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Dissoiution mHE CO-I'ARTN'KIÏSHIP heretofore existlng bet wem l t'ic uodenttgned ander tne ruime an-; style of .--'clioif Jt Milier, is thia day disaolTed by mutual consent. Tli Dotea anJ boot accounts of the la ie flrm wíl] be stitlei by t-it her ol tbe partrers, at Ihe new stand cf the lat firm, and all perriona Indehted to, or havfng claimi against the said iiui.aie requested to cali and adjust tb.6 Bam9 v-i'hout dilay. N. M. SCHO1 F, J. F.MILLKR. Ann Aibor, eb. lst. 1804. Gw847 Eo-partnership Notice, rpHE ÜNDERSTGNED have thïa day formed a co-prtl nerahip foi the iran?acti(m of a general Booíe nd BUttU nt rv business, onder the nnme and ntyh of John F. Uilier .v Co., and will continue the bunesa ut ths lateitandof choff 4 Wiilrr, corner of Smitb'i Neqr Bloclï. opDOcfteJ. Ilangsterfer'a. J. F. MIliLER, S. M WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, ieb. lst, 1S64. 6W THE GKËAT CAUáE " HUMANMISERY, Just Publisked, in a S-.aled Ei.vtlopt. Piiee Siz Ccnt4. A r.cctui-c on tlie Obture, Treatment and iindicnl Cure o f Seminal Weakness, or SpennatorrUcea, inlueed by Selt Abua1? . Involuutar) Kmissioni, lmpotenoy, Nerrous Debility, and ImpedimenU to Marriage generally ; CoBrumptíon, Epitópsy andïiWj Menial aad Pbysical Incapacitj, &c- Bj KOÜLRTJ. CÜLVERWELt, M. D., Authorof the Green Book,U. The worid renowned author, in tliis admirable Ltuce, cl cari y pi oves f rem his own experience that th awJui oönsequeneej of Sel! abuse may be efTectuallj removed without medicine, and without ttangeroiisiurglci! opera tí onii, bougies, instnin)ents, rings, orcor dials. pdinting out a mode of cure at once certain %ui eüfrctual, by which every ufFerer, no matter whathli coüdition rnay be. v.iny cure bimsflf cheaply, pn'yaielj, and rftdically . Th locture will prove a boon to thou: Bands ami thoc sao '■ . .-ent viniier peal, ín a plain envelope, to any addrtM, on tbe receipt of six cents, or two postage stampa, hj atliires.sing the publislutrs. CHAEIESJ. C. Kï.TN'E&CO., XyM7 127 Bowery. Nt-w York, Post OiTice Box, 4588. Estáte of Michael FJemhig. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Waf-htenaw, bi. At a sessidn of the Probate Ccrort for the Ccuntyof W'asht naw, holden atthj Probate Office, in tne dty oí no Arbor, on Monday the seventb íay of ilarcb, in the year one thuusand eight hundred aud sixtyfonr. Present, Thomas Ninde. Judge of Probate. In the matter ol the Estaie of Michael Fleming, Atceassed. On redding and filing, the petitimi, duly verified. ot Pittrick Fleming, prajfng'' for the appointment of o iiilmini.-tra.tor on the hite qj Raid deceasgd. Thereupon it isOrdereü, that Weduesday, the siith diiy nf April next at one o'clok in thp afternooo( be iisiní-'d for liie bearing cf said petition. d ihit the beirB at la.í of aid deeeased. all otlitr persons Intereated in pyid estale, are required to appear at a spsim of sald Court , tht-n to be holdeoil the Probate OJKt-e. ín }? City of Ann Arbor, Ín sai County, and show oauie, ifany tbere be, why the pr&yei of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is fin t her opdered, that paid petitionet kivfc aoticeto tlie persons interefited in sald estáte, íf tlíe pendeney oí said petitíon, and tlm lieariog therwíi by r.uisinga cnpy of this Order to be publiehed in tb Michigan Argus.ñ. úewspaper piinted and circulatini in said County of Washtenaw, three successive weíkí, previous to iiaid day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NIXPE, Ö47 Judge of Probití. Cbanccry Sale. TNPtTESUANCE and by virtue of a decrce of tbs Circuit Court, for the County of Washtenaw, in CIj;u e-r, m--He on the first da y of.Iuly 1E63, in canse tberein pending, wherein Alonzo Clark, is complainant. Labaif A. Serereant, Klae Sergeant, Edwin Keih't .John W.mitb, Kjmny E. Sergeant, Salh Mía1 field. Wtlliato Llntifüey, Willmm W, MansfitlJ, Joiak Dearborn, and John Smith aie defendants. Notice is herebj H'l(n tliítt I sball sell at publicsuc tion to the liihest bidder at 12 o'clock, nnon, on Tuelday tbe 2fltb daj of April next, at the front ('oor of tb Waahtcnaw County Court Houee, in theCityofAnQ Arbor, all the fo}lowln; piecea or parce Ib of land rit uated lying aud being in tl;e iownnbip of Bridgemttfi Wasbtenaw pounty and State of Michigan, desciibíd FoUovs, lo uit . ity aerfs 01 land from the northend of the Kast half of the Öouth east quarter of sectioD number thnt v-four j also aixty acres of land f rom tl" Noi-th end of the West half of the South west quartw of aecttoa number thlrtj five, Township number fo"' South of range number for East, being in all ooe hundr o d :ml ïwenty acres of Innd. CHURCH1I.L H. VANCLEYE, Cir.CourtCoin.Wash. Co.,MicbE. B. Wood, Complainant's Solicitor. Dated, March 9th, 18C4. 947Ü LlTV SCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE, 1864. TAVO TERJIS ofNinfleen Weeks each , comin' cintr Marcii 7th and ükitkmber 5.h. For Catalogue and Circuí r niilress JOEI, PARKER, Rnyjl Projtnor. Cambridge, Muss., Feb. 20, 1864. 3945 SEJYÜ IN YOÜR ORDERS. THE suWriber is making large prcparfitiooB t brlngavery extensivo variety of fruit trees uto t&ffl fiiy, ad early in the Spring as they can bersmovèd. I shaU have fur sale, 10,000 Prar TVfM, 20,000 7m 2V 10,000 Pfrtci TríCí, 5,000 t?ro)e Vtntt. AlffO - .i ïnre assortinent of Evergreens, and flowefi and nhrubs. Orders may be sent to me by c:ail or oíherwitw. T. DrBOlS' Ann Arbor, Dec. 2d, 1863. 4m934. T.2s:Eisr upON tlic Stli div nf Dpcember a COW oud CALF. T1" Cow aiiout six ;ara old, red and white, and tlieCalf abrmt six mnntlie !i - a Htifer. Tlie ownerif' questa4 to prove proporty, pay charges and tafee " auimalK away . NOAH STEVENS. I.odi, Jan. 14tli, 1864. On-939. N0TICE. II, pprsoiis to whom the late Philip ttohnok W"'"JI 'Y ilebted eitherby note or book account are requeea to present tbeir claims to the un lerfi)ïned withi" nIEe' ty davs froin date, ünd all perfcon indebted to him " requested to tnake immediate paj-ment. MA II .V 9CHEKCK,


Old News
Michigan Argus