka. ïtjï '


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