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Terrible Slaughterl THE VÏCTORY ÍS OURS ! THE BATTLE Which lias been raging for Ihe past four weeks at MACK êc SCHMID'S STORE Fías proved a grand lucoéas, ilthough the slaughtcr of DRY aOODS Has becn terrible. We OOW m:ike the announcemeni tluit we ahall continué "í'or M;my Yenrx" to müke war witli hjgh prlces, beiug determinetl to give tln, hufldrwis wim ilaily llirung our store, full valué for tbelr inniM.y, lidies can íinil with us all desiruble shades and stylesof DRESR GOODS, RIBBOiNS, TRIMMÍNGS, EMBKOIDEKIES, WIIITE GOODS, HOS1EKY, GLOVES, &c, WiUi a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS We liear it said every day that w are ruining the business In this city by aelliog so chean but we cannot help t, The Caoofls Must !e Sold, 1000 New Styleand beat quaüty HOOP SKIRTS very chtap, and fof the tíentieoteo we have a y&j large assor. ment of French Twilled Cioth. Beaver Overcoatings, Dooskins, Fancy Cassim res, Vestings, &c, Of aU desoHp1toast&Q(] ean íurnfwh a wiiole Ruit on sh,oyt ao#e mnch pUepei than it c;m be bought else wherp. An examiiuiliun of tliis branch of our busi uess will conviijoe ;ul tlint tliis is the place tobuy the ir Pants, Co&tfl and Vefl1 ?. We also a complete stock of LnUies and Childrens' Shoes HATS AND CAPS, And n fact everythïng that man or woman can rtesiie to weai on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c , At atonisliing low prices, and in short our en tire stock must sharethe same rate for wc ave determine to sell, no matter whal oíd crnakerM may aav. Alt are iovited to Qflpect our stock aait is no trouble to show our good.s, and we are boundto meet the deniands of all. 93'Jtf MACK & BCEUfi) THÍí American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds againsfc the Genera: Governraert, i?tiite (icvernsnent. tlie City, or private parties, prosecuted and collected ntmy expense and risk Against private parties I posgeal superior facilities for collecting claims everywhere iu the United Stalêa and Canada, relieving mcrchants, asai-oiees, baukerh, and o Uiers , of the cai e and all respnnsibility . Special attention given to old debts, hard cases, di, vorfls, wiUs , esta tes, etc. Heing familiar witn all the details of the " InUrnal Rcvenue Law," I will atteml promptly to the collentiou 9f drawbacks, and tajte? overpaid tbrough iguoi ee of the sbvr. Soldier' pensions, pay, and bounty gecured forthem or their heirs. For tliat purpoüe, and for prosecuting claims against the (lovernment, I have a branch office at Washington. No charge made unless claims are collected. All Koldiers discharged by reasnn of wounds - however short the tinietlmy have servad - are entitled to One Hundred Dollars Bounty. All soldiers haringserved twoyers,are entitled to the same. 3@= The highest markíí price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and otlier demanda agaínst the üenenil Government. Information and opinions given, and investigation male without charge, upon claims proposedto be placed in my hands. For particular.s. address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf NTo, 240 Broadwuy , N. Y RISDON & HËNDERSÖS Hato til o BÜCKLEYE! CRAIIM DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfleld, Öhio. rplIE VERY LATEST 1 MPROVEMENT, and bettertlian X all others; adapted to suwing Wheat, Rye, Oata, Barley and fírass Seed . ltt. 7 Aas a Rotary Feeder. %d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain ■ith. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast behindthe Drill. fitJi. Has high wlieefa and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel jpoints. Sth. It has a land measure or 8urveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. Oth. It has a self arfjusiing sAut of tlide. It is neatly and substantially made, There [s hanlly a Drill offered u tlie market but ca.n boast of more or loss FIRST PREMIUMS? Thsy ure about as UnÜHcrimfiMilely bestowed au the title of '■ Professor ," wliich is noniQtlmeti Etpplied to the ''fiddkr" or bootblacH," Tlicyceaseto comey the idea oi'mcrif. ']" [ïur.krve Drill has been on Rxhibition at quite a Qnmber of State and Coanty Pairs, and witUuut seekipg fnvur at the banda of any ('otniiiitiee, has received -its f uil sliare oí' 1'i-L-iniLiius TESTIMOKIALS : We gfire rollowmg Dames of a few Farmers in th'"s viciuity have bouglit and aned the BuckeyeDrilt : GodíSrey Sllller, Sclo. JöA.-l-l't'nieraub " Jaoob Tremper, t( ThomaH White, NorthBeld. Juhn Brokaw, t( . ('lnistian Kapp, " VA ward Boydfiü, Webster. James Troadwell, AnnArboi Diiniol (filara, " ' John ii. Cook, LodJ, 0. A. Marshall, " I.. SdmonHs, Saline. (jeoi-ge Crop.sey, Green Oak , I,iv . Co. Wc tr friso AgentR fur tlie Ohio Heaper & Mwer, ackijnwledged tobe the very best in use. We are just in reoeipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Cleax. Also alarge assnrt;Ticnt o Grrass A ml tlie largest and bet selected stock of 'BEHSTT STTJTIT FOK CARFvIAGESever before oiFered in this market We aiso keep a large and full NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OII,. A complete; assortuieut of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANP EAVE TROUGlISalwaj-s on hand and put up at the Rhortest notlce. RISDON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor, June 29th, 1802. 859tf Ayer's Agüe Cure. THfJ ALL SUFFICIEriT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN BEMEDIES," Kiiowii as "Ileliiibold's" GENUINE FREPARATIONS, VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," " SAESAPARILLA, MKiOVEDSüSEWASH. HKIiMbOLU'S GEN ÍNE PFEPARATION, "HIUHLY COlVCBWTaAXIS.n' COMi'UUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜGHÜ, A Poeitive and(Speeifio Eemedy, For Disoases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DR0P3I0AL SWELLINGS. This Medicine ineroase the power of Dliraatlon -ind exeRwthi ABBORBËNW into healthv cfioTbv whioh the WATERY OR CALCEUOfX ! ,,''"„ ?,, S HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU POR WEAKXESïfB Ariaing from Excesseg, Habita of Disüipation, Early Indiseretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED TTITH THE FOLLOWIKO SÏMTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, MffleoltT of Breathing, WeikNerves, Trembling, Horror of Diaease, Wakefulness, Dimoes of Vision, ]ain n the Baclc, Universal Lassitude of the FlniWui of the Body. Muscular Sjstem, Kruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance. Dcyness of the Skin. These symptoma, if.illowod to go on, which this medicine invaiïabl.y removes, soon lollow IMPOTENOY, F4.TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS In one of whichthe patiënt may exphe. Wlio oan say that they are iut freqnently followed by thoae "direful useasS Insanity and Consumption Manyareanarc of the cause of their suffering but none will confoss. Tire records of the insane svhuns and the inolaiicriolydeathB by Consuniption, buur ampie wltness to the iruth of tho assertion. THE CO.VSTITUT1ON, ONCE AFKECTED WITH ORganic ytZÁKmtB, Requires tlie aid of medicine to strengthen and invi.iiüiMtfthesystom, whicli HELM ISOLV'S EXTRACT BUCHUnannby does. A tria' will cOB?Mce the moet -leitical. Females, Fem&les, Fernales, OLD OR Yül'NG, .SIXGLK, MARRIED, OR CON TEMIT.AÏIXG ÍIARR1AGK, fü many affectlpna peculiar to Females the Extract Buehn is unoiiualled by any other remody, as in )hlorOBii or Retention, Irregularity. Pamfu!ess, or Suppicssion of the Customary Kvacuátions. Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea, or Whltes, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to tlie sex, whetherarising from Indiseretion, Habits of Dissi)atiou,or in the Decline or Uhange of Life. SICE SYMPTOMS ABOTX. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. fake no Balsam, Mercury, or Unp1eaant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous tliseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTBACT BUCÜÜ CURES Secret Diseases. 'n all their stages ; atlittlo expense j IHtfeor no clifftBge ; n diet ; no inconveuience, AND NO EXPOSÜRE. 'Tt causes frequent ctcalre, and gives strength. to Jrina te, thereby remo ving obstructions, pre venting and ;iiri:iiiStrictures of the Urethra, illaying pain and inlammation, so frequent in this e laca of diseuses, and cxpelling POISÖNOUS. DISEASED AND H'ORIi OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, Ud who have paid HEAVY FEES tobe caredina iliort time, have fon nel they weredeceived,ant1 that tlie tPüiaou" haa, by tfee use of "l'owerful Astnngents,'' been dried u) m the rfy.stt'in, to break out in m aggfa■ftted ferm, and PERIIAPS A f Ier nAKRIAGE. Helmbold's Extract Bucliu Fot all Aiïuctions and Piseassa of Tlie TJrinary Ox'gans1 WhetbeT exisfinp in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause origtnftting, and tio matter OF .vv tiOSG STANDING Diseases of these Organa reqnire the aid of a DtübbTIC. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETTC, And it in certain to have the desired effect ín all Pi soases, for wbich it i recommended. JBLOOD ! BLAH)D ! LOOD! Jíí-Iuibold's Htgbly CoQcenl ratect Cotnpound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPH1LIS. This ís an affection of the RIood, and attseksthe SexuU Organs, Linmga of theTose, Ears, Throat, Windpipe, and otbcr Munis Surfaces, makmg its appoü ranee in the iorm of Oloere, Helmbpld's Extact Sanuipapillapupifiefl the Blood, and remóvejall Pcaly EruptionB of the Skin, givtg to the Complexión a Cleai and Tlealtby Color. It behij? p repared f sj forthia slaag of ooaplints, ita Jiloinl-I'uriiying HropertiM re ptesevved Éo a fifreaCer extent tuan &ny otheï piseparatlon [ BarsaparilJa. Helmbold's Bose Wash. Anexcellent Lotinn for ÜBcaseH of a SyphiKic Nature, aml :is :in iojdction inDineast-s of the Úrinary Organs, arising from habita of dis.sipation, uscd in oonnectiou witb the gxtracta liuclm and Sar.saparilla, in ucli diseaaes as recommendid . Kvidence of the most responsiole ad reliablechacacter will accompany th medie; i nt's. CERTIKICATES OP CURES, From eiglit t.o twenty years standing, with nameiknown to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical Proporties of BUCllü. isee Diarans&torv of the United States. See Professor DE WEES' valuable works on the Practico of l'hysic. See remarkS made by the laie celebrated Dr PEY5CfiT,PaiUdelpbia. See remafks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOïVELL, a celebrated PhvBieian, and Membcr of the Boyal Ooltfigfi of Surgeona, Ireland, and publiahed intheTranaactions of the King and Queun'H .iournal, See Medico-Cirurgical Review, publiahed hy BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Koyal College of Surgetmi. See mnst of the late Standard ÏVorke on Medicine. Extract Bithu, $T 00 Pi uottlk, or six fok f5 00 " S-ARSAl'AIUI.T.A 1 00 i! " 5 00 [XPBOVSD Rohp; WASH, 50 ( " 2 50 i Or half a dozen of each for $1200, whlch will be oiont to uve jhe most obstinate cases, i' direct! dg are adheved to. DeUrered to any address, securely paobed froinobierra tifin . E Ptí-'ícribo symptoma iu all communicationK.-r Cure-sguaranteed, Advine gratfa. A F FÏ DAV I T . Persnnaliyappearedbefore mean Alderman oí tic city of tt T. Hblubold, who, béing duly sworn, doth say, hia fiföparartións contaiu no narcotic, nomercury, orotherinjuviüua drujïa, hut are purely vegetable. II. T.IIEI.MIIOW). Sworo and subscribed before me. thia 28d day of Novembtr, 1854. WM P. I1IBBARI. Alderman, VínHi-sf rcot, abovfl Raee, PLila. Addreíís Letters for ïnlormation n oonfldenue. H. T. HRLMHOTn,Chenii?t Depotl04 South Tenth-treet,below Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AXD UNPKINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose " OF TIÏKIR OWN " and "other" articlesonthe leputatum attaíned by Helmbold's Cïenuine Prepftmi ons, Extr;ict Buobu, " SarsapariUa, " " Tmproved RoseWash. Sold by all Drugffistfi evcry where. ASK FOR HELMBOLD' 8-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the adveitiseraent, and secd fnr it AND AVOJD IMPOSITWN AND EXPOSVKE. 1-yPOS O. ELISS Would take thí-s ruethod of informing hia oíd friends ami patrón s and all oMiers who m;iy favor hiiu nith their patroiiüge, tlial be hafi greatly èuiarged hia Stock aucl Assortmeiit ! anil haring ailuptfd the CASH SYSTEM1 BOTH IN BÜYING & 8ELLIÑG is prepar..,l to Bell Goodfl af RoaioriaTolc5 Prioes, Hia stock oonsUuiD par oi iktr rolioirlng! .L2 AMERICAN AND OÏHKU f? IJli Watches jMfe fe The Colebi-atod asfelláító SETHTHOMAS (JLOCKN! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD ClIAINS, TA BLE AND POCKET CUTLERY ! Fazors,Shearfi, Sciásorsand Bruahes, EOGEBS PLATEDWARE, the bestin market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pèncils, PAPER and ENVEL0PE3, Musical Instruments, Siringe f Books for Instruments, iSnPEJCJrE11. IjE!;a, of Qold, Silver, Steel, and PltUcd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Tersons having diilicult watchos to fit wlth glasees can be accomodated, as m"stock s ]arefand complete. P. S. Particular attentjon to the of all kind of fine Watches, sudi as Making and Setting new Jewels. Pininns, Sttijs, and CyUnders. Alsu CLOCKS, Sb TE-V7"ELE,"-Xneatly rcpairi-d and wai-autetl. a1 hi cild taniMMt side of Main Si i , e. bliss, Ann 4rbor,Xov. "5, 18(52 826ti NOBLE & RIDEE, Etre si lljog their larga stook of BOOTS SHOES CHEAPEB TL1AX EVER1I LOW PEICES FOK, CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : 2.30a$4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 8.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewetl : 5.00 a 6.50 Wo.nan's " Lace J3oots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congrcss GTts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' YoutlTs and Children's Shoes ; ; ; :15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOO TS and S HOES are rapiilly advancing in Easti'.-n Markets, TfiSiï ALSO MKE WAtfAIHD S3T W011K ÏO ORDER. JEJT AND REPAIR. Retaerabei' we can not aod will not be unt'ersold. l'loase calland e .araine their stock LAWREN'OE NOBIB, CHARLES RIDER. Ann Arbor, Fob. 15 tii, 1-6-1. tf944. . AllE YOU ÍNSUKED ? IF NOT CALL ON O. 131. IXJL.XjSÍJÍJ-, Ageoifor the foliüwing ftrst-cl&SE C'ompauies, Home Insurance of New York, Casb Capital over One añil a Half Milüuns Dollars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE 00. Of Ne-w Vork, Capital over One Villen of Dollars In thia Gompany the Uuúreá particípate in the proflts. CITY FIRE I3STS-3 CO-, Of K.irtfor.l. Capital over ïliree Iiundred Tliousand Dollars. f!. II. M1I.1.I -X. 93." É f Main 3treet Ann Arbor. Por Rats, Mlcc, Honclics, Ants, B cl Bups, Motlis in Flus, Wookus, Sic. Insvcls on Plnnts, Powis, Aiiiinnls, &c. 11 Onlv infallible remedies known." " Free f rom poleons." " Kot dangeroua to the Hnman Family.' " Rats como out of their holes to die." tST Solti Wholesale in ail large c ties. 49 l)!(ï 'w all Pruists and Retaüers everywhore. TjT ' ! ! i-kawarb ! ! ! of all worthlesa imitations. 4KST Soi1 that "Cobtar's" rrnme In on each Box} Bottl b ad Flask, before rou buy. JST Adaress HENRT R COSTAR. Principal Depot, .n. 428 Broadway New York. , Sold b) all th Wholesale and Htetail Druggists, Ann Arbor, Mich 915m3 II m W ' BI 3Vi il d SI I Bm9!5sHsv9sBihsíIím I Jirowiill & Perrla, fiESCL COÏ1IIS&ION UEBGHAKTS, 188 Soutï Vfster Btwet, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, cêo. Beferencos: Praiton, VtüArd & Kcctij Chicago. S. Botaford t Co., Aaa Arlior, Miob. , ParJicuUrnfctention given to tbeale of Green and Dried Fruils, CSder, &e. Orden for liic purcliase of Clofbr and Timothy eeü, Cut Meatfl, &o. , promptly at tended to il accompanled witlicusli or satislactorv cefereuce. 9í9tf 'Ayer's Sarsapaiiila.


Old News
Michigan Argus