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mm núm. """"cOUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. TFP031TORY of Bibles and Testamenta at the SoU 'ciety pnces at W. C. Voorheis'. ' jTaWATTS & BR 0 . iMiAIERS n Clacks, Watehes, Jewelry and Silver ) Wre No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. Jf C. BLISS. rvEALER ■■ Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver ) Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. H. MiTlËNT" DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, te. &c. Mn Street. Ann Ai oor. "" phïliFbach. yvEALEHS m Dry Goods, Groceries . Boots & Shoes, XJ c-,Mainst., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANüf 'ACTURKR and dealer in Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post Office. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Bloot, Main Street, Ann Arbor. RISDOÏT& HENDERriON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves. house furnisklng good, Tin Ware, 4c, &c, New Block, Uainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. FHY.SICI IN and Surgeon. Residence and office on Detroit street, oear ihe l.epot. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. HfANÖFACTUKERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, 1V1 CSt? Cooper Shop. Custoua work done m short Mee. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and cor. North inJ Fifth Streeta Ann Ailor. A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGENT for the N'ew York Life Insurance Company. Ollice on Huron street. Also has on hand a stock cf the most approve.l sewing machines. 885tf fcj GEOKGE FI8CHER. MEAT MARKET- Huron General dealer in Freub and Salt Meats, Beef, Mutton, l'ork, Hanis, Poultry, lArd, Tallow, &c., &c. HIKAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Lmv. .md Sohcitorin Cbanoery. Office in City Hall Bluck, over Wobster's Book Store. WM. LËWITT, M. D. FHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his resiilence, north side of Huron street. and second house west of División fitreet. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Ready-Mad Clothing. Importers of Cloths, Caslimeres, Doeskios, &c, No. 5, Phcenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. BEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassiroeres, and Vestings, Hatf, Caps, Trunks, Carpe!, Bags, &c, Phooix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & SO N. pROCERS, Provisión and Coraraissiou Merchants, and II Dealers in Water Lime, Land Plaator, aud Piaster of Paris, oüe door east of Cook's Hotel . J. M. SCOTT. (MBROTYPEand Photograph Artisi , in the rooms il over Campion's Clothing store, Phcenix Block. Perft satisfaction given. o. bTporter. 0UR6EOM DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huron 0 itreets, orer Baeh & Fierson'ü Store. All calis jTOnptlyattendcd to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON. DEALER in Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c. Producé bought and sold, at the old stand of láompsou k Millen, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreign and Domest'C Dry Good, j ries. Hatsand Cap, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, j -, Corner of Main & Liberty sts. O. A. KELLEY, DHOTOGRAPHEB- Corner Fourth S: Huron Street, Í im Arbor. Cases frames and Photograph Albums wast&ntly on hand, and at lower rates than can be founa elsewhere. 1J'891 ANDREW BELL. DfcALBR in Groceries, Provisión, Fiour, Produces, o., &c., corner Main and Washington Blreetê, Aon Arbor. The highest market priceu paid iorcountry produce. 6 LO. 0. F. fASHTKNAVV Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Oriür ot' Otld Fellows meet at their Lodge Koom. "tj Kriday Evenlng, at7á o'olock. i' So.vdhbisi, N. G. IJ. B., Secy ] BÍD&8LEY & MOR&JÈNJTIORN'EYS, Counsellora, Solicitóla, auíl Notariei1 '■ Public, have Books and Plats showing litleü of all W'lsmthe County, and attend to conveyaucing aud Jüotingdeinands,and to payin(!taxes and chool interestiu any part of the staie. Office east oí the park. DrDKFOREST. WHOLKjALK and retail dealer in Luinber, Lath, '' Bhingle, Sah , Doors, Blinds, Water Linie, Grand rvT Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails olullsizeK A ltt'l and perfect aasortment of the above, ;int) al! other 1 'i'lfl of baildini tnatei'ials constantly on hai:1 at the fetpO38$lp rates. on Detroit st.,a few rodsfrom the Riilroid Depot. Also operating extensivei} in the tent Cement Roofing. Dissoiution. T"HEnRM „( slawhon&Gi-eri thiiday dissolved by mutual consent . All notes and accounts due the ""■.are to 6e settled by.and naid to L, R. glamoa as Pagreeoient. L. R. SI.AWtíON, J. R. GEER. Ann Arbor, Doe, 21, 1R63. Notite. 'PllE GROCERY and provisión buiDfsí will be con1 inielattheM tand by SlawwiD k on. The '"inane of the old ■.lll"lcrlí ld nthrri it (olltlt .■'LA'V-'N k SOS Am. Arbor. nr. 22 IR' 3


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