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-JJ-1tT m ■ ■' ii ■uw- mamtsvmsBKiKZimmaaBmmam - - i Terrible Slaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS OURS ! j ■X"S3CI3 ATTLJE! Whicli '.as bfu rjiiuy for the pa.t four wocksat MACK & SCHSVD'S STORE Haa proved a grand succcss, although Ui o .slaiigUter of DRY GOODS Has bern terrible. We nnw ni:iko "the ïnrumncptnent tB&twesnaU continue "For Man 5 Vearï" to malee war witb bfgh pricêa, being detörmiped to give lbo huntlred whu daibt tlirong cmr store, full value for theïr nïoney, Ladíes can finI with us all (ïeairable Bhadeg and otj let of DEESS GOODS, RIBBOJSS, TRIMMÍVCíS, EMBKOIDEK1ES, WHITE GOODS, nOSlERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very largo and atlraetive stock of CJLOAKS AND SHAWLS ft,r boio-w tlxeir Valuo Wf lioar il sgia ,vcr.vl:iy that wo are ruining the Uusiness ia this citj by M.lUSK so cUcap bul we ratnnoi lit'ly it, Tlie Cuatis Must toe Soldi 1,000 New Styleani] best qitality HUÜ1 SKIKTjt wry cht ap, and tor the GenUenirii we have a verj laige as!)-. muuLof French Twillea Cloth. Beavei; Overcoating3, Doaskins, Fancy Cassini res, Veaticgs, &c, Of all deeripliopa, and cao ítituípIi i whnio ob hort nuticeiiiiicli clieaperthan ncan bo bought élee whore. An eacaminatiüis of this branch of our bui I that thïs is tb e placo to baj tbejr í'oatfi :ind Vea b. We have algo a oomplete stock of LadiCh aad Childien1 tílioes HATS AND GAPS4 nd ín fact 6vOrythïög that ni'ian OMvomao eau desiie to wHiu' on bead orfoot, Groceries, Crocksry, Glassware &o , At astonlsbing low pricêa, an3 ín sliovt our eritifê stock tnust sliiu-ethe same fate foi we j re determined to sell, no matter wltat nld croakérs hkiv say'. All are ivirei to nspect our stock as i1 s do trouble to how our guO'Js. aiul ve are bouiul to meet the demaufis of ali. 933tf JIACK &.SClfMD TIJ ft American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds agáínVt the Genorat Governmei.t. State Govermuentj theOity, or private partías, prosecuted aud colleeted at my expense and risk ■ i pr iate partiés 1 possess Bttfie'rior fa.cüities for collecting claims everywbere in thi ünited Sta les and Capadas, relieviiig merchante, assigneew, buukerh, iiii'lothers, ol the cai e and all respousibility . Special attentiqn given to old debts, hard cases, di, vorjijs, wiUs , rstaies, etc. Beiug fainiliar Tfitb litlie details of the " Internat Rcvenue Law," I wülattend promptly to tlie culleotiuu of drawbacks, and taxey overpaid througli ignoi ce of the lair. SiiMicrs' pensions-, pay, and bounty stcuied fortbem or their hejrs. For that purpose, and for prosecutiiig claims againgt tlio (iovernment. I have a braacli office at Washington. No charge madeunless claims are collected. All eoldiers diRchárged by reason of wöunas - KoWiftthe timethey have perved - are entitlod fco On? Hundfeá Dollars Böuaty. AH soldiere haringserved twoyearstrfl entitled to the same. v . 'I lie liigluist markot price wül be paid for soliliL'rs' claims, aud other demands againüt the General Government. Information and opïnions given, and investijraf ion made without charge moq. claims proposedto be pïaped in ray haqds. ' ■■ - a cticulars, address H. HUNTINGTOIT LHiE, M$U NTo, 240 Uroadway, X. Y RISDÖN&HEJSÜERSOiN Bave tJao 13 TJ O Et 131 "5T 33 GRÁIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfieïd, Öhio. ÏIIIE VEHY LATEST IMl'ROVEMENT, and better tnan JL al! others; adapted to sowing WÍieat, Rye, Oats, riarlej undGrass rieed. Int. ít has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Graas Seed. 3d. Never Lanches the Grain ■íth. Nevar breaks the Gi ain. bth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behmdthe Drill. Cth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. íth. Has long and toide steel points. Sth. Il has a land measure or Survcyor. 9th. Il has doublé and single rank dr Uls. IQth. lt has a self adjusting simt off xlide. It is neatly and sulietantially made, There is banlly a Driil ofiffered Ia tlie market but caa boast of more wr Il.s FJRS T P REMI UMSP TIn1;,' ;i re abotft ;is inilscnmin:t,tfcl v betufltd ■& the tille of '■ PmfezsorS' wliit-li is sometiméa fpliel to the ■ ■ :;', ,■ ■" or 'l bootblack.'' They ceaso to convey the dea oí'merü. The fiiickeyc Drill has beeri on Kxhibition at quite a ninnhcr of St;t ("f and Coiinly Faïrs, a rul wiOio-it seekine i'-.i-ir at the imri ís of ;uiy Committee, hua received ii.Pull share f Premiums TESTIMOKIxLS : Wa giye the followirig t;i nn-s of ;i few F;irnui-s in t)i vitjiinty waohavetfouglii ataèused theBuckej'eDiin: OodfYev Mi lier, Lcío. .'acob PolherQuft " JacpbTremper, " Thomas White, Northfleld. John Brokaw, " ('hi Istian íqip, " Edward Boy den, Webster. JaMcs I'iwi.Iwl'II , A nu Arboi hfmiïlO'Hara. " " JohnQ.Cook. Lodl! O. A. MarsbaH, " J„ K'lin.ur's, Saüne. George Cro]sey, Green Oak, ÏAv Go. W'v arealsp Agsuts Cor tlie öhio Heaper & M_ wer, aoknowledged tf bo the vory best in use. Wc are jast in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we wili séïl Clieap. . largo asntment o Grrass Scythes. And the largest and best selected stock of BJEISTT STTJT F FÓR beforo offered in tliis market 'c also keep a large and f u 11 NAHB,LLAi . . : 'i'T, lvaNT,an'l IJNSEET OIL. A complete assQrtmejit of SÏOVES, TINWÁJIE, AnEAYKTROUG:iS.ilways on hand and pul upattlie shortcht notico. , I RISilQiJ &.ÍIEÍÍDERSON. Ann Arbor,.7unp20th,1862. 869tf Ayer's Agüe Cura. - - THE ALL SUFFICIEríT THREE. THE GllEAT "AMERICAN BEMEDIES," Knovrn os " Ilclmbo!.!"" GEWgiWS ÍREPAHOWS, VI Z.: IJISI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " JiUCHU," ' " SAKSAPAKIIXA, IMPEOVED ROSE WASH. H ELMliOLD'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, 'HltiïILY COiVCENTliATED" courouxü FLUID EXTRACT BUGHU, A Positivo andjSpecific Remcdy, For Di'seases of the BLADDER, KIDNEY3, GRAVEL AND DKOP3I0AL SWELLINGS. oen .. , . , T ,l"VïV'Uiil':' ""■" h-"tlhr """■. '"' Wrteh UAI'liliY OU CdLCBROUS áoBQtiúooi and-al] UNNATVRAL MLARQKUENTS ':„■■ HELMBOLD'SEXTRAGTBÜCHU FOB ÏTEABKEsaiS Arising fi-om Excesses, Habitsof pisaipation, Early Itidiaeition, or Abuse, ATTKNDJiD TVITH THE F0M.OWIXQ SYMTOMS: ItiiUsi'.osilii.n tnKxertiun, Lnssof flowar, !.": oH-Mfmory, Dimouitv of üieathiiig, We ik Nërves, Trembling, Horror of D. Wakefnfnesi, DiiaUisaoi ftaion, Eain in the B:u!;, I arrial Uawsituile of íLe Flushioj oftlie Boily. Hiir.u1hr hysterii, . on the Faoe, Ilut Uauds, Fallid Couateuance. Dryuesa of th'j Skin. These BjmptOBw, f allowed to go on, wliicli thi.s medicine-.invariabrj reniovca. soou follow IMPOTEK CY, FiTÜITY EPILEPTIC FJTS ;' ttnt i i' whiohtix 1.;i;ein ï;i:iy exptie. bo run say that tUnyare ujl irtjquentiy lolloweJ by thQse "direful liaeasiJS.J' lasaoity and Consumption MftO ;n e , , ■!;-,■ of iln cjKiH' t.r their uullüring, Uut none wiil coni'j$, The records i the ínsaae A ind fhe metaneholy deáiliH hy Cohsuidpttori, béafample witness to the u-uth ut' the TUK COXSTIXUHÖS, OXCK 4FFIGTBD WITH 0Sl. ANíO AVKAKNLS, Reqaires the niel of medicine tojstrengthea nd(npiSiratethesystem, wtaleh HELM hOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU uvnrixhy does. A tria' will com-ince the most skeptical. Females, Female Females, Ü).D UK VOÜNG, Sl.VHI.E, MARRIF.D, OR CON ÏUMl-LATIXO JIAltRlAGB, Tn many affeotiona peculiar to Females the Extract Buchii is unequalled by any gther remedy, asm Chlorosis ür Retention, frregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of tlio Custbraary Kvacuations Uloerated (ir SQhilrous state of the Utorus, Leuoorrhea, or Wliitiv, sterihty, añil Cor all complaints incident to the sex, whetharari.sing from lndiscretion, Habits of DLssipation, or in tlie Deolino or Change of Life, SEE STOQOlfa AliOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TalíC no Bal.-ara, Mevcury, or Unpleaíant Medicine for Unpleas&nt aud Daogcoua Diseajsefi, IlELlIBOLD'S iXTMCT BCCÍIU CURÈS Secret ü In all tfeeit stages ; atlittle expense ; Uttleor na change in ilitjt ; no incouvonicTico. AND NO EXPOSURE. It cauíc-í fFeqtiont Boslre, and giv9 -strength to Urina te, therebypenioving obs+ructions, pi'evcntniir and cuviiúíStrfctiirí'a ni' the Treibra, aüiiying pain and nBamiaatlon, ao frequent n this cias of dréeasea, iind expeliing rOlS0N0U3, DtSEASED AND W0R1S OUT MATTEU. Thousands apoB Th.ouaandfl WHO HAVE BEEN THE VI0TÏS1 OF QUACKS, And niio paid HEAVY FEES tobo cujediaa short time, fouod tbey wejfedeceiv(Sd,ani3 tliat the "otson" bas, by tlie iso of "I'owcii'i-l A 1 i i : . , boeo drifd up in tlie ey.stem, to break ot iii a o aggra vated f o rui , and PEJUIAPS Aller HIAÏIiii.lGE. Helmbold's Extract Bucliu For all Alïüctions and Diseases of Tlie XJrinary Organs' Whelher BXiütfng ir MALE OR FEMALES, from whatevi'r cau.-e uriginatillgi and 110 matter OV HOW LONG STANDING; Discascs of these Oraiaw require the aid of a DlCKKTic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GRKAT DIUKETTC, gd it if certain to have the desired effëci in all Di sca.stjSj Cor u'hicli it reeommended JiLOOD ! KiAK)D! BLOOD! IlrlmboM's Highiy Cojicenlnúeil Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 8YPH1LIS. Tliis ís fin ftfljact'on of tlic Blcod, sml iftncks the Sexuii Orgaan, LimngH of the ftfoso, Eors, Tiiroát Wind pipe, and olher Mucus Suri'iicf.s, makin pearancí' in the fjuiin of U leegs Helmbold's Ext. act Sarsapariilii purifti - the Bloot!, nm remrtte ■ all Scilj Eruptiona ot the Skin. givine to tho Complexión a Cleai and Henlihy Oilon It being prejiare'! e; . : i ,-.. Ciftfé O COMpJftiáts, ïts JilfKJil-furilyi! perties ftfp ppeserved to ;i grpater éxtepi tüan any olher p"cpuCBtiüa ot öar.saimrillti. Helmbold'slíose Wash. Anescelleïit l.(;i'm fr DiseaseJR nf a Sj-philfcic Nat ure, ;tij'l as an injcctiou in Disast a vi' tbe Iriü.-u v QrganR, rïsing'fromliabits ordlssipa'tion, uu'ed io coc with Kxtracts and Barsap&rllla, hj surii ,', Reasca a. rcci-iiiiniiiilcil . l'. hUticu oí the most rosponsible anti riüablecliacacter wil! accompany ï!;' ifledicines. CERTlFKATi; OF CUBES, grom eigfci to tivcutv vcars staniling witli n.uii.'i knmvn io SClEftCÊ ,IN! F.niE, Por Medical l'ropertiésof BUCHU, see Diapeosatorv of the United States. See ProfesBor IJEWJSES' vakiable works on fho Praciice cl1 'h -ie SLe 'renwriis ipaile by the late celebrated Dr. PEï'SICK, Philadelpbia . & c romarli made by-Dr. EPIIRAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated l'li) sician, and MembeT of tia ttv&] t-ollege of HiiTgenns. ïtelAnd; an) pti b 1 i 1 .i p tHèTranBactionH ol tbe Kiugaadfjueen's Journal. See Metlico-Cirurgica! Ueview, publislwyl liv ïLiV.7.iMIN TRAVERS, Felljlvi.l' llio Itoyal College Of 8Ür'.' ■'■ most of tlie late Standard Works on Medidle. Kxtk.u-i BCCHD, $1 CO i-i;b mtie, mi bij fim: (5 00 " S viiSAi'-VRii r.. 1 00 '; (t 5 00 hiruoVKii liosE Wami, 50 " ■ ' 2 60 Or I.air a .Ini n dï eaci for 1200, whicli will be Buflieiefli to uure tbe most obstinate cásea, Í". directtens are r II ,) tO . Di-livcri'J to any ad-U-ess, securely pac-Leil ironi observatios . QP Describe symploiiu n all comniumcnllun.- Cares guarantt't-d. Adrice gratiR. A F F 1 1) A V I T . rersonallynppoaroil before focan Aiilerman o( tl.i' city of PhiladelphlaH. T. Uküihoi, lio, boln sworn, doth say , h ís preparations contaiu no iiarcotic, DO meruury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. If T. HELMBOr.P. Sworn and HubscribeO before me, tliis 2:iil day oí (fÓTembtr, 1854. Wil 1'. illuIURl). Al'lorm;in. Nintb-street, aboTé ííacc, l'liila. Addrcss Letters for inronua i ;on in confidei H. t. i:i-:i.Mi!in.iu''hi'ii,ist Depot 10-1 South Tentli-streét.iielow CliKstaut, L'bJla. 11EWARE Óp fOUIVTEKf'EITS aii t"Ni'i:;xciri,Kn DRALSRS, $Vho to dispose ' OPTÏHHB OWN aml "otilar" avtiricson tlic ii'pntfitionaf lained by llelmbold's (en ii l'nparntions, " Extract Ducliii, " " " Sarsaparilla, " " ImprovM Kosc-Wftsh-, SoM bv all Drugglsts everywbere. ' ' ASKFQR HELMBOLITS-TJKE NOOTfER. Cut out tlie ailvetiscmpnt. aml BPcd for it, 4NL AVOfDMPCflTUiN AAI) EXPOSURX. lj-908 . I am Boucd íor I GUITERMAW i CO'S Dispute the Gi(jt if 37on can, It tíÉrea the TAlLOil af'ter all to give appv.'ance to the cmtcr man.' 11" j ou wish to appear well You must arcbrdingly Dress Wel!. Go to BI. Gniterinan & Co's,, Th'ero you will lind things exactly SO SONDHEIM alwi.ys ready to takt, your rneiiKure, GtJITBKMAN will sell you Goods with greut plensure, At figurus LOWER iban you will find n ho State, rJ'ake heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are dow greater thao ever, Our Oleres you will find obliging and clever. We vvill show you good CLOTHINO oí luir uim oüxXing ur, Filling our Store i'rom Bottom to rop. STTJDENTS espeetally will find ic to TÍ1KIR ADVANTAGH, For it takes hut L1TTLE M.ONEY tu replütiisb. 1500 0VERC3ATS o7 Cloth, Beaver, íind Bear, W'airanttíd for alinost ever to wear. CO ATS rif Cloth and Cassimere of our Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgiurn, Germany and Fraoce, Such as you cao stand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Fa;,3i;3 ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fcncy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí evers' grado, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOIiT. SSTSj ?kc.j of every clescription, You wil] land it se without fiction, F-urpidhing appamslS From SHÍBTS to UMBRELLAS. T! is io all we say low, ïherefore we raake our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GUIÏKRMA.N. & Co., f - O. BLÏSS WouW take tbifli method of informing bis olrl friendf? and patroDs and all otligrs wlio may favor blm witli thelr patronage, iiai hehas jreatiy eulargd his Stock and Assnrtment ! and havtng adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & 8ELLING is piepared to sel] GoqJ al JE=i3Ls,íc33Q.L4lIjle Jt-"rioes, H'S s(oi:k cqnslstsin par 01 tlit followDig: jf-, AMERICAN' AND OTHÏR IILJn SB"SBfeBs2aS SETHTIIOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAÏN8, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËUY ! Bazors, SIím ra, Soissóraand Rvusbes, ROGERS PI.ATKD WAÏ1K, the best in market, Goid Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and i-.NVKj.ijr] S, Musical ïüstriiïiientSj Strings Sf Bnoks for Instruments, ÍS 3T -JS O X" 9L Xj 33 S , of OoiS, Silrcr, Sirel.tend plat, '. PERISCOPIO GLASS, :l gu '.' OF iU'i iele Persons haring diffiouit.watcbea toBtwitli piui !c acconiodatedj as my -:t"cL is Large'am c m plete. JP. S. l'artirnlar altpnii-iii totTie R3SPAIELI3WG o'nll .11. I offlnu SI Making apd Setting ncw -Icwels, Pininns, Suiffs, and Cylhiders. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TEWBLEir neatlj repaircd aml wiir'inted, al lii uld standeaal si Ie of Maia Str - C. BLISS. A nu vin , f . i5. 1 8 f lí 820I.1 For ISnts, Miie, Hoaches, Alits, Bod Bugs, Molhs In Pars, Wooleiis, &c. lusccts on PlnnU, Fowis, Animáis. &c. ""nly infalüble remedies Unown." " Free Iimiu poi-uns." " Ni I ' , :!v." '" líatfi com "ín pí i Ueir lióles to die." 3T Sola Whulesalein all large i i ,■.■■! ('■. ;ill Drugaistá aud líetaflers e--erywh6re. ! ! ! ioiu.m,:: : : ofall wórthless imitations. Sw liiat "OOstak's" name is on eaeh Box, Bottle and Flash, tjefore v--u buy. LV A1 HESlKy K COSTAR. S" Principal Deix.t, No. 42S Broaáway Ñew Tork . ty Snlil bj all Hjb Wióieaals anii Retal) Druggists, Aun .',rl,, ir. Uik 915mü Ayer's Sarsaparilla. '


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Michigan Argus