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The University

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We havo been wcll awsrw for some months that matten at the University are in anytliing but a state condncive to the welfare uf the insfil ulimi. The difficulty scems to be the want of a President. "Were the present incumbent in every way equal to tlie position, the feeling against liim, and liis failure thus lar to meet even the anticipations of his friend, and his ntter want of any control over the studentx. show that his infltienee for useful, ness is destroysd. Tlie resol utiona passed liy the students and published in ourycstenlnv's issue, are wliat would be tenned in a legislativo body, a vote of wnnt of confideneo, but they intiinate one way iu which he may yct malee himself iimnensely popular, (hat ia, by tendering his resignation. - Eree Presf. We submit that tot whatover diseatisfuction or insubordinaron has e.istcd at tho University and among the students, the Free Press and Tribune are lnrgely responsible. Sinoo tho removal of Dr. Tapiwn they havo constantly given place to insinuating, carping, an(} qot over-truthiul editorials, and Communications so coütemptiblo that their writers werc nshamed to be known and have thus directly and designedl' incited insubordination and encouragot such modest eshibitions na the student made of themselves in the resolutionR roferred to by the Free Press. It was pre-determined that the " present in cumhent " ehould not be given a fai trial, and to prevent his success - even though the University bo rnined - seeras to have been the aim of the Free Press and Tribune, and of their anony molía corresponden ts. Now that the new Board of Rogents has acted - a Board avowedlv nomi nated and elected as the friepds of Dr Tappan - it is to be hoped that the University wiH be let That the '' present incumbeni " has been sua tain?d ly the new Board, in defiance of the prossure, personal, denomina tional, and poiitical, brought to bear to procure his removal without a test o; his capacities, is a sufficient evidence of the opinión those elocted to oare for the Uuiversity havo forraed of him. I tho Free Press and Tribune really have the interests of the Uuiversitv at hearl we trust that they will chango theii course, and hereafter advise subordination instead oí iQ.subordination at the University. - Since the above was ia type the Free Press and Tribune have both acqiesced in the decisión of the Regents, expressed their confidence in Dr. Haven, - at loast in liis iotentions and wisbes,--aod advised a support ol the University as it is. We sincerely hope that they wil] not be over-persuaded to reverse this vvise decisión, and that they will not show a willingness to lend an open ear to all coruplaints of students or others against the " present incumbent," but will remember that sucb complaints may bo without cause, though not without an objoct. Discipline and good order can bo the better maintained ut thu Uuivertsity - as in any otb,cr insiitution of Jearniug - if the Press is not made a frequent channel both of complaints and assaults against Profassurs, Presidente, Regents, &c. L3T On the fir6t page of this issue we give place to the lleport of the Commitee of the Regenfs of the University to which was ruferrcd a number of memorials asking the inmediato renstatement of Dr. Tarpán. This re, jort expresses the opinious deliberately ormed by the Comniitteo and endorsed )y the goard, with but a single dissenting vote. The öommittee and the Regents did not consider that it was for them to decide wbether Dr. Tappan had been rightfully or vvrongfully novtd, or whether the act or manner of remoyal was tot the good of theUni'ersity or a personal indignity. They had oDly to decide, Dr. Tappan having )een removed, whether the best iuterests of the University, and not the inerests of any sect or party, would bo promoted by his reinstatement. With i single eye to this question, and with 11 tlio. jnformation they could obtain, hey decidod, and we think wisely, that he good of the University would not üe seoured by bringing back Dr. Tapan. Wo have no doubt that their deision meets the views of a mijority of be educational men oí the Siate, and ïopu Ihat it will be acquiesced. ia by he friendd of Dr. Tappan, vvho sbould bove all others be fricada of the ersity. All tve ask is a fair trial oí Dr. Haven, and if he does not eucceed with a fair trial we venture to say tbat ie will step aside cbeerfully and leavo he Regenta to till the place anevv. - 3ut a fair trial does not presume peristeat fault-finding from parties outside cf the TJniversity, wlio can not knoiv its wanta or coudition, nor the incited insubordiuation of a few uneasy students who rnay let their prejndices control their judginent. Give Dr. Haven and his assooiates a generous confidence, and then if thoy prove wauting ín suholurship and executive abi'ity, and the University languishes in their hands, the iíeents will know their du tv. VViih this briof jomment upon tho iiu'nui of the Eegeats we leuva tlie Univ it-iiy tfi those hofo ppeciul duty il is to puro {■■! it.


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