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T ü E BEST - IB - THE OHEAPEST1 1. FtRE AKU IN'I.aXD NAVIGaI'Iun RItíKS acMpted, now as lieiüiüfuie, at fair i-ites e'i liüci;! cuïiüi12. Bü.IN'ESS CONDUCTED with constant dlspeich eed accuracy. 8. LOSSEd always met trttfa jjröTnptneaa eaJ complcTs ' Entice - - 1 - - - i - -v Met Aset9, Jaiiuary 1804, 3?QO29566.39 ƒ 4. TUK PLAN ;.ND OPCANlZATlyN' of tbe XSSA, aiter 45 yeír aivero tV:nl, tas fcáliíecl' the greoteat public ndvantage and fmecess of the vïirinng syptt'ins oí Fira Insurfince in the counlr. Ia now better thaö over prppj.rE'i for dutj. 16 0001.0 s rhims hnve boon sottled Rad pöld.- SIXTKKN 5I1I.LION OF DOLLARS 1 . TH1C CO-VSU.MPTION OF P30PKKTV HY FJRF., ín the Ualted States, ar rages ovit ÍIOO.CCÍ dtUy. Ia jour f-roperty exponed aod untrotectefi? ' 7. ARE YiiU INSÜREDf If not, whj not? Tiw CuSt s trifling; the duty is manifest: the result ajay be your escape from ruin- wbiie delaj and reglect may inroiveyou in tankiuptcy, poveity or orutl dmappolntment. 8. PARTICULAR ATTEXTION and rtguri la giren to msllrlsksas wsll ns large ones. Able carlty and superior corruiercial advantages aCord(f(3. Policies issued without deky. Mlm2 S. AB1CL, Agol'.t. ARE YOU INSUBED ? 1F NOT CALL Olí O. I-3C. DVEXXjUeEJKT, Agent for the foliowing örst-c]ass Companlcs, Home Insuracce of New York, Caah Capital orer OnO and a Haf Míllions Dollars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE CO. Of New VToii;, Capital over One Millicn of Dollar? In tbU Companj the Insureá participato in tbe proBt. ciT"sr :pike ikts., coT, ■ " of Üartford. Capital oves Throe Hundid Ti:onsaná Dollars, C. I!. MILLEN. OSfití U;wn Stríaot Aun Arbor. Í3rowiicll &. SJErría, GEN'L CDMMISSIÖN HEBCHANTS, 183 Suuth Water Sirc-et, CHICAGO, IILIISTOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Drieil Fruits, Oider, c&q. Koforenoets Preston, Wlliard & Kesn, Chicago. L}. Soííford 1 Co., Auu Arbor, Mich. 1 Pavtícular fittention given to the sala ofGreeD acd Dried Fruits, Ciuer, fec. Ordere for the purcï a -e of Clover and Timotliy Seed, Cut Moats, &c-, pn attended to if accompanied with cash or sati.ituctory refereuce. 9-:9tf NOBLE & RIDER,. are silling their 2 'ge stock oí BOOTS SHOES, CHE APKR THAN EVER ! ! IOY PRICES FOE, CASH. Good Stoga Ï3oots : : $2.50aS4.50, len's good Calf Peggeü, 8.00 a ;.G0 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Wotaan's " Laco Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Clnldíen'a Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Note is the tima lo bvy as BOO TS and SHOES are rajiidly adrancing in Eastern Markets, TIÍEY ALSÖ MAKE fftüITlB tar WORK TO ORDER. Jg2 AND REPAIR. Rememher vpc can not and will not be undersold. Pleasc cali ande araine '.heir stok LAWBEXCE NOBLK, CHARLES R1DEI!. Aun Aroor.Fob. 15tb, 164. 1Í944. Real Estáte For SaleHOUSE& & Í.OTfs, Alsothe F.NTIREST'lfK of the sutscriber, onruiMing oí Grocíríes and L;q'jor8, on tho luost reasonable terms for CAfH. LDKE COYLE. un lrbor, Feb. J5th, 1ÍE4. 3w945 A Farm for Sale. - ti - CITÜATFP six miles North of Ann ArijT. Kaid farm O c.onsrEts of 1Ü2 acre?. On tli1. priTriises re gnod building, a fine orebard And a living Rtrenra. It ír known as the Rnsfcrnns farm. Tt vrül bfl snld chca; . andteimstt payment madj easv. EnQuirenf L. C. ETSrON. Ann Arbnr. Jan. L6, 1S6. 04 1 u' N0TÏCE. A LL perPOUB to wbom tl;e I&te Philip ?chencít wasíaMi flebtí'd pitherby n" t') or bnolt Hcoonat ar requeter; to rrenent their clainn to the "n Törslcnftfl within ninpty davtí frnna date, índ all per..n iüebted to are MAIíV SCIJE:íCS. Wídf.w. BuíFalo Testimony. - o- PEOPLE'S CURE SbiïOSUlm. "I was'toubleo with Rheum.tlsm fo: tm ye&rs aurfering retare or lesa erery day. I ha-ro takon two hottlcsof tbe'Fwipies Cure,' azjd have DOt liad arir pain slncs I lcft H off moro tima four ■weeks ago. í c nsider myítlfa entirely curcd, and Uie medicina has made nie feel very lipht nnd good- fust like a joung man tbousrh I im ríxiy two veora oíd. OOHiEtY SCHEI KEL. 402 MirJiigan f (,' "Mj wlfehas heen suff. rinj: fren; fnhci mnilfoi of n InfiauuBatorj chnractcr fnr about slx or sevtn jpare aonwtimes Tery ucutely. Ahom ihe Bnt of Jane last he cemmonced tnking 'People's Cure.' fndeontinut-d te take It sooe thraa weeks lL ten daya after she commpaced, the swelüngand Hiffuni, ofhér )olrt rery miturially leeaed, and in thrce ïvepk haJ óifjipjjeercd nltogt-íhcr. "THOMAS POI.LOCK, Cat W, H, GlnnDj's ) "BuSnlo.October 1, 1862," ' TflE OTTDTT1 Coro PEOPLK'S i. U K iii F.ver S ;M. "Two of onr ooeofthem sftlicícil WXh a bad í'ei-er Sore. tile oüir wiih Eheumolim;!- Imrlus soen i be udveitisemeijt of the 'People'a Cure' Ín Ihll aper, purchbSfd Medicine, aud Dow, after Lavlrg ;hor ouííbl; tried it, i-pport to us,c mmouding it mo6t í'jartilTai a thoroueh remeiy lo tbcir caw.- Bllto Chr:st;an Advocate. THE "TIT? 1? CurM Dlseatífl ?EW'LK'S jVXCj or t!,e fc'kis. "My face ha for more tlian ten years been reetlyiisfigured hy fruptions and bunchta, wbkh ti time extended over my whole hnüy. aud once fnr tr rey day made rr.e cntirdy büud ; but h'nricg íckfii t-o bottle of ïhe vPeoyle'ij Cure,' rry aequainíar.cts Lanily recognize me - bldwd I havdly know e, I m dott a weli man. ' L'ët níl wïio are aiíke afUicicd try the 'Feople'B Care, - the tedtcine jrepared bT tho Punitarr Societj- and I Qilnit ".bey wlll cot begruijgs tbeir dcl'JOSEPH SOCa, Turnw, Ib ;aana St "Bofiiio, Boy. lí, 1802." ' ■ THK rTT D T? CürCF ycrofula & TEOPLE'd VU lilii 8lt Rheuiö, f 'I iiavs uFclthe 'People'fi Cuto' ín inv fYmilv wlth great benefit, n ca -e,1! al Srofuia and Salí r;heu"m,.nl bare recommended It frequent! tn ray f fonds, fcU'Ci wbom 1 betieve have beeu btjncfttted, and must oííijiqa entlriy oured by it. CHS.S, SCüARFFrSValrSí.jtip staíra.1' TiïE PTDt1 Curr5 F1 Pl:01 LE'3 vUll Cj Wakues=os. "I have been In feeble Jiealih eTtr gince ihe birtb o my boy, who is now twetve yosrs oJd. I bave bad many troubiesand difficultieö. all tbia tirne, utifitling mft i'or everykinl oflabor, and íte.itroyiog al! n;y ccmfurtt Last summer I cominenced laljiuif the 'l'eople'ft Cure,' and liave used f'our bottlP, and am now intncn awellwomnn. My ditíiculties havy nearly r!1 disep peared, and I feel cbyenu! and Iiappv. "MUS. CATHARÏNE I'EW LD, Dressmtïker, Goodell Allev, aboTeTu'icór at. "BafftUo.Oct. 20, 62." THE rTTDl? Cure8 rt?u ctber PEOl'L'C'8 Vy U 1 JHj eiÜCítífe tail ; "My wife lias been in poor bealth fop a log tin; fryqutntly t) cali a phrsicien tu attencl; but lihe was recent! ver much vrorse. Ftv üvs or slx weeks sbe had no appetite, Iceí all her strenifth, and rras each daygrowiug wore, She l,ad uigLt. s-nts, cought-d a great deal during each ni ht fin.í considerr.bly during üieday, and we all }uppo:-ed sfae was golcg oö" wííli the consumption, when a Irie-ud aürist-d her to take the 'Peoplya'd Cure. On taking tlio m'idHne shg perceived a change at once. Ün the thlrd Oay she had recoveied her appetite, and was fiwt regainftig ber strt'ngth. uutil, on tlie eighth day, n.t yet ijaving; taken oue bottle, she haa stopped taking the medicine saying .shs was as wel! as anbudy couW ba; ana he bas continued so erer inco. ilHAUL KLEIN", Gardïjer, 32 Pwm st. "BuCfalo, Ootober i, 1862." $L? Tor Sale br all Druists. 92Í1, C. CRÜ.SBY, General Agent, No. 2f,5 Ma:ö st.( Buiïalo, N. Y., to whom all orders should % iiüro'ssed. For Sfile hy & Wiiïjx, Gr-ttlls S; Fcllve,, and E. üotRBACii &. Co. WONDERFUL SÜCCEbS. jgg" The aítontton and research of the znost distinguislied Chemïste and l'hysicians for yeara liave been devoted to tbe production of a rernedy for these mo.stdistressing maladies Neuralgia and RHKOUTifcM. A ft er long study and inany experiment, n speciftc prepcration h&S been discürtre'3. WATdON '? Neuralgia King,an Internat Remtdy, curing t kous au ds of cases whereall other remedies liave xitterly Tailed. Ye are assured that ít is no mero ' ANÜDYXK," reiieving for the moment wïiiletho cau&e remains, but is a perfect SPECIFIC and CURE for ibose painful disensen. The rast nummer of Líuiments, Embrooalifiiis nad Extcrnil iitúiciues, vhich act as stïmqlantA of the sur Caco only, are ïa&rely teipo;v.iV iti effeta and'of doubtful virtüè The Xh'UlíÁLGIA IIIO rtdiei#. tfc souroe of alltróublr, and baiuslus iuo d3aöfrom thesysieci, ' - T l'rics- rune UolWtf per BotUe. Prppared by C. R. WALKER, 13922 BuffftiOj N. Y., na Fort Krie, C. W. For Snle by Stebdixs & Wilscm, Gbkxmlis & ï cliüb, and C . EfisttBACB & Co. HiRNiïURE mmt One door Nortb. of Risdon and üenderscn'a Hr,rclvrara The uniorsigned bat ing pvirchapod the en tire clock ttt W, I. ïmith í; Co,, ruiid adÜed ïirgely tu tlíe same, is prepared to furnisb bis fneuds and patroxu 1 good aïsortmecit of wefi raadt fuTniture, con sist. ng uf,LOf AS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEAOS, BOOK-CASES Í TALLES and CHAIRO,] of aíi kinds, and in fact of everthiiig pcrisiniug to the br.fiinsea. ' L O U üï GES. 3JATRASSES, &c, kc .made to order ly gnpd and ejeporiencffl workmen, 'and warran'ed to give Ratinfnction. He alo kecps a goftd atsorUii(r4 of Clieiry umi Vtainut Luraber for salo at rea-onable priecs. Aid wil] alsn j-av tbe liigliest rniket price for .Cherry. Walt ut, and White Woorthiimber. P. 3. Ij-; Lmö also purebasod tltfl now anA EL EGANT IIKAHïS í ! of Sinlth 4. Co., and 8 prupared tofumisli aH i,ni! of Wqod Cofïins, Melalie Cases, AII) OASKETS, On tho Khorte-i noíico. XlNo attrafli to laylog otit ■ ,- . ■ ■' andsight, wit bout cba;ge. Ail famrfïïa ááttvredTo tlio ííitj f ree ui charge, W. XJ. BENHAM. Annrbur, Junuürv 13.h, 188?. BaCHT Toba eco ï Tobacco ï I AM SEI.L1NG GOOD FINE Cüï CIIEWINö TOBACCO At f rom riflif cents to $1 per povnd. SMOKING TOBACCO, F rom 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor.Mich., De.-. 17, 1881 CSStf 815i iiV YOUR OliDÜKS. THE Kiibscrihrr ís mnkin? hirgf prepitng to brir.javery extensiva vnríely of íniit treep írto this city. as early ij the Spring aa íLbv cenberémoved. I shall bare for wrt#, 10,000 fjear 7ref., 20,000 yt);)7ci TVfcj. }0,OOC Pí-fic 7Vtví, 5,000 Grape Vinrs. A]o - alargo aasartajont of ETerglOfBa rA Cowcrs . anö brubK. Orders raay bO spot to me by o" oilierwis1. T. Drnoiï. Aon Avbf.r, Bec. -d, 1563. 4n034. ON the 6t'a ay of Preerobf r a row and CALF. Th Cow about sjx yenrs r.ltl, rt-d ud white, and theCdif rtbout Jffx nionth oíd - a Heifer. Tï' nwntr i rO gnaatod o prnvti proj-o.'. ', psj ciirt Vtd taa ,-J aaiuu-lt ■ƒ■. . ifoAl? r::.T;;s. ' I 81 Ad ;.■':, 'TA


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Michigan Argus