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From Washington Territory

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Siattle, Washington Territory. ) Jamiary 18th, 18G4. 5 Editoe Michigan Akcus, Dear Sir: - Boing formely a residoDt of " Old Wasbtenaw," I thought a few lines froin this far-off Territory raight not be aniuterestiug to somo of your readers. - Seattlo is eituated on onc of the numorons bays made by the waters of Paget Sound, perliaps ono of the most beautiful sheets of water in Cao United States. In looking at it, that ïs the Sound, one is led to imagine that Daturo liad left it as a graad canal to float out tbe immense i foresij oí ttmber tíiat lino its banks on ' either sido, therebeing over thirtcen dred miles of sea ooast iuside of tbe i "Straits of Juan Defuoa." Seattlo is tlio county seat of King County, also t lie site of the Wasbingtou Tcrritory Univcrsity. Tlio inbabitants point to it vrith a good deal of pride, and claitu to be the first Territory in the Union that erected buildings and fully established a University before becoining a State. The buildings are uf wood, two storiea high, eaoli story beingsixteen fuet in the clear, giving the rooms innide airy proportions, and tho buildings outside a commanding appearance, as you approach either from land or water, standing, as thoy do, on a bilí say one hu:idrcd aud fifty fcot above the water. The Presideut's house, and other buildings standing in the rear, do uoi look as large as they really are, but all being painted whito formj a beautiful contrast with the forest tliat surroxinds them. The iustitution is presided over by W. E. Bapnaup, A. M., and pome of his pupils would do dredit to your far-farned University. The studonts nuraber between sixty or seventy at the present. This place is destincd to become a placo of same importance, aud you may say the leading place on the Sound, baeked as it ia by a great area of good farming land all along the numerous rivers that ernpty themsolves into the bay four or fivo miles from hore, With in a few miles of the place they have struck coal of the first quality, ind an abundanef it, the veins being both numerous 'and thick, and about the right pitch to work to advautage. The railroad route oonnecting the Mississippi with Puget Sound, surveyed bj I. I. Stevens, when Jeff. Davis was Secretary of War, passes through theee coal fields; its tertuination being this place. The abovo railroad will be a question of time, I thiuk, but should they succeed in gotting a railroad from 8an Francisco to Portland it would basteo forward the Stevens railroad. Aud when I look ai the extent of country to be opened up from here to the Missiseippi river; with the mineral discoveries now being made in this Tcrritory, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, as well as in the States of California and Orcgon, there rises in my inind a wish or desire to be permitted to come on earth again, say in about the twenüeth eentury. Then, whether or no a person would not bo in the samo predicamcnt tliat " Hip Van Winkle" was, !s the question. The people settled here are mostly f rom Maine and Vermont. Once in a whilo I meet one from J)ix9. All appear couteutcd and h;,ppy. The land is not as easily cloared as tholand throughout Washtenaw Oounty, but the portion adapted to iarming, I think is better after it is once cleared. All kinds of grairi does well here, and the potatoes aro far botter than those raised either in California or Oregon, in short the bost I have seen sinoo leaving Michigan. The winters are a little colder than in California, but scarcely any snow. A good deal of ruin falls during the win ter raonths, porhaps more ! han in California. Stook, I ahoull think, does better than in the latter State. The market at present is mostly made by the different luiuber eatabüshments scattered along the Sound, they using most cverytliing a farmer raises. But I must close, fearing I have already wearied your readers' patience. Yuurs truly,


Old News
Michigan Argus