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Tiü-: American Coliecting Ageney, ! No. 240 liroadway, New York. Chiinv:, o& all biudá affepst the Genera' Gorernraeut, Ptatt; Gnveru-ueut, the fSitf, or prívalo parties, pi oso' cuted and oUected a1 éfxpevt andriek Agaiust private partfeï I posWSs Buperior facilitiea for collectin; claim evérycwlieru in thi t'nïted Stalea anii C;ui:nl:is, relToving raercbantai attdignees, bankers andotluTs, dl the cm amlall r#)onsibility . Special attent on givn , to o ld dWjts, Uard cases, di, PorM, wills, estntw, etc. BeitiR familiar with fclJÜie details of the " InUrnal Revênue Ltiv}" I willattÁad prnffjjftty to the colletion of drawbacks, and laxes jjvt-rpítid through iguoi ce nf the l:i w. Soldfíj' p.pnsidnp, py, and bnunty secured forthem or theiv heirs. For that purpoe, aud for prosecutia ■ Jiaiafl the fJov(-]-nmcnt, 1 have a b ranch ofïiejj at Washington. No ciiariíe m;ideunluss claims are collected. All lioldiers tlischaipc3 by roasnu f wounds - however short the timethefjiave serred - are entitled io One Hundred Pollars Bouáty. AlJsoldiers haviiigserved tvoyears,tiro entitied Ly the sama. t3 The highest ïnarkel price Mfill be paid Tor boIdiors' claims, and ot lier dfiiiauds againat the Uej ■ il Government. Information and oimions gïven, and inTestigaiion made toühout rkrupoa olaims propo&ed to be placed in my hands. ForparticularR. addresfl H. HXTNTINQTON LEE, 900if Ko.,20 BtQftdwy; X.Y A. LAEGE STOCK BEAUTIFXJL DRESS SOODS, I.ATKST STYI.ES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, IFHSTIE SIHI-AWLS Of tjü W.V I'nttu:us. CAR PETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Oi all kiuii.-i for uw W'íiiu-r 'i'i-aüi-, uow apeníug ai O. H. MILLSN'S. NT. lí. - Thia is the ■-'(-'coiiil Arrival of Fall ;tn] Winler Goods, and will U-1 otleroil ut close ligaren, l'inse cali 932tf C. II. M. YMm-fTWaÊÊÊ RISDON & HENDERSOís' B.UCK.EYÏ3 CRAMM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfield, Ühio. THE VEI1Y CATEgí IMIT.OVEMKNT, and betler Ihan all ,!hr-rs; afevtcd to sowi-ig Wheat, Rye, Oats, lía 'ley ;mrt &rftBt Seo-1 . lit. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wiil sow all kinds of Gram and Graas Seed. Bd. Never lunclies the Grain Aiilï. Never breaks the Grain. bth. Sotos Grrass Seed broadcaal behindthe Drill. 6t.h. Has high lolieels and long Hoes. ïth. IFas long and wiue steel points. Sth. lt has a, land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. lt kas douhle and single rank drills. m IQlh. lt has a self adjusti; shut off fslide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill offered in tlio markel but can buast of more or less "FIRST PREMIUMS? Thcy are abo ut ;is nd crimina tely bextowt-cl is the title of " Professor," whreh ia somethnes applied to the 'fuidltr " or '■ booiblack,'' ïbey ccase tu convey tbe idea of mcrit. The Iïuckeye Drill hn.s been on Exhibition at quite a nmnber of State anti County Fairs, and without I60kiog favor at the lian. Is of ány Commitlee, has receiveü its full sharc of PreQXtaoa TESTIMOKIALS : We (flTfl the names of a few Fiirmers in th's vicinity wan have buught and used the tíuckeye Drill ; (vfrcy SrfHloy, SIq. Jacob Piilhöri.ijs Jacob Trcmper, 'ï ThoiDas Wliile, XorthiicM. -I'ihn Brok a vt C'hristian Kajip, " Edwnrd Boyden, Webstor. Jomes 'I'i eaü .veil , Aim Arboi Daniel O'IIurfi, élt l Johníí.Conl:, ÏM. O. A. Marsliall, M h. lAmow'f, fuliue. (j'yurge Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv'. Co. W'; arealso Agenta for tUe Qhi Haper Bi Mtwer, a :l.iaon4dlgei3 i,;he tho vecy bea,t iu use. We are jnst in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wíiicii we will .sell Cheap, Al.-o alarbe assortiment o GTrass Aii.l tlie largesf and best selectiíd stock of BENT STXJI ín KOR CARRIAGESevér bfore oflereil in tliis inarket We also keep a large aml fu II NAOS, GLASS, WTffy VAiñT.xcMAXSKEDOlL. A Qoniplote :i,',"Ofíi.icnl of STOY12S, TINWAIÍE, A.Sn KAVE TBOÜG'.lBHirayfl on m,,.] and pul, ipil U,p Bütíco lü.J)üN & HENDER8ON. Ann Arbor, June29tl: ,lLf2. ' Wtf Oval Picture Frames AI.I. -itZEf!, STVI.KS and TRICES just received and fórjale oheftpat GHOFF & MILLER'S. 1 J860.DfC.25, ;u,,; tfHB ALL SUFFICIEïSr? THREB, TM GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KiiDivn as " Helmbold'g " GENUIN.g PREPARA1I0NS, VI Z.: HEI MliOLD'S EXTRACT " ÜVCJIU," ' " SARsaI'AKII.I.A, UBPBOrEÜ Kusk B'ASH. II KJM.UO.LD'.S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATIOM, U CKfERiIïATl;D COMPUUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHU, A Puáitívo and Speeific Remedy, For Hiseases of tlio BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINGS. Tliis Medicino increases the power of Rkeatio and exKitesthoABSOBBENTSinto healtliy acliun bv which f%nAJEliYT 0R PCÜSOCSdepoRitiok' all LSNATVRAL ENLARUEMENTS are reduoid, aa well au p&tn anti inflamma tion and is cood ,'ur MEN WOMEN, OU CHILDKKN. ' i HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHü i FOR WKAKXESSES Arising from Excesses, Habita of Disaipalion, Eurly Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED VITH THE TOLLOWINO SYMTOMS : Iudispositioa to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of ileinory, Difflculti Of ..rcatUing, Weik NetTJB, Tifnibling. Horror of Diseasc, W.-ikcfulrr, i B, Diiimcss of Vision, Pain in the back, Universal Lassittrde of the FlUshkq of the liody. Muscular System, Eruptjona on the Face, Hot Hands, l'allid Coimtc nance. I'rytiess of the Skin. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, ivhicli tliis medicine iuvariably removes. .vjpu i'oliow IMPOTENCY.FATUITY EPILEPTIC FiTS In one of whichthe patiënt may expiie. Who can say that tliey ai e n Jt r'-iuentl foilowed by those "direful diseaseis," Insanity and Consumption ïlan.y areaware of the caufe of tlieir suff&ring. but nono ffiB cot'i,5.S. "i records oí' thí Íi,;-;tne Aityfuma in'ï the melancholy aeathd by ConHimiplion, beay ampie witness tv tlii' l-ruth of tlïe assertiui:. TOE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AÏFECTED WÍTII 0RGAN1C "VSEAKNEftS, Bequlrof) the aid of medicine to utrengthen and nviffóratetbesystepo, wjiich líELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invayiakty do3?;, A tría1 yül conviuee the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females UI.D OS YOUNG, SIXGíE, MAHItljEB, Orí CON TK.Ml'LA'UXG MAliiliAGE, ín many aftVelins peculiar to Females the Extract Bnchu is unequalled by any other remdjc, as ín Chlorbsia or Ketention, ïrregularity, Paii.fulness, or Suppreüsioii of the Custoinavy Evacaations, L'lcei'aAéd or Schírrous .stítte o!' the Uterus, Leueorrlnj , or White, Stcrihi y, aud for all coinplainte ncideni ti I ■■ sex, whethavarising írouj Indiacretion} Etablta of Díssipation,or in the Decline or Chango of Life. KE BYMPTOkS -ABO VE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT JT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine fot Uiipleasant aad Dangerous Diseases. UELMBOLD'S EXTKACT BUCOU CURES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; atlittle expensp ; littleor do chauge íu diet ; uo inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSFRE. Tt causos frequent desire, and gives strength to UrÍRHle,lhevebyremovin{í obtructionp, jroventin: and eunnStnctures ol' tbe Urethra, alluyinj; pain and inflamniation, so frequent in tlÍM clas of distases, and expelling POISONOVS, DISEÁSED Ali D WOill! OUT MATTER. Thousands upon ThousaBdí WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who have jjaid HEAVY FEES tobe cmedina short time, hnvcionnd they were deceiïed,and tbat tlie "l'oison" ha?, by tbe uwe of "l'owcrful Astringettts," been clrled up in the sj bteui, to break out in an aggra vatü'l icrm,and PEKIIAPS Afler MAKRÍAGE. USE Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all AfftícUoiia and DUease.3 of Tlie XJrinary Oi'gans' Wliether existing in MALE OR FECALES, from whatever cause originating. and no matter OF HOW LONG STAND-.INfcj. Diseases uf these Organs require tlie aid of.t Piruvric. Helmbold's Extract Bvichu IS THE GREAT MÜRKTÍC, Attd itis certain to have the dcsired effect in all Di seases, for whicli it ts recüwmended. BLOOD ! B1AH)D ! BLOOD! ïlelrbold'.-i Highïv Con central ed Gompound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYP.H1I.IS. This is an afffctïon of the Blood, and attaeksthe Sexml Órgano, Linings of the Nose, Kars, Thi-oat, ffindpipe , and otliet SluCua Surfaces, making iis a )- pearanee !d tho forra of EHccrft. íelmbold'a Ext.aci SarsaparUla parifiB t!ie Blood, and removej al i 8c;4y Eruptions of the Skin, giving to t]ie Complexión a Cíeni and llealthy polfw. It being pre pared expresslj forthisclass of complaints, its iíluQÚ:I'urÍ!yÍDg Troperlies are prescrved to a exiont ti.un any utber proparation of SarsaparilJa. Helmbold'slíose Wash. An öxeellaut Lotion for Hijeases of a Syphütfo Nature, and ai a-n njection in DfseasíB of tlie í'rinary Organe, ari.sing fvom habita of dtssipation, used in counection with the Extractslïuchu and Sar.siiparillaj in Nuchdiseasea as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliablechacacter will accompany the modiolAes. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From elgbt to frwenty yotrs stamling, with Harnea knoifu to SCIENCE ÁNS F AME, Vor Medical froptsrtipf IHJCHU, d"i Dtyjusqs&tory of the l'nitcd Sliites. Seo Professor VJ]VEJS' valublo '.vo'ks o.i tlie I'r.actic'1 of PhTEÍc. s-c ,.- made by the la le celcbratcd Dr.PEYSJCK, rUladelpliia. Seercraarks maflc by Dr. EPBRAIM Mc.DOWELL, a celcbrated Physician, aml Mcintior of thrlinval Collfige of Surgeons, ïielandj an'l imblislied iutheTrunsactions of the KLngaad Qaeen'a Joarnal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, publisheil bv BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Felluw of the Koyal College of Surgeona. Sea most of the late Standard orks on Medicine. T, , SI OQ iüii o'i-i+j-:, olí BIX FOB 55 CO 'l ' S.VKSAl'AKt, ).A i CO ; " 5 00 Improvei Rosk Wash, 50 " " 2 50 Ot half a doeaa of each fbr $1200, whlch wlli bo suflïcient to uure the most obstinate cases, ic, dkecticBfl are adljered to. Delivered to any address, securely pacled íromobserratioD . f Describe symptou .1 nll Communications.- Cures Luar;ui leed. pfafyk grutis. A F F 1 D A V I T . PeraonaTly appeared bOf ore mean Aldmnan oj Üe city of Philadelphia. lï. T. Heï.mholp, who, bêing diily sworn, doth eay, his preparationa oontaln bo narcotic, no mercurj'j orother injuriouii drugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T.HELMBOLD. Sworn íind subscribed befare me, tlus 23] day oí Novcinbtr,1854. WM P. IIIHBAIi!). Alderman, Ninth-sti'eet, abpve Rape, Phila. Adilress J-etters For infonnation in coniklenee. II. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist Depotl04 South Tenth-street,below Cbestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF CIOUVTERFEITS AXI) UNriUNCirLEU ffEAI.KU, WIio endoavor to dispose " OF TIIKIK )YX " and l'other" articleflonthe 1 eputatioti attained by HlmLold's Genuine i'rcparations, (' " Extract Buchu, " " " Sarsai-arilla, " " Improveil RcsöWasli, SoM by all Di'Ugg;ists everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLW S-TAKE $0 OTÈSfc. Cfit oni thf ntiveïtiRoinrnt, anti srrd fnr if, 4?V Ai'CIL IVIGSITIDN ASJJ BXPpSBBl ■ „ I am Hoianci for IGÜITERIMÜCO'S! o Dispute the fact if yon can, It takes the TAILOR after all to give appearance to the out ir man. II' yon wish to appear well You must accoi'dingly Dress Vt'ell. Go to Eí. Giiiterman & Co's,t There you will 3nd tbings exactly SO. SONDIlEIi'i:i,ys rcady to tako your inoasure, GÜITEKMAN will sell you Goods with gr?at pieasure, At figuroa LOWER than you will find in the Stae, rJ'uko fieed - GALL kaiíly, else vou are too LATE. The í?ii)ucjíiient8 are uovv greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and clcver. We vvill show you good CLOTIIING oí our ovvn gjítting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to ror. SÏUDENTS especially will find ií to THEIB ADVANÏAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to repieoish. 1500 OVERC0AÏ3 of Oloth, Eeaver, and Boar, , Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Olóth and Cassimere of our OWIl IMPORTATION, Forw arded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and F ranee, Such as you can stand ui iw, or wjsak, at the dance. Fíints ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOES'ÍIN of everv grade, We sell them írom ONE DOLLAR up tO EICI1IT. VESTS, &.G., of every desoription, You will tind it so without fietiou, FurnUbing apparels Frorn SHIKTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore w-e make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERM&N. & Co., '■' ..::'■ .:■■-... ■ . ■■■■.- ■ ■:■■:■ .:■■.■■ ■ CJ. BIjISS Wonld totee th.ifl mexhod ofinfbrüitDg hls oíd fnnds aod pfttroasand allothers wbo may favor liim 'witli tlieir patrouagc, tLat h a . ■ ■ I tj ealaiged hiá' Stock and Assoriment ! aai bivvin? ■'■ ■■:■ '■ CASH SYSTEM BOTH N BÜIÍNG aSËLLINÖ ia prepared to sell GLoodg at XS.OiiSCajLL "fclO 3FX"ÍC5eíS Hirt stock consista iu par o,l the loliowing: AMKIUCAX AND OTHER jjypl Watches! Jp 42fc e Cclebrated SBTHTHQMA8 CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CLIAINS, TAELE AND POCKET OÜÏLËRY ! Pazors,Shears, Scissors and Bruriies, ROGERS PLATED WARE, the best in market, Goid Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, VAVlill and EXVELOrKi, Musical Instruments, Strings 4' Books for Instruments, of Goldt Silcer, SUtl, and Plaled, witli PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior artïclc. lVrsmis hayïgfl difiicult wii' ,1. .-rf (o ,'U willi ghisses can be ftOOQWöUatefli as ruy BtOClt is large'and complete, JP S. Parttculai' attention to the ïlEPA.IIlI3rG of all kinds of fine Watdies, Stuft as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stnjf.i, and Cijlinders. Also CLOCES, 3c TEXTEILIRrsr ueatly repalred añd'waxr&nted, at bis old standeast of jlain Sheet. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,Xov. L5,1803 826tf For ïtats, Mïcc, Raat-Hes, Ants, Efl Bugs, MotUs In !Furs, Wooleiis, &c. Xltooctfl on Plante, Fots, Intmali, &c. " Only infallible remedies known.1 " i''!ec IVini pöiions,'J (i Not dunoroas to tlie Human Fstraily." li Ji;its come out of tlieif holes to die." Ie i:i ;ill lare c ties. jfi" Siiid liy KU Dr i Qdfle .,■■., vwhere. JSf]r 1 ! ! Bbawabb ! ! I of all wrortblesa ímítations. Ü- Sec that ''Costaí; V i - uu e;ich üax Bottle iinil V'.'i -k, tii 'niv - n bny. &&■ A.lüress HEXÍÍY R. COSÏAIÏ. Principal Depct, No. 428 BroadwavNewYoirk. . ■ aU Uu Wholcflntehtiii Reta] Druggists, Ann Arbor, fttich. Dl5ra3 ÍhNíeí'1 II 11 7id 9 dBYl Ayer'.s Sarsapariila. !


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Michigan Argus