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3XTIE-W FURNITURE ROOMS One iluor Xuith f Risdon and Hendereon's Hardware Store. rillir nncïérslaned haring pnrch(wa Bm etrtfré stock X nl W. D.M11ÍI.I1 Si Co., a-ad added largelj to i Lsprepsred toiurnishhis fríenoS ana patrón a good assorüsóniof n-fil n aíáe furoiturd, ■ & OF-AS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS, ofallkindB, and in fact oi'cverything iicrtaininc to the busineis. LOUNGES, MATRASSES, Ha., &c.,mailc to order by good and experienced, and v:m-:: ad ir. give Batisfeotion. Ui lentofCboirryajid Walnui Lnmber i'riccs. And wil] also pa.v tha ■ -i". i k-t Chcrrv. Walnut, and W'hite P. S. Be has ala pnrohftseá ehe new and EI.JïïaANT HEAESE! of Siiiith k Co., and 8 prèpard to furntsh all kinrts d! Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, AISTX) OASKETS, On the shörteM notie. Also attends to laying out deceasrd përsaas dajr and dighij without charge. All furnilure delivered ii, Uk city free ol charge. W. ü. BENHAM. Aun Albor, January 18;h, 18li". 940tf HE BOOTS AND THE LEAVES X WILL be for the Healii:g of the Na ■ J.'ible. xroT. ti. ar. lyöns, [BAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PHYSICiAM of the THROAT,UJG8, IIEAR-I , L! t, AND THE BLOOD, Knovvn al! over the country as the LATBD IKTIJI.A.I'T HERB DOCTOR I Of 2S2 Superior I .. Ohio. Will fisit I . y a:'-ü;1;K:!Síí)kibü2, l86Sud:1864. rol U. J. Lyom on b i Hk f,,iiowne ■ Detroil -. I' m.nth. lSt]] and 19th. h moath, 20th 21. A'iri-'' d88d. Ba House, ach month 2-tth 25tli wh., Hilladïii! House, eaiA month 27tl -ni Michigan House ■..■■ noni h . 28th. h.i ■ Mia v! House, eaih month. L'(iii Sóüth Bend, In-., Si, Jo. Botel, eaoï month, 30 Laportc, Ind. ., jili Wooster,Ohio,Crandell üxehajge, eaeh monlU, 7tb Mansfield, Qhio, Wiler House, each month, 9tli and LOth. Mt. VernoD,Kenyon House, each month, llth and i-,vuk, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and 14th ':iMHsv;lle,Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th ' VEI.ANL, OHIO, RESIDENSE ANI) OFFICE, 28á SÜPERIOB STREET. Kast of the public square, opposite the Poetoffioe 6 .i.:.,'S oacli month, lst; 3d, 4th. 5tli, tith, 15th.- Q 9 .v. ! to 12Jl,aud iï-om 9 ]. ji '■,-, ; ■ : ■ ' 10 A. M.,aod 1 to 9 I'. M I Kive ucli ualm u.s have no strife, Witii , ■ T1; ! I héirpafii. ' '■■ ' :' " Her. Doctor, R. .1 . LYOXS, cures the fo] tints in the most obstinate stages f their A I . I' HUÍ , 1 I. . es of t!ie Tl.r, ñe&xt Livor, Stomcli , Dropsy utiie Cliest. Rhemnatísm , Xeurulgia, Fits r Fallin - y..u - . ran üfula, :.wr. Fever .■■■ - Le]proBy, and all othercomilica Le' el eonic oomplainis All form-s oí' r-male diffieulties attendtiil ío wíth the inppiest results. fliat no oae will clespair of a cure until hey havi: givLMi the [ntüan FTerb Doctor' airand Fa,ithful trial. KHJÖuring the Doctor'i travIs iu Kurópe, West Indies, Pouth America, and the rnited States, ■ : . i che instrument in God8 ad; to restore 1o health and viga tkousftnds tvho iven up anií pronounced incurable by ihe raost mínentold scTioül pbyaicíansj nay, more, thcvaanils vliowüri'on tlii' verge of the grave, are now living íonumsnts to the Indi&n Herb's Dóctor'a skil] aad uccessfui treatment,andare ffaily ekclaiming: icBlesed betfeeday when ir--! ne saw and partook oT the odian ■ ' - medicine. u fatisfaptory EH"erncesoa Otije v: iíi be gladly and heerl'u'l.v giverniheneref requiréd, TbeiDooior pleftgea bis word and honor, tbat he will Ddnce or cause any iTali i tu {;,'■;■ hia mt-diciRLMvitliout Ihe strongest probbilityo!' a cure. Mode of exaraHa ttí :i. which ís entireiy tliííerent rom fche faculty, Br. Lyon profesaea to dlaeern dínicstions, nor ie ihe ] tto es pïain -;■ mptt dis . i e nd all, ind hare the symptomg and loeation of your of chargetrsball beliberally cansidèred. ■ tofllccaddress. box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. I'. Clevelandjphio. Nov. 25, I! ' ly880 GREAÏ.G&EATEB OEEATEST BARGAIKB EVE1Í OFFEREÜ fa: In thig City, are now beingofferertat tlia CHEAICLO0K,WATCH, & T o 7%7 tolry L3 t o r oTHESnbgcrihor wouldaay to the citizenaof Ann Arbgr.ii] particular, and the rest oí Wnshtenaw inysneral, thal lie iiasjust IMPOUl'FD Dl '■ lU-ICTLV Trom EUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ah of whicli ho blndehimselftoseil CHÊAPEH than can be bcmght weat oí' Kew York City. Open Fnce Cyitnder Wjitcbes (rom $fi to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 EluntingCase o do do 14 to 35 do doCylinderdo do 9to 28 Gold Wntchesfrom og t0 q I have abo the CELEBIÏATKD AMER?CAiN W AT CHES;1 whjchl wlil S3i1 ter :i.. KvüryVvnti-li warranttd to i perform wííII, or the mon-'y reiutidrd. ■ Clocks, Jewelry, Tintsd Wnre, Fnncy Goode. Gold Pens nstruments SDrl títrjn!r8 Cutlery, Sic.., ' and ii.liictnvaricty of ovcry'.Iiius ueufillv kept jyjewelnrscan be boughttortlK! next liinety (iays at your O W N PEICES! Persone buying ni.yfning nt tliis wel known setablislime ut can raly upon getting good exnctiy as ren rcented,orthen)in.y rflind-d. DMIearly und se 1Ih' '"■ .-r ofte red in thii City. One word in regard to Repairinp : WVnre prc-pnri-d lo m:i!ti. nny ropnirs onfino or bommonWotcbes.evpntomiiftliroer the muire w„tcli isry. R-pairing ui l locks and Jewplry rs' nsflcli Msotheinanafactnrlnc of RTKGP ÜHOOCHS n auythirifr Hesired, fruin Cnlif.rnlt. (ïold önshortno' tice. KnCTayipe in allits hranchesexeented withneat. iiüijs anddlapateh. , . J C. WATTS Adu Arbor, Jan.28th!859. 7L4w Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, JUST OPENING? Tlie largeet Stoet aud best assortment of CABINET FÜENITÜRE ? ever brought to tliis city, inoluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS OENTEIÍ TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIKS, XiOols-iaag; Glajsses Gilt Frames and Mouldings COFFIUS META LIC CASES, &c, &c, anil all otlier goods liept in the best arn.1 laigest Iiousps in lbo couniry. Weeepno second hand furnHuieor Auction goixls. Ctitlin-; hept constantly on hnnil, ;in,l mftdè to order M góods ure óffered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. Tï. J must have mtney, and respeclfiiTy requeat those Dcte6tcd,to cali and fix up their old matters without dolay. O. M. MABÍPIN. Ann Arbor,Oct. 6 1S63. FOR AT X&XUDY SCROFULA AND SCEOF0LOÜS DISEASES. From Emcry Edes, a v.-ell-known merchant o O.rford, Maine. " I liave sold largu _uantitifc8oí your Sarr a parilla, but uever jet oté buttle which failed oí' the desired effect aud í'ull atisiaeíion to t lióse wIjo took it As fasf ns our peopJe try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it beí'ore in uur community.'1 Eruptions, Pimples, Blotühes, Pustules, Uleers, Sores, and all Xïiseases of the Skin. From liev. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publisn of the medicinal virtues of your .Sarsaparilla. My daughter, acd ten, bad an afilictiug humor in her ears, cyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to eure until we tried your Sarsapakilla. íáhe has been weil for somc monihs." From Mrs, Jane E. Rice, a weU-known and mttcTtesteemed lady of DennisviUe (tepe May Co. JV. J " My dauliter has suíferod for a year jiast wit h a gcrofulous eruptïpn, wliich was very troublesome. Nothingaffordeii auy relief until wetrïed your Sai;SAPARiLLA, wbichsoou completely cured her." From Cliarïes P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-knownfirm qf Gage, ■Shirray fy Co-, manufacturera of enaiïi' ellcd papers in Ñasliua, N. II. " I had for nevera] years a vory troublesome 7iip mor in my face, whicb grew cons'tantly worse until it disrtgured my features aud became an intolerable áfllicüon. I tríed aJmost everything a man couiil qï both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, uulil I took your Saesataiíilla. It imntcdiatelv made my face worse, as you told me it luí iii tbr a time; but in a few weeksthe uew skin began to form under the blotches, and continued íuitil my face is as smooth as anybody's. and I am without auy syiii])toras of the disease ttíat 1 know of. 1 enjo 'períect liualth, aud withont a doubt owe ít ÍO yOUr oARSATAIlILLA.1' EJrysipelas - General Debility - Purify the Blood. From Dr. Robt. Sawiv, Hbuston Sf., 2?. y. Dr. Ayek: I seldomfail to remove firuptions and Scrofidous Sores by the persevering use of your Sab.sai;, and 1 have jast now curtd an attack of Maliguant Ensipelas with it. No altera? tive we possos8 equalstlie Sarsaparilla you have supplied to the proíeesion as well as to the people.'1 FromJ. E. Joh7iston} Esqy Wakeaian OJih. " For twelve yeai-s I had tbe yellow Eryeipelas on my right arm, during which time í tried all the celebratcd physiciínsl couM reach, aud took hundreda of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be ainputated. I began taking yourSARPAPAKiLLA. Tooktwobottle?. and someoí your Tills To;íether theyhave cured me. I am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody in this community, and excites the wonder oi all." From ñon. Ilenry XTonro, M. P. P..of Newcasfle, C. TV.., a leading member of the Canadían ParUament. "I have used your in my family, for general debiiitj, and for piuifying the blood with very beneficial results, and íeel confidence in comineuding it to the afilicted." St. Anthony'a Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Soald Head, Sore Eyea. FromHarvey Sidder, Esq., the able editor of the Tunclmannock Vemocrat , Penñsylvcmia 11 Our onlv child. about tbree vears of age, was attacked by pimples on nis iorehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered bis face, and actually blinded bjs eyes for some days. A skilñil pbysician applied nitrate of silver and other' remedies, withput any apparenteffeci. Forfií'íeen dayswegimrdedhis hands, lest with them he should tcar opeii the icsteriDg ana corrupt wound wliich covered biswbole face. Having tried every tbiiij? eise we liad any bopefrom, we began giving your Saesaparilla, and applying the iodide oí potash lotion, as you direct. The sore begau to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well wben we had ünished the second. The cbild'e eyelashes, which had come out. grew agaiu, and he is noiv as healthy aiid fair as any other. The whole neighborhood prodicted tbat the child niuft die." Sypliilis and Mercurial Sisease. From Dr. Jliram Stoat. of St. Louis, fiissouri. "I flnd your Saesapá a more eflectual remedy lor the secondary symptoms of Syplaèis, and for syphilitic disease than acy other we possess. The proftssion are indebted to ybu for sorue of the best medicines we have." Prom A. J. French, -l. D., an eminent physician of Lati'rence. Mass., toko is a prominent member of the Legislalure of Jlassachusetts. "Dr. Ayer - My dear Sir: I have fonnd vour SAUsapaiï an excellent remedy for SyphiHs, both oi' the pritaary auU aecondary type, and eflectual in some cases tbat were too obstinate to yield to í other remedies. I do not know what we can employ with more certainty of success, wherc a poweriul alterative is required." Sír, Chas. ,S. Van Licw. of New Brnnswck, N. J., had dreadful ulceis on lus lygs, ca'.ised by the abuse ofmercury, or mercurial diseáde viich grew more and more aggravated íbr l;hv, in i-pite oi' every remedy or treatment tbat could be applied, until the i( jvoring use of Aviara S.viisapakilla relievcd tuin. P'cw cases can be found more invetérate aiai dislrcssing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure hila. Leuaorrhoea, Whitos, Pemale Weaknes3, are generally produced by interna) Scrnfidous L'lceration, and we very oiten cured by the alterativo effect of this Sarsataiulla. Some cases require, however, in sidof the Sarsapaiulla, the skillul application of local remedies. From the well-Lnmcn and widelv-celebrated Dr. " I have found your S aiíraparilla an excellent alteratiye iu diseases of' (amates Maay .ares of irregularity, Leucorrlioea, Infernal X'lct'Viition, and local debility, arising from tbe ecroíulous diatheeis, have yielded to it, and there are lew lliat do mt, tvlicn itseffi'ct i properly aided by local trcatment." A lady, miwilling to allow lite publication of her name, wriies: "My dautrhter and mypelf have heen cnred ofa very debilitatiog Leucorrhoea of long standing, by twff boules of your Sarsapabilla." Kheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heart Disease, Ifeuralgia, when causüil by Scrofala in the system, are rapidly cured by tbis Ë.xt. Saiïsaparilla. ayTrs CATHAllTIC PILLS pos=;css so niany a'dvantages over the other ptlrgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so aniversally kiiown, that we need not do more than to assure the public tbejr quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all thdt they hare ever done. Prepárcd by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STlibBINS ,v' V1I,S(), Aun Arohr, E. SAMSON, lilVJN'U, DüNtrr, WHKKl'ON jt)IATl'H Cliolsea '.!!:-:■ áleby FAERANDSHELBT iCo., Detrolt. C. E. CQBURN, Travelling Agent. Family Dye Colors. Y '■ - FOR Öyehïg SBtV.'Woolen and Mixed Gotxfe, Shawls, , ■ KibbmiSj Glovegj Bonnets, Hats, . Childrea'a Chitlung, and uil kinds oí' WarÍDg Apprel S-A SAVJ.GÍ iF SO PER CRA'T- For 25 cent i as mnj goode as wouki othprwlse cosí live times that suin. valrioua shades eau b( produoed ftom tfae same Dye. Tlm procesa ia simple, and any une can use the Dye with perfect suc■ Direetlpns in Knglish, jTreocb anl (ior;nan, inside of gcb oackftge. further itffortnation m 13 eíttg, and ffïving a per■ what colors te ijst arttj tt)d uver othera. (with many valuable racipesj purohae Ëtébbeiis' Treatipe 011 Dyeing fthu Coloring.- iient by mail on reoeipt of price - 10 cents. Manuiactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 lïruadway, Boston, Fursaïiby DriggM and DeakrëgenerEHy. 920mS Eatate of Michael FJemiug. ST4TE0Ï MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw „ At a seMion of tlie Probate Court for the Cou'ntvf Washtfnair.hoMen atth; I'robate Office, in the City 1 Ann Arbor, on Monday, the seventh day of Maren h? the year one thousand eight hundred and vt four. "' Ptsent, Thomas Ninde,Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Michael Fliniin . ceassed. On reading and filinp the petition, duly vorified 0 Patrick Heining, praying for the appointinent of ao administra tor on theestate ot said deceast-d. Thercupnn (t is Ordercd, tliat Wednesday . the ilxtk day of April next at one o'clock in the afternooo be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and' th'it tlie heirs at law of said deceased, and all 'other persons interested in said estáte, are required to ao pear at a aepsion ol paid Court. then to be holden! the Probate OtSce, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sa" County, and si, ov cause, ifany therebe. why the praver of thepetitinner fhould not be grant.-.l: And it is further ordered, that said petitionei b'ÍYanAtice to {he pe-jpS0U6 iaterested in said estáte of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thcr'enf by causinga copy of this Order to be published in thi' Michigan Argus , .uéwsp.ap er j.rintcl aat) iiroutitm in said Couut of Washteöaw, turee successivt' weeki previous to said day of hearing. ' (A true Copy.) ];HOIAP NIN'HK, 04 T Judge of Probat. Chancery Sale. TNPURSUANCE and by virtue of a ■--- tt Mékl Circuit Court, for the County of Waalitinaw ,n Chaici-ry, made on the flrst day of July l'f, 'n, cause therein pending, wherein Alonzo ClarK. is'c(mplalnant. Iban A. Sergeant, Else ergeam , K,l in l'. logg, John W.Smith, Kauny L. Sergeant, Sallj Ham fleld. William Llncsley, Wilham V. Jlaosfltld, Josih Uearborn, aixl .Inhn Smith are dcfendantB. Notlce is hereby given that I shall sell at public auc. tien to the nigheert at VI o'clock, no-n. on Tuei. day tl. e 26th day of April next, at the front !oor oftU Washteuan County Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, all the following piecca or pareéis of' land „t. uated Ij ing and being in the Township of JiriJgeivatw Waslitenaw County and State of Michigan, describid ai follows, to wit . Sixtr aerts 01 tand from the nortli eoj of the East half of the South east quartir of ?ection numbertlmty-four ; atao sixty acres of land rom tií ïiorti end of the West half of the South west iiuartn "f secttao namber thirty five. Township numberfour south of rauge number tour Kast, beingin all one hun. dred and twenty acre? of lani CHÜBCHlfcL H. VAXil.EVK, (Br. Court Com . Wash. Co., Mic'h E. B. Woon, CompIainant'sSolicitor. Dated, March 9th, 1864.. 97t Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF lllcUIUAX.Cuumy of Wastenaw,n - In the matter of the estáte of Jnneph Keis-ev „f tlio County of Washtenaw in the State oí Michigan deceased. . ' Xotice is hereby giren, thaf in pursunnoe of au order granted lo undorsifnud Henry Rearick, A ij,i:. istratór f the Estáte of saitl dèceased, by the Ho Jüdge of Probate for the County of Wahtenaw, oï th tiventy-sectnd daj jf Febraury, A I) 1864, ther! will be sol at l'uhlic Vendue, to the l.igheat Uw at the dwelling house on the preniises to be so!t]1 in' the TownsUip of Vork, in the C'oimrv tf Washten in said State, on áaturday the sixteenth day uf April' j A. D. 1864, at one o'clnck in the afttrnoon '.! tliat daj! i (tubject toall encumbrances by tnoxtgage or otbi-rwiW j existing at the time of the ileath of saicl deceasei), 11following described Real Estáte to wit : Sitúale d iht Township of York in 1he Count) ..f Washtenaw dó State "f Michigan, knowrí and cfèbcribed the t;.i faIf of thencrth tast quarter of Section No. Beren-teen.tontaing eighty acres, The south-west quarteï uf th, nnrth v.est 4uarter of section No. sixteen, coiiíainiwí fm ly a eres, and ten acres oll the east end of tht south hall of north-west (juarter of section ods ail in town four southof range iix eagt. HKNRY REVRICK, Patel. February 22(1. 1864. Administrar. Estáte of Shubal T. MooreT" OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa,C5 4ta Bession of the Probate Court for the Connty oí Waühtenaiv holden at the Probate Office in tbeciljof Ann Arbor, on Momlay, tfe tvt-nty-second ilay of tfh. ruary, in the vear one thousand eighi huntlred andsixtr four Present, Thomas Mnde Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Shubal T. Moore, . On reading and flling the petition, iiulj veri fu-il, uf Cassandria Mcore, praying for the appointmeat of an administrator on the Estáte oí Raid deceased. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the tweotjlirsl !;,y of March next, at one olock in the afteTnoon, be as.-igned for the hearing of said netitum, and tliat the heirs at law of f=aid deceased, and al! othe; persons inlcres(ed in said estdH'. are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at tlit l'n.hati. Office, in the City of Ann Aibor, and show il iiriy theiebe, why the prayer uf the retiliniK; should nut l,e ifranted And t Is further orderi Baiipetitioper give notice t the persons im in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petition', ana tb hearing thereof, bl causing a copy of this Order tot) publishecl in the Michigan Argus] a newspaper printeú and pirculating in sairt Coimty of Washtenaw, thm successiva weeks pi-eviov.s tossid day of hearing (Atruecopy) THOMAS IJINDf, 945:d Judge of l'njbati Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the conditie of s mortgage, execu Led b) WilHam J. Whippw tv Hi jafa W. Morgan.dated March second, A. D., 103, and recordcd in the Registers ofiice, ia Washtenan l March sixth A. 1). 1863, in Líber No. 30 of page 459, by whieb defauitthe power of saleeuntainrdin said mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceeding baring been instiiuted at Iaw to recover tbe debt sec ure d by said ninrtgage, ir any pari thereof, and tbf BUH3 ot two hundred and sixty one dollars being hoï chiinml lo be ilue thereon : Notipe is therefore liereby given tbat the said murtgage wiU be foreclosed by s sale of the morigaged jsremises, to wit : The irggthalf of the east half, and theeást half of the west If u sectinn No. thirty ono, in tow-Dpiup No. four soiitli in range No, Beven east, beiug in 4ugusta in the Cüueij of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, excepling the south west quartorof the south east quarternfsaw section, or sume part thereof. ut public veudue, at tlie Court House, in the city of adel Áfbbr, id the twenty-sbcth dav of March next, at noon. E. '. MORGAN", Mortgagee. J-AME Kl-VGSI.EY, AttOTTlfy. Dated, AnnArbor, Dec. 23d, A. I. 183. Jotice, Washtenaw and Livingston County Umcm Ditch. TUOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that the.un(?Jigiied, XI Commiasioners, will sell to the lowest bidder, four mïl#a of ditch, nt J F. Avery's Hotel, Whitmon Lake, Torrnnbip of Nortïiüeld,' Washtenaw CountT Ptaie of WTchigan, on Tucsday, 29d day of March Í8W, ten ''-!oek, A. M. V.i.lthoi bottom made knuwo or. day of sale, and of a dtpth as marked on station stakij Bet in line of ditch six rods apart. Fach bank t" "t ontward one foot to every of iepü , and the dirt tu be thrown twn feet from the edge of each bank, and th1! '"A -l.i.i' ih.' siuiu' iistho sl]te of the ditch Ioleli to be left in all natural water channeis, and other loff places theyareto be nut more than ÍS rods apart ia Ui v place. J J. PARSHALL, ") PRINCE KKKNETT. f-Drainage CommisMoners J. F. AVKHY, j NortbfieM, Feb. 22, 18f"4. 945-4 Notice of Ditch. Salo. 0 OT1CE is hpri'by .jrirrn that the unflerKÏgneü Cojnraj -iutirr, il! v to tiif o est bidder, Ui and a milea of ditch, a1 J. F. Avery's Hotel, Whitmórc Lra hip of Northfield, Wasbtenaw Obunty, ííate Michigan, Tuesday 15lh .la oí Mareh 164, U u'clock, A. M. TrMth of bottóm raade knnwn od dáy of i}f and f a deptb as daarked on stat i o stakes 6et in line ot ditcb, si rods apart. Each bank to slope one foot ou mi to each foet oi dépth, the dirt to be tlirown twp feet from the edgp ui' each bauk, and thedjrttf elopft tlie aajne rts thpslöpe of ibe ditch. Tnletsareft be left in all natural water channels, aml other lo places, they are to be not moretban 18 ruds apart in any place. .1. J. I'ARSIIAI.L, i - . _ Nc.rtlifieM, Feb. 15th, 1-04. 3w9M P, B A C H Ilaa reocived J LAEGE STOCK F ALL AND WINTER GOODS! INCLUIHNa LATEST ST1TLES -OFSliawls, Dress Groods, and everything for Ladies & Gents Wear. GOIKG FAST FOR CASH! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oct. 18G3. Ayers Cathartic PiUs,


Old News
Michigan Argus