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1 he last advices from England wero ndic ativo of a considerable intirest on the Orecon queaiiön. 1 he Preeident's Inaugural had been reccived there, and that porlion of t which declares that our tille to that country is clear and unquestionablo, and tliat our peopli are preparing to occupy it, wos referred to by Lord John Russell. Sir Robert Peel, in his remarla affirrnèd tlie riht of England to be indisputable, and closed by sayingi ... lWe trust still to arrive at an nmicab'e adjustmem- we desire lo efToct an smi cable adjustment of our clnirr; bu t ha ving exhausted every cffirt to efirct that pettlement, if onr rirlits ehnll be invuded, tve am resolved, and we re prepnred to maintain them." This was rnceived wiih greot opplause. Sóine of thc'very p'atnptíc paptrs of thi country are alremly fierce for a fight with Eugland, and confidont we shul! have it. Wo are quite wcll assured, liowcver, that the aminble expectations of these Britibh hatera wül bedisappointed. TIiq wliole matter will be settlcd without war, by the help of considerable bluplcring on botli siHes.'The preitest good of thegreatest number,1 is the cardinal principie of democracy. Jackson Patriot. It is n bad principie, neven lieless, and ha been nsed in every nge ns a cloak for all manner of nppression and wickedness towards tho few, on the pretence that the condition of inany wonld be tliercby improved. It is tho principie on which Caiphas ndvoented the murIáer of Jesus Cl)is. He thonght il bettor that one mnn should die rather than a wholo nat ion sliould be destroyed. On the sanie piinciple the Patriot and its "Democratie"' brethren sustain the enslavement of millions of native bom Arnericans. Any principie that tiileiates wrono and oppression towards nny individual of the human fainily cannot be right or expedient. We would roggest to our neiglibor of the Patriot that "the greatett good of the waoLB numner" 8 a principia far more worthy of adoption by true Demácrate. "Thegrcal body of the Dcmocracy of the North, are now, as they always have been, the natural and faithful allies of the South, and of soulhern interest s." James K. Polk, Speech Oct. 23, 1841,CC?0 The State Journal says that "the Whig mrty - the w-hole Whig party; iiorth and south - is becoming more and more anlislavery." No otlier paper has ha news! Will tlie Journal name a sin. gle antislavery act which "the . whole Whig parly" haS ever performed, or a single antislavery principie which it has expressed ihrough its conventions? If the party lias not taken ihe first step, why talk of i's beeomiug more antislavery? We commend to the Ediiors notice the following extract frum the N. Y. Tribune: ''We will here repeal our prolest against the gross and unuarrantable assumptiou of individuáis, whelher few or inany, edÑ tors or others, who undertake to protnulgnle theirown notionsas Whig doctrines. Wc recoiniz no Whig doctrines bul those which the Whig paríy has avuwed through la c o nr ent ons: wc denu the right of any man to pui iorth any othcr as Whig doetrin's. i f any man or bojy wislies an ar L-le added tu the Whig creed, let him submit t to the next National or State or City Whig Oonvention; if adopted there, we will recognize it as Whig doctrine to tlie extent of the airhority of the body urociüiming il: but we cannot have every man who controla types or makes seeche.s alieriúg our principies at pleasürè. - Uu inay .-,;iy thal ever so rhany p-coplo túink as hc does, bul that is not authority. [f llie Whig party think so, they doubtloas kpow how to proclaiin it so that the' world will understand them."(t5 I" ilie Tabular estímate of crops tor 1844- Michigan is put down as íbl lowS!Marshall Expounder. (t?3 We have received the second DUtnber of the "Genesee Republican" a weekly paper published at Flint, Michigan, at $2,00 a year in ndvance. It supports Polk, Annexation, nnd Modern Democracy ín general. We cannot learn from its columns wha is the editor or publisher. flC A bilí allowing the people of New York to vote whether they will revise their State Constitution, passed the As sembly by a vote of 83 to 33. (L The Mudisonian tays that General HousIoh, of Texas, lias at last openly dcclared liimseli" a g-ainst Annexation. {L"?" The Bowery Theare, New Yorlr, has been entirely clestroyed by fire, tógether the wardrobes of the performers, it is the fourth time this establishment has been destroyed by fire. The loss is estimatedat $25,000 or $30,000, and na insu ranee. dCf" We should have mentioned last week the appointment of Wm. A. Richrnond, of Grand Rapitis, to be India'n Agent. Tle eelebrated Benjamin Ratlibun, ofBuffalo, has tnken the Franklin IIoü6e in thie city.


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