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The Michigan Argus

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-püblisliod every Friday niorning,in thethird story of .jje brick block, corner of Main and Hurón Sts.. ANN iRBOR, Mich. -Entranceon Huron Street, opposirethe frnk'm. ELIHIT B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Teriris, $3,OO a Vcar In Advance. drertliliig- One square (12 lines or less) , one. et 75cents; three weck $1 50 ; and 25 cents for ,f,rj iusertion there ifter, less than three munths. One square 3 mos $4.00 I Quarter col. 1 year $20 One square 6 mos 6.00 Half column 6 mos 20 Üüe square 1 year 9 00 Half column 1 year 35 Twosq'res 6 mos 8 00 One column 6 mos. 36 Two sq'res 1 year 12.00 One column 1 year 60 Crls in Director)", not to exceed four lmes, $4.00 Adrertisers to the extent of a quartf r column, regu],lr tliTcugh tlievtur, will-be eiititlrd to have thdr jr'ds in Directory without extra charge. L3 Adverti-semeuts unaccompanied by written or Tirina (iirections Will be pubhsheu until ordered out, .ndcliargedaccordmgly. LetTl advertisements, first iosertion, 50 cents per folio, 2 ceüts per folio for each subsequent irsertion. Vhena postpcnement isadded to an advertisement the „hole ''l e charged thesanie as for firstinsertion. Job Prliitlng- Pampli leía, Hand Bills, Circulars, r,ra( Ball Tickets, Labels. Blanks, Bill Hei.ds. and othurVarieties of Plain and Fancy Job Printing, execuad with prorapiness, and in the be=t style Crd8- We harea Ruggles Rotary Card Presa, and ilarWTanetTof thelatest stylesof Carrt type which nables us lo print Cards of all kinds in the neatest fcossiblestyle and clieiper tlian in; other house in the itr. Businpss cards formen of allavocatlons and pro(sious, Ball, Wedding and Visiting Cards, printed on iljortnotice. ('all and see samples. BOOK BINDIXO- Connectedwith the Office isa 860]i llipdery in charge of two competent ivorkmen.- ouLtv Recora, I. Itcers, Jourïials, and all Blank Books „ditoorder, anaof the best stock. Paraphlets nnd Mrioalcals bound in a neal and durable manner, at Delioitpricea. Entrauce to Bicdcry through the Argus


Old News
Michigan Argus