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Kanugawa, Jan. 22, 186J. The ijuietness that has prevaiJeTi in this comniunity for tho Jatter part of the pust yaars is in marked contrast willi the excitements thut prevailed io tlie uiirly nummer montbtf. (Jeëasionally, indeed, minors of hostilo iolrntions aud acts reaebed riur ears, but these uecame so contradictory, and the sourccB fïoin whieh they emanated so doubtful, tbat at last littlu attention was paid tliem. Jlercliants havo invested largoly in ihe staples of the country, aiuong which cotton has buuomo one of tho chief, and speuulathm in lots in the new oonoessiön of land' aceurdud to foreignens, all f'eeliiiii tlssiiiuJ tliat, como whatsoevcr, their fooili"ld in the country is too stroug to bc easily overeóme. íf ruporls are found to be relied npon, ome of the inoro powerful PrinceM of tho coun'ry soeni to havo como to tho concldsicn, and are endeavoring to inrluence tile Kikado to chango his pol icy towards them. If such is the case, the result fiiurit eventually be the l'urther opening of' the country. Thegovernment eeerns detenuined to resist this by every means in their power, atid are now about sending anolher Embassy to Europe and the United States to confor with tho several treaty pöw'ere to that end, and to havo them consent to the closing of tho port of Kauaga wa. From their experieuce of the past, it seerus wonderful they should entertain lor a moment any such scheine ; but tliey probably wül hold out extraordinavy inducemonts in their oyes to effect their object That serious interna! disorders have been afiecting the country there is do doubt. Gangs of roving vagabonds ealled " Ronius," have been almost daüy robbing and killing native mer cbants in Yeddo, who are supjosed or known to trade with foreigners, and the government seems incapable of' repressing their outragea. THe fear in which they are held by the people may be seen u the closing of a nuinüer of stores in Yokohama, branches of large houses in Yeddo. Some of the older residents entertain an opinión that their acts are winked at by the government; but this is thought very doubttul. Since the rcquest preferred to the American Minister and Dutch Consul Génerul, that the respec ivo subjects ui' tho-e natioüs qmetly withdraw tVoni Yokohama as positively refused, noliing furthtr has beou made public !y known on the ctifiject. ïhere have been a nurnber of d'ustructive fires the present winter at Ycd do, ü.-aca, and in this phiee. On Christmas eve the Tyooon's palat-e was burned down, and al'terwaiiis another fire ue.-rti'oyed several of' the laigest si! k and other shops in one of the principal business parts of Yeddo, Two lurge fires have occurred in Kanagawa probar, consuiiiing itüiiiv houses and shops, and in xokohamu we have had three, includíng the residence oí' a IJ) ii tch nièrclüiij;, oiilv finiaheü last f uil. Al .ny fuais vare entertaincd at the time Ihat it O'.l. '. widelv spread, but through the, energetici c-florts of foreigners ii'id Japanese, this was prevented. A fleet oí Dutoh mcnof-war 'te expected shortly to deinand redresa for insuhs done them ut Sinionoseki, last summur. The doings of Prince Negato, who oornrnitted the outrage, wijl cost thern not a little Irouble in the end. There is a contínuál inorease of for' eign pop'ülation in this place, Nearly all the ayailabte building spaoe in tlio ooDcesaiou origiually allotted to fureigners has boen built upou and occupied. The dütnand for more land for business purposes, by new coaiers, is pre?sitig and Bhould be gran ed iinmediately. Several large China houses, who have hitherto transaeted their business through agencies, have purchnsed land at very high priuen, for the purpo.-e of estahüshing brancli houses. Al present trade ■ generally is verv dull,_and will continue so until tlie Japanese New Year. Should quiet be restored in tho country, there is no ap-' pareut reasoa why it should not then revive. The trado between here and San Francisco gradually increases. Three vessels have loaded here for ihat port aince the first of Uctober, and anuther, the Henry Biigham, sa Is in a few days. The Iliberal policy of the govern inent and the infernal dissensions do much to check the trade that would otherwise spring up between the people and foreigners. They have a tluirough appreciation of' tho value of inoney, and their ndustry would be stimulated to a much greater degree wei'e they permitted freer inlercourso. The win'.er sveather thusfar Las been delightful; clear, blight days, and just sufficiently cool to make the" changos of the season agreeable. We have had uu rain for seven weeks.


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