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Sf ft tm potito SIICHIGAIV CENTRAL RAILROAD. PaBBeilgei trains now leave Detroit .Chicago, and the se veral station in thit-Uounty .as folio ws : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Ere. Ex. MightEx. lletroit. 10.00 A.M. 4.R0F.M. 0.30 P. M 10 00 e. M. Ypsilanti, 11.20 " 6.10 " 7.40 " Jl.CO " Ann Arbor, 11.40 " 6.35 " 8.00 " 1155 " iexter, 12 05 P.M. 7.10 " " - - ' Chetsea, 12,'-'ö " " 8.05 " - - " Ar. Chicago 10 ÜO " " 6.00 " 10.30 i. at QOING EASÏ. Leave. Eve. Ex. Des. Ac. XiirbtEj. Pay Ex. Cbhwgo, &Aiv. si. 10.00 r u 6.30 a. m. Chelsea. A. M. 7.40 A. M. 4.00 p. m. Dexter, ' 6.15 " 8 0 " 4.20 " Ann Arbor, 4 311 A. H. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " Ypsilauti, 4.40 7.10 " 8 45 " 6.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 'Í 8.gO " 10 00 " 6.S0 " The Day Express each way is tae Mail Train. Trains io not stop atstations wherefiguresareomittedin the table. Trainsconnect at Detroit with the Grea-t Western and Grand Tcunk Railwajü of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Milwaukee Railrcads. and Cleveland Steamers. At tht Company's Ticket Office" at Detroit, Chicajo, Juliet and Lafayette, throniih tickets can bc purchaed toall the principal cities.and towns in the United ;-tates LÜXURIO0S SLEEPl'NG CARS upon all niglit trainis. Ruttan'a celcbrated Vcntilating Apnmatüs upon all lay trains - the best dust preventativf in use. K N. RICE, General Superintendent. SF PROF. S. J. LTOSS' Patients and all otbers nterrested will please take notice that be will contin ue hls visits at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, during 18u4 and "65 and at the expiration of which he wil! dis continuo his visits and open an Iutirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, tor the trealmont of Lung anil Chest diseases. LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Kathairon is Trom the (reek woiM, '"Katliro," or Katliairo," nignifying to cteiinse, rejnvinato and restorp. artic'.e is whnt i ts n raesignifies. Fnrpreeryififi; U'storinif and beuutif-ing the human huir it is lii1.' mpst rcroarkablc preparation in tïie worl'l. It is itain ovi]i'l and put up by the original proprietor, and s now made with the same care, aldU and attfintion which gave it asaleof over one milüon boules per annuix It is amofïtdelightfül Unir Dressing It eracíc:tes scurf an-i danilriiiT. It keeps the head coo] and clean. It inakes lw liiir nch, Boft and glossy. It preyertts t)ïe hair from fajlini olTtind tutning gray Lt restoes hair upon ba'l hpadg. Anv lady or gontlcman who values a boautiful head of hair should use Lyon'fi Katharion. It is known and used thrnughnut the civilized world, Sold by all raRpectable dealers. 6m922 DKMAS S. 3ARNKÖ k CO.,,rr)p'rs, N. Y. Mathevrs' Chocolate WoimDrcps 9 XEVFR fail to destroy and extermínate ají kínds of Intestinal Worros. Are perfectly raliable in all cases and far superior to any m 1 all of tlio Fanoy Worm onfectionn, nd nauReous Vermifuget in use. ïhey may be taken at all times with perfect they contain NO MERt.URV, or othcr deletermus Drug.- Mothers nhould alwiiys purchasethem and give their children no oílur. (aVo Cathartic whatcver, is necessary to he given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozrnges. Price 25 ets. Sale by a Í1 Pruger sis and Dealers i.i Medicine:. C. R. WALKER, General Agent Iy922 Buffalo.N.Y and Kuit Erir.C. W. SAPONIFIER, 0R CONCENÏRATED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. VV . IV maken high pricPK ; í=aponi6er helps to reduce them. ït m;ikoñ S;inp for Foiür cents a pound by usinsyour kitclifn grease. CAIITIOiV r As ppunous T.yes are offored alsu, be ca-cful and ouly buy the Patentetl article put up in Iron cana, a]l othersbeing Counterfellg, : Pcnnsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co.t Pbiladelphia- Ne. 127 WaJcut Street. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative, IT IS NOT A DYE, But reatojes gray hair to its original color, by supplying thecapillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyei ure composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselveá no dressing. Heirustreet's Inimitable Coloring notonly restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a Luxurlaut Beniity, prumotes its growth, prevenís its falling off, eradicates Jandruff, anl imparts healtb and pleasantness to the nead. It hasstood the testof time, being tho original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Csed by boih gentleman ana ladies. It ia sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by thy.;n of V commercial ageuts, D. S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broudway Xew-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m922 WYNKOOPS ICELAND PETORAL. Diseases of the Throat, Chtst and I'ulmonury organs are ever prevalent, inkUoufl and and dangeroue. The proper ties of a medicine to alleiate, cure and uproot these complaints, must V? Kxpcctorant, Anodyne anl Invii-rating, loosening the mucufl of the throat, and impurting tone to the enlire system. No discovery in medical scienceever m.istered this class of üibt'aseslike Dr. Wynkoop's Iceïand Pectoral. It is u.sed w'.th the most astoninhing n-sults in all cases nf Bronchitis, In lluenza, Whooping Cougji Diptheria or Putrid Soro Throat, Asthma, Croup,-Couglis, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, kc. The liev. J. J. PoIUt certifien, " I have used Dr. Wynkoop'ci Iceland Pectoral for several yeara, m;s-_H and in uiy f:imily, for everp Pulmonary Complaintn, and have rècomïaended it to many othe-ra, and never scen its ecual." Rev. J. J. Potter Bronklyn, N. Y. Hi.;ndreds and thoupand of important tostitnonïalfl could be produoel, sho.ving its roinarkable cures and tliat ïi never fais It is Cüniposed of pue Tctland Mops, Balm pf Gilc-ad Peruviun Balaau] , ICléesmpane, Co m f rey, Burdock, aud other ïpvaiuiible exptcvr-int p,nd tonic ingre-Ucnt.. It s harm'eS) prompt an:ï l&stinff. Inv.ilidh and suiTerers cannot affnx-d to uegiect a trial. Evevy family should have it. It is reimrkble for Coup. Full description, recommendatioQS, atul directions accoi;ipanj each bütt e. Sold by all principal Dmggista. Prepared by Dr. IÍ. D. Wynkoop, and üold by D. S. Barnes & Co. New York. 9-2m6 HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This i.sthe most delijrhtful and extraovd'nary artije ever discovcred It cbanges the sim burnt face and hands to a peoriy satin texturé of rarisking beauty, iinpfl rtlng the mar ble puríty of vouth, and the distingv.t apjiearnrjce so inviíing in tho city belle of fashioa. It rcniovos tün, froekiefi) pimples, nnd roughni'ss from tbe skin, IWTing it ffMbt !raa-;p;irent and smooth. - it containri no materíiil injutUjp. Xo the skin. Patrón ized by Ajatrwstti and Ojtera SjnjrefS. Jt a wbat every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Demás S IBarnes Sc Co. Ueneral Ageots. 922m6 SO2 Iïroadway,ïsr. Y, AGOOD THEE IS KNOWN .BY iTSFKarr. So is a good í'hysícian by hís iuccessful Works. PP.OfEéiSOR R. J, I.YONS., THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE ïiiKOAT, Ll'NGS AN'Ü CHEST, Küown all over the courri as tbe Cwlebrated INDIAN HERBDDCÏQR! From South America, will be at his room. RD&8ELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthe 18th and 19th ast. . on the same date of and every subsequent moDth during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the life,study and extensive travele of Dr. Lyons i-an be procured by all whodesireone, free of charge. Dr. L will vUit Ann Arbor, Jackaon.and Atirian, MtcTi.,asfoliows : Ann Arbor, Monitor lïouse. SOtlii Jackson, Ilibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brackett K iise,2ád and 23d. JIodk of Eiasjination.- The Doctor diacerna diseasea bytkeeyes. He, tkeri-fore, asks no quetiona nor req-iires patients to explain synaptoms. Afilicted, come and have your symptoms and the lucation of yoar diseitseesplained free oi' charge TO THE YOUNG OR GLD, Male or Female, If you have been suiïering froin a habit indulged in by th YOUTH OF fíOTH SEXES, WHICH CAUSES !-0 MAHY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, It unjits themfor Marriage, And is the greatest evll which can befall MAN OR WOMAN. See symptoms enumerated in Advertisement,and ifyou are a sutferer, Cut out the -idvertisement, And send for it at once. Delays are danfferous. Aek for Helmbolrl's Take no other. Cures guaranteiíd. Beware of Coanterfeit$ av.i I&itaüovs. 2m943 JT)I1TJ1JEUIA. DR. DEGLUBO'3 DIPTHERIA SPECIFip. CERTAIN CURE FOR DIPTHERIA AXD CKOÜP. Iüfhepastyear over 200 CASKS OF DIPTHRÏA in and atound Rochester, N. Y., CONSIDEREN HuPE LKSS, have been cured with this medictue. Names and resídeaces can be given. ALL THE PHYSICTAN3 TH, ERE NOW USEIT. It ncver has failed to cure Get a bottle ; it costs 50 canfa. For sale bï EQEP,GACq & CO Preparcd and sold by Iy913 Vy. E. öltl'WNER, Rochester, N. 7. jLij" An Istebestixí; Letter, - Mes.srs Post & Bruif, Agents N. Y, Banitary Fociety, Rochester. - Gents . I deern t due to you state the inagieal effect of that one bottle of l'eople's Cure which I obtained from you in N'ovember last. Feeing the advertiseruent of your So„ ciety offering to give your nie.iicine to clerc'yrnen for the peor of their parishes, I ootained a bottie for a poor girl of my congrpttation, who had long beoti nearly lielp lt;ss from Rheumfvtism, and strange to say, that one boitb cured her enlirely. I wrtte this hopfifg it may aid the Society in ítfi effoTt to introduce the medicine, and bless those who may need such a remtdy ; and I usestrong terms, au I believe it-s merits will fully justify the most superlative forma of speech. Yours, RespectTully , C. K. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. 93S7I Fitforford, Monroe Co N. Y. ET ÏWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO..QJ Me. O. C. Bbïstql a djstingui.shed Chemist and Druggist of the ci:y of Iluffalo, N, Y,, invepted and manufacturad a compound known as BUISTOL'S IÏALAM OF HOARUpüND, which is a perfect SMtCmc for couops, colds, or ny beoxciual or llwg difhculties arisig from. damp, cúld, or sudden chango of the veather. Evepy persen ho ha ever taken BRISTOL'S BALS AM Oí' HUAKHOUXD, pronounces it tlio btst article ever invented ; and go justly celebrated lias it become, tbat the marl;et is alreaiiy full of imitations, counterfeits, and r,;Oct düpgerous coppounds, under the name of Balsnm of Hoarhound, Therofore, alwayt te cnreful to cali for Bristoi's Balsapi, and see that hisWRITTEN Hi'gnature is on tle outside label ot Ihe bottle. Makk, - This invaluable Medicfne bas been now some twenty-one yearn bef ore the public, aijd without any effort on the part of the proprjetor, Ita Rale Las become very extensive, and is daily increasing. The low price at which the Medicine is soM (88 CENTS) enablea ALL to partake of Hs healïng qualitios. C. CROSBY, BCFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturor, to whoru all orders ihould b addresflttd, For sale byall rcspectable druggipts. lycow92J2 O TQBACCO- You can buy the beet grades of FINE 0HEWI.N"G TOBAÖGO at fjCOpi 50 cen:s tq One Dollar öMOKINCJfrom fourleen to twentyoents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND OIGAR STORE Sign- Red Indinn. South eide Huron street, a few doors from Cook'e Hotel, U OTVAKY. Au Aér, Thé n, m, m.t "A smile was on her lip- health waa 1d her look, strength was in her step, aud in her hands- Plantatlon Bitters." S-T-186O-X. A few bottles of Plantation Bitters Y11 cure Nervouí Headache. (l Cold Extremities and Feverish Lipg. ' Sour Stonutch and Fetid Breath. Flatulency and Indigestión, (i Kervous Affectionn. M Excessive Fatigue and Short Brealh. " Pain over the eyes. ' Mental liespondencjr. ' Pnjstration ; Great Weakness n Sallow Complexión, Weak Bowels, &c. ■ Whicli are the ridancea of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSFEPSIA It ia estima ted that seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceed from a oistased and torpid liver. The biliary secrt iioiis of tht liver CYerfiowing into the stcmach poison the entire system and extiibit the above syuaptoms Ylter long research, we areuble to present themost remarkable cure for these horri1 nightrnare diaeases, the world hart ever produced. Witbin one yea.r over six huudred and lorty thousand per?ous have taken tbe Planta t ion Bitters, and notan iustaucc of ccinpluint has come t' our knowlclge 1 It is a most effectual tonic and agret-able stimulant suited to 11 ooadítions of life. The report that it relies upon mineral substances fov Ha active projit'rtics, are wholly false. Fur the public satisfaction, and thst patiënt may consult their physicians, we append a list of its component. Caliíaí'a BaRS - Celelnated for over two hnndrfd years ín the treatmeflt of Pe?erand igue, Uyijepsia, Weakness, te. It was introdued into ËuropQ by the Countess, WÍÍ6 of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1040, auil aftervui-'lseold by the Jesuits for the enarmona vLe of isoifïi wciqht in ÊÜVer} undertbe name of Jesuii's Powders, and w&s finally made public by Louis XVI, King of Franse. HumboU makes apcciiil reference to its febrifuge 'uaiities during his South American trareli. Hav-k - For lJiarrlioea, co'.ic and diseases pf t lic Btoroach tnd bowela , Dandblion - Por inilammation of the loins and drop sical nffections. ChmOjUILB !■ i OwKKS- Fnrenfeeblod digftstioo. L.AVK-ï)]:k FLOWKM-Aromitic Himulant and tonic - hiffhl) pvigüjatiuc lp oervous debility. Wixtbíígbiíes - ydr scröfulft, rheumatifltn , &c. Amsk- .in iircniatic parmmativ ; creating ffecii, moacie and mllk ; maph uscú by ajothprsnursin. Also, ciovebuds, orangOj carraway, ccriandcT,.suakoroot, &c. S- T- 18G.0-X. Ar.other wonderful ingTdlient, of Spaniph frign. imparting beauty to the coiapléxiun and bnlliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the comnrce of tho world and we withhold its name for the presentUTÜÏ'TAXT CliRTIFICATES. hcchcsier V. Y. Decrmber QS, 18C1. UdSgrs. P.H.T);í.kií íc Co - I have boen a grpat suffer er from Dyspopyia forthree or fout yeára a;id had to abandou ïny profesHion, About three ïpontlis ago ï tried tbe PJantution Bitters, and to '.;iy grejit joy, I am now neaily a well m;m, 1 have recommended tliem in several cuses, and, as far asi know, alwa) s with sigua 1 benefit, l am respactfuüj jonrs, RFV J. S. CATHROX. PMloÓclphia, lOth Movtk, th Vay} IQ62RebpsCT&d Friknd : - My daug-Iitir has betn mncb beuefitted by the use of tby Plantation Bitten. Thou wilt seiid md two bottles more. Tby Friend, ASA CURRIN. Sherman Jíouse, Chicago, III. Ftb 11, ]$G2. U9$TB. P.H. DraKH f Co. - Pleate send nsanother twelve ofrjiws of y our Plantation Bitters. As a morninfc appttizer, iïiuy fjppear to bave suporcedtd eTOryTbJng ejüse, and a,fe gwantlv esteemed. Vourf te. GAOBlTWAirE. Arraugemenis arnow covnpjuted to supply nny demand for thifl ïrticle, which from lacls of government stampe bas not hert'tofore been possibis. Tht public may rest ssured that in no cas a wíll íiie perfectly pure atandaid of tiie Plantation Bitters bfl departed from. Every bQttle bears tht far. shnile of our signatK'eona elclpli(c engraving, or it cánnutbegtnuine. Sold by all Pruggists, Grocars and Deilera tjarough out tho eonntry. P. H. DRAKE 4k CO. LJ22mO 202 BKOAOWAY, N. Y. SèFIprincIööSI . o -r Choice New Styles of DELAINES, PRINTS AND O TH Eli mus mm, FOR SPRING TRADE, Just Received by C. H. MILLEN. Ann Arbor, Mare!: 3, 1964. Im943 GRANGER & FINLEY, ATTORIVEYS & COÜASELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agenis OFKICB OVEE DOJÍELLY's STORÏ, HURQJ STAKET, 13. F. G hanger, ) Ann Arbor, Miob. H H. Finley, Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf 100 BUSHELS PUI CL O VER Ü! For Sale by P. BACH. Feb. 26tb, 1864. 200 BUSHELS PRIME ILLINOIS T1M0TIIY SEED, Foj' Sale by P. BACH. Fi-b. 26th,18. JJissoluiioii Nutice. mHEFIRMOFCHAPDt, WOOD & CO., was diesoWei X .Iftnurtry 16, 18t3, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood wiïl scttle theaocounts of the firm. C. A. CiMFm, A. B. Wooö, V Ciiapi.v, E. Wïlis.'Aan Arbor, June 24, 1P63. Copartnèrshp. TTE WKnERFIUNEP entorod inlo partncrs.iip Jan. 16,18153, by the tirr.i nHSii of Chapín k Co., and vill; continue fhe brJufie p{ ïanufacturing printing :ui'l yrapping paiJtr. " C. A. Cíw:-,., N. CiiAFi, V. CniPv. Ann Arbor. June 24. 1SÍÍ3 910tf HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHTLADELPHIA, PA. DlHftinsfflH Veivous, Seminal, Vrlimry and Sexual Systems- now and rcliabie treatment- in Reporta of the HÜWARD ASSOCIATION- Sent by mail in Hoaled 'mtter envolopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. .1. SKILUN IIOUÜHTO.V. Howard Association, NTo. 2 South Ninth treet. l'hita.. Pa. 16yl Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus