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o O CQ s I ! ft DJ TH. JOHN J. LYOiYS FR...

o O CQ s I ! ft DJ TH. JOHN J. LYOiYS FR... image
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o O CQ s I ! ft DJ TH. JOHN J. LYOiYS FRENCH PËBIOOiOAL DROPS THE GRKAT FEMALE REGULATOB, Are tho only known romedy that will buc cessftilly and invariably restore and regúlate the feinule sysïem, r-movitig all irrcgu laritH'S, and produoir.g health, vigor and htrength. Lyon's Periodical Drops Are a fluid preparation, the only one of Ihe kind ever diseovcrc-d in ihis jointry, and acts direetly on the parts uffecl.ed, whilsi piiU and powflers oan only rèach them aa they vork throügh sympathy. but not at all direct, and poaitive Are you sufftring from n constant anxiety for the regular relurn of nature's prescribed laws V Give yourself no uneasinesa, for L'on's Periodicul Urops, it taken a day or two before the expected period, will positively and invntiubly regúlate its coming, aa sure as effect foll'iws eause, r,3 certuin as dajlight follow3 darkness Are you siek er.Peebled by di?.ease, or unnble to bear the labor and danger of inerease? Lyon's Periodical Drops Come to yon as a blessing, for is Dot prevenfcíoii better than cur-? It rejiqlsrly taken it is ft eertain preTentive.apd will Bave you mucb peril and inany }iours of suffen ng. Have you been &flistd for many years With comjilainU incident to the box, 'tliat have baffled the skili of pliysieian, and are Imrrying you o to op garly gray#? Lyon's Periódica! Drops Are the most reliable regulator cverknown, and cure, like magie, all tho?e irregularitiea that Imve Jefied tliedoctnr'a ekill Will you -waste away with sufferin? from Leueorrlioea, Prolftpsus. Dysmtuorrfacen, and a thousund other difficulties, all sumnied i:p under ihe name of suppressed and obatructed nature, when an inveatruent of one dollar in Iyon's Periodical Drops will surely saye you. Do not uae the rlrops when ferbidden in the direetions, for although a positiva cure, and Iir.,-m1?2s nt all other times.'they are so poweriul and finely cnlciil'ated to acjust and govern the fuuctinns of the seyu&l organism, that if taken at improper times, they j-ou'd produce resulta eo.itiary to nature, against ■ivhich all, particülnrly those who woud reproduce, should csrefully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time ; vet the proprietorx wish to guard against tsmisuse, hoping that a thousnn.l bottlea will be used for a gooti purpoBe where one is uaed tur an Ilegitímate dn). Lypn's Periodical Drops, the neyer-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, in both city and country, and do not, if jou valueyour healih and wish for a reliable medicine, buv any other. Take no other, but if the Drüggist to whom yoii apply ha? cot got it, make Ejm ■?nd and got it for you. C. G. CLARK & CO., PaorRiETons, Ntip L'aven, Conn. At Wholesale by D. S BARNES A CO., New York. GEO. 0 OOOJJWIN & CO., Boston FARRAND, SHELEY & CO., Detroit. w ft o II 1.3 O I AM YOU ÏISiSUllED ? IF KOT CALL ON Agent for tlia folloiriní flrut-olaïs Compaates, Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over One aml a Half Jüllions lloUars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE GO. Of Nw ifork, Capital over One Milürn of Dolliirs Tn tlils Company ihe InsureU particípate in the prcfl:s. oiT"EJ svjitE iisrs-, ca, of Hartford. Capital over Tlireo Hundied Thousaod Dulinrs. C. í!. MILLEN. 98SW Main Street .Ann Arbor. Jirownell & Pe rain, GEN'L COMSISSIOl Mf G&A3V7S, 183 South Water Street, OHIOAQO, IXiI-IIsrOIS, Dealers ia Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Dríed Fruits, Cider, cÊc. Eeferencésí Presión, Wilïard k Koen, Chicago, S. Botsford k Co'., Ana Albor, Mk;1i. ttj Particular atteníion givtn lo the salo ofGrecn and 1 1] led Fruits, Cídw , í - Orders for the purcifelof Clorcr and Tiraothy Seod, Cut Meats, 4c, ]r mptly at tended to if accompanied withcaah or aatisiactory rcfert-uce. Bf9tf BIT I JOWPhHWiWll HOBLE & EIDER, ae stlling their larga stock of BOOTS SHOES, CIIEAPER TIIAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOE CASH. Good Stoga Boota : : S2.50a$4.50 Men's good Oalf Peggeá, 3.00 a 6.00 " !' ' Sewed : 5 00 a C. 50 Womau's " Lco Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress ö'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Children's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Now is the time to huy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidly advancivg in Eastern Marketf, TBEY ALSO MAKE WARRAKTED 53C" WORK TO ORDER. _X2 AND REPAIR. Rointmber vro oan not and will not be uudersold. Pleaae cali wnd e . aminö ihoïr etock LAWRBNCE NO1JLE, CHAELE3 RIDBE. Ann Arbor, Feb. 16th,lS64. tf944. CITY 0OOFER SHOP. SPAFFORD & DOPSLEY, succes.sors to O. 0. SPAFFORD & D IIENNING, Would respectfully announcs to the citizens ol Aon Arbur and vicinit.v, thiit they nvo uow iranufacturing nud keep constant Jy ou lnnd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such aa Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs. Firkins, Churns, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, êc. Merchnnta and Brekers are jnvitoci to esamiue tbeir Euttèr Firkias Anu Beer Kegs. done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE and warranted. t Cash paid for Staves, I+oading and IIoops. ïrhops corner of Detroit & N'orth 5trecta, and coruer of North J; Füth t'irtets. &PAFFOKD & DODSLET. - Ann Arbor, Feb. 6th, 'BSi. 943!f Real Estáte For Sale HOUSRS & LOT!, AlsoiheEMTIRE STOCK of tlic subacrlber, consisting oí Grocf-riesaüd Liqnors, on the mest reasonable terms for CASH. LUKE COYr.E. nn vrbor, Fcb.l5th, 1SC4. Sv945 Tobacco ï Tobacco Í I AM SKI.I.1NG GOOD FINE Cüï OHEWJNG TOJJACOO Atfrom. Fihj cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Der'. 17, 180Í. 883tf Hyer's Ote? PeotaiaL TDHCE BEST - is - THE OIÏJBDPST Insuro ■vcitls. tïa.0. 1. FIRE ANO Il,AXf)X4ViUAll()N Hll& nccepted, nowas heietol'oie., at lair rutïs anJ liboiai cunilltions. 2. BUSINESS CONDÜCTED ivith com'.jat !Ujtoi aai accurucy . 3. LOSSEN ahvays met witli and complet jufttice. i-ct At&ets, fatinr.iy IS64-, ) 3,002,566.39 f 4.THBÏPLAN1 AND ORUAXIZATIOV of tbe JET2U, after 45 ye&rH serere tvfat, bas reaJizeii tLe greutegt public adrantage and s-.iccess cf tbe various systema (ií Fire Insurance in the couati?, . ld now better tban over prepared lor Uuty. 5. 16-OfOT.o b Claims have been setUed and paid - SESTEEN M1LU0N OFPOLLA.RR ! ' ■ '-'SUMPTION OF PBOPERTY HY FIRE, In th United fta es, avt rages otct 30O,0i.O t'ailj. Is jour propertj expo ei aud i nprotected? 7. ARE YOtriNSUKEDt If not, whv nr-t? The Coat I triflng; the dnty is manifest: tho result ma h& your escape frbxp ruin- while deiav and reglect ma hu'lvf1 yira ia l::iiik;-jnlcy, poTerly or cruel jappointment. 8. PARTICULAR ATTENTIOX ar.d regnrfl is ffiven to amnll rlsks as wel! as largre ones. Able sucutitj aad Buperior commercial advnntagea aíToraed. Policies issucd without dclay. 041m2 S. ABLL, Affent. BuíFalo 'Tcstimony. „5S. CURË hJJ "I was troubled itli Iibeum.tisai for tivo vca mffering moreor leaa erery day. I have taken tro boHlesofthe'PeopiesCore,'aad havo not had ét elleftltco !■'(■:,. f..rj four?weeks ao t e nsWermyselfaBíDtuely cored, and the medicine lias me feel very lipla r,n eC(,c!-ji]Bt like youug m.m thoagh I ra m'xi.v fwo .srs old. GODfKEY ECHJ FFEL, 402 Jlichigan Ei." "Mywifehai beau suff ring. from iEhMimrllni, of nmatorj chrn ter about six or Beven yrr sometihief fej-v acutely. Aboul the lire : of Jrne last 8he commenced takiDg the 'Peojiie's Cure' and continuwl t6 takê ii Rome three weeks In (en dai-s after she commencej, t!ic sirelling anrt stiffnewi ofher ointi ïery raitoriiüv le'ftenad, aai in thre wcekw had clisappeared altngt thor. p cure ;.x. " fwo of oor sutjscril i one of hm nfflicted with a h::á Kever Sore. tho clin-r wilh Kbenmatism- hoving seen llieadveiti.-.emniit of the 'People'a Cure' in thi.1 paper, purchased tht Mediciné , and dot, aflerLuving thnr oafthly tnert it, report to mmónding it most beartily n a thorougb remeJy i, their Editori u Adrocate. lï PTi"Di? Curts Diea.wi rtol'l.E'S ILiKrj of He Pkia. "My fa?e bas for mors than ten years beengreat!y diaügured by ruptionaand bunchee, whitli at time extended over my hole body, and um.e f.,r tlree days eiitirely llimi ; but baring taken two bottlei cf the'I'eonleV: Core,1 my acquaintazices ha-ly recognize me- Indeed 1 hardly know as I m now awellman. Let all who are aliko afflicted try tb 'l-'eople's Cure,- tiie Medicine preparod by the Sanitarj Society- ard 1 think they will not bcgrudge tlicir do?lar. "JOSEPH POÜR, Turner, litanie St "BoiWo, Not. 15, 1802." 1'EOI'J.L'S Vj JJ K Ji, Salt Bhen. "I have umdtbe 'People'a Cute hl my fumfry wHh great benefit, n ca-cs ol S iroftila nnd Sait Iiht-üm, an3 liave reoonunended itfreqnemly to my fñcnds, all of vbom 1 bclieve have been benütittüd, and most of them SCtiwly cv, red by it. CIJAS. SCHAKFF, 2T;? Bt.,up-stairi." THE rTTT) I? Cures Female PEOJ LE'S Vv U 11 h Weaknesrot. "I biivobeen in feble healtb ver sinee liie birih of ray boy, wba is now twelve yeara oíd. I bave had many troubles and dÜïicuHies. all tliin time, unfltting me for everyk'.nl oï labor, and destroying all my comfort, Last suinmor I cmnmttici'il takiiig tfïe Töople'a Cure ,',and have usd Tour bottltfs, aud am now almoEt aweliwoman. Hy difiicuHiès have nearly all disap peared, a ad I feel cheeriu] : d happy. catharixe di vy'Ai-.n, Dressmaker, Goefiel) Ality. aboveTuppur t. "Buffalo', Uct. 20, 1-' i:' THE PTinr CuroftVten ether "My ffife has been in poor héatth for r [ong timé ba vine to cali a phrsiciafi to attead lier; btit she was recently very much worse. For ffrè nr s:x weeks abe had no appetite, loí all hei strength, and was eacli daygrowipg wörae, !ie had Dight sweat, coughed a great de! dai'ing each niht an1 considerably duiing iho day, and we all yupposed sho was going off with ttie consumptioB, wheo a frïend atlvise'1 her tu take the 'Peaplees Cure. On taking the ciedicine sb porceived a cliange at once. On the thlrd daysliehad recoiied her appetite, and was fat regaining her strecgth, until, on the eighth day, not yet haring taken une bottle, she h&a stopped takrag the medicine he vas as well aa aoybedy cuuhS be, and nh.9 íia 'conti oued .o evr "nce. "P IÜL KLEIN", üardner, 32 Perl ut. BuíTalo, Octíiber 1 , ISeS. For Pala by ::11 Drugsial. 922t1. C. CEOSBY, Öeneml Ageut, No. 2.ri5 Mam t., BuÍTalo, N. V , to wiium uil orders shuuld be ..ddressed. For Ssle by ír.;BurN-á & Wilso.v, ükü.willk & Fl'LLI, and C. ESERBACS & Co. WONDERFUL BUCCESS. 45T" The attention iml research of tlie most din tlngufshed Chemists and rhysíciaus for years hav beendevotcd totltp produetíon of a remeay i'orthcít oaoötdistreasing maf adíes Nei;iíaicia and Küei' A f ter long atudy and maoy experíments, a epecific preparación luis been iliKcovore1-. WaTSON'S Neuralgia, KiiiK,fin Internat Iiemcdy,- curiug thousands of eaMfl whereall otber remedios havo utterly failed. We aro assured tliat it is no mere '' ANODYNK," relieving for the moment whilt-tho cause rema ios, but ir a perfect SPECIF1C añd CURE for thbse fainful áfseasei. Tb vast numlxvr of Liniiaent, Krabrócations sAd Kxternal ..ulants of the surf ace on!r, are merely tempom."] fSn their effécts nn' of doubtrúl virtuo The NKÜKALÜIA KING icaches suurce of al] trpuble, and eijWiuaUy banishes the di.sease froia tem, - Price- 'One Dollar per Bottle. Prppre1 br C. It. WALKER, Ij922 Buflaïo.N.Y-, Ana Fort Erie,C,W. For Sale by Ftkhiïixs & Wilsom, GaE.vnjUE4 FcLtaii, and C. EusasukCH íc í'o. Illíie. F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [Puccessors to A. J. Satherland,] Mnnufactnrers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistólo, Ammunition Flascs, Poi;hcs Gante Tíags, and Evcryotlier arficlc iu tbatLine. A11 kiodi of done at the shortest notíce, aud ín tao best niannr. a ftill assortraení alwaja kept. on hand nnñ mnd? order. Shop corner Main aud Washington "treets. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1-ÖL'. g13tf A Farra for Sale. - I) - QITÜSTEP bítc miles Xorth of Ann Arbor. Faid farra ÍT cons'RtB o{ 122 acres. On.'thfl premisos nre gnod bHtldiqgfl, a fino orchard lina a living stienm. It ii knowo a tho Rnseorans (arm, H will be sold cheap, and töiras c pnyment ma1e casy. Enqnire of Ai;a Aibíír -Jan. Pff,lSaj. 94ttf


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