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Iu New Souift WalcB it rains 10U days io tic year. Confedérate Bori 6 worih Only 5 ccüts on tkfl dollar. -Iu'boüks nnd periódica k, lies are written'On paper; iu cburohyardii, on marble. The busjest coopers in these times are those tliat liüop the ladies. It is very oertaiu that a man will not walk straight if he fullows his uiind's bent. Aecustom yourself to keep seerets. - If you havcu't Bsy, b.orro,w your neighbor's. It is nipoFsible far an artist to tuke tlie likonesa oï a red-nosed mau ia watercolors. The musician who can make his hearers forget time may bo excused Jbr uot keeping it. Ycu may depend r,pou it t li;it he is a good mau whose intriuate frieuds are all good. Our politicianf" sy it is swoet to dia for our country, sweete.' yet to live for it, and sweetest of all to live on it. Creuerally, as swou as a man is supposed to have a little moncy, his wife gets too lauie to walk, and must have a carriage. Give away what you can part witb; throw away uothing, you know uot how much you niay miss it. Próvida for after life so as to enjoy the present; eujoy the present so as tu leave a provisión for the time to come. Every man knovs best when he plays the kuave ; his neighbor kuow best when he plays the fooi. " Havo you read my laat speech ?" gad a prosy fullow to a Ine-ud. l'I hope go," was the reply. Advertiáing ia the oil which wise tradesmen put into their lamps, aud that foolish oneg negleet to use. A luidst (Jangar, iíio bndy sometimos runs baot tö the soul as the cliild runs io the fatlier, and advances again with its hand in his. Spurious 50 ' greeubacks," havo jnade their ajipearauce at Cleveland and Colmabas, Ohio, so woll executed as to deceive oven expert business meu, There is no vioe or fyllj that recjuires 30 raucli nieety and skill to manage as vanity ; nor atiy which by ill maiuigejiient makes so coutemptible a figure. The tide of veterau volunteere has beguu to set to the front. Every car on the Nashville & Chattanooga ílailroad is. wauted for the trausportatiou of troops. Somo people are never contented. - Af:er having all their linibs b roken, their heads smashed, and their braius knook, d out, they wül actually go to law, and try to get further damages. '13e careful of your word even in kceping the most trilling appomtment. - But do not blame anolhcr tor a failure of that kiud till you have heard bis excuse. At St. Paul, os ihe IGth wist (Tuesdy), the theris,oüieter stood at 25 below zero. At LaCrossc it was 20 below, at Rockford, Illinois, 13 below, uod at Milivaukee, 15 below. In Nevada nrtesian wells are bored horizontally iuto mouutain sides, instead of perpcndicularly iuto the ground. - Several valuable " veins" have been struck. Tlio Journal of Cvmnierce (Iemands tliat Ll}P Sa,nitary Commission officers shall pender ua account of tlieir stewardship. Whero does the mouey go? it asks. - How is it spent ? Nasbville and Knoxville are connccted by railroad, with the exception of 700 yards at Loudon, and passenger trains are running. The bridge atLoudon will be finished before a week. Life 3 a constant struggle for riobes, which we caust goou leave behind. They seem given to us as tha nyze giyes a plaything to a child, to amuse it untü it falls asleep. An auctioneer put up Drew's " Essay on öouls" for sale, wliich was bid off by g shoemaker, who gravely asked f he had " aoy more works on shoeniakiii2 to sell ? A coal operator in Carbon county, fennsylvania, reeently sold his mines _nd macliinery for qeyeo, Uudred thou sand dollars. A few dayt: ago he was a baukrupt. Life is a constant sfrugglo for riches, wbioh we must soon leave behiud. They Beeui given to us as the nurso gives a a pliíi'tJng to a child, to amuse it until jt falls aslecp. . Tij b.rai;i oi Lord Byron weighed sixtyihree ounces, that of Thackeray fifty-1 gight and a half. Botli wcre muoh, above the avorage, which is for nina ounces for man, and forty-four for woffian. ïia WorWs special says : It is un,de,rs_tQ0d overy mcniber of the Senate judiciary C!üunnittee bclieved thu resolution fprfciting the propsrty of rebela eyani the lifo estatp, to be unjonstit.utional. ometimes a girl says no to an offer, whcn it is plain as the nose on her face that she means yes. The best. way to judge whether she is in earnest or not ig to look straight into her ejes, SiU ueyej yiind her xoks. yho British war steamer Petrei, with dispatchca for onc Benjamin, thé rebel Secretary of War, irrived off Charleston 13ar on the 6th. and requccfod perniission to communicate with the British Consul af gavannah, which AJmiral Dahlgreii declcd to grant, and the Petrei put to sea inmediately. A reíugee from Savannah states thi)t Jeauregard's hcadquarters have been removed there, in antiuipation of an attack. Xh.e rebels had 150 torpedoes to float down the Savannah Kivcr. Eight thoupand troqps are quartered at Mound Cit}-, Quirgiu. Regimenté have already mu'inïfd, in conseqnenco pi short supplios. h - ■__ . ■- „__ _ i'"


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