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State Retrenchment

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A fi'w wrcks suice vc made some remarki nn ilio principios on which we eupposed tlif salarien of public offioers sliould be yraduatcí'. We havo sirïcé received a report of a Cummiuee of í lio Senate, which proposed a systenntic rednclion ni' salaries o f Slnte officera. The Report was not ndoptcd by the Loo-isla 'ure. The fchedule of" prices now pnid ond i lióse proposed bv the committee to be pnid, we huvo lay heforo our read crs, that ihey nmy jtidge for them&elves w lietlier any reduction is ncedcd. FílESK.NT SAIAIUES. GovcrnorV, 1,500 $l,.rj00 4 Judgps supremo oourt, 1,500 each, 6,000 Extrn for Chancery Judge, 100 100 Chancellor, 1,500 500 Srcroiary of Stale, 1,00o í.orjO Auditor General, 1,000 1,000 Slate Treasurer, 1.000 l,0U0 Commiss. ín'er. Improv. 1,000 ? Travelling expensen, 200 IjSOO Commits. of Land Office, 1,000 1,000 Chier' Enyineer, },000 4 aFsitant Eninoers, C00 each, 2,400 Secreto ry board Interna! Improvemenf, 700 700 2 clerks do do do 50C each, 1,000 Goiifrnl ogent on Rail Rom], 600 G00 Scollectore, C00 each, 1,800 i weih-tnttsters, nt Detroii, Ypsilanti, AnnArbor, Juckson k Mnrshall, 500 euch, 2,50C 3 do. nt Deurborn. Dexter, D.ividson's, Grnss Luke,Gtdley's and Albion, SOO eachj L,000 Dopuly Sccrelnry of Stole, 500 500 Chicf clerk Auditor General's office, 700 700 S assistent do do do C00 each, 1,200 Clerk State Treasurer's office, 7oo 700 Deputy Com. Land Office, 500 500 Clerk, lo 500 iOO Prívale Sec. of Gov. (80 days, #3 per day) $80,640 70 members of the Lg-islahire, $3 perday eacli, for 80 doy?, (averape lengtli of eeasion,) $10,800 G officers, (3 in eacb house,) Co ilays, 3 per day, 1,440 Extra pny lo Speaker and Presiïent pro tem, 480 Libraría, 1, 80 days, .5 per dny, 040 $J0,tiOO SALARIL'S PROPOSKD BT THB COMMITTKE. Governor, $1,000 1,000 4 JudgesSupreme Court, 1,000 4,000 Chnncellor, 1,000 1,000 Secretar}' of State, 500 500 Auditor General, 800 800 Treat-urer, 500 500 Conunisiioner of Infernal Imp. tbolished, Commissioncr of Land Office, 600 600 Cliief Engineer, 800 800 For travelling expenses ss Acling Cnmmi?6ioner, 200 200 4 Asfcitítant Enineers, 500 2,000 Sec. Bonrd Ínter. Improv. 500 500 2 CJerks, 300 60 General Agent on Rail Rond, 400 400 3 Collectors, 400 1,100 í WeiírliinailGr, principal depots, 300 13500 l do Gidley'a and ! Davidsoirs 200 400 I l do Otber stations, 250 1,000 ' Deputy Secretury of State ( abolislied, J 3hief Clerk Auditor Gen! ernl'fí Office, 500 500 ( I As.sistant Clerk., S00 fioo I "lerk in Treasurer's Office, 300 300 c Deputy Commissioner n 1 Land Office, 300 300 c Dlerk do do 300 300 f Private Scc'y of the Governor, 80 c dayp, nt $2. per day, 160 1 ro MemberáofLegislature, 2 per t day for 80 dayp, 1 1,200 ! J officers of two Houses for 80 daye, nt $2 per day, 960 t o extra allowance to Sspeaker and President pro tem, (exceut Honor.) t jibrarian, animal bulary, 300 r O01,620 rThe eubstituiion of the mtes proposed by the Commitlee wonld make a yearly difTerence of expent'iture of $17,980. The Co:ninittee have argued for Ibiercduclion, not only from the circumstances of our State, but by adducing the example of' olher States. Vermom, with a population 80,000 greater i lian oure, and with assessable property thrce times ns greut, pnys lier Governor $750: Secretary of State, $275: Treasurer, $500: Auditor, $150: Superintendent of State Prison, $500: Members of the Legisla'ure, $1,50 per day. In Conneciicut, t lic Members of the Legislatnre reeene the same ccmpensation. Oliio has a population nearly eighl limes greatcr than this Sute, with assessable property fourteen times greater, and pnys her Governor $1,000 a yeur: her Secretary of State, $500: Auditor, $730: Warden of State Prison, 8800: Members of the Legislature, #2,00 a day. Noreduclion in the Milcnge of Members of the Legislature is proposed by the Committee. It is nmv established by law al three dollars for cvery twenly mües travel. wJiich is fiftcen cents per mile. This amount inighl be reduced ubout one half, and still allow a sufliciency for the time and travelling expenses of cvery member. A further reduction Ebould be made by putting llic uicmbcrs on a defiuitc ullowonce forStationair, by nbolisliing tlie plan of fumishing them witli daily papers, and disponsing with the paytncnt of Chaplains by the Stale


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