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THE BEST THE CHEAPEST1 lastro tJt+w 1. FIIÍE AND IN'LANÏ) NAVIGATIüN RISK9 ftCCeptetf, now ;is lieivlofore, a1 f;iir r:tes and liberal comí iUons. 2. BUSINESS pONDÜCTKD wlth constant tlispatch anO accurücy. 5. L08SB3 aluray s taét vritli pröTOptiMM and cojnplet utice. Net Assets, Jnnunry 1864, 1 ÜL ï li?. J 4. THEPI.AN AND ÜUCAN1ZATIOV f llie XtÜA, 'after 45 3'o:ir soTt'rc trial, luis realized the pfröatest publlo aaVaatftge and auccoss of the vivriuiis systems of Kirt1 Insurance in the cuuatr. Is aow bytlor tlian cyer preparetl lor tluty. ñ i 0,000 Cbís Claínis linvo been sottlod and pald. - SKTEKN M1IXI0N OF DOLLARS ! 6. THE roWI.Ml'TloN OF PROPEHTY ÜY FIEE, In the United States, avi ragesi oxvt $100, 0CO rl&lly. lx your property oxpopci! nnd rniir"toct(Ml? 7. ARE YOUINSUIiEI.? If not, ivliy not? Th est is trilling; the ilutv i( m;; tl' result mny be your encape (torn ruin- while delaj and reglcct may involvp.vou in baiikvuiitcy, povorty or cruel disappointmeut. 8. PARTICULAR ATTF.XTION' and remrl is givpn to small riskfl as woll as Ijirgo ones. Able svourity and superior corcnn-rcial uilvuntiiges afforded. Policios issuod without tlelay. 941m2 ABTEI., Agent. AEE YQU INSURED ? II? NOT CALL ON C?. BE. XJEjXxJKT, Ú -AgTt for the foliova.-i;; fivst-class Conijjanies, lome Insiirarcc of New York, uli Capal ovc,r Ouo and a Hiilf iliïlious Dollars. GONTINENAL INSURANCE CO. Of NTew York, Capital over Onf Million of nollar.s In tliis Com)any the Insured particípate in the profits. city fixí,e losrs., 'coT, of Knrtfonl. Capital over Thrcc Ilumlied Thous.ind Dollars. C. II. M1IXEN. S3rt( Main Strcut Aun Arbor. IJrownell & Perrïn, GEN'L CÖÏÏSISSIÖN MBRCHASTS, 1S3 South Water Street, QUKCIOAG-O, IXiX-IXsTOIS, Dealers in Gram, Flour, Provisions, Seecls, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, céc. Roferences; Vestnn, Willaril k Keen, Qhica&p. 3. Uot.sford & Co., Ann 'Arbd'r', Hieb. tí, Particular íittention giren to the sale of Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, &c. Orders for the pu rchaso of Clover and Timothy qeed, Out Meats, kc, prcmpUy attendedto if accoraanied with cash or satistactory reierence. 9.'.9tf NOBLE & EIDER, are silling tlioir l;irge stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPER THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOÏt CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : glÖOag-l.SO Men's good Calf Pcgged, 3.00 a G.00 " " " Sowed : 5.00 a G. 50 Woman's " Laoo Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " CoDgrcss G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boya' YoutU's and Children's Show : : : : 15 a 1.50 Note is the timp to huy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidy advancing in E a stern Markets. TIIËY ALSO SIAKE WARRAKTED &S" WORK TO ORDER. -? AND REPAIR. Remembor vro can not and will ppt bp putljDfsold. PleMe cali mul examine iludir stock LAWEENCE NOBLK, CHARLES RIDEK Ann Arbor,Fcb. Útt,'lf)MÑ Real Estáte For SaloHOUSES $ LOTü, Also the ENTIBE STOCK of Ihe sutauiuor, consisting oi Gvocericsíinil Liíjuors, üu tile lliost roasonablc íerms for CASH. LUKK COÏÏE. nn vrl)or,Fcb.l5lh,18f4. 8wfl4í A Farm for Sale. SntJATED píx miles tíorth o? Ann Arbor. Faid farm consista of 122 acros. C;n th' premUes nf gooi buiUlin-1.', a .i.i-ii;ir'l and a living atream. Lt it Ivmdwii as tlio "Roí tiius f:irm. Tt will be BoW ebeap. and teims , pajmelít made eany. Knquire f L.C. r.iSDON. 4na Arbor, J&u. 26,'1S64. l'4ltf KOTICE, I.L pprsous to ir hom the late I'hilip Scliencif Wftfiinj áebted ettftorby nobu or bonk vccouat ;irp requostoil to pretKnt tlisir ciaiina t the umtfirsignod vnthin nintiL ty únys frota date, nd,H persons inlebted to him are requestwl to makt; NnmeáiaCe pattuent. MAHV ÖCUKKCK, Wi.U.w. í'reodom, Jan. 20, 1861. 941ffl3 yer's Cherry Pectoral o trj O W M O L_J I- J i a o O "ni?.. JOHN J. LYOiYS FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS THE ÖRET FEMALE REGÚLATE M, Are ti' o only known remedy Ihat will suc essfully and invariably restore and regu ate the female ayatem, rmovng nll Irreenaritiea, and producing health, vigor and trenglh. Lyon's Periodical Drops Are a fluid preparation, the only one of tho kind ever dis.oovfred in ïh'is country, and acts direetly on tho parts affected, whilsi pilla and powdets oan only reach Ihem as they work throngh sympathy. but not at all direct and positive. # Are j'ou auffering from a eonetant anxiety for the regular return of nature'a prescribed Give youraelf no tineaainees, for Lyon'3 Periodieal Droyj, if taken a day or two before the expeeted period, will positively and invariably regúlate ita coming, aa aure as effect füllows cause, aa certain a3 daylight follówe dnrknesa. Are you aick, enfeebled b.y diaaflje, or uuable to bear the labor and danger s( increase? Lyon's Periodical Drops 3ome to you na a blessing, for is not pruvenion better than cure? Ifregularly taken it is n eertain preven;iye,and will save yoü mueh peril and many ïoiu's of suffering. Haye ycü been afflictïd for many years witlj c,orjipl.iint8 incident to the sex, Ithat ïave baüied the skill of physicians, and are nirrying you pp to qp afirly grave? Lyon's Periodipal Props Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magie, all those irregulai'ities that have defied thedoetor's skill. Will you waste away with suffering from Leueorrhcea, Prolnpsus, Dysmenorrhceii, and a thousand other diffieulties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in Lyon' Pepodical Drops will surely Bav:e you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for althongh n poaitive cure, and liarmless at all other times, they are so powerful and {inely jnlcjlated fp adjiist and govern the fuivtions of the seïunlorganism, that if taken at improper times, they would produce rpeults contrary to nature, against wliieh all, particularly those who would reproduce, sjiould carcfully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time ; yet tlte proprietors wish to guard against lts misuso, bppjng that a thousand bp.f.f]es will be uged for a good purpose where one 9 used lor an illegitiifjte pp?. Lyon's Periodical Drops, thn never-failing Femalo Regulator, is for sale by evcry Dmggist, in both ciiy and country, arul do not, if you valueyour heallh and yish 'fqi' a reliable medicine,, buy any other. no other, but if the Druggist, to wliom yon apply has not got it, make him 83cd and get it lor you. C. G. CLARK &CO., PüorRnroRs, New Kaoen, Conn. At Wholesale by D. 8 BARNES A CO., New Yurl;. GEO. 0. G00DWIN & CO., Boston. FAHKAND, SHELEY & CO-, Detroit O trj P O m K Pi k I1-1 fe L J i I BufFalo Tcsttmony. THE fTTOT1 Cures "1 was tioubied iih Rheinrutism lor two run ■itlllWin',' m-ir trs rr; dy. 1 l,„,t. tuien wÓ bot lies of Ui'loipn-s l'niv, ':,.,,] ],:1T(. 1]nt haij , pain inco I left It on" more Ihan four 'weeks aio ï ■ nsider mysi-lfa i-ntinlv cnred, and' Ihe medicino lias madi. mi' IV, I M-i y l.j.1, t ,in, ),,,,l,_jl]St Ii;e a, yoong man thottgli I tn -il v tivn mn old # (.■ÜDl'KKY H'ilKFI Et, .lOj'Mi,-!,--:,!! SI . "My ïvifolias l.f.-n off. ring prcmrBJioTimlifn 'f an loHnmnmtorj eharitcter IV. r boni siïor leven ru Bomctimcs ve i-j acutely. About ih Sist of Juna Uut slic ciiiimMiivd tiiliii,!; tl.,, -l'..,,,,!,.' Core.' nnd continncrt in tak e It ome Ihree treek. In (en dnv nft,r lie commencod, the swelling an.t mui,., i „ .,( hei joints ;:;:;;:;:;,;:;;;:;;;,,::;,;;■"" M -■ % - CURE ÈtL "Tito of ernï snlwcrll , Motil ,„, nn'ict,.,! wilh bad K,.vcr 8or, (hn Mther wit Hlieiimatimn- linving Men tbe ndrcrtUeincut of tho 'Peaple'i Cure' m tlii aper, piirchwied the Medicina. ml nov, nrior 1 ning hor onghl.r tried t, rfport to iis.comm.innliiig M most .iMi-lily n, :i ttorousli -y in tln-ir eau-.- Edilum liristiitn Ailvocato, n'K rT T C Cun'B I'isf.nses pkopi.e's UUJiÜi of thé sim "My face hu fer more than ten ycars beeciciatly dmflguved bf erojption and bunche, wMch at timos ixtended orej mj hole budy , and unce for il re ,l:iya minie mo Pn1ii-i'!y l,li),.l ; baring taken tiro bottlea of th 'l'oopie's Cnri' mj acqna4tantii hardiy roeognize me - Indead 1 hanily bnow ,„ l , n n,,w a ut-11 man . L,t i 11 wlio aro al Mee nfllicted tly lliii 'Peaple'a Curo, - the Medicine prepttred bj tl. e Sanitary Society- and I thlok tln.y wil] rul begritdge Uielr dollar. "JOSEI'II POUR, Turner, Mcclianic St '■Buffalo, Hor. 15, 1862." THK rTTDT? Cnrm Scrsfoto 1'Eni'J.K'S lUJrJ Salt KI,,.,,,,,. "I have usiüthe'l'foplB' i'uil'' in iny f; mily with gTeat oonent, ;n !-a-cs ofS-rnfola and .k'Vt mieum. and have recommended it freQnently to my t -iends, all of whom I bètlei e hare Beon benefit ted, ;iud most oí thíia .ïntirely ci:rod by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Main St., up-sUirs.1! THE f 1 T 7 T) n Carea Femnle PEOI LK'S V U JX XL "I have boe n in feeble npalth evVr Bfnúc the birtb of my boy, wbo is non tve e tve yeora oïd. I have had i:my trunbles and 1 ifTicull íl-s . all ibis time. un fitting me for every kind of labor, and deatroying all my comort, Iast smnmer I commtmeed tak ing the 'Penple'a uve,' .mul have uP'l fmir bottlP, :'iiil Jiin now alnwst well voman. My difflculties liave oearly uil diMipeared, and í feel encerml aód happv. ".MUS. CATHARINK PKWAl, Dressmaker, GoodeUvUIey", aboveTuupejc e.t. "Enffalü,Üct. 'ZO, 1&2." S rTTT?T? c"ro wlion ptIjer PSdJPLHL'S V U IVÜi mediciné nul "My wife has been hï pot boalllj ior ;i Innir time ïnvinir frcmK-nlly to eall t pii rsïcïan (o atíenú lif-r; Ij ut he wiia recently very nuich worse. For Hve or sis reeks she had no ajetite, l.-si fiii ,■!■ atreagih, and vaseacíi itnjfrowÍDít worse, 'Slie bad ftfght ftweats, oughd a great deal during eacfa nil.t aad con-videra]y aurlng tbeday,and we allsopposed phV wan going iï wïili the consumi'Mnn, when a friend ulvisi"! Iir to ak the ' Pñoples's Cure. Qn takiiig tho imnlidu.' f-lie ercfivel a cliange it once. Qn the thlrfl daj uhe had eco ."yi ?:1 ber appetite, and was í"it regainfn$ lier tn-iigth, uutil, on ihe eighth day, aot yet havniK laken 011e botóle, she hsa stopped èakfng tb medicine aying she was as well as anjbody could bs. auü she ïai coninued so ever incp. "VALÍ, KLKÏNj Garducr, 32 Pearl t. "Buffalo, Oeíberljlo62." e3= Fot Palo hy ali Druggifft". 922y1 . G. QRUSBÏ, G&üeral Agent, No. 2"i5 Maïs at. , Búllala, N". Y., to wboin all orders siiQuld itddre&sed. For Ssle hy Sií & Wn-sox, Gkünviuï & FurxfH, and C. Kr.rmïAcu & Co. J? [k E !$LL WONDERFUL SÜCCESS. jS" The attention and research of the most dilinguiafaed Chemists and J'hysicians Ur years liave )oen dovoted to the productinn of a remedy fnr tbose nostdistressin matedles Neckai.cia and RhbckaxjUT. ■rter long study ;i n 1 maoy experinaeats, a sj-ícijíg yrr.paratiov Ims boii'discovc-ri-'i. W'Al'SON'S N";uralgia Khig,an Internat Iïcmcdy. e uring thottsauds uf canea whereall o tb er rwaedïas have atterly f;nU'd. We are issured that it is no n; , ■ '_ tODVNE," relipvinK for ;he monient '.vhüf'tl.o causo réinains, but is a perfect HPKCIKiCand i'VívM ís tbo 0 painfal disodaes. Tho vast nuniiipr of Liniuurnts, Erabrocaliona ruid Kxternal Medicines, wliich act as stimtalants r i" th 8 af face '-xW, are merely tempgyai j n Iheir effecis and ff üoaVtful virtue The XKUKAÏ,(iIA KING reaches tht norêc of alltrouble, and elfectually baaishts the di.seau irum tlipsystom, l'rice - XJtiQ DoUax per Bottle. Prcp.-ired by C. lï. WAÏJvKK, Iy922 Iïuffaïo, N. Y., And Fort Eriè, 0. W. For Palé by Ptebhins & "ilsom, Gbcxvillk & Fillkh, and C . FüKhií v( B i Cp. ■ 1STEW" FURNITURE ROOMS Onü door Xorth of, Risdon and Ilundmon's IIarlvaro Store. rrihe uni'.crsigncd haring purchased tbe nntire stock 1 of W. D.Smitli &Co4)andadded UrgHy u same, is prep&red to furnish In's ÍViends And patrón a jjood HASoctmcnt of well madu fin -niture, ui Í0FAS, EUEEAUS, BEDSTEADSj BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS.j of all kinds, and ín fact oí everythitiL; portaining to tho L O U 3 G ES. MATRSSJSS, kc.f to opdei bj irnoil and pxperienced workmcii, and warraned to glv nntUfdciicm, H also KeepS a fytobñ aafcrtuKTït of Clu-rrv and W-ihmt I.umbcr for 8te at reasonablo [jriccs. And will pa y the higbest market prioí for Cheny, Wah.ut, and Vhito VVnod Lusabcr. P. 8. lie has also'd the new an.I ELEGANT HEARSB1 of Smith & Co., and is jrtijLye3 to Curnisb all kinds of Wood Coffins, Métolie Cases, AND OASKETS, On tho shortest notico. Also attcnfls to laying out decL'Fl persons day and afght, without chargé. All funiiture delivered in tiie ity froe ui cliargt'. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, l&Ja, 1803. 9JQtf Tobacco! Tobacco! I AM SEIX1NG1 GOODFINE CUTCUEWING TOBACCO Atfrom, Fifly cents to gl per pound. SMOKÍNG TOBACCO, From 1 I cents lo 20 cents prr jiouncL at rclail. M. DE VAN y. Ann Arbor, Vicli., n.-.l", W2. SS."lf 's " bñTF ísTyó i) rThu ) je kísT THE .tillan --- v b r.inlin: lafgfl preparntions to briiga v. tv extensive variety of fruit trees nto thís iMty. as t;irly in the Spring as tlicy can be r - roo ved. Iliall 1:.-vp for salo, 10,000 Peár Trecs, 20,000 Jlj Trccs. 10,000 AdéJb Twí, 5,000 Grnpé Vines. Alto - :i large :'s--"rinn'nt ol' Evergreens, ;unl üowor.s ,1 llii Sil 1 lili. . Öidèrs ni'tv be Bni t" too bv :-.-.ail c oiherwine T. DrBOIS. Ann Arb.j-, Upe. M, 166S, iui!)34. TAKEÍfljpr OX llio sili rlay óf Dfcembcr n COW and r.M.r. Tlin Cow :bonlsi yo;irs iIU, rei] aucj white, ;inl tbvCalf nbout Bis moptbf) oíd - :t Utífer, Xbe cwner itrt' queted 'o prove pruperij1, i'.v chaiges and uke íaíü B 1 1 1L ■ 1 .: V' KO.Vi; .:;;■


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