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ti tí: American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claim of all kinds agahMl Hie (..'enera (iovernment State uit, thuCity, or priyate nartiesi proseented and ctftlecteÍTat my expeñtt and risk AgainM irn.iii 'nri.:s 1 poxsess superior facilities for colloctini; claims. viTywlu-rd n tlw United vi:, and Cana.U, retleviug merebaat, at6Ígi}ées, banl.erfiii.i oí hert 'ii the caí e and ai! reepoiüfbility Special ittinliongiven to oíd dobts, hard cases, di vnv ms, ÍUa . totales, etc. LtcÍH_' familiar with all tilo deiailsof tlie " nUrnal Uevenur. Lam; 1 uilUttuu.I [jrr.wiptly to tbe oolleotion of drawbacks, and taxes overpaid throiiRh iraot ce of the [T. Soldiers' ponsions, pay, an.l bounly secured forthem ortheirbeis. Fov thal pur-jmse, and for proeciting clannsapaii,-! theOprernmtnt, Ihavoa branch oflíce at Washington. No charge made unlesn claims aro collected. All HOMifrs dicharged by reason of wonnds however "hort th tiraethey have served- are ntitled to One Hundn-d Dollars Bonnty. Al! oldiers havingserved woyr8,are entitled to the same. Tlie highest market price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and othor demands against the General Government Information and opinionR given, and investigatiou made luHho.uB cAarí,upon claims proposedto be placed in irjy hands. For particularfl, addveps H. HUNTINGTON LEE, OOOtf No, 240 Broadway, N. Y A. LAEGE STOCK O 3? DRESS GOODS, IjATEST STYIjES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, Of the Now I'attoru. CARPËTS of ajl kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Of all kinds for the Winter Trade, now opening at C. H. MILLEN'S. N. B.- Thi is the ?eoon1 Air! val of Kal! and Winter G la, and wil! be offeredal close 6gures. Please c:ill 9:i-'ir c. H. If. tilbüUiN & HEI DERSOiX JLXst,-tro t'i-xo 3E3 XJ O C ! 7K" 33 CRAIN DRILL, and Orrass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. THE VICiiV I.ATEST 1MPR0VEMENT, and betterthan all others; adapted to sowin Wheat, R-e, Oats, Barley iinu ürast; Seed. l.s-. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wïtt sow all kinds of Grain and Graas Seed. Sd. Never buncJien the Grain 4th. Never breaks the Gi ain. bth. Sawn Qrass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Qth. lías high wheeh and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. lt has a land measure or Stirveyor. 9ti.. It has doublé and single rank artas. 10A. lt has a self ' adjusting sliut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is hanlly a Dril] oiïerertm the ruarket but can boast of inore or U'sk " FIRST PREMIUMS? They are aboatas indiscriminately beatowed a tho title of " Professor t" which BOmetlmei Applied to the 'tjiddler" or "bootb lack." ï&eyge&se Lu convoy th.idea ofmerít. The Bitckcye Drill has bet-n o a Kxbíbítion at quite a Quraber ?S1 btp 4nd County Fairs, aad without seekiog favor at the htnds of any Conimitlee, has receíved its full aliare oí' Preiptoms TESTIMOKIALS : Wé 'rihp thp fftllötring nmes ol' a l'ew PaTmcrs in tíjifi vícinlty wao have bought and uaed ihe ííuckeye Dril] : fiodfrev Miller, Scio. Üftcob róíberaufi ' Jacolj'i'icmper, " Th ornan Whji.p, Xorthficld. .luim Brokaw, ' Chrifitian Kapp, " ív'mv.í rd Boyden, Webster. J.uüi's Tr'eadwel!, Aon Arboi Daniel O'Hara, " " Jnhn Cí. Cook. fcodi. O. A. Marshall, " T.. Jv!i. ■ Paline. George Cropsej, (írecn Oai;, Liy. Co, We afe&lso Agenta for the Ohio Heaper &. M.,wer7 actnowledged tobe the very best iu use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliieh we will sell Clieap. Also alargeafísortraent o G-rass And the largest and best sclected stock of 13EISTT STUT F FOB CARRIAGESever before ofïered in tin market We aïso keep alargeand full i.'AILS, GLAHS, ITTTV. PAINT.and LINSEEIJ OIL. A complete aséortment of 6TOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVETROUGMSalwayB on hanj and put up at the siiOricst noU;e. KÏSPON k Uï:NDERSON. Ann Arbor, JuneS!)th.l8fl2. 859tf Oval Pictiu-e Frames ALI.SIZES, STYLÏ.Ï íu1 ['RU'!:? jast received and forsale cheapat CHOFF MILLER'S. 1S60. Be(.2li, 78Gr THL ALL SÜFFICIENT THHEE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Knowii ag " Helmbold'n " GENUINE PREPA541IQKS, VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT ■' ÜLTHU " HELMBOLU'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, COS1PÜUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHU, A Positive and Specifie Kemedy, For Diseasen of tilo BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3IOAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine ncreasesthe power dt Bfeertitflj Tid wSiiiïiïiïsiïssTjt1 and is ?oodf;"-1'" ■ HELMBOLD'S ËXTRAGT BUCHÜ FOK TKAKXESSES Arising from Excessea, Habitsof Oisaipation, Eariy Indiseretiofl, or Abuae, ATTENDED 1YJTB THf ffíLLOWIxa SYMT0M8 : Indiapusition to Eertipa, Loas oí Fower, Loss of Memory, ' Difficullj Of Jroathiug, We,kNTervs, Trembling, Horror ot Disease, Wnkifulni 8Bf Dimness ol Visioa, Paia ín thu üack, ÜJiivers! LassHurie of the Flusbing of the Body. Muscular Sjctem, Kruptione on the Face, HatJads, PallM Counteuance. Drynoss of the Skin. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMP0TENCY,F4TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS In one of which the patiënt may expiie. Who can say that theyare nJt freq.uently iollowcd by tLoae "direful diseases," Insanity and Consumptioiij llany are a ware of the cause of their suifering, but none ivill confoss. Tb&records of tlie insane Asylums :nñ the melauoholy deathsby Consumtitiou, bearam[)le witnoss to thr ruth otf the assertion. THE COXSTIÏUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITfl ORGANIC W EAKNJLiS , Requives the aid of medicine to strengthen and inv rato the ysteui, which HELM HOLlPS EXTRACT BULHU invariably does, A tria' wíll convince the most skeptical. Femalos, Females, FemaloS) OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMl'LATIXG MARRIAGK, In raany affectioiis peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu ís unequalled by auy otber remedy, as iu Chlorosis or Etetestioa, Irregularity, Painíulness, er Öuppression of the Customary Evacuatious Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucoyrliea, or Whites.Sterihty, and for all coinplaints inpMept tó the sex, whetiit)r;uising from ladiscretiou, Habits of Diasipatioo,or iu the Decline ov (Jhange of Liie, SKE STMFTOMS ABOVB. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Takenp Balsnm, Mercury, or Unpleasans Medicine for . t.])io..sai.t and Dangerous Diseases. UELMBOLD'S ËXTKACT BÜCÜU CL'RES Secret üiseases. In all their stages ; atlittlc expense ; Httleor no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSUKE. ït canses frequent desire, and gives strengfch to Urina te, therebyi-emoving obsfructions, preventirig and curincHtricture.s of the Ureihra, allaying pain and inflamiüatio:] , no frequent in tbis class of' diseawes, aaii expellinp P01S0N0US, D1SEASED AND WORN OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who hve paid HEAVY FEES tobí' eureclína hort time, have foundthey w(.jredeceiv(id,and Tliat the (tVoison" bas, by the use of "Powerful Astrfngentflj" beeu dried up ia the uystein, tü break out in au aggra vated f erra, and PEUIIAPS Afles' MARUIAGE. H-B-H Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all AffceUons and Biscases of Tlie XJrinary Organs' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, froin whatever cause originating , and nü miitter OV ■ 'W ){; !■. ni i,, Discaees of these Organs require the aid of a DlrkBTTG. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THlí GREAT DïUKETïC, iid it is certain to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! 15 LOOD! Ilolmbold's Hlghly Concenirated Compound F'luid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affectïon of the Blood, mid attaoksthe Sexuu Drgana, Unmg.s of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, inaliingit.s appeorance in the form of Ulcera. Helmbold'.s Extact Sareaparillapurines the Jïlood, and reiuovoj all fcfcaJy Eruptions of thé Skfn, gïvlng to the Complexión t, Clear and Health; Color. U belng propared expressly fp :l:is chis.s ui' i;ouiplaints, its B Purily ing Projie'rties are pvèiwyyed t'fl a greater exteut any oihcr preparatiou oi Sarsajjsirilïa. Helmbold's Rose Wash. Ad excallaut Loüoa for Disaass of a Syphiltic Nature, and as an injection ïnCisewé of the ÖWnaryOrgana, arising from habita of dissipatiou, used in conoectioo with th Kxtnu'ts Jiuchu ami Sftrsaparülaj ín such diseasea uh coromeuded. Kvidence of the most responsible and reliablechacacttT will accoinpüny the medicines. CERT1FJP4TKS OF CültES, I--tu ugh.t I" t wen4 v yc-trs ■-tanding, with namen known to SCIENCE AND FAMEy For Medical Propertlasof BUCHÚ, see DispeaBatorj of the Unilcd &tatöSee Professor VEWEES"1 valuable worl;n on the Practice of Phyaic. See remarlismade by the laLe celcbratcd Dr J'EYSICK, Phlladetohla. See remarfca made by Dr. EPHUAIM MrDOWKLL, a celebrated Phician, and iMember of the Kovil Cüllep;e of SurgeonH, Ireland, ;ml published íntheTransactions ot the King aad cn's Journal. See Medtco-Cirurjlcal Review, puhlished by BETVJiMIN TRAVEILS, Kullow ui the lïoyai College of Surgyuna. Pee most üfih ata Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Brmu, $1 (;ü pkb bottlk, or sixfok $5 00 " Sarsaparit.i.a 1 00 i; " ö 00 Impkove Rose W.ii, u " ' 2 50 Or half a dozen of eaeli for $12 00, wlucli wïHbesufflcient to i:ure tho ,l„v obstinate cases, i'" aírectu ns are adhered to, Delivered to any address, suïeiy pacbed iremobservatiou. fg Iescribe ByjSptotaa in all comrauuications.- Cures guarauteed . Advice gratis A E 1' 1 li A V I T . PersonaTtyappeared bèfore mean Aldeimnn pf the city of Philadelphía,H. T. BeuCboid, who, being duly sworn, doth sa}', hi, fcreparatione contain no narco tic, no mermiry, or other iiüious drugs, but are purely vegetable. II T.HKI.MBOLD. Sworn and nubacribed twfür inft, this 23d dav oí Novembtr,lH54. WM 1'. H1C1Í.UM).' Alderman, Ninth-street, above Raoe, IMiila. Address Letters for information in eonñdence, H. HfiLMBOLD', Chemiat Pepotl04Souili Tenth-Mtreet,below Chestnut, Phila. BEWAKG OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPIilNCirLKD HEALKBS, Who eudeavor to dispose " OFTHE1B OWN IJ aad "other" articltsonthe lepatationattained by ilelmbold-'s Gqpüine Itparations, fi " Extract Buchu, if '4 " Sarsajjarilia, " " Jmpvoved RoseWaah. Sol'l by all Druggfete every whftre. ASKJOk 1WLMB0LW S-TAKE NO OTIIER. Cnt out the Rilvejftinemcnt, and sord for it, AND 4VQW IASPOSITKjN ANJ) EXPO8UR& ly9Q: L am Bound for i. GUÍTERMÁN I P Dispule the fact if vou can, It takes the TAILOR after all to gwe appeiii axicö út) the oitey man. If you wish to appear weil Yuu must accprrtiugly Dress Well. Go to M. Guitejiaan & Co'8,, Tiiüi-o you will find tbings exactly SO SONDHEIMíúwaya ready to take your measure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Good with L;re!it pleasure, At figures L0WER tban you will find in ilie State, rJ'ake hoed - call early, else vou are too LATE. .The INDUCEMENT8 are uow greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging aüd clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own getting up, Filling our Store from Bottom ïo rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THKIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Cloth, Baaver, and Bear, Wurranted for alinost ever to wer. CO ATS of Cloth and Caesiiiiere of ou OWI) IMPOHTATION, Forwarded through our New York re lations. Frors! Eligland, Belgiurn, Germany anc France, Such as j'ou can stand up in. or weak at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Panis ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEES and DOE SKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIQHT. VESTS, &C, of every desoriptioD, You will find it so without fictioo, Furniríhing apparels Frotn SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make ouï bow. Youra truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Oo., t ■■ " :- ■ ; WHMBHiitiïmniüiBwi, ■■r-::!:m!!in5ñiiB O. BLIS9 Would take this mothod of informing hJ old friend and patrons and all othera wUo nuy favor him with tlieii' patronage, t Ij h t he ltus greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortmeiit ! anti having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BCYING &SELIJ1YG preparefl to sell (Joods at JPÏ.a,acjLi. blo PrioeSj His stook conslstsin par 01 che foliowing: 'jq AMERICAN AND OTIÏER i%s 'W'atches ! S - SETHTHOMAS ULdCKS! Fine Jewelrj Setts GOLD CTTAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLËKY ! Hazors, SliejivH, ScissoreAnd Prushes, EOGEKB PLATED WARE, the best n mnrlcct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENTEL0PE3, Musical Instruments, Sfriñgi S; Books for Instruments, ís 3= :b3 o i k acjiia of Gold, Silmr, Sud, and Plattd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article Persons haring ilifficult watches to fit with glasses can be accumothitt ■■■], as Ktock is largerand complete. P. S. attention to tlie H.53 3r!&. IR I 30" Gr ofiill kiuils oi'üne IVatciies, sneli ia Mafeing and Setting new Jowels, Pinions, Siaffs, and Cylindem. Ahn CLOCKS, Sc TEWELK-y nratl.v repairert and 'war-anted, at bis olil standeast sirle uf Main Streut. C. BLISS. Anu 4rbor,Niv. 25, 1862 826Í1 Por Rats, ülice, uaclies, Ants, B-ri Bnp, Moths In Furs, Wonlt-ivs, Sie. Insects on Planis, Fovvis, Animáis, Sic. ' Only mialliblü remedies known." '■ Free ffon) poi.-ons.1' " No1 dang Ifbus to tlie Human Family." "Rats eume out oí thir holes to die." MP gold WholwMerp AiIVge ■. í,-,. Jtïe-SoU by aü llrujisls nw lii-ui Iits cviTvwhwe 1 1 !"l KAWAan ! ! ! QfaH ïnortliïoss mitations. Hu' fice üíat "Co " name is on eacu Box liottle ani! ï''!asl . liefurr y .-,i 0Uy 3" Atf HKIVKY IS COSTAR. ïr Principal Depot, Nd. 4S8 Bcnaflwny New York. (■Sol ! by :U l},, WJj, : ... Anti Arlinr. Micll Ayer's SarsapariUa.


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