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MICHIGAIV CENTRAL RAILROAD. Paasengei traías doiv leu ve Detroit. Chicago, and the everalátationsin thisCuunty ,as follows; : GOING WEST. I.eTO Day Éx. Dext. Ac. Eve. Er. NightEx. Detroit. ÍO.'OO J. M. 4.50 P.M. 6.30 p.M 10 00 P. X. Ypi!ntl, 11.20 " 6.Ï0 " 7.40 " 11.30 " AnnArbur, 11.40 " 6.85 " L.00 " 1155 " Dexter, 12 OS P. M. 7.10 " " ' Chclsea, 12.25 " " 8.05 " - - " Ar. Chicago 10.30 " " 6.00 " lOrSO i. M. GOING EAST, Leavo. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ao. Nia-ht Ex. Day Kx. Chicago, 0.40 P. M. 10.00 r. M C.DO A. M. Chelsèa. A. M. 7.40 a. M. 4.00 p. r. Dexter,' 6.16 " 80 " 4.20 Ann A'rbor, 4.20 A. Jl. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " Ypsilanti, 4.40 " 7.16 " 8 45 " 6.05 'r Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.SÜ "10 00 " 0.S0 " The Day Express each way is the Mail Train. Traint do'not stop atstatioos where Sguresareomitted in the table. Trains connéct at Detroit wi tb. the Graat Wasterö an'l Grand l'runk Railwas of Canadii, and the Ietroit and Tuledo, and Detroit and Mi'waukee Kailroads; and Cleveland Steaiaers. At tht Company's Ticket OEBces at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet and Lafayette, through tickets can be purchased toall the principal citios and towus in the United tliteB and Oanadas. LCXURÏOUS 9LKEP1NO CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan'B celebratei Ventilating Apparatus upon all day traina - the best dust preventatire in use. R N. RICE,(Jeneril Superintendent. y PROF. R. J. LYONS' Palienta aá all others interrested wil! pleafe t&ko rot!co thal he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and 'G5 and at the expiration of which he will dis ■ continue bis visita and open an Iafirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatraent of Lung and Chest diseases. Mathews' qijQiolate Vtoiin Drcps ? NEVEIÏ M odüstroy and exttrminate oll kinds of Intestinal V.'orm;. Arperfectly rsliable in all cases and far superior to any a nl all of tj;e Fancy Vorm oni'ections, nd nauseo-js Vermifugês in use. "They may be taken at all tiniss with perfect they contain NO MKRCVaV, or 'other 'delsterious Drug. - ilctbers should alwnys purchase them and give their cliil Irc-n no otfaer. (A'fl Cathariic whatever, is necessary to be given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenget. Trice 2ö ets. For Sale by all Druggists and Deaïers ij Sledicine.. C. R. WALKER, General Acnt, ly22 I)i:na!j, K.Y a'üd Kurt EnV, C. V. SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. VV X I V makes hiirh prices ; Saponifier hirlps to rflnce them. It makes Soap íor Four ctntd a pound by usingyour kitchen greaso. gg CAUTlOJf f Aa'spuripus t,ye ura ofTered also, be ca-eful and only lily tli.3 Vntinïeü article put up ia Iroii cans, ail oth'érs Ijefng CÓuiittl-feHs. Pennsyhavia Salí Manvfacturwg Co., Pblladelphlft- Nc.127 ftaínut Street. PltUbuig 'Pltt gpvrt and DjloWMte Wy. SEJVI) IN YO179 ORDEKSj THE subscriber is maki&g larga preparstiofti to brinca verv extensiva variety f Ir uit trea nto this city, as early ín: the Sjjrin as lhe can berdmoved. ' ' ' 1 shall have Ut sale, 10,000 Pear Trees, 20,000 Applcs Trees, 10,000 Peach Trees, ,000 Lrrae Vines. Lno - a large assort'meut of Kvergreens. and flowers and shrubs. Orders raay be sent to me by mail or oLherwise. ■ 'T. DuBOIS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2(ï, 1863. 4m934. THE GKEAT CAUdE" htjman'misery. Just Published, na Scaled Envelnpc. Price Siz Cents. A r.ecturc on the TVhIuic, Trratnicnt nml linclicaf Cure of Seminal WeakncSA, r Spcnnatorrhcea, iuduced by Selt Abuse . Involuntarji Ëmiaition?, Impn'tncy , Nltvous Debility, and Impedimenta 1o ÜArHage generally ; CoBtumption, Kpilepsy and Fita; Mental and l'hys'ical Incapucity, &c. - Bj RORERT J. CÜLVERWEIX, M. D., Aaihoroi the Green Book, ie, 'flie wor d reuowned author, in tliis admirable l,ccture, cloarly m oves fi'om his own experience thnt the awful consiKniences of ?elf abafte may be effftctuall; removed without medie oe, and without dangcrous sur gieal operalion, bougies, instruments, ringK, orcordiids, potottog ftut a mode nf cure at once eer, e&pctu&l, by which ';vcry Bofferer, no matter vrfrmt his condition may be, nr.,y cure hhnselfphaplr, privately, ;ind radleally. ThWwctbie wiTl pfóVé'a'bóon to thousunds and thou sands . .ent under ecal, in a plaiii envelope, to auy ad.lress, on the receipt of s;.x tïents,'or two postage stamps, by Kddre iog the i.ublishers. CHARLES J. C. KUNE A; CO., lyO-17 127 Bowery. New York. l'ost Office Box, 4580. LAWSCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE, 1SG4. T"WO TERMS of Niiif leen Weeks each, coromencinu Makch 7th ana Sei'tembkr 5th. For Catalogue and Circuí r a Lireas JOEL PARKER, Royal Professor. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 20, 1S64. 3wWfi Pissoiutioik. rpHE CO-PART.VER?IITP hAÍtófore ■- rstïng between L tb.6 aaderaigned i-natr fhe name and ntyle of Schoff k Miller, is this aay 'dirfsched by mutual consent. The notes and book at'counts of the lato firm will be ettled byeitherof the partrers, at the Dew &taud cf the late firm, and ali persons indobted to, or haviog claims against the said firm , ai e requestèd to cali and adjust the sumo without dtla'j, N. M. SCHOKF. ' J. F. IÍIXER. Ann Arbor, f eb. lst. J8G4. --Üw9.i7 Co-partnership Notice. IPHE ÜNDERSIGNED have this day formed a co-part-Liiership for the tran&action of a general Book an Stationery business, uBder the namo and f-tyle of John F. Miller & Co., and will continue the business at tb late tand of SchofF & MilW, corner of Smith's Net Kook. oppoFlte J, Hacgitarfer'p. j, t. siiU'E'R . e m liiï&Tra. Xnö Aibct; Ft. lfc#, 1M4 ?r94T HEI3Í8TREETS Inimitable Huir Restoiatire. : 1T IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray kalr to ita original color, by auppljng the capilla' tubes wlth natural sustenance, Impaired by o?o or dísease. All instantantout ye arí nmposed of tillar mustie, destroying the vltality and etity of Eho bair, and aflord of tliomselvea no dreaang.' Heimstraet'sInimitableColoring notonly restores air to lts nitural color by an easy procesa, but gires e iiaiz A Lnxnrlant lícntiljr. romote.1 If growtli, preventaita fulling off, oradiclstee Jaasruff. l iciparts beltb and pleasantnesa to tUe ead. It has stood the test of time, bemg tho original airColoring, und U constantly increaaíng in favor. Vsei bj both gentleman ana ladie.i. It s aolil by all csyesifiUG áe!or, or can be procured by them of H" ommercialagents.D.S. Baroes'S Co. C02 Broadway ew-York. Twoizc:s,60,oentBftnd $1. 0ni92i WYNKOOPS ICELANP íülipAIi. Diseasca oí the Tbfoat. Chtat and Pulmonary organs reever preTalcnt.'insidioasand and Isngeroua. The propertics of a medicine toalkviate, cure and uproot bcae eomplaiuts, mnst.te Expectnrant, Anodynd and nvigrating,loo?enlng themucua of tho throat, and mparting tone to tbe entire system. No discovcry n medical ac!enctcvcr mastered thia class of distases lite r. Wynkoop'n ícela nd Pectoral. It Is usea wlth the most astonialilng results in a!! case of BroncliHi, In fluenza, Whoopinj Copgh Dipíheria or Putríd Sore Thront, Aflthma,Croup,Coughs,CoMs, Nerroo Irra tability, &C. , _. Tlie'Rcv. J.J. Potter certiflea,' " I bavtf nsed Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral for sorera! vem"; avrelf and inmj family,for sevei-p Pulmonary Complati'ií1,itnd have recominended it to many otliers, and nover .'íeen iís oqual." Ecv. J. J. Erooklyn, ft. 1. EndredsauO tlioujiand of important testimoniáis could be produce'!, ahowing its reinarkabie cures and that it ntveT faila It is couipos&d of pure Iceland Muss. Balm of Cileftd Peruvian Balfiam, Elecampane, Comfroy, Burdock,and other invaluable epectorant and tonic ingredienta. It U barmless, prompt and lasting. Invalida and sufl'erers canot afford to neglect o. trlil. Every family íhould have it. It 3 renaurkUo for Croup. FuU deaoription, recommendatioua, and üirectiona aconjpany each bott.e. Sold by all principal Druggiata. Preparedby Dr. R. D. Wynkoop, ad oíd by D. S. Barnes, & Co. New York. 921=6 HACJAN'8 fclAöNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary artille ever discovered . I tobantes tlie aun burnt face and hands to a pearly aatin texture of ravisliing beauty, impartlng the marble purity of youtb, and tlie dittingue apper.rance so inviting in the city belle of fachion. H removes tí.n, frsckles, pimplos, und roughness from tbe skin, leavinj i t fresli, transparent and smeph.-rit contains no material iájurious to '.he akin. Padrón ized by Actresses and Oyera Singera. It ia w'uatsvery lady should have. Sold everywhere. DemaB.S Brí-íijb Se Co. General Agenta. 922mi) ñO3 Broad-wray, Jf , "5". A0OQD TEEE Ití KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. Su ík a good ïhysician by hia üuccessful Works . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TUK GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wül be at his rooms, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, 3nth.cl8th and 19th inst. , on the same dale of and ivery subsequent mooth during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPHLET 3f the life,study and extensive travel s of Dr. Lyocg ;an be procured by all who desire one, free of charge . Dr. L will visít Ana Arbor, J&.eson,. a.n.d Adrián", Mtch., asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, Sint Adrián, Brackett Hcuse,22d and 23d. Mudb of Examination. - Tbe Doctor discerus áiaaaiioa bytfeeeyes. He, tlierefore, asks no questiöns norreX'iires patienta to explain syroptoins. Afflicted, come ind have your symptorns and the location of your dlsïnseexplained free of charge TO THE YOÜNG OR OLD, Moledor Fèmalc, [f you haye been sufíering froin a habit iaduJffed Ín by th YOUTÏI OF BQTM SEX2S, wmcn causes po mahV alarmWq symptoms, It wnSii thtat for ${arriager Aad is the greatest evll whfth can befall MAN OR WOMAN. Sce aymptoBüi enuraorated in Ativeütiaeoenand if you are a sufferer, Cut out the Aiivertisemeiit, And send for it at once. Delayi are danerou. : A; for Helobold's Taice no other. Cures guarftnteííd. Btwcre of Coanterfeits and Tmxtaüont. LmÖ43 'TVIPTIISKIA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTGERTA SPECIFïp. CRKTAIN CCRE FOB DI1THEIÏIA ANIi CRÜUP. Inihepastyear over 200 CASK3 OF DIPTHRIA in and afounrl pochwtW, N5. Y.; COXSipEREI) HJPE LESS,'4uve been' ccrtd with t;;is üïediciirt. Xaniös at - rcsideacos can bc givvu. ALL THE PHYSICIANS THERK NOV U8H Jf, It neyer has failed to curet .Üctatfottle; ii'?bs'0 céaïs. For sale by EBKRBACH k CO Prepared and b&UÏ "oy lyOlï V. k. SKINNER, Rochenter, N. Y. An" SSTBUSTOfG Lktteb. - MebsrH Post it BrufT, Agents N'. Y , Fanitary Pociety, Rochester.- Gents . I doem it duo to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure whichjl obtained froni you in November last. Seeing the advertÍHemcnt of your So_ ciety offering to give your tueJicine to clergyraen for th poor of their parishes,! ootaínod a bottle fora poor girl of ray congregation, who had long ben DQ&rlv help loss fiom Rheuin-tlism , and strange to say, that one bottle curtd her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its efl'orts to introduce tbe medicine, and bless those who may need such a rtmtéj ; and I use stron terms, as I believe lts merits will fully justify the most superlativa forma of speech. Yours. Respcctfuüy , C. B. yiLKÜfS, Pastor of the ri1"5 Presbyterian Church fó3yl Pittsford, Monroe Co N'. Y. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CEUtBRATÜJ) SILVER-COATED FEMAT.E PIIXS. The onlycertain and Safe Keroody for all UterineObstructions, Mcmthly Pifficjltiep, lrri'guloritie, and all the other diseasefi to which thO Wonian, Wifi and Mother is peeuliarly liablo. These Pilis contaiu no deleterious ingrediente, bnt are Kafe and certain in their action. They wil] befoundto exert thehappiest affect n all cases of Prol&pfius Uterf, n Leucoirhea, or the White ; thej wiU be fonndthe easiest and most certain Cure that can be found. It is on account of this certrinty they ehould not be taken hy Pregnant Feinales (durivg the Jar tl ihrtt months, as miscarriag e is certain,) to be brought od, but r-t other periods their u.o ia perfectly safe, N. B. - One Dollar enclosed to anjautfccrúed Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of majl. ■ '"ft CROS3Y, (Jeneral Agent, Foït Elifi, C. V., Búllalo, N. Y. Cjct:o:,- Beware of Oounterfeits, tKè senuine hav thejgnatureof C. CROSBY, on the outside wrapp'er. Ftr sale by all respectable Drupcfists. Iyeow922 ET TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cenbs to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twentyoents at JÍ. DEVANT'S TOBACCO AND CIGAU STORE ' - Gign - Red Indian. South sjde Huron street, a few doors from Oook's Hotel. " M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Díe. 11, 1862. 883tf Ayert Cherrj Peotei "Aimii waaonhar Up- hoalth w In hf toek, strcuetli was La Uur stap, aad la her kmas-rPIaiiUUon Bitter." S-T-1860-X, A few bottlea of Plantatlon Bitters WÜl cuxe NerToui Headache. " Cold Extremitiea and Fe verlak Ups. - SaurStomach and Ketid Breatk. " FlatwMiney and Indigestión, Nervoufl Atff-cti'j.H. M Lxct:.smvo Fatigue and Short BraUi. M Pain over the eyefl. Mental Denpondency. ' Prostration ; üreat Weaknoss' " Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowela,&o. Whleb are tho evidences of LÍVER COMPLA1NT AND BYSFEPsIA. It Is estimated tbat aeven-tenths of all adult allmenia proceed iïom a diseased aod torpid liver. The Ijiliary socrrtïotis of the hyet, cverfiowing into the atcmach polson the catire systenj and exnibit the above ByioptOXUft. ifter long research, we are able to preaent themost remaikablo cure for tbeae borrid nightmuredifleaea, tb TTorld bas ever produced. Witbin ooe year over ñix buudrod and forty thousacd persons have taken the Plaatation Bitters, and notan iastftnceof coroplalnt ha come to our knowlcdge I It is a moKt etfoctual tonic and Rgrec-able gtimulant BuLtedto all conditions of life. The report that it relies upon mineral Bubstaoce for Itn activo proerties, are wholly false. For the public aatififactioD, abel 'tiaat patients may consult tkylr physiciens, we appead a list of its components. CUlS9T Bark - i elebrateü for C7er two hundred yearsin the treatmefit oí, Fcver and Lgue, Dyspepaia, Wakness, &c. It wa? introdued into Éurope hy tl: e C'junteKfl, wifeof the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640, and nftorvrarela oM by the jesuíta for tk: wormou prict of in mn iceight in silvtr, under the Bme of Jesuut Pcvdtre, and was üaally made public by Louis XVI, King of Franoe. llurabolt mekes apecial reference to it.sfobrifugo qualities duriugLis Soiltb American travels. ÜA8C1BII.ZA Babk- ForDiarrbcea, colic and diiwges of tiieMomachoad bowela. DAíüS"tios - For JDÖammjition of the Ioins and drop CiiAiioMii-S flowers- Forenfeebleddijestion, laVxxDSH FzoweRs - Aromntic stimulans and tosíe- highly iuvigorat.'.'igïQ nervoua debiUty.' WIKTMBOKÜEN- Fo scroiub, rhf uüiRtiscn , Sïc. ' AX1B- An curminative ; croating fiesb, muscie and mllk ; muci; nsed by inotbersnurniug. Alao, clyvt-buds, orangf?. carraway , ooïianderjanakeroot, Jtc. „ Ö_T- 18Ö0- X. An&bcr wonöerfuÜDgredient, "i Spaniab oriin, iiaparting beauty io the complexión and brilliancy to the mind,is yet uDknoffü to the commerc of th# world and we withbold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CKRTIFICATES. Rocketter N. Y. Decrmbtr 28, 186Í. Mèa.srfi.P.H.DRAKK &Co - I have been a great suffer er fro:p DyappaU for three or four years and bad to abandon iny profession . About three montha &s tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I &m now neariy a W9Ü man. I have recoinmendeü theni ffl fievaral caes, and, as faraslknow, always with signal benefit. lamrespctfuily your, RFV J. S. CATHRON. Philaáclphia, 10A Month, 171 k Lay,1862P.EfiPECTF.D Fbishd :- -My daughter bas been much beuetitted by tbe use of thy PUntation Bitters. Thuu wilt scud mi two bottles inore. Tb y I'riend, ASA CÜRRIN. Skerman Houc, Chicago, III. Feb. 11, 1862. Messrs. P.H. Dhake .tCo.. - Pleaee Bend us another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. Ah a moroing appetizer, tbty appear to biive auperceded ereryihing elue, and aregrently estcemed. Yours, &c. GAGE & WAITK. Arrangc-ments are now completed to supply any demand for thia article, wlíicb ñ-ora Iack of gorernment statnpK has not beretofore toen possible. Tiu public may rest assured that n no casi v?ill tbe perfectly pure standard of tbe Plaotation Bittors bo departed from. Every bottle bcars the fac iimilt of ovr signaturc ona st(tlpUtctngTavin#} q? í{ camutlt-Ltlï ■uine, ' i Sold by .11 Druggists, Grocera and Deijar? through, out tha country. L. 1$. DBAJB & CQ. 922m6 ' 202SBOA'fíWAt,I.Y. NEW SPRING GOODS ! ChQipe New Styles of PELLINES, PRIflTSAND OTHER i ■ a FOR SPRING TñADE, Jyst Iíeceived by p. H. MILLEN. .',M Arbor, Murch t, 1S64. Im546 GRAN ti ER & FINLEY, ATTOMEÏS & COLNSELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents offick oveu donellt's stoue, hurón strket, B. F. Craioer, Ann Arbor, Mioh. H. If.'FiJUEY, Jd. 28, 1864. 941tf 100 BUSHELS PRIME CL0Y1B SEED! For Sale by P. BACH. Fub. 26tb,1864. L00 BUgfHELS PRIME ILLIXOIS TIPTI1Y SEEp. For Sale by f. BACH. Frb. 16íh,18St. j Jjissoiution JNotíce. THEFIRM QFCHAPIH, YCOOD & CO., was disnoWcd .fanuary Ki, ]6fi3, by. mutual cousent. C. A. Chapia añil A. 1?. Wood wül scttle theaccouaia of thefinn. ' C.A.Clum-, ■ A. B. Wood, V. CTUtl, E. Weiis. An'n Afbor, June St, 18L3. Coparinershlp. TTE UNDKRSIQKED oriterert into partnership Jan. lfi, 1803, by tlie firm name of Chapín k Co., and will continuo the business of manufacturing priñting an'l wrnpping paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Chapi, V. CnF'v. Ann Arborune 24, lSfiS 91Otf IIOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Dlgeageseftho Kervous, Semliinl, Ur!nnry and Sexual System- new and reliabte tre'almnt - in Rport ol the HOWARD ASSOCIATÏON- Sent by mail in -taled ietter envclnpei,, fiee bf charge. Ad.lresB, Dr.J. SKILLIN HOUGHTOX, Hówarti AssociaHen, Mo. 2 South Ninth "ítrpet, Fhila., Pa. 16yl


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Michigan Argus