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Democratic Committees

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As our friondá conetitutiog Lhe City and Ward Democratie Uommitteés may . , (orgotten the position Uiey occuly, áíid tlic duty devolved Upon tWm, we app'end the uaines of tho severa! Comvnittéës : City Committeer - Messre. J. N. Gott, U. B. Vi3sQn, N. B. Nye, W. M. Smcluir, and 'O. i. Eichmoud. l,t Ward- Messra. J. N. Gott, L. O; Risdon, and J. D. Irisb. 2,1 TFard-Urssra. W. S. Maynard, A. Wiijenmanu, ufíu J. T)onneliy. 3d 1Í 'ard- Messrs. Pat, Wall, W. II. Besimei', and Henry Bo.wer. Jth FFrtrJ-Messrs. O. Hawkins, E. Beahan, and S. G Siitherhind. 5Ui Ward- Messrs. E. B. Chnso, S. B. McCraeken, and II. W. Kellogg. It is time that these Oomraitteea make oalls for a City Couvcntiou and Ward Crtucuées. ifip A largo Prenpont tpeeting was beid ut the rooms of the Woinen's Loya! League, in Oo'-per Instituto, N. Y., on Friday evening last. Speeches were made by Iloraec Greeley. Sineltiit1 Touiey, EcJward Gilberr, and otheiv, a ;' Froinont Campaign Club " organizad, and a p!;Ufbrra adopted, This platform we give in anotlier oolumn. Mr. Greeley made a etrong ;trniir!ent in favor ol the (lie tenn principia, bat advised ágainst personal donunciation, etc., and rïtimattd tb' at he éhbnld support Li.ooln if he should be naiiiuatod by the Convention. Other speakers announued that Frernont would bo a candidate whethor tiominated at BaltiiTiure or not, and a resolution nomina6ing him for President was adoptad wit-h iiiuch enthusiasin. "T1h bali is rolling, volling, rolling, For '■ Uia'le Abo" and fromont too." KfëT 1'he Secretary of the Treasury has issued a posiiive order prohibiting the exportatlon of ooal to Canada. - lu the Southern Coui'oderacy an order has heen issued prohilnting killing sheep. The wool is wanted for iraraediate use, raportations havinsr given out. LST I'lio Northwestern Sanitary Oomtnissioñ makes a strop.g appeal for a supply of butter aud cggs for hospital use. It says the sick soldiers crave these more than ahnost any othéf articles oí diet. 5? It s now supposed ttiat Wendeil PbiUips, Horaca üicluy, Theodore THton, and the otilar progreseive-b-uiBánitarian-íépublicahB, will inako it a condition precedent tó (heir siipport of Lincoi,n', ii' tioinin:ited at Baltitnore, thal he isiuu) u proclumation düclaring th:it miscegonatiun is u " niütnry ;ceessity," ;iid that eiviüans- now of uo ;tccouut, any how - must accupt ifc as Uie law üf Uiu laml aèJ put, il in practice. Who saya the world don't movo ? TsïOu' e sball be is readiness next Tcck to print tickets for our friends in the nevèral TovvnsIiipSj on short notieo. Seo tliat tbü ñames of tbo candidates ara plainly aud correctly written without iüitiiiis or ubbrcviutlons, and we wül warrafit !he pi-inting - and their electiób, too, if llu-y get votos cnough. E Letters froai Paris say tliat Mini-ster JJayton has servad a formal QOtiea on the French government that it will be held responsib'e for any damage done to o;iv uommerco by the rebel steaujei' Iíappahanuock ií that vessel is ponnitted tQ Irave Calais. Later iutelligenee saya that beoause of' thia notice - or for rome other cause - the Emperor liaa ordered the Rappahannoeli to be detained. With a magazine underlying all Europe, Napoleon wil] hesitate böfore troading on " Young Ameriea '' with too heavy a step. S' Col. N. K. yfuhca, of the 16ti MichigdB Infantry, is at home, empoered (o r'aisa two udditional companics for ú$ retriiiient. f Gold lias MÍvanced sineo tho go of thu bilí ,:uthoriz;ng the Seoretary of tho Trcasurj to sell. Co:v men are iiot as potent as they imagined theniselves. Z'ST 1-'lie raiu' VVulilron who wrote the Sieretury of War that GeD'erals 3ic('i.KLi,AN and Luk had an intevview at his house after tho battlo of Anliotani, MfotM to Stt'car to the trutli cf his statejSjfcnt. But Kepubücan jounials wliíeh so eagerly based upon the fabrication a íicw charge of treasou agaiust Gen. McClullan1 wil! probably let tholierun on uueMitradieted. Tho [irogrumino is to villify that officer as much apocsible, in the hope of damagiug his popularity with botli the people am! (he aniiy. Efp Tho Mobile jonrnala say that Shennan peí -formeel well the task assigned fci-m in the late movement, and that had Banks co-operaled i i th hinii as desigjied, Mobile would have fuUen. New Orleans fetters say thal Banks had not furce enough at bid dispbsal, lo uid Sliermai), to keep tha rebels i; check nearNew Orleans, and take care of 1 1 io recent farce oí au e'eötion, - Sherman's atrny was theréfore left to .ako care èf itwelf, so tliaí Lottisiána could bo restoied. and Balümuro dulegates and Presidentin! ülectors coolied up l..r Lixcoln. I'uliiiea], or ratjier punirán necesMty peeins par-aroouot to 11 military necessity," somiiimc$. f3ff Maj. Fitzgibjïox, cl the 14th Michigan Infun.try', !:;:: reiired from the editorial charge of thüColumbia (Tenn.) Scntind. II e bas made a spicy sheet, but now that, ihcre is a " partial restoration o! civil law" in Tennessee, he deerns it irxipolitic ia h'nn " to intermed' dld in ibe oivii aflairs of the State or couuty." Do all military offieers thiuk thesaée, Máj.. "Frrz?" The Dëmooraey of Ilhodo Island havo nomiuated Elisha II. Potter tor (jrovernor, and Thomas A, lleynolds for Lieut. (lovernor. S3T" 1'ho Albany Slatesman (Re publican) pitches savagely into " Woud & Co.,'; and charges that while norriinally favoring the nomination of Lincoln they aro really laboring for the nomination of Sevvaiu). - - - mb-4 - -rOP - - - - E The quota ansigned to Michigan under tbe last oall for 200,000 men is 7,821. At that date the Stato had nn cxcess to its credit of C3J-, leaving to be furnished 7,187. - We ur.dersland that whon the proper credits aro made both districts of our city h;i,ve filjed their quotas under the nsw cali. ÜjÜT If y ou havo moved into the city siuce the last clection, or from ene Ward to another, or have become of legal age, ordeclared your intentions, it willbenecessary to get your name vesistered in the Ward in which you reside in order to vote at the coming charter eleetion. See noticc of Board of Rogistration in $uQther column.


Old News
Michigan Argus