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"CODNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. rvEPO-ilTORYof Bibles and Testamenta at the So I) ciety pnces at V. C Vnorheis'. '■ J C WATTS & BRO. OULER9 n Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver 1 $re h. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. Q BLISS. DEALER in Clocks, ffatchea, Jowelry and Süver Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor " C. H. MILLBN. nEALER in Dry GoocIr, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. 1 Main Street, Aan Aibor. "ThFlip bach DEALERS in Dry Goodn, Groceries Boots & Shoes, fce.,in t., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANUFACTURÉIS and dealer iu Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post QiRce. N. B. COLE. DKAI.ER in Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, kc. Franklin 'Ulock, Miin Street, Ann Arbor 1USDON & HENDÊRóON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing good, TinWure, kc , kc , Ney Blocb, Mainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHVSICI vV and Purgeon. Residence and office on Detroit Btrpet, near ihe I epot. O. C. SPAFFORD. AfANTFACTURKR of ali. kinds of Coooper Work, 11 CSy Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short aotice. Detroit Street, Ann Aitor. A, J. 8UTHERLAND, GRNT for the New York Life Iasurance Comiiany, ij. QfficeoD Huron stj;eet. Also has on hand ;i stock f tli most approve aevlsg machines. 885tf 6E0RGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKCT- Huron Street -General dealer in Fresh aui 8ll Mtats, neef, Mutton, Pork, Huns, I'nultrj, Urd.Tallow, ,tc, ico. ÜOUOEF & MILLER. DBALEitó '.n Miscellnneous, Soboel und Blank Books. Slmlioiieijr , i'ïperHiingings.&c. , Miiinat., Franklin Slock HIRAM J. BEAKES 1TT9BNEY anj Counsellor at krAiJ BollCitorio A Obncery. Omce in City Hall Bldk, over Wubster's took Siore. WM. LËWITT, M. D. "pHYjjiCIAH and Surgeon. Office at his re.-Hlence, X nurtli side of Huron Street, anii second house west ofDirision tttrpet. M. GUITERi4N & CO. HTHOLKSALKaml Retail Dealers and Manafao'iurfrs 'i n P.L'ady-Mii'le Clothing, Importera of Cloton, ' ia - limeres, DoeskÜH, fcc, No. -r, Phoeaix Block, Main st. wii, wagwerT" nEAI.ER ia Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, I' nd VMtiijgs; Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags,&c, PkMDiim.rck, Jlain stfeet. ' ■ SLAWSON & SÓN pflOCF.IS, Provisión and Cotn miss ion Merchante, and UOulsrslD Water Lime, [And Piaster, and Piaster f Piris, one rluor east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. 8Ü0T11. IKBROTÏPE ;iod í-.hotograph Artisl , in the rooms '1 overCampion's ClotWngctore, Plianix Block. Per'ttttisf&ctiougivon. o. b. portekT" OtHOEON DENTIST. O Bi cu Corner of Main and Uuron "ilrwtj, orer Bch & Vicrsun's Store. AU calis Iwmptly attend -d to Aprl859 C. B. TUÖMPSOii. nSAI.EU a T)ry Goods and Groceries. Boots and hoes, '' c. Produce bought and sold, al the old stand of ■""para & Millen, Corner Main and Washington sts. ÍMACK & SGHMID. HHALER3 in Foreiyn and Domestic Dry Good, Groce"'iïs.IUtHan.l (iipi, l. ii-.s and Shoes, Crockery, ■i Corner of Main k l.ibufty : . O. A. KELLEY, P'OTOGRAPIIEK- Corner Kourth fc Huron streets, 1 loa Arbor. Casea frames and Photograph Albums - nstintiy on hand, and at lower rates than can be 'WMeUewhere.' lySSl ANDREW BELL. MAI.KR in (Irocer-es, Provisión. Flour, Produces, "c-) &c,, corner Main aml Washington Streetf-, siyi ie h'S'ieat niarket pricespaid ior country LÖ. 0. F. -2 WOHTENAW Lodge, Nu 9, of the Independent Or'Wof ojit KelluwH meet at their Lodge Koom. "jPriday Ever.iug , at 7 oclock . JI.So.vdhiim. N. (J. P. B. Robe, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. 4Tr0REvgi Counsellor, Solicitors, and Notaries i .ubllc. have Boi.ks aail Plats showiog tltles of all ,;.;" 'í'kelountv, anrtattoncl to convuyancing and ,. .geraaruls, and to paying taxes and school in_2ny part of the state. Office east of the park. D. DeFOREST. P0liULBlld retail dealer in Lamber, Ith, J:, nl?lo, Sah, Iinors. Blinda, Water lime, Grand 'Planter, Piaster Paris, and Nails of all xixex A ;"'fect as-iortment of Iheabove, iind al! otlicr t - JLuMin.,' -ïaterials constantly on hand at tlie Rv:rn,;'1'"s'lill) "U-e, on Detroit st., a few rodsfrom Ihe W.1 '"ri'it. AUo operating extenRÍvely in the ■"Uraent Roofing;. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PEÖLADELPHIA, PA. ]JllertlK Vervous, Seminal, Urlnnry t ■ 5 Innl sy-om-new and reliable treattk""1 ?I"Jrt of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION- 1(1b.' "r?'1 'n 'e'e(l lstter envelopcB.'ffee of charge. '■'■: Ts ' , 8KILUN HOUGHTÜN, Howarí Asocia '"" JSüjib S'iuih rot, Pid'a., P. !ƒ J


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