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r M YOU INSUMO? IS NOT OALL ON O. 3E3I. MIX-lLiIEIINr, Agent f the foiiowtag arst-class Companiea, Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over Ou? and a Half líillíoas Dollars, CONïftENAL INSURANCE CO, Of New Yoik, Capital over One Millirn of Dollars In tliia Coxnpany the Insured particípate in the proflts. CLT"2" FIRE I3STS-, OOT, cf Hartfurd. CpltI oTCr TLree Ilunliú Ihoueand Dollars. G. ir. IIILLEN. 93Stf Main 3treet Aun Arbor. llvownell k. Ferrin, L GOMMISSION 1ERCHANTS, 183 South Water Street, OHIOAOO, IXiZ-IKTOIS. Dealers in Grain, ilour, Provisious, Seeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, céc. ■ ;. Preíton, Wlünrf k Keen, Chicago. 8. Eotsfuxd & Co., Ana Arbor, Mícb. 2U Particular nttentiou given to the sale of Green aod Dried Krait, Cider, Std. Orders for the purclftie of CloTer and Timothy Seed; Cut Meata, &c-, ijria;j11y attended to if aceojrj. pauied with cawb or satisiactury reference. ö.'9tf P SI NOBLE EIDSB, are tlling their largo atock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPER THAN EVER ! ! LOW PBICES POE CASH. Good Stoga Boots ! : $2.50a?4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Laeo Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " CoDgresa G'ts, ; 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Cbildren'a Shoes : ; ; : 15 a 1.50 Nqw is the tmê (o buy at BOQ TS and SÏIOJ&S are rapidly advancing in Emtern Markets. THEY ALSO MAKE WARRANTED SST WORK TO ORDER, jpj AND EEPAIR. Remember we otn cot arrd will not be ucdersold. Pleaae c&'lttndecumiue thelr ctock LAWRBNOE NOBLE, CHARLES RIDER. Ann Arbor, Fb. 16ih,lS6í. tí944. fiJafl j I Hl gk , fl fcl ft A wfc OITTT COOFER SHQF. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, mceeiaora to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, Wou ld respectfully auuounce to tijd eitlHRiR el Ann ArtíOr nti viciuit.v, that they are uctí" t:anufacturing anú keep constantly on h?nd a ■"..,. Large Assortment of CQQPËR WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Chnrns, Well Bucketa, Flour and Applcs Barrels, cêc. Merchnntn and Brcirer are invited to jxaniine thoir Butter Fiikiiis and Beer KeLfi. C"QSTOM ■WOIÜC, done to ORDER on SHOI'.T NOTICE aod warranted. 13" Cash paid for Stares, Heading and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit i: Xorth Streeis, nd eorcer of Horth & Fifth S!hetB. fePAFrORD & D03SLE7. Ánn Arbor, Feb. 6th, 186-1. OlStf Real Estáte !For SaleHOUSKS & LOTiS, Alo the ENTIBÉ STOCK of 'tile subRcriber,cnn(isting of GrncPriesan-1 Liquors, ou Ihc most reasonable terms for CASH 1 - LÜKE COYI.E. inn lrbor,Fcb. 15th,lS64. 3w945 Tobacco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEIilür,1 GOOD FINE CUÏ CIIEWING TOBACCO Alfrom Fifi y cents to SI per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Micb ., Da. 17, 1503. 883W Ayefs Eátíiartic Vïïïb, THE BEST "f - is - THE CHEAPEST: 1. FIRE AND IXI.AKD NAVIGATIOX WaKS accepte4, ncff as heretofoie, at iair rüteu r.lkji ibcrul condl tions. 2. BUSINESS CONDUCTED irltii c{nitont dlifatch and accuracj. L. LOS9ES alwaya m?t with promptnesa anü complet jus'uce F Alet Aksvts, Jniiuuiy 1B64, -j 3,0@2y566.39 f 4. THE PLAN AND ORUANIZATKíN' of the ATN'A, after 45 years severe trial, bas reulized the pieutcht public HdTantag and succesn of the vurious sysUmi ui Fire Insurunei.' lü the cuntn , Is cow betler tliftl over prepared for ühiTf L. 16.000 I.o ■ s Claims horo boen settled end ïa1c! - SIXTEKN M1LU0N OF DOLJUK3 I C. THK CONS0MBTIQN OF PSOPEKTY CT TIHE, ia tb UiutC'3 Stut e?, ar rages over HGO,W.O daily. Im your ' ppoperty exposed and unpiotectedf 7. ARK VOU INSUBBDf If not, wbj notf The cost i# trifling; the dutj is manifest; tbe resuit ejt b your escape from ruin- white delaj and neglect "bir y involve you in bankruptcy, porerty or cruol Uihppolijtment. ft Partícula ATTEXTTOK nd remrt b g:ren ió luniill risks ui well ns larg shds. Able tooarlty lí cup arior c on; rat reía I eü". ntagt tttoi dtd. Policies iasued without delay. Bunaio Testimony. (tnPWB CURE BheCumai,m. "I was (roublcil rltli Rheum.isia f..r tro learo suliering moreot leEj evorjr day. Z ,aT0 t.,,l;ei twi botliesof tl:e'l'eipiM Cure,' arni have n-4 hrd anl pain siaco I left it cff more tl,„n fonr -yceks -o S c-.nside wiwlfak'wjlh-L-i7 cai-ed.acd th fciedlciné has made nip foei ycry ligM „„j geod-Jmt ;;ke youug man lbru;h !tn si-rj. t„0 v d üDill;Y SCiiKW ÍX, 402 "Jü.ügan St." - "Myiriieha been suff ring frem tB! ei oatim of an inflymmatorj. ekancter for ebout ii or -ven r( ar I sometíales very acutely. Aboul the flrst of June lasí she commeneed tuklngfne 'Peopk-' Curo' ai ti cotinueil to take i; moi tiiieo wetks In (en days aftci she commencc-d, iho Bwellingund stiffneis ofher oint rery miterially loisencd, aad iu tlirce wetka liad diwippeareíl nltot-ther. "THOMAS PniXOCK, (at W. II. CIcnny'i.) PEOPLE'S bU lllïi r(jrer"LSjret. "Two of oiir aubscril c ene of t hei nfíiicíed wlth a bad Kever Sore. tb other with Khcumatitm-baving een the advertiseraeiit of the 'Pecple'.s Cnre' in tl: i a aper, purcliused ihe Medicine 3 and sov, ttfter baving hor ougbly tried it, report to U8,cmmending it most leartily & a thorough rcrueïy Ín their cast.- EÜitcra Christian Advocate. PEOPLE'S V U IX ü of the Skin. "My face haa for more tlmn ten years beengreaty isfigured b.v f-ruptioöa and buncbes, wlnch at time a ex tended1 over roy wliole ïj-yiv.and once Cor il ree diiya mad; fl cttirely blind ; but having taken two bottie of the 'Feopie's Cure,1 my acquainrancea La-lly rejog:-.ize m - Indeed I hardlj kuuw a I tin uov awéllraan.; Let all wbu :,re aüke aiUictf- try tii Teople's Cure,- Ihe Ifedicis preparen By 1l;e Sttoitaxf Society- aDd I think they will not begru'dge tkeir dolf. 'JOSEPH SOUE. Turuor, Mech&aio St "Boffftlo. Kor, 15, IS62Í .■H!v, iTTDl? Cure= t'crofula 6 PEOPI'd 10 U lijli 8lt Ubeum. 'lI havo usqdthe 'PeopTe's Care' in ïry f;ici!y witU jreat benefit, :n ca-e3 of S'rofula anl'Suii füwwtn, and ïave recommended it freqiu-ntly to ra y f -itrnU, all of wbom I believe have beou Ijenefitiud, and of tbem jntirely cured byit. CHAS. SCHABFF, 273 M&Íd St.tup-f,taírs." THE TTT) TL1 Cures Femalo PE01 1-E-3 l_y U IV Cj Weaknessej. (I have been ín feeble healtfa eror aïnce the birtb of my boy, nho is now twetre jtnrs oíd. I have had many tpüj'&láa and difflcuHiew, &H thia time, unfitting me for every kind of labor, and deMmying all jny cotnrort, Last suramer I ciainviieed faking the IJeople'a Cure,' ana hyt? used four bottl-:?, snd am now Imoat i well worr.a:i. Jfl'y diíSculties have neariy all disaj fjeared, kndTfeel cieerftil and happy. 1 ■ ■■MP-l CATHARIXE DKWALD, Dressmaker, GoodeU Allty, &boTTüpi.r s' "BnffiUo, Oct. 20,'liÖfi." THE 1 f TT) "17 Cures wfcen othor PEOPLE'S V U 1 Jl medicines t'&il . "My wife hafibpen in poor health for a long tim [i&ving1 froueni ly to cali a ph vkicjuu to at t end Ler; but slie was recently very :nueh ivorse. Fr tive nr sik weeks fhe had ño aj-petíte', Inst all her atr'fcagth, und was each daygrowiug vrw, SLc had night sweata, coughed a groat deal during each nilit and considerably during'the dny, and we all supposed he ivas going off with the consumptioïij when ;i triend advised her to take the 'Peoples's Cure. Oo taking the medicine ah perceived a cbange at once. On the th'rd dayshehad recoveied her appetite, and aa regaining her strtngth, until, on the eightb day, not jet haring taken (me bottle, she has stopped the medicino fi&ying slio was as wél! as anybody coultí be, and sht bas coütinued ho evet iiice. iïfcULL KLEIN, Gardoei-, S2 Perl it. "Buffalo, O:tober 1, 18C2." foT Palé by all DruiU, 522y1. C.,CfíOSBY, General Agent, No. 255 Main it. , BiTalo, Nj V , to whoin all ordrs should bc addressed. T ■ For Balt by Stübdiss k Wn-sox, Grevvillb & Fcllie, and C. Ebfkbacii & Co. - ■■■" " ■ ■ "1 ■ ' - WOKRERFUL SUCCESS. ífíf The KtUntion and research of the most !'■- tingjjísHea Cliémists and Physiciaus for 3-031-3 haT bèöir&evoted to the produe.tion of a remédy for tlioM oaost llstressing niaiadies NxüiUlOLA and RkkumatíHw. After long Btudy and m-.iny experiment, a vptcijic preparation. has been disco rerod. WA'ÍSUN'S Neuralgia Internal Rernt,dy,z curing tkousauds of case whercfill otherremedies have utterly failyl. We ar aseured that ;t is no raere " ANODYXEf?I relieving for t)ie moment whilptlio causo remnins, but is a perfect SI'ECIKICantl CURE for thosé painful dis?;iseK. The vast numl)er of Liniments, ErabrocaiioHi and Externa! Medicines, which act as stiniuiant of the surface only, are merely tcraporaiy in their effo;ts and of doubtfnl virtue The XEUícALiIA KING reafliRn the source of all trouble, and eö'öctually bauishes the disease from thcRy-te-rn. l'ri'co- Oue Dollar por Bottlo. Prepare! by C. R. WAIJFR. 3j922 Buffa'io, N. Y-, anil Fort Erie, C. W. F'r Sal bj SnBBIVa & VTïtSOK) GKE3TTTXXI& FtLLIB, and C . 1'j'si..iCiT & Co. Bifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Suecessors to A . J.,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouthes Game Bagt, and Everjother article ïl thatLioe. AU kinds of (ione at tho shortcst notice, ayd in tüebest raannwr. a f uil asfioriraont ftlw&yi kept on hand and made or5r tL%= Sbop corner Main tud Watlunton "treeïs. Ano Arbor,Oct. 8, lC'. 873tf A Farm for Sale. - - SITÜATED nii miles Vorth of Ann Artñr. SM frra enniiists of 1ÍÍ2 acves. On th premiwes srt g'oti buijtlrngs, a fine orebard nnd a living Rtre;im. It U knovn BR te llosecrnns fnrm. Tt will be sold chejp, auil term et paymoat made easy. ElKi'iiri of . . Í.C. BJ5Tk?V. '


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