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The Michigan Argus

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Ptiblishedevery I.riü. y m ..■thinl story o the briek block,cortierof Muin and Quron Sts., ÁNI AftBOR, Mich. Etfanceon Huron Street, oppositetli p:Milïlin. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher Tei'iüs, $Í4i.OO a Vear ín AUvance. Aclvertlslng - One sqnaíe (12 linee or les), one jak, 75cents; three weeks til 50; and 25 cents for tvery nsertio" there fter, less tlian three muntfas. Une square 3 mos Í4.00 Quartpr col. 1 yeai $20 Qoe square 6 mos 6.0(1 Half column fi mos 20 Oae square 1 y8M 9 0" Haltcolumn 1 year 35 Xwosi)'res 6 mos 8 00 ! One column 6 mus. 36 Two sq'res 1 yar 12.00 l One column 1 year 60 Carda in Directory , not to exceed fonrlmes, $4.00 g year. Advertisers to the oxtent of a qnarti t column, rejjulflly throiigh the yi ar, -vill (itilitillo tiaVG tbt ir cards in Directory without extra charge. r" Advertisemeüt.s unaccompanied by wiittenor rtroal dírection will be juiblished until ordered out, q1 cliarged accordmgly. Legal adrertiaements, ftrsi sertion, 50 cents per olio, 25 cents per folio tor each snbseqneni irsertion. Vin a poat pcneineni isadded to au adveTtisement the wliolc ill be char' ñ thesame as for lirtirrsertion. Job Printing- Pamphleta, Hand Btlls,(9ronlar8, Canl' Buil Tickets, I.abel. Blanks. Bill H: other varieties of Pl.iin andFancy Job Trinting, execu eil witn promprness, and in the be.t style Canls- We havea Ruggles Rotary Car.l Press. and a lree ranety of thelatest stylesof Car. type ivliich euablss us to print Cards of all kinds in the neatest possible.-ityle and cheaper thán anj other house in the city. Business carda formen of allavocationaanc pro fessions, Ball, Weddinp nnd Visüing Canls, printed on ;liort notice . Cali and see samples. BOOK BI'VDIVG- C.mnecteclwith the Office isa Book Hinderv in t-harse of two competent workmen.- Cuunty Records. Ledgers, Journals, and all Blank Books m,le to order, and of the beat stock. PampTlleta and periodicals bound in a neal &uñ durable manner, at Detroit prices. Entrance to Uicdery through the Aicus Office. _____


Old News
Michigan Argus