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GREAT.GREATER GREATEST BAÜGA.INS EVER OFFEKED 1859. IpLjl 85a In thisCity, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Je-welry StorO. THK Snbscriber wouldsay to thecltizonsol Ann Ar bor.ln particular, and the rest of Wmhtenaw County in genera], rhnt hohasjust ÍMPORTFO ni 11KCTLY frem EUItOPK.a Ti'emendous Stock of Watches! Ali ofwhiehhe binds bimselfto sell OHEAPER than can be bought west of New Vork City Qpen Face Cylinder Watches trom 86 to $j do do Lever do do 8 to 9 Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 3 do do Cyllnder do do 9 to 2 Gold Watehes from 20 to 1 1 have also the CELEBRAÏED AMEBJCAN WATCHES whlch I wlll seïl Itr SS.1!. Every Vvatch warrantbd t perform well.orthe money ï-etunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware, FaneyOoods. Gold Pens, liutioHlInstrnment aai strjD(t, Cutlery, &c, andlnfactnvarl.ity of evcrything; uaually kept 5v Jew elerscan be boughtforthe nextninety days at vour O W N PRICES! Persone buying anything at this welf known estab lisbme nt can rely upon getting goods exuctly as rep resented.orthemoney refunded. OsDeaTly and se cure the best borgaius ever offered in tbif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prepared to mnke auy repairs onSne or coia mon Watches, evento mnkinfroer the eutlre watc'n If neceseary. Repairing of Clocks and Jewelrv a usual. Also the raanufacturing ol RINGS BROOCH or anything desired, from California Gold on shortno tice. Engraving in aliño branoheseïeented withneat ness and dispatch, J r WATTS Anti Arbor, Jan. 28th 1859. ' 7L4vr HE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES X W1LL be for tho Heaüi g of th Nations. Bible. Prot xi. ar. Looiers THR0AT,LU2It,S, HEAHT, LlVhfi AND THE BL00D, Known ullotir tli e country as tbo CEI.EIUÏATK1) IN"3DIua.Kr HERB DOCTOB i Of 282 Superior Stront, Clevelanó, Ohio. Will visit tbc fol'.uu-ing pluces, viz APPOINr,IKNTrOR1862, 1363 and 1864. Prof R. J. Lvons can be cousulted at the following places every month, viz: Petroit.Ru.ssolHouse, each month, 18thand 191h. jíuu uor, Monitor iiouse, each nionth, SOth Jacksou, liibbard House, each montli, 21. Adrián, Bracket Uouse, each montli 2d and 23d. Toledo, Ohio,Coiiiníi House, each month 2-itb S5th and 26tn . ■; . Hillsdale, Mich, , Hillsdale Boase, each month, 27th Coldwatef, Mich.. Southera Michigan House, each Elkhart, Klkhart IIouso, each month, 29th. South Bend,ind., Si. .lo. Hotel, each raonth, 30. Laporte, Ind., Teu Gard'.-n, eaeh month 3l"st wooster)tBüo)CránaeUExchAngeteach month, 7tfí and 8 th. Ma us field, Chio, Wüer Uouse, each month, íHh and 10 th, Mt.Vernon,Kenyon House, each niQath, llih ar;d Newark, Ohio, Holton House, e&ch month. 12'vh and 14 th, Painesifille, Ohio, Cowlesllouie. each month 4th CLLVELAND, OHIÜ. REñÍDENCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East of the public square, opposite the Postöffioe Office dajs each month, lst, od, 4th 5tli, (jth löth - Üüice hour.siVom 9 A. M. to 12 Jyl.and from S 1' M 'to 41'. M. OnSunday from 9 tolOÁ.M. and 1 to p 'u 4SUaxixa88tFJetly adhered to- I give such balm as have no strife. With nature or the lawa of üfe, With bloodmy hands I never stain, Norpuisdii toen tpeaife tfaéirpaln. He is a physician indeed, wfyo Cures. The lndianlleiv.noctor, Ki 4 - XA'ÜNS, curpp the follewing ciMiipiaints iuthe most 'obstínate Htacesof their existence, viz; Diseasesof theThroat, Lungs, Heaifc, ï.iver, Süjmach, Dropsv in the Chest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, rits. orFallingSickiH'ss.íin.l.itlnthernefyousderangements' A Is o all diseasesof the blood.such asScrofula. Erysip els,Cancers,Fevei-S(M.-s, I.-pru.-y, au,: all othor coinplicated chronic comphiints. AH forms of Teníale diüiculties attended to with the happiost resulfs. It is hoped tbat no one will de.spair of a cure' until theyJiavegiven the Tndiau Herb ÜQgtor'a Medicines a fair and faitliful trial. tOnrlng the Doctor' travels in Kurope, West Indies. South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in God's hand. torestore to health and vigor thpuaandfl who weregivenup amlpronouucfiï incurable by the most eminent ohl school physifiai.s; n:iy, more, thouHiiiuls whowereonthc verge of the grave, are now living n)O!.um"nts to the Indian Hprb's Dóctors ekill and Bttcceaeful treatment, andaré daily exclaiming: í;Blessed be theday when first ■we eatf and partook of the ludían llerb Doetor'a medjein. " Satisfactory refere tices of cures will be gladly and cheorfully given w henpvpr rgquired. The iocto,r pledges his word and honor, that he will io do wifie,d(rectlyQrindIrectly, induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without the slrongest probability of a cure. j&ér" Mode of exauiination. wliieh is entirely different i'rom the faculty. pr. Ljon profesBen to discern distases by the eye. therefore asks oóquestlons, nor doeshe require patientto i'xplain Rymptoms. Callone ind all, ind have thesv-mptonic; ana louition of your diseasp explained free of charge. PThe poorshall bMfber&ffy considered. A-Fostolllceaddress, box 2008. R. J. LYONS, I'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. S5, JL862. ly880 Terrible Siaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS ÜÜRS ! Which ha.s been r.iio for tho jinst four wei'ksat MACK & SCHMID'S STORE lías proved a grand sueeess, although the sluugliitT of dry aooos Has been terrible. Wo now tnake ílie íinnouncement tluit we sliall continue 'Fr M;uiy Yt-i-rs'" to mnke war with liigh p rices, being detoimiuüJ to give the hundrêda who daily rbrong our store, full valué for their money, Ladies cau fina witJi us all desirable fchadus anü slyles oí DRESSGOODS, RIBBOiNS, TRIMMÍKGS, EMBROIDEKIES. WHITE GOODS, UOS1ERY, GLOYES, &c, Vith a vcry large and attractire stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far below "7"a,lixO We hear H safo every flaV ihat wa are rulnmg the usinesa n üút city by sellii.',' so (iiaau lint ve euinot elp it, The doods Must Jbe Sold. 100 New Styloahd best quallty H9ÜP SKIRTS very u :ip , and for tho Gentlerueu we have a verj Jarq;e asorUneutof 'rendl Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatngs, Dcfesteins, Faucy Cessiin.res, VeFtigs, &c, l':i]l d8crp1iüSS, nd can "BibIbK a wholc snit os lort noticeinuch cheiipur tlutij il can be bou trli t eNe iere. An exminatioD of tbia branch of oor busi ■ ■ n 11] convince a il t ha l ihis is ihe place to Imy t!it ir antB, Coala aml Vt, Wc a:e hím i complete stock of Ladies aiid rlii!-i t n.' Mnirs HATS AND CAPS, Ana í ii factevrythiniï Hint man or woraan can desiie to woar on Lead orluot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &.c , At astonishlhg low pricea, ■m.l in tiaii our critnp stock must sh;uc ! same lurweure deteriniru-d tu st'll. no matter whai old croakers m;iy sa . .Ml are iuvited to inspeel ot.j „locku.i'it is po trouble' to siiow our gooila, and re are bonn] to meet the demandfl of H. JUST OPENING? The largest Stook and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE 1 ver brought to tUia city, ineluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, cs-lfijssejs Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, Érad all oIIut goods kept in the beRt and largest hounes in the country. Weneepno second hand furnituieor Auciion goo.l.s. Cuffins kept con.slantly on hand, and made to order Ify goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICZS N.B. J must have mcney. Eind respectful'y those inf]ebtej,to cali and flx up their cid matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Aun árbor.'Oct. 6, 1863. 925tf SCEOFULÁ AND SCEOFULOUS DISBASES. Trom Emery Stíes, a we.ll-known merckunt of Oxfortl, Maine. " I have sokl iarge quaiititics of yotir S.mïsapak1LI.A, but 3 et one Lott]e uliich faiicd oí' the desired efléct and lul] aatisfaction tu those who took il As ast os onr people try it, tlit-v ngree there !]aL been no medicine like it belbre in our comiuunity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes, Pustules, Ulcera, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. trom Hev. Hebt. Slralton, Bristol, England. UI ouly do niy duty to you and tlie public, when I add niy tefitímoDy to that you publisn of the medicinal virtUEs ofyour Sarsaï íív díughter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor in her ears, eyes, and hair (at years, which we were unable to cure uiitil we tried your Sausapahilla. She üas been wel! lor some montha." Frmn M,-s. Jatte E. Rice, n wellhwwn and muchestcemed Uuly qf Demiisville, ( upe May Cb., N. J " Jly daughter lias suffered fbr a year past ith a pcrofulous eruption, wliieh was very troublesome. Kothiiiiiaflbrdcd auy relief until we tiied your ÜAH6APARILLA, wliich Boon coinijletely cured lier." ' Frmn Charles P. Gaffe, Esq., of the widely-knon-n firm qf Gage, Murraij if Co., manvfacturers Lenamelletl papers in Ataihtiq, N. B. u 1 had for several years a very troiiblesome humcr in my (ace, wbieh grew constautly worse until it djsngured my ffeaturee aud became an intolerable aílliction. I tried álmpst everything a man could of both advice and medicine, but witliout any reJief whatever, until I took your S-iBíárÁRiLLA. It immediately niade my face worse, as you tokl me it might ibr a time; but iu a few weeks the riew ókih began to form under tbe blotclies, and continued until my face is as smootli as any body's, and 1 am without any symploms of the discase that I know oí'. I e,njov perfect health, and withont a doubt owe it tO your tíAKSAPAlULLA.'' Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify the Blood. From Dr. Bobt. Sawin, Homton St., N. Y. Dr. Ayer: I seldomfail to remove ürupt ion smid Scrofulous Sores by the perBevèring use of your Üauhaparilla. and 1 have just now cured au attack of Matig?iant Erusipelas with it. No a!terative we possess equalsthe Sarsaparilla you liave eupplied to the prole6sion as wel) as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esn., WaUeman, Vhio. " For twelve vears 1 liad tne yellow Erysipclas on r.iy right arm, during wliicli time I tried alJ the eelebrated jjhysiciaui I could reach, and took hundreds of dolíais' worth of mevlichies The ulcCiS "vere ëo bad t Luit the cords beponie visible, nul tiie doctors decided that rny arm must be iimputated. I bepan takiiig your a rsapahilla. 'J'ouk twp bottles, and eomeot your Pills ïogctlier they have cvired me. 1 am now H6 well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is kuowu to everybody in tbis community, íiad excites the wonder ofail." From Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P..of Newcastle, C. W., a leadiug manier of the Canailim Parliament, "I haré lused your Sarsapaiulla in my iarniJy, for general AtbUity, and for purifijing the blood. vith very beocöcinl resulta, and lëcl couüdeuce in oommending it to the afflicted." St. AnUiony'a Fire, Eose, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harveu Sickler, A's?., tht abe editor of tlie Tïinekltannock J)cmo''rat, Pennsylvania. t; Our only chiid, about three yetas oí'nge, was attacked by pimples on Iris forehead. Tbey rapidly spread uutil tliey formed a loathsome and' virulent 6re, which covered bis iace, and actually blindcd bis eyes for some days. A skillül physician applied intrate oí silver aud other remedies, without auy aplarenteffeci. For alteen days weguarded liis hands, lest with them he should tearopt-n the iesteriug and corrupt wound which covered liiswhole face. Having tned evcry tliing elsu we had any hopelrom, we began giviug your Saksatahilla, and applying the iodide oí potash lolion, as you direct. The sore began to heal wtaen we liad glven the ürst bottle, and was wellwhen weinul linished the secoud. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, l aüd he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The v.'hole neighborhocd predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Frnm Dr. Htram Sloat. of St. Louis, lifiouri. "I flud your Saksapauilla a more tffectua] remcdy for the secandary symptoms of Sijphilis, and ibr syphiütic disease than any other we possess. The profesión are indebted to you ibr some ol' the best medicines we have." JProm A. J. French, M. D.t an eminent physician of Lawrence.Mass.. v:lio U a prominent munter )f the Leyialature of Massaclntsclts. ' "Dr.. AYütt - Jily dear Sir: I have found your nu excellent remedv for SvphUis, both of the primary and secondary type, andofl'ectual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can emÍiloy with more certainty of success, wh.ere a powerül altcrutivc is reuuiiTd." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lieio, of New Bntnstcck, JV. ■ƒ., liofl dreadful ulcere o tiis legs, caused by tlie abuee of mercury, or mercurial diíeate, vliich gruw more and more aggravarfd tot years, in spite pj every remedy or treatment Iliat cönid beappiiod, uiiiil the pcrsevcriug use of Ayíík's Sacsapaeilla iclicvcd Iiim. Tévr caseé can be tbund nioi'e-iuvetoraíe and distressiug tban tliis, aud it took severa! tlozcu bottles to cure him. iGeucorrhosa, Whites, S'emale 'Weakueas, aregcncrnllv produoed by infernal Scrofuloiis Vlceratioií, and are very oíten cuied by the altcijative . effect of lliis Sausapaiulla. Some cases rcqulre, liowever. in aid of tlie Sausapakilla, the ekilful applicatiou of local remedies. From. the well-known and wkhhj-celebratcd Dr. Jacob Morrill, of dncinnati. "I have found your Sabsapauilla an excellent alteratiye in diseases ofiemales Many capes of irregularity, Leucoirhira, Interna! UJceration, and local debilitv, Briging from the scrofuloua diathesis, have yieldert to it, and therp are lew that do uot, B'heu itseflVcf is projierly aidedby local Iffttment." A lady, imwilling to allow the pubïicatiön óf her íiaííií1, irrites: ': My and mvself llave hcen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrlioca of long standing, by two bottlcs of your Sarsaparilla." Kheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when cause d by Scrnfua, in tlie system, are rapidly cured by tlüs EiT. Saksapakilla. AYER S CATHARTIC PILLS posscss so many advantages over tlie otlier purgativos in tlio market, and their superior virtues are so univcrsally known, that we need not do more tluin to nssure the public thoir quality ia maintained e)uil to the best it ever lias been, and that tliey may be depended on to do all that tliey have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STEIiHIN ft WI1SON, Aun Arobr. E. SAMSON Ypsikuui, A EAV1NÜ, Qexter, WIIKI DOX & HATCH, ;holsen. Whn'iilebv FAHRANDSHELBY Sí Cu Detrolt. C. E. COHURN . Travelling Agent. Family Jye Coïors. [jlOR Dyoiiií .ilk, Woolen au.I Mixed (íooók, Shawls, L Seari', DregseR, Ril'buns, (ilovcs. líonnets, Ilats eatliers, Kid Glojres', Cbitdre&'s Clothiu, and all indíi ut Wearing Af'i'ur' 1 , S-A SAVING OP 8O PER CE.T8 For 33 cents yon can color as many guoda as would otlicrwiM' ost BT -times thut sr.m. Varinus shndes no tejjruíaced fiumtbe ínfe !■. Tho prixeskis imple, and any onc cau use tbe lije v, ith pe-fáct suoes. Dlroctiooí iu Euglish, Krencli aud Gefman, inside of achitackae. Forfui-tlier infoimaUon ín Pyeing, and eiving a perect knowlodge .iiai e ' ; ;. i. ., ...lapted to de ver othern, (with many valtuiblo recipes,) purchasc Iiiut' & St 'jilcus' TreatiVe ou Djeini? and Coloring.- ent by mailirn receipt of price- 10 cents. Manufactured uy UOWE & SIEVEN8, 260 Brondway , Boíten. )'üf te l.j Tn i f! t imJ rnlercriterall. rrfmí - - _jp a, Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw . O Ia the ma,tWr of the estáte of Jo6eph L;"'' - de d WaBl'enaw in tho State of líhf," tfetiee la herobjr givco, iha,tin prsuanoe of ,„ der grTintrd to the undersigned Henry Rrarick L.'' istrator or the Estáte of said deceased, by tí', " k ' Judgeof Probate for the Coumy of Vaíhtpn. ■ th" twenty-secmd daj of February A B Um tí'1 will be; sol at Puhlic Vengue, to tire r,gue,t b-i" at the dwelling house oq the priniise to be „„u"1 the Townshipof York.mth, Coúnt, of WmE'Í ni kid State, on Saturday the sixteenth day of T ,' A. I). 164, at one n'clock in the afternoon of thtt ? ' (mbject toallencumbrances by roortgage or other ■ existing at the time of the death of said dM,j ,'í1 following described Real Estáte to wit : Sitúate u' íw Township of York in the Uounty of Washtem , í Mate of Michigan, known and described atheetk 2 of the north-east quarter of Section No. seventeeo ' taing eighty acres, The South west quarter i ,i' north west quarter of section No. sixteen forty acre, and ten acres off the east end'finBe ' hal oí the north-west quarter of ectiun twentr or all iu town four southof range six east ' _ . . „tí HENRY REARICK, Dte.l. February 22d. 1864. Admini.tritor. Estáte of Shubal T. Moor. OTAtE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa,btenaw „ ot uta sesion "f the I'robate Court for the Con'ntrñi V?Wiliteiiw. holden at the Probate Office in the ei 15 Ano Arbíir, oi Ijojidsy, the twonty-second dar of 5 ruary, in Uieyear one thousandeight hundredanilni", Pienent, Thomas Kinde Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte if ShubalT. Moore I. ceased. On rea.ling and filing the petition, duli '. fied, of Cassandria Mcore, praying lor thu appointm,., ot an admmistrator on the Estáte of eaid deceased Theieupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the tvrecri flrstdayofMarch aext, at one o'lock in the aft noon, be asMgned for the hearing of said petition md that the hei at law of caid deceased, and al! ón," persons utuitsted in said estáte, are required to pear at a session of said Court. Ihento be holden at th. Probate Office, in tte City of Ano Albor, and ,ho cause ranytheiebe.why tl pr .yer of the petitiom, should not be grntcd Andii ia rurther ordered thi saidpetihonergive notice t ihe persons intereitij vn said estáte, ot tho psndency otsjid petitinn, and lt hearing thereof, by oanaing a oopj oi tbls Order to bi publmhed in the Michigan Argüe, a newspaper nrintú and circulating in said County of Wasbtenav, ■ tír.. successive wwksprevious tosaid day of hearing ' o'VrUe Copjri THOMAS .N'INDE "4j"' Judge of Probalo. Chancery Sale. INPL'RSÜANCE and by virtue of a decree ot tk, Circuit Court, for the County of Washtenaw " ChaLcery, mnde on the Brst day of July 1863 j„, cause therein pending, wherein Alomo Clark is'tran nlainant. Iabán A. Sirgcant, EUe .-ergeant, Edwin Kei' logg,John W.Smith, Fanny E. Sergeant, Sallj Muu field. Wilham Liu.sley, William W. HansfleW, Josúl Dearborn, and John Smitb aie defendants. Noiice is hereby given that I shall sel) at public ,„ tion to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock, noon, on Satutday the 5th day of Jlarct next, at the front door oftht Washtenuw County Court House, in the City of An Arbur, all the following piecos or pareéis of landilt. uated lying and being in the Tunnship of Bridiefittt Washtenaw County and State of Michigan, 'describêiu fo'.lows, to wit . Sixty nerts oi land from the north MJ of the EaKt half of the South eat quarter of section numberthiity-four ; also six tv acres of land from thi North end of the West half of the South west quina of sectiou number thirty flve, Township numberfou! south of range number fout East, being in all one hu. dred and twenty acres of land. GKOROE DANFORTH , Cir.OounCom.Wash.Co.,ílch t.. B. wood, Complainant's Solicitor Dated, Jan. 28th. 1864. ojy Mortgage Sale. DEi'AULT having been made in the condition of i mortgage, executed by Williain J. Whipper (o Eli jali w. Morgan, dated Jiarchsecond, A. D., 18s3 and recorded in the Registers Office, in Washtenaw C'imntj llarch sixth A. 1).. 18' 3, in Líber No. 30 of Morigajes t' page 459, by which defaultthe power oi sale cuiitaiued in said mortgage beeaine operative; and no suil or pruceed ing having been iaatituted at law to recover the itbt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof,an) the sum of two hundred and sixly one dollars being no clainied to be due thereon : Notice is thereforu herebj given that tlie said mortgage will be forerlosed by i sale of the morlgaged prernises, to wit : Thewesthilf of the oast half and the east half of the west half et section No. thirty one. in township No. four south in range No. seven east, being in Augusta in the Coratj of Waahtenaw, in the State of Michigan, exceptrai the south west quarterof the south-east quarterofmid section, or sume part thrreof, al public vendue, it the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-sixth day of March next, at noon. E. W. MORGAN, Mortgaget. James Kixoslet, Attorney. Dated, Anu Arbor, Dee. 23d, A. D. 1863. CLancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Judicial Circuit-In ("liancery: Edward Briggs, Complainant, 1 Suit pending in tht vs. Cir. Court for tto Harr_v Estey. Jacob Eetey, John County of Washte Estey, Israel Estey, John h naw, in Chancerj-, Beek, John G. Wahr, and at Aun Arbor, oj Joha Wttgner, the 8tli day ufji Defendants. J uary. A. D.. 1864. It satisfactorily appearing to the iindersigned, Cir cuitCou:! Commissioner for said County, ty atïdaiil, that ihe above named defendant, Iiarrv Kste'y,ie noti resident of this State, but that he is a residen! of tht otate oi California : On mot. on of A Fe ch, Solicitn for Complaiaant, it is onieied tliat the said defendant, Harry K.stcv, cause his appearar.fe in this cause to b entered witliiu two uionths frónithedate of this order, and, that, in case oi his appearance he cwuse bisan.swer to cornplainant's bilí to be liled and a copy tlitre of to be served complaiuant's solicitor, " witbin twenty days of the service of a copy of said bül and noMce of this order, and in default thereof tliat 1k said bill l.e takenas confessed by the said defendart, Harry Estey and it is further' ordered that within tweniy dnys after the malii(ig of this order tbe faitl coniplainant cause this orctr tobe published ih 'The Weekly Michigan Argus," a newspaper pulilisbeil o said Couniy anr] that said publication be contioued in said paper, at least once in each week, for sis weeïs in succession, or that he cas a copy of this orderto bepersonallv serveO on the said defi-ndant, Harry Eitey, at least twenty days before the time ittore prscribed t;ir his appeaapce. Dated, January 8th, A. D. 3864. GEO. IUNFORTU, Circuit Court Commissioner for Washtenaw County . Miriiigan. A. "Sxict, Complainant's Folicitor. 939S Atruecopy, ïracï W. Root, Registe ISítce. Washtanaw and Livingston County Union Ditcli. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tliat the undersigned, Cominissioners, will nell to the lowest bidder, fo miles of djtch, at J F. Averv's Hotel, Whitmore Lake, Township a.' Xortlib'eld, ' Wüshten.-.w CountJ State of Michigan, on ïuesday, 22a rtay of Marc'h' ISEt, ten o'clock, A. 11. Width of bottom made knovm n day of sale, and of a dpth as marked on station stakM sct in lirie i(' (iitch six jods Rrt. Kacli bank to slop" "utnard one foit to every of deplh , and the dirt tote thrbwn tivo feet fiom the erige of each bank, and the dirt slopc the saine :is Uie slope of f(ie ditch IpW to be left in all natni-;il jyater clmnnelti, and other I"' places : they are to be uot mure than 18 rods ablrl .i nj place. ' J J. PARCHA'. I.. ) PRIN'CK IÍKpIN'KIT. t Drainage Commissione. J. F. AVEItY, Northfield, Feb. B2, 1814: 9454 ISTotice of Ditoh Sal& OTH'E is hereby giren that the undersigned Cm 'missiimer, will seli to the loweít bidder, lO.mdL railts of ditch, at .I. F. Averv's Hotel Whitmore Laié, Towimhip of N'oitlifield, Washteuaw County, St Michigan, ïuesday 15th day ot Marco U64, 10 o'clock, A. M". Width of bottom made known on day of sal, and oí' -i ciepth as mar'ed on station stakes set in line ot ditch, s; Apart, Kaeli bank to slope one foot outwuti to eai-h foot oí depth, the dirt to be throwQ two feet from the edge of each bank, and the tiirt (ó slop. the sanie the slope of 1be dilch. Inlets re to be left in all natural water chaunels, an i other low places, they are to be uot more than 18 róds apurtüi any place. ■' J. J. I'ARSHAIX, i „ . I'RINC'K BKNNKTT („ I1raina!' ' J F AVERY fCommmisiioncli Xorthfield, Feb! 15th. 1S64. ' 3w9tí SCHOFF & MILLEB A RE STILL ON HAND at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery. PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, i WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TAgSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, H00K8 AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered in this Market ! Tbejrtrustth&ttheirlonK exprjcnce larnlKl goodsfortblsroarket,sDdiitrictatroUoiiio héL ■■ ofCuBtomer,my 'B')t) 4bïm f t VittrtHI''' "


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