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The University Question

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Wo append the following report of the Qommittee of the Eegents of the University, to which was reierred Üie several memorials and documents - reJerred to in our last issue - requesting the reíusfcaíeraapt of Dr. Taipan, with the vote of the Regents adopting the BarnÈ, Your Oommittee to whom were refjrre.d cortain papers and meraorials, asking for the restoration of the Kev. Dr. II. P. Tappan to the Presideüoy of the University oí Michigan, beg laave to report : ïhat the Communications referred to, signed by eminent citiijens of the State and faithful friends of the University, have received that full and careiulcorisidüi-ation on the part of the Coinmittee, to which, from their character and source, they were deemed to be entitled. Your Committee regret tliat anything should have occurred in the history of the University, which should awaken the fears and apprehensions of persons of such distinguished rospectability and influeneo as those whose narnes are appended to these momorials, and also sineerely ioin with them in the further regret tbat any circumstances should dcprive the Uuiversity and the educaionul interests of the State of tbe sericos oí one whose superior ability and attainments, and whose efficiency and success in the sphere fi'led by hira with &uch rare distinoti'oD, have for sonae ■ears past b.eep an honor tp onr State. They appreciatc, and beliavo that the )eop{e of the State appreciate the laors of that eminent scholar and educator, and the impresa vvhich his influerice, has left upon our young and rapdly developing Oommonwealth. They recognize as fully as the memorialista the almost unexampled pros)rosperitj of tho Univürsity during the Prcsidenoy of Dr. Tappan, and aocord ,o hini and his ooadjutora in the man agement of the several departments, within that period, the distinguished merit of having placed the institution araong those of the' very first rank in our country, whether we regard its discipline, the eharacter and grado of the scholarship attained, or the number ofstudenta whom it has yearly sent :orth so well fitted for the duties aod reaponsibilities of activo life. Tbs action of tho lato Board of Regents reprehended by eome of the memorialista, your Committee would perhaps be steppiug aside frora their provinco if thoy ehould presurne in this report either to endorse or condeinn. - They do not regard it to bo the duty of the present JJoard of Regents o sit in judgment up'on their predecessors n office, but believo ihat accepting the TJiiiversity as t!;ey find it, it is rcquirec] at their hands to administer the trust as the best interests of the institution shall appear to thein to demand. Such is tho estiraation in which your Comrnittee hold the ability and scholarship of the lato President, tbey would be glad if, consistent with these interests, they could recommend his recall to bis former position But after the most careful deliberation they have como to the conclasion that it is impracticable and believe that in the posture whicl affairs have assumed, such an act woult prcve injurious to the real welfare o the University, which welfare they deern to be the legitímate subject o consideration for the Board of Regente on the question preseiiied by the memo rialists. The assumplion mndo by a portion ot thoso who have memorialized the Board, that the University is not a present in good condition, and doe not give proniise of succsss, appears to your Committee to haya bo:;p made without sufficient kn'ówiedge' of the fact8. The pressure upon the Board from the different dapartmenta for in creased facilitios for the. accomrnoaa tion of student, is a proof that the in etitution is not lar.guisliing. The Lavv and Medical departments ospecially, under the more immediate direction of their scveral faculties, are flounshiug to a degree not before paralleled since they were .established. The Literary and Scientific deparLments give no signs of that decadeuce montioned by the meraorialists. Appr.reritly ths institution is prosperous; 'and there is a good dogree of harmeny in tho several dopai'tmetits, and afflpng the various faoulties, and froin what we can learn, ■after the most delibérate exntuination and survey, the conviction 3 foro&d upon U6 unanimously ihut, u'nder all the circurastanccs of the case, such a change as is sought by tho memorialisls, ■would be atiende j witíi a' disturbarle? of that harraony greuter than bas JOT existed in the Urnversity. The charge is made in several of the pupsrs referred to your Committee, that the'rules and regulationu of the Board of Rpgents confer duties and prerogatives belonging to the different ïucïjlties aud to the "President, upon committees appointed by the I3onrd, and cóoaisting niainly ot members of the same. This objection can no longer be urged, as the revised rules meet the unaniinous approbation, it is believed, of all the faculties of the institution. Your GornmiUeo feel constrained to recommend that the request of 'tho memorialista be not granted. In makn thïs recotnmendation, thoy submit th'e grave and important queation to I the Board, and would here exprese the I hopo that the conpltiion which shall bo finally reached may be such as shall secure the acquiescenee of every true friend of the Uüiversiiy, and that all striie and contention being laid aside, the spirit of peace, and harmony, and mutual conoession njay provail, and ,hat tho institution which 'bas justly )een hitherto tho pride of the State, may go on in its career of usefulness, disponsing its blessings and impnring a beneficia! and graoious infiuence to all. The report was adopted by the folowintr vote : Aiet- Regents Walker, Willard, Gilbert, Johnson, Sweezey. Nays - Roent Knight. Absent - Regent Joslin. liegent Johnson, in voting in the afirmativo, wished an explanation remorded to the effect that he concurred n most of tho sentiments expressed in the report, but did not conour in all of them. Regent Knight, in voting in the negativo wished an explanation reoorded to the effect that with a very large portion of the report ho cordially agreed, butoould not vote in favor oi the adopiiop of the report without apparently aesenting to opinions which he did not entertain ; but he wished to be understoocj aa L( heartily in the desire expressod by tha Oomrnitteo for the continued growth and prosperity of our beloved University under tho administratiou poy fully in3talled by tho affirmative action of this BoafJ.


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Michigan Argus