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Wmum bvtdm. COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. T-iF.POITOKY of Bibles and Testamenta at tlie So V 'ciety pnces at W. C V.:mv1i-is . " tf J WATTS & BRO. SALERi in Clook's, Watches, Jswelry and Silver Ware No. '22, New Black, Ann Arbor. t G BLI8S. DEALER in Clocks. ViitcheH, Jewelry and Silver Ware No, 22, New Btock, Ann Arbur 0. H. MILLE N. DEALER in Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. Main Street,' Aftn Aibor. fHIiiIP BAOfi. DEALEUS m Dry finoil, (roceries Boots & fic.,Main t., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIEB. MANÜFACTüRER an.l dealer in Boots and Shoes, one door nortli of the Post OfBce. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots k Shoea, Rubbers, &c. Franklln Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERdOli" DEALKÍÍ3 in Hardware, Stores, h'iusê farnisiliflg, Tin Ware, &o , fto., New Block, Maip 8t. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICI v and Surgeon. Residenee and office on Dstroit street, near il:e i epot. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. y ANUFAOTUREKS of all kinds of C'oooper Work, 1 City Cooper Shop. Custom wurk tlone on short notice. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and ccr. Xortli mJFifth Streets Ann .Ulor. A, J. SÜTHERLAND, AGENT for the New York Life Insurance Comp&ny, Olfice on Huron street. AIso has on hand ii stock t the most approve aewing machines. S85tf GEOROË FISC HER. MEAT MAKKET- Huron Street- General aealet in Vmsh aivl galt Meats, Beef, Matton, I'ork. Ham, Poultry, Uro, Talk, &c., &o. H1RAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY an,l Counsellor at 1.k. n'l Sohcitorin Chancerj . Office e City Hall Biock over Wubsterfa Book S'ure. ' WM. LEWÏTT, MT I. PHVSIflAN and Surgeon. OfBoé at his reeMence, nortu .side of Huroo street. and seeond house ; of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. nniOI.KSALE ana Retail Dealers and Manufacturers II Clothing Importera of Cloths, Boa aimeres, Doeskíba, &c, No. 5, Phwnis Block, ïfajo '. WÜM. WAGNER. DEALER in Roauy Kade Clothïng, Cloths, Cassimeree, and Vcwting8, Bate, Caps, 'friiDks, CarjieV liags, &c, Pbmli Block, Main .treet. iSLAWSON & SOM. GROCERS, PriH'iinn and Commiion Merchante, an Dealers in 5jTaíer Lime, Land Planter, and Piaster of Paris, onbdoor east o' Cook's Hotel. f M. 8OÖT. AMBROTTpE and Photogiaph Artisl, in the rooms over Campn. u's Clothing store, Phoenix Block. Periectsatisfaitiungivon. o. rörtërT" OORGEON DENTIST. Offlee Corner of Main and Hurón V fltreets, over Bach & Pierson'B Store. All calis pamptly attend d to Aprl8S9 C. Li. TüOMPSON. DEALERin Dry Goods and Qropftriea Boots and! e Produce bought and sold, al tiie old sj;unl of Hiorapioa íí Millen, Curaer Uain and Washington sta. SiACK & SCHMÏD. DEALERS in Foreign and rv.-mestic Dry Good, Grucertes. Hats and 'nps, Hont nmi Shoes, Crockery, k, Corner of Main & I.iberty sts. o. a. iKËTLËyT' pnoTOIRAPUKü- Corner Fonrth S: Hnron streets, Í Ad.i Arb'vr. ' Cases frames anrt Photogiaph Albums c''Qitantly on hand, and at lower rates than can be 'wt eUewhere. lySOl ANDREW. BELL. DEALER in Groceries, Provisions. -Flour. Profluces; &c.} &c, corner Main and Washington Streets, AoaArbor. The highestmarket pricespaid lorcountry produce. - 8S6 I. O. O. F. WA3HTENAW I-odofe.No 9, of the Independent Or'" der of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Rooin , "Wjr Friilav Kvening, at7} o'olock. . Somjusim. N. (i. P. B. Rose, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. ATfORNEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notaries ■ Public, have Books and Plats showing titles of all Isin the Ooiintv, an'l attend to conveyancing and 'lectmg denands, and to paying taxes and school inWMtinaBj' part of the state. Office east of the park. D. DuFOREST. WHOLEíALK and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, B,' Sbmgles, 3ash, Doors, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand ."''r Piaster, l'laster L'nris, and Nails ofallsizcs A 'laort perTect assorttnentf above, and al' other '1Q1-1 of building materials constantly on hand at the t possibli rat es, on Detroit st.,a few rodsfromthe 'lroii 'tttput. Also operating extensively in the ■lent Cement Roofing. Dissoliition. pHEFIRM i,f Slawson & Geer is this day dissolved hy 1 mutual consent All notes aud accounts due thinrm,aretobesettledby,and pail to L, R. Slawson as Pagreemcnt. L. R. SLAWSON, , J. R. GEER. Ann Arbor, Dec, 22d, 1863. Notice. T'HE GROCEEV and provisión business will be con tinued at the old stand by Slawson & Son. The tronag(.ot the old customers an d othrrs, Is solicited! . SLAWSON & SON. Aan Arbor, Doe, SB. 1863.


Old News
Michigan Argus